Saturday, September 28, 2013

Lower Back Pain And Natural Healing

Most of us at one time or the other have experienced lower back pain in some way, shape, form or another. It's a familiar feeling of dull, throbbing pain right around where our tailbone and pelvic area is. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to chronic back pain when we're sitting in an office chair for 8 hours a day. Alternatively it can happen if you're a manual labor worker. One wrong move and you've tweaked your back. There all sorts of methods to treat this pain with traditional medicine, such as prescription muscle relaxants, injections and even surgery. Some of these are not very appealing, so you may have considered trying to heal lower back pain more naturally. Here are some of the more popular methods to treating and healing lower back pain naturally.

Chiropractic Adjustment. Probably the most well known natural method of treating lower back pain, a good chiropractor can target the bones and muscles within the lower back, and push them back into alignment. In fact, regular chiropractic adjustment can actually prevent further injury from the lower back and help with posture. Most major insurances now cover chiropractic adjustment as a valid method of treatment, which is great new for those of us interested in treating pain naturally.

Acupuncture. Using needles placed just under the skins surface, a skilled acupuncturist can target the muscles and nerves affected by lower back pain. Pain relief is almost instant when this method is used correctly. Again, most major insurances are now recognizing this as a valid treatment for pain.

Massage. For soft tissue pain, massage can be a godsend. Deep tissue or even regular Swedish style massage performed on a regular basis can help keep muscles moving and in the right spot. A good massage therapist can recognize sore and tender spots and help the injured individual to recover quicker.

Topical Herbal Tinctures. Using different oils and combinations of herbs can help relieve pain right in the target area. Often recommended are angelica, pine, lavender and peppermint. All give excellent anti-inflammatory benefits to sore muscles.

There are many natural healing methods to alleviate pain and some of the best ones are listed here. Depending on the severity of your lower back pain, you may be able to heal yourself just using one method, or if pain is severe you may find relief in using a combination of all of them. Lower back pain no longer means being relegated to strong prescriptions and injections. With natural methods you can allow your body to help heal itself naturally without any untoward side effects.

Lower Right Back Pain Causes And Treatment

Lower right back pain is one of the more common forms of low back discomfort, due to the fact that the sacro-iliac joint is one of the more commonly used joints. Because of the large amount of usage, the Sacro-Illiac joint tends to receive more abuse and lower right back pain is symptomatic of this abuse.

The muscle that runs up from your pelvis to your rib cage may also be the cause of a lower right back injury condition, and the Quadratus Lumborum muscle can be a cause of serious lower back discomfort. It is important to know how to deal with lower right back pain aches if you suffer from them.

The majority of the backache symptoms will be centered on your lumbar spine, but the hurting in your lower right back is caused by the connection between the Sacrum and the Pelvis. The joint that connects the two has no disc to protect it, and when it doesn't move properly the lower right back and hip pain can be intense. You WILL want to get severe back pain relief as soon as possible!

The muscles alongside the vertebra are to support your spinal cord, and these muscles often tighten when mistreated. That tightening of the muscles is one of the causes of pain, which are also known as Trigger Points.

Many times you will feel discomfort radiating from the trigger points in your tightened muscles, but the radiating ache is not the problem. It is just a symptom. To resolve your issues and get lower back discomfort relief, you need to ensure that the joint is moving properly, your pelvic balance is correct, and your muscles are strong.

If you don't take care of your lower right back pain soon after getting it, you may find that you will end up permanently suffering from lower right back pain. You may actually end up spraining the Sacro-Illiac joint, and you will feel that the pain in your hip and lower back area is much more intense than it should be.

There are a number of pain medications and treatments to help bring about back pain relief. You can reduce or eliminate right lower back pain by taking anti-inflammatory medicine to reduce the swelling of the muscles. Injections of cortisone and electric stimulation therapy are also common treatments for sacro-iliac pain.

Chiropractors are also an excellent choice for those who are suffering from lower right pain. Chiropractors are trained to manipulate joints in order to reduce pain and bring about almost immediate relief. You may find that a few visits to your chiropractor may be more than enough to completely rid yourself of your lower right back dis-ease.

Left untreated it can turn into chronic pain. It is important that you take a few simple steps to help your body eliminate and prevent the pain from plaguing you in the future.

Before starting any program of medication or exercise - for this or any other disease or disorder - it is best contact a doctor. AND be sure to follow your doctors advice. That said, you can often heal and relieve your ache with the following:

For longer term relief, strengthen your low back muscles by doing back stretches and exercises that focus on the core and upper thighs.

Avoid any movements that would put undue strain or pressure on the lower right back and the joint movement.

Use ice and hot packs alternately to apply heat and cold to the lower right back to help eliminate the back ache.

Pay diligent attention to the causes and risk factors and not only can you return to health, but avoid lower right back pain disorders in the future.

What Is Causing My Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain is one of the leading reasons people in the United States visit their doctors. It will inhibit the lives of millions of Americans this year. In fact, an average four out of five adults will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. So the question, "What is causing my lower back pain?" is not uncommon.

Lower back pain can be excruciating. It can be caused by a large variety of injuries or conditions, such as:

* lower back muscles may be strained

* discs between the vertebrae may be injured

* large nerve roots extending to arms and legs may be irritated

* smaller nerves that supply the lower back spine may be irritated

* joints, ligaments, or even bones may be injured

When lower back pain occurs with other symptoms such as fever and chills, a serious medical condition may be present. You should see a doctor immediately.

Three categories of lower back pain

Your lower back pain will fall into one of three categories, which your doctor bases on your description of the pain.

1. Axial lower back pain - mechanical or simple back pain

2. Radicular lower back pain - sciatica

3. Lower back pain with referred pain

1. Axial Lower Back Pain

Axial lower back pain is the most common of the three. It is felt only in the lower back area with no pain radiating to other parts of the body. It is sometimes called mechanical back pain or simple back pain.

* Description: Axial lower back pain can vary greatly. It may be sharp or dull, constant or intermittent. On a scale of 1 to 10, you may rate its intensity #1 or a full #10. It may increase with certain activity - when playing tennis, for example. It may worsen in certain positions - such as sitting at a desk. It may or may not be relieved by rest.

* Diagnosis: Axial lower back pain might be diagnosed by you rather than your physician. You know it started when you were helping a friend move a heavy couch. On the other hand, it may be your doctor who determines that you have strained or otherwise damaged back muscles, have a degenerated disc, etc.

* Treatment: The cause of your axial lower back pain does not matter when it comes to treatment. You will want to rest for a day or two. Follow this by gentle back pain exercises and stretching. If you have more pain after exercise, use a heating pad on low or medium setting. Take an appropriate over-the-counter pain medication. Follow your doctor's advice.

* Prognosis: Symptoms of axial lower back pain disappear with time, and about 90% of patients recover within four to six weeks. If you do not feel better within six to eight weeks, additional testing and/or injections may be needed to diagnose and treat the source of the pain.

* Caution: If your pain is chronic, or so severe that it awakens you during the night, see your doctor.

2. Radicular Lower Back Pain

Radicular lower back pain is commonly referred to as sciatica. It is felt in the lower back area, thighs, and legs.

* Description: Radicular lower back pain often begins in the lower back, and then follows a specific nerve path into the thighs and legs. Your leg pain may be much worse than your back pain. It is often deep and steady. It may readily be reproduced with certain activities and positions, such as sitting or walking.

* Diagnosis: Radicular lower back pain is caused by compression of the lower spinal nerve. The most common cause is a herniated disc with compression of the nerve. Other causes might be diabetes or injury to the nerve root. If you had previous back surgery, scar tissue may be affecting the nerve root. Elderly adults may have a narrowing of the hole through which the spinal nerve exits.

* Treatment: Conservative treatment is the best place to begin. Rest for a few days in a bed or chair. Follow this by gradual introduction of gentle exercises specifically for back pain relief. Follow your exercise with additional rest, applying a heating pad on low to medium setting. Soak daily in Epsom salts baths. Take an appropriate over-the-counter pain medication. Your doctor may want to use selective spinal injections.

* Prognosis: Symptoms of radicular low back pain may decrease with the conservative treatment outlined above. Give your back and legs six to eight weeks to improve. If surgery is needed after that, it typically provides relief of the leg pain for 85% to 90% of patients. The back pain itself is more difficult to relieve.

* Caution: If an MRI or CT-myelogram does not definitely confirm nerve compression, back surgery is unlikely to be successful.

3. Lower Back Pain with Referred Pain

Lower back pain with referred pain is not as common as axial or radicular back pain. This pain, which does not radiate down the thighs and legs, may be caused by the same conditions that cause axial lower back pain.

* Description: You will usually feel referred pain in the low back area, radiating into your groin, buttocks, and upper thigh. The pain may move around, but it will rarely go below your knee. It often is an achy, dull pain. It tends to come and go. Sometimes it is very sharp, but other times it is only a dull sensation. It can be caused by the identical injury or problem that causes simple axial back pain. Often, it is no more serious.

* Diagnosis: It is very important to have a physician determine whether your pain is lower back pain with referred pain or radicular lower back pain, since the treatment varies considerably.

* Treatment: Once you know for sure that yours is lower back pain with referred pain, you can follow the treatment for axial lower back pain.

* Prognosis: Symptoms of lower back pain with referred pain disappear with time, usually within four to six weeks. If you do not feel better within six to eight weeks, ask your physician if additional testing and/or injections are needed.

* Caution: If your lower back pain is chronic, or so severe it awakens you during the night, you should see your doctor.

You will want to visit for more detailed information about lower back pain. Packed with articles about many kinds of back pain, Back Pain Relief Blog offers practical, down-to-earth advice on how to care for your back. Find back pain exercises to avoid back pain and to heal your aching back. Learn what natural remedies are available for back pain relief.

Neck and Back Pain - How Do You Know What Kind of Treatment Is Best?


93% of patients with chronic whiplash pain who have failed medical and physical therapy care improve with chiropractic adjustments. (From the medical journal Spine, 1994)

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for rheumatoid and/or arthritis conservatively cause 15,500 Americans to bleed to death each year, making that the 15th most common cause of death in the U.S. (New England Journal of Medicine, 1999)

Chiropractic spinal adjusting has been shown to be better than 5 times more effective than NSAIDs pain drugs Celebrex and Vioxx in the treatment of chronic neck and low back pain (Spine, 2003)

Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to significantly lower blood pressure. (Journal of Human Hypertension, 2007)

Taking the correct drug for the correct diagnoses in the correct dose will kill about 106,000 Americans per year, making it the 4th most common cause of death in the U.S. (Journal of the American Medical Association, 1998)

The FDA admits that all NSAID's (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), including Aleve, Aspirin and Ibuprofen, may kill you as they lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular problems--including heart attacks and strokes. (USA Today, December 23, 2004

Regular use of Aspirin or Tylenol are linked to kidney failure. (The New England Journal of Medicine, Dec. 20, 2001) Those who consumed the highest amounts of NSAIDs increased their risk of dementia, including Alzeimer's disease, by 66%. (Neurology, 2009)

The risk of serious complications from a chiropractic adjustment is 1-2 chances in a million, whereas the rate of the same problems occurring with surgery is 15,600 per million! (Rand Corp., 1992)


Admittedly, it's just plain easier to pop a pill to feel better. One trip to the drug store and you have weeks, even months, worth of pain relief. Often times it seems a lot cheaper, too. Unfortunately, as can be seen from above, research shows if you take NSAIDS, you're not only risking the health of your brain, heart and kidneys, but your life and financial security as well, as these conditions can be devastatingly expensive to treat.


If you've been following the news on health these past few years, you've probably noticed how much interest there is in stretching out the number of years people can live in good health. Scientists have determined that only 30% of aging is based on genetic heritage while 70% is attributed to lifestyle choices. Simply put, it's how you choose to live; the things you consume, the amount and quality of exercise you perform, avoiding needless stress and carefully choosing what form of health care you will use. One of the most important things, research shows conclusively, which will help you live a long and healthy is a lifestyle filled with non- toxic, non-injurious ways of maintaining and restoring one's health.

Chiropractic is a safe and effective form of healthcare not only for neck and back pain, but for a variety of conditions, including; headaches, sciatica, vertigo, sport injuries, shoulder pain, knee pain, jaw pain, wrist pain, foot pain and ankle pain.

For more information, go to our website at

Follow me on Twitter @ expertchiro

Back Pain Symptoms - Detect Them Early For Faster Pain Relief

Most people will experience back pain symptoms at some point in their life. The numbers run between 80 and 90 percent depending on where you look. As one of the top reasons for consulting a doctor, back pain is considered a serious health problem. It can be a simple problem or a sign of something more serious like a systemic imbalance. Therefore, it pays to be aware of back pain symptoms so that you know when to seek medical advice. And, if you are seeking natural alternatives, it is important to be able to identify the exact symptom so you can focus on the right treatment. 

Back pain can be caused by many factors. Some are due to poor health habits, while others are caused by accident like a sports injury, car accident, a fall or muscle strain. The cause of back pain symptoms may vary from one person to another, and from one situation to another, but they frequently have similar traits. 

The most common back pain symptoms include an ache from the lower back that can go down to the buttock, thigh, and even down into the calf and toes. There can also be a persistent pain or stiffness in these areas. These symptoms often come from a condition called sciatica, one of the most common back pain conditions. 

Also, you can experience unending lower or middle back pain. This can be the result of standing or sitting for a long time. Back pain can also come with a sharp and sudden pain or ache in the neck and back that might be caused by carrying heavy objects or doing strenuous physical activities. And, a muscle spasm can cause a serious pain in the lower, middle or upper back.

If you experience any of these symptoms, then you would be well advised to consult with a professional for treatment, especially if your back pain symptoms persist. For one thing, they could point to a more serious issue. For example, if your back ache worsens when you bend forward at the waist, or when you cough, you may have a herniated disk. This type of damage to the spine is often indicated by a feeling of numbness and loss of control in your legs or arms.

Low Back Pain And Sciatica - Functional Limitations

The problem with low back pain and sciatica, is that the lower back itself and surrounding area is so important with regards to any movement or activity you become involved in. It is not like when you have injured an arm or a leg, where you can rest the arm in a sling or use some crutches for your leg in order to allow healing to take place, with low back pain you are not afforded that luxury.

With regards to functional activities, the first thing which needs to be addressed is to divide them into two categories:

i) Those which cause or aggravate your low back pain or sciatica.

ii) Those which cause you no pain or do not increase your pain at all.

The chances are that there is a common factor linking the components of each of these two groups.

For example, let's say sitting down aggravates your low back pain yet keeping upright and a small amount of walking eases your pain. We are going to be thinking along the lines of flexion activities being the aggravating factor for your low back pain and extension type activities being the easing factor.

With this above example, first and foremost we need to modify or temporarily avoid the aggravating factor i.e. sitting down. Now I am not suggesting you do not sit down at all during the day, but rather you try and sit in a more upright chair, with say a rolled up towel for some support for your lower back. In addition to this, I would also recommend that you spend no longer than a maximum of 15-20 minutes sitting down without break i.e. getting up out of the chair.

Moving on to encouraging the easing factors, and once again using the above example, I would suggest you try to have a little walk a few times during the day. This can be anything from a few minutes to say 20 or 30 minutes, depending upon the severity of your pain. The important thing is your low back likes this activity and therefore it is important to provide it with it, as it will be providing you low back with the optimum conditions for it to heal itself.

NB. You can get too much of a good thing, therefore do not just walk for the sake of it. For example, if your low back pain eases after 5 minutes walking, but becomes aggravated after 10 minutes, feel free to walk for 5 minutes, but not too much longer (otherwise you will be simply interfering with the healing process again).

With regards to aggravating and easing factors, it is important to be as specific as possible. Therefore,using the example I have just given, walking for 5 minutes is an easing factor, yet walking for 10 minutes is an aggravating factor.

The main principle is little and often throughout the day. Tying in the above two, the logical thing to do with regards to sitting, is every 15 minutes or so stand yourself up and have a walk up and down the living room. By taking on board the above principle, it will result in less stress being placed across the structures responsible for your low back pain and therefore give your body a chance to heal itself. As healing takes place, the structures responsible for your pain will become stronger, and if they are stronger you will find you can begin to do more and more.

A positive cycle will now result, whereby encouraging the easing factors will promote more healing, which itself will result in your low back becoming stronger and therefore less easily aggravated. If it is less aggravated, it means more healing will take place and therefore you can become more active and your back will become stronger.... and so on.

Sound too simple?

Well there is no doubt I have simplified things a little just to highlight a point. However, it is not too difficult either as the underlying principle is the same. The all important aspect is firstly analysing your day-to-day activities and then dividing them into aggravating and easing ones. When you have established this, begin by temporarily avoiding/modifying the aggravating activities and encouraging the easing ones. As you do this, your low back pain or sciatica will begin to ease and you will be able to become more active.

At this stage, it will be important to consider addressing any muscle imbalances which are present (as it will almost be certain there are some). A simple but effective exercise programme to strengthen any weak muscles and stretch any tight ones will soon have you performing those functional activities you are finding difficult at the moment pain-free...

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Benefits of Yoga for Lower Back Pain Relief

Many people suffer with chronic back pain and have tried pills, chiropractors, physical therapy and other methods to find some relief for their pain; however, treating any type of back or neck pain can be difficult. It can be hard to determine exactly what is causing the pain and treatment options may range from pain relievers that can be as damaging as they are beneficial to relaxation techniques or self-help methods that may prove completely ineffective for many people. Fortunately, current research suggests that a program of stretching or yoga for lower back pain relief can be extremely effective. It seems that concentrating on stretching and strengthening the torso and leg muscles has been able to provide considerable relief for many people.

While most people understand the importance of exercise to help relieve stress and provide good overall health and well-being, people who suffer with back pain often tend to avoid certain types of exercise because they are worried about exacerbating their already painful condition. If you are suffering with back spasm or pain, the last thing you want to do is exercise and make the situation worse. Additionally, many exercises are almost impossible for someone suffering with back pain. Fortunately, a regular program of stretching and strengthening these muscles, using various yoga poses, can help increase a person's core body strength which has been shown to provide lower back pain relief. However, even people who suffer with other types of pain are finding that the relaxation and stretching benefits of yoga can be extremely beneficial.

While the poses used in many types of yoga may seem simple, they promote flexibility while increasing strength. This provides a more effective frame or core that can be especially helpful in protecting inflamed and sore back muscles. Additionally, the stretching associated with these yoga poses helps to increase blood flow and circulation which can also be attributed to the relaxation and overall better sense of wellness reported by people who participate in yoga on a regular basis.

There are many reasons people could be experiencing back, neck or shoulder pain, but even stress and tension can be major triggers. In today's hectic and fast-paced world, many people are stressed and do not even realize it. Fortunately, an exercise program that includes extensive stretching or yoga for lower back pain relief can help bring about a sense of calm and relaxation which can in turn allow muscles to relax and heal.

Causes of Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy - Tips to Help Pregnant Women Suffering From This Pain

Each year, more than four million women in America give birth, among which two out of every three women suffers from pelvic and lower back pain during pregnancy. Most times these symptoms will vanish within three months after delivery.

There are two main reasons for back pain during pregnancy:

1. Hormone Relaxin: During your pregnancy period, the relaxin (a sex hormone of the corpus luteum that facilitates birth by causing relaxation of the pelvic ligaments) exists in your body is ten times more than its usual level. All the joints in your pelvis is been relaxed by this hormone, to provide enough room for your baby to come out from the birth canal. Oftentimes, the hormone results to abnormal motion in different new joints of your body, which leads to swelling and pain.

2. Growing Fetus: When the fetus is growing, your abdominal wall stretches so as to hold the expanding womb. The additional room required for this need to come somewhere from your body. Stretching your abdominal muscles during your pregnancy is far beyond the usual level, so the muscles will lose the ability to do its normal function in maintaining the body pressure. Because of these changes, your lower back gets an unusual amount of burden from the torso.

Below are some simple tips to help reduce the pain and possibly prevent lower back pain during pregnancy.

1. Your back muscles need to be strengthened. You can do this safely during your pregnancy period until there is no burden from the torso squeezing the pelvis.

2. Try to decrease the physical activities level. Reducing these activities that put stress on your lower back and pelvis will help relieve pain. Some of the activities include walking long distance, standing on single leg, standing for longer hours, doing household duties that should be done by a woman that is not pregnant etc

3. Follow right ergonomic posture at your place of work. You should take frequent breaks, lie down or some time, and alert yourself on structural strength. Do not lift anything with large weights. Create comfortable work environment.

Getting the right techniques to exercise your back is important. Also you need methods of physical and mental re-education to reduce habitual and unnecessary tension in all your activity through awareness of balance, posture and movement.

How to Be Free From Back Pain

There is nothing quit so debilitating as low back pain. I don't mean the kind of pain that aches and leaves you a bit sore. I'm talking about the kind of pain that takes you out of action. The kind that makes even walking hard to do.

Some people learn to live with the pain. In the morning they get up and move slowly until the stiffness is worked out. They learn to be careful picking up even the smallest things. Everyday activities become a test to see if there is some way to do even the simplest activities or not.

One reason muscles in the low back tighten up and sometimes spasm is a misalignment in the joints. Misalignments press on sensitive tissues causing pain. Muscles tense, nerves get compressed and the surrounding area becomes inflamed. With inflammation comes pain.

The most common low back issue comes from a combination of three issues. First, the fifth lumbar which is in the very lower back, goes out of alignment. Then, the illio-sacral joint which is the junction between the upper hip in the back, and the sacrum goes out of alignment. The weakness allows the spine in the low back to get compressed, even locking the vertebrae together.

The illio-sacral joint is the load-bearing connection between the upper and lower body. Most of the weight of the entire upper body rests on this joint. When there is a problem here, especially when coupled with the other two misalignments, there is no strength in the back. Usually it is quite painful.

What is the root cause of most lower back problems? That is the real question. Back problems often return, so knowing the root cause is essential in treatment and prevention.

In most cases the root issue is stress. Time off is one of the best known treatments for low back pain. However, it often returns when people return to their usual lives.

Stress injures the body by putting excess strain on the adrenal glands which produce stress hormones. As the adrenals work harder and harder, they start drawing nutrients from other areas of the body to keep up with demand. Some of the nutrients they really need are the same ones that ligaments and tendons need to keep their tone. And, the low back often is the first place go.

Dealing with the stressors is first. One of the worst ones that really harms the adrenals is sugar including honey, fruit juice, dried fruit and more. Processed carbohydrates release their sugar stores quickly, so they cause the same problems. Things like noodles, bread, chips both corn and potato and other 'health chips,' white rice, bread of any kind and just about anything that comes in a package.

Another stress factor is emotional stress. This could be caused by any intense emotional experience from work related expectations to a great loss. These issues need to be dealt with on different levels. Obviously, a release of some type is needed for the immediate issue. And, the root, often from childhood, must be dealt with.

On a physical level, emotional components can become lodged in the body. They usually cause some sort of problem like a tight muscle pulling a rib out of alignment resulting in chronic back pain. These issues can be cleared using a very gentle Applied Kinesiology technique.

Realignment is next. After the underlying issues have been cleared, it is time for realignment. Realignment is facilitated by physical manipulations that put bones in proper alignment so that the joint is fully functional.

There are different ways to realign a back and other areas of the body. One is to go to a chiropractor or an Osteopath, a medical doctor who specializes in joint manipulation. They often use forceful techniques that can cause other problems and sometimes even more pain. Not to mention the scary noises as joints are forced back into alignment. There are some though who learn and develop more gentle techniques.

Alternatively, you can learn how to adjust yourself with Self Adjusting Technique. This is a simple method of doing gentle adjustments on yourself without the forcing that is common to so many chiropractic adjustments.

Stretching can relieve back pain as well as help prevent problems. Taking a yoga class is a good way to learn stretches that will help your back. It is best to tell the instructor before the class if you have any limitations. Often they can give you an alternative pose or a variation. With time you can develop a daily practice which many people use to eliminate back problems.

Exercise is essential to good back health. Walking is one of the best exercises in the world. As well as working most every muscle in the body, walking strengthens the core muscles that support the low back.

These are just a few things that can be done for any kind of back pain. There are many other treatments available. Now more than ever, we can be proactive with our health and with our treatment possibilities. Find what works for you, and above all else, listen to your body.

Treatment For Middle Back Pain During Pregnancy

Middle back pain during pregnancy is something that many women have come to accept as normal. Though not quite as common as lower back pain, it still afflicts a large number of women, especially in the later stages of pregnancy. Fortunately, there are some options for treatment for middle back pain. Middle back pain during pregnancy occurs primarily as the stomach expands and the growing baby inside starts pushing against the ribs. This pressure alone can be quite painful, but it is usually accompanied by some other problems. The uterus expands not just out, but up, so pressure is put on the diaphragm, making it difficult to breathe at times. In addition, the pressure can pinch the nerves in the diaphragm, sending shooting pains into your shoulders.

During pregnancy, your body produces a hormone called relaxing. This is generated specifically to prepare your body for childbirth. Muscles and ligaments are loosened and relaxed, and your ribs are allowed to expand outward. This alone can cause pain and discomfort. However, as with any other type of back discomforts, there are some simple ways to prevent it, and provide relief once you have it.

The best treatment for middle back discomfort is to perform stretches regularly. These have the effect of lifting the ribs away from the uterus, providing at least momentary relief from the pressure. Consider practicing prenatal yoga, as that comprises stretches that are specially designed for the challenges pregnant women face.

Middle back discomfort during pregnancy can also be treated with some alternative measures. You might consider visiting an acupuncturist. They are trained to use the body's pressure points to help alleviate pain. An acupuncturist in general can do all kinds of things to make your pregnancy easier. The same is true of a chiropractor. A chiropractic adjustment, or series of adjustments, can help relax the muscles that get tightened due to misalignments, thereby eliminating a great deal of pain and tension.

As with any other type of back pain, one of the best things you can do to eliminate middle back pain during pregnancy is to practice good posture. While walking, make sure your shoulders are back and your head is lifted. Be very conscious of how your stomach tends to pull you forward, and don't give in to the urge to arch your back. It may seem like the right thing to do at the time, but it will just create a whole host of other problems in the future.

Middle back trouble during pregnancy is unpleasant to deal with, especially if you are already experiencing problems with the rest of your back. But keep in mind that the best treatment for middle back pain is basically the same as it is for any other kind of back pain. Keep an eye on your posture, and do plenty of stretches to keep pressure off your ribs and other painful areas. If all else fails, look into treatment by a reputable acupuncturist or chiropractor. You might be surprised at how much better you'll feel after just a few treatments.

Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief - What is the Best Mattress For Sciatic Nerve Pain?

Do you remember a time when you were able to sleep through the night? Many people dealing with sciatica have not slept through the night in months, or longer. Not being able to sleep only adds to the frustrations of sciatic nerve pain. But there is good news, more and more people are learning to take control of their pain and find the ability to sleep again.

Why can't I get a good night's sleep? - when the nerves in the lower back become inflamed, they cause a sciatic flare. When you lay down to sleep, there is automatic pressure on your nerve. This is what inevitably causes those sleepless nights.

What are the 3 Best Mattresses to Relieve my Pain?

1. Foam Mattresses - with a foam mattress, no one part of the body bears more weight than any other part. This is very important because it does not allow extra stress to be put on the lower back. Many people who have dealt with sciatica have found this to be an amazing help. Whether you choose Latex Foam, Memory Foam, or Temperpedic Foam, there is a good chance that you will get some great relief with this.

2. Select Comfort Bed - also known as a sleep number bed. I have to be honest here, I have heard mixed reviews on this, and it is a little pricey. The best benefit it has is the ability to adjust the firmness of the mattress. Side sleepers tend to benefit the most from this.

3. Dormia Bed - this is by far one of the best sciatica home treatments available for a good night's sleep. Not only is this bed comfortable, but you can also raise your legs, head, or both to relieve strain on the lower back. If you have severe sciatica, this would mean no more sleeping in recliners.

Imagine Sleeping Through the Night Again. Although the decision to purchase a new mattress or bed can be a pricey one, it is well worth it to finally find some relief.

Most sciatica sufferers do simple things every night that will lead to excruciating pain. Are you one of them?

Understanding Radicular Low Back Pain - Symptoms, Treatment and Pain Relief Options

How is your lower back feeling?

Do you struggle with lower back issues that can really make your life hard?

1.) Introduction to This Article

Radicular Back Pain or sciatica is a deep throbbing pain that radiates from the lower back, along the sciatic nerve, that can reach down to the thighs and calves, all the way to the feet. The pain is usually due to the compression, inflammation or damage of the nerve or nerve root that is connected to the spinal column. Other causes could be a herniated disc, diabetes or a degenerative disc disease. Symptoms present themselves as a tingling numbness, muscle weakness and loss of specific reflexes.

2.) Surgery, Do You Need It?

Often times people will think that they need surgery for a lower back issue. This is not always the case. Actually, for most back pain, it is true that surgery is not needed. Having said this, we can not forget about the importance of a surgical procedure, because sometimes it is our best option to help reduce back pain.

Smokers in general are deemed as slow healers and will suffer the most. Quitting during the healing process will help. Precautions to take to ensure that this doesn't happen again starts off with losing weight if you are overweight. The less pressure there is on the discs or nerve, the less the chances of a repeated episode.

3.) Back Supports, A Conservative Treatment Option

One of the best ways to help reduce back pain conservatively is to use a low profile, yet light weight back support. The good thing about these kinds of braces is that they are easily concealed by just using a t-shirt, so cosmetic challenges are basically solved at this point.

Medical literature supports the use of back braces to help patient's heal after surgery. They do so by off loading hurt muscles or discs, for example, and they can also prevent you from making those movements that will inflame your back issue. This in and of itself, can help promote healing for an injured back. Sometimes, when you use a quality low back support, your doctor may tell you that you do not need surgery. Often times a quality surgeon will tell you that you should exhaust your conservative treatment options first prior to a surgery. This is where lower back support can really help.

*This is health information. We strongly believe in the use of back supports, however, it is important to talk to your doctor about medical advice for your particular situation.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Chiropractic Adjustment Tool Helps Relieve Pain at Home

Pain is just not fun! When suffering with back and neck pain, fibromyalgia, TMJ, knee problems, carpel tunnel syndrome, cervical spine issues or discomfort with your wrist or ankles, sometimes all you can think about is getting RELIEF! While some will take any medication, regardless of the side effects, just to relieve the misery; others are looking for alternatives for pain relief. It was such a search for a natural back pain relief: in particular, upper back pain relief and a non-invasive treatment for lower back pain that led me to discover chiropractic adjustment tools.

My friend, who suffers greatly with fibromyalgia, finally experienced some relief for her back and neck pain through the regular treatments using chiropractic products. Specifically, through massages and the use of the chiropractic adjustment tool properly and regularly administered, she began to improve. She improved so much that they personally purchased a chiropractic adjustment tool (C.A.T.) and her husband was trained to administer the treatments to his wife. She describes the therapy as taking the stress off the muscle when hurting and taking the edge off the pain of the fibromyalgia.

One night at a small dinner party around the pool, another friend began to describe the relief she was getting from the use of a small device called the chiropractic activator, which she described as a "clicker," but turned out to be another description for the chiropractic adjustment tool! She suffers with constant back muscle pain as well as neck pain. In the past, she had visited a back pain specialist, but the only back pain remedy he offered was muscle relaxers that would literally put her to sleep and left her feeling groggy the next day.

In her search for back pain cures, she took yoga, which didn't hurt, but it didn't help either. Then one day a co-worker described back pain treatments she was receiving from her chiropractor to relieve her back pain which was very effective! She began to describe these gentle, non-invasive treatments, so my friend had to try it. She was glad she did.

Do you ever wonder if someone is trying to tell you something? So I began to investigate. How do these chiropractic adjustment tools work? Will these chiropractic tools hurt me? Will I continue to experience back and neck pain after these treatments?

Treatments using the Chiropractic Adjustment Tool, the Chiropractic Activator or the Activator Gun have been developed, studied and tested for thirty plus years and have been found quite successful. This tool (which fits in the palm of the hand) is a small, well-designed machine used to re-align the bones of the body without painful manipulations. Because it's neither big nor loud, there is no need for fear, which makes these treatments ideal for children, the elderly or the seriously injured. It does sound like a "click." The treatments are delivered to specific targets with controlled, measured low-force adjustments.

Chiropractors frequently will have the patients lie on a table and perform a leg length inequality assessment. Different movements are requested during the session after which the chiropractic adjustment tool is administered in specific areas with the final outcome of the session having leg lengths equaled with the goal of the body becoming totally aligned.

While controversy continues about alternative methods and medicines, there is great merit and value in the exploration of non-invasive procedures that might eliminate pain with limited side-effects. Perhaps someone is trying to tell you something?

Lower Back Pain and Pinched Nerve Pain Relief With Epidural Steroid Injections

Sadly, the vast majority of us are going to experience back pain at some point in our lives. Although many of us may be able to control this pain through over-the-counter painkillers or perhaps some light physical therapy and bed rest, there are going to be some of us that have back pain to the extent where we need to seek medical attention.

A common type of back pain or pinched nerve pain that is experienced is as a result of a slipped or herniated disc. These discs are gel filled material that exist between the vertebrae of our spine and allow the vertebrae to move independently of each other and also protect it from damage. Should these happen to crack or slip out of place, the pain that we experience can be extremely severe.

There are a lot of different ways that a slipped or herniated disc can be treated. These can include such things as physical therapy, bed rest, traction, spinal decompression, painkillers, surgery and natural forms of treatment. There may be times, however, whenever an epidural steroid injection is prescribed. What exactly is an epidural steroid injection, how is it administered and what can it do for you?

An epidural is a rather broad term that refers to an injection which goes into the epidural space in the spinal column. The epidural space is in the outermost part of the spinal canal and it lies outside of the dura matter which encases the spinal column. The injected steroids mimic cortisone and hydrocortisone which can reduce the inflammation that surround the affected nerves. This can give almost immediate relief to the pain that is experienced in this area and can help to keep the inflammation down for a considerable amount of time in order to allow for more effective pain management.

Unfortunately, the relief that is felt as a result of the epidural steroid injection is usually temporary. Also, the steroids that are injected can have side effects which may include weakened muscles, a decrease in bone density, and possible lowering of the steroids that your body produces naturally.

Be sure to discuss with your personal physician the pros and cons of epidural steroid injections for providing back pain and pinched nerve pain relief.

Lower Back Pain Relief - It Can Be Done

Lower back pain caused by muscle spasms, muscle sprains, slipped disks, sprained ligaments or joint problems is something that most of us will experience at some point in our lives. usually it occurs when you have preformed a strenuous activity like gardening, sports, heavy lifting or other activities that your back is not used doing. You need to remember that relief of lower back pain is possible, you only need to know how.

Exercise To Prevent Lower Back Pain

If you frequently have lower back pains you need to prevent this by doing exercises, the moment you are experiencing lower back pain, relief is all you can think about, the key is to think about it when your back isn't killing you because the last thing you want to do when you have pain is to exercise. However there really are some exercises that can help you relief pain in your lower back. The most effective one is to lay flat on your back with your knees bent in a 90 degrees angle or with your knees bent over the seat from a chair. Try to relax your back, than raise your left knee, very slowly, to your chest, wile you press your lower back to the floor. Keep this up for about ten seconds and repeat it with your right leg. You should do this exercise about ten times, 3 times a day, when you experience lower back pain to relief it.

Rest Is Not The best Remedy

The natural reaction to relief lower back pain is to take rest and to move as little as possible, that is fine if you do that for one maximum two days after that you should start moving, if you take to much rest, it can stiffen your muscles, and make them hurt even more. So, it is really important that you try walking around for at least a couple of minutes every hour and take your rest in between The best way to let your back rest is to take the weight and pressure of your back, you can do this by lying flat (on the floor) with a pile of pillows under your knees or the seat of a chair under your feet.

Options for a quick fix.

There are days that you just can't do the mixture of taking rest and do the exercises, and how ever painful it can be, there are some quick relief options. There are heating pads that can help you with muscle spasms to relax, and there are ice packs for joint problems and slipped disks, You can also get a back massage, from a professional or a friend with massage equipment. There are also many product these days in the form of wraps or ointments to purchase that can help you to quickly relief your lower back pain.

And last but not least there are non prescription medicines like aspirin, ibuprofen, and many other pain relievers that should meet your needs. When you have lower back pain very often or it takes longer than two weeks you should make an appointment with your family doctor.

Is it Possible to Get Permanent Back Pain Relief?

Back pains are, well, a pain in the back. Once they start, it becomes very difficult to get rid of them. And when they start becoming acute, you may not even be able to move. This can be a very sorry situation, but you can seek solace in the fact that there are ways to get back pain relief.

First of all, you should know that there is no one reason why back pain occurs; there's a whole host of them. You may be suffering from backache because of lumbago, fibrosis or a slipped disk. It may also be because of your obesity or because of fractures and tubercular infections. Pregnant women get back pain almost all the time. Or, it can be due to something very simple such as not maintaining the proper posture or stress. However, in almost all cases, the main reason why back ache occurs is because there is some kind of misalignment of the back muscles or the spinal cord. It is important to correct these misalignments as soon as possible, or they can lead to chronic problems.

So, when you are looking at permanent pain relief for your back, you have to first know what caused the pain. Get a professional diagnosis done to understand the main cause of your problem. This will help you find the best solution for your condition.

Here are a few things that can help you get permanent relief.

1. Fortify your diet with higher amounts of vitamins of the B complex. Vitamin B deficiencies can trigger pains in the back. You need to include foods that are rich in vitamins B1, B6 and B12. Find a list of foods that are rich in these vitamins and make them an integral part of your diet.

2. Some herbs have exceptional qualities in treatment of backaches. Having ginger tea regularly is quite helpful. Ginger can reduce the effect of the inflammation that causes back pain. Another herb that has very good properties for back pain is turmeric. A paste of turmeric can be directly applied to the area where the pain is prevalent. Turmeric must also be included in the diet in copious amounts. For external application, eucalyptus oil is also known to have very good effects. One more option that you can use is cayenne pepper, which is meant for external application as well.

3. If the pain is highly acute and you are looking for some quick back pain relief, then you can use some of the Devil's Claw herb. This is particularly beneficial if the pain is in the lower back.

4. Hot water fomentation can also help when you are looking for immediate back pain relief. Continue this for some time till the pain eases out. When the pain begins to recur, do the fomentation treatment again. However, simply fomentation is not enough; you need to supplement it with other treatment methods such as the use of proper herbs and oils.

5. If you have consistent pains, then an herbal oil massage can help. Ask the masseur to give you a massage for removing the back pain. A professional chiropractor would also know how to trigger the right areas so as to help you out with your back pain problems.

Traction For Lower Back Pain - A Cure Or a Potential Source of Further Trouble?

There are various methods of traction therapy, but one of the most common for lower back pain or sciatica, is for the patient to lie on a traction bed and to have have graded weights fixed onto the legs and a harness to the upper body to keep the patient in position. As the weights are applied the spine is pulled and stretched, The idea is that this makes the displaced spinal disc start to reposition itself. Also it is thought that muscles which are in tension will benefit by the stretching and that tension will be relieved.

The traction described is typical of that used by physiotherapists for lower back pain; and indeed traction should only be carried out by trained therapists due to the risk of damage if the wrong weight or excessive pressure is allowed. The therapist must decide the amount that the patient can support and be ready to stop the procedure quickly if it should prove to be causing discomfort or problems.

There are forms of home use traction which are available for purchase and these generally employ traction by means of inversion. The object here is to cause the patient to lie with the head lower than the feet or even partially upside down. The patient lies on a frame which is pivoted in the middle. The patient has straps attached to their legs so as to keep them in place; and the frame is then gently turned so that the patient is tilted at an angle and can begin to be inverted.

Of course there is no need for the patient to turn right upside down although that may be possible but is unlikely to be desirable and a more relaxed angle of the traction frame would be preferable. As the frame begins to raise the legs and to lower the head the weight of the body which normally presses the vertebrae of the spine together, works in the opposite direction and should help to open the vertebrae instead.

Anyone undertaking this form of home traction should be very careful. If there are health problems such as blood pressure or cardiovascular matters then there could be serious difficulties. And moreover the problems may be undiagnosed at present, but become evident during inversion. Really the presence of a trained therapist for traction is always more satisfactory.

Having considered the methods and ideas for traction, what then may be said as to the results to be derived from it? Whilst the theory is clear enough, in practice the use of traction is far from proven as a means of providing relief for low back pain and sciatica, and for what is known as a slipped disc (in reality usually a burst herniated or bulging disc). It has been a popular treatment but it cannot be said to be so much preferred now. Regrettably it has been found in many, if not the majority of patients, to be ineffective in providing satisfactory relief. It may perhaps be undesirable for some.

Typically many patients who present with sciatica do not enjoy any amelioration of their symptoms and sometimes say that they feel not better but rather in more pain after than before treatment. Even when the problem is a displaced or herniated disc the results are often similar. In other words little or no advantage and perhaps matters may be worse. Also some patients say that although there was a temporary relief from pain, soon after it returned and that the experience was not worth the trouble.

The conclusion to be drawn from this is that whilst traction still remains an option and may be felt to be worth attempting, the probability is that other types of treatment should certainly be tried and may have better chance of success. Also supervised traction with a trained therapist is decidedly to be preferred to self help especially bearing in mind the associated risks.

For more information about lower back pain and sciatica please visit lower-back-sprain

Please bear in mind that this article is for general information purposes only and is not medical advice about your health. If you have a medical condition or problem you should always consult your doctor as to the matter which may be more serious than you realise.

Lower Back Pain In Early Pregnancy - There Is Relief

Lower back pain in early pregnancy - Every woman who has ever been pregnant can tell you that one of the worst things about being pregnant was their constant back discomfort. This is especially true in late pregnancy as their bellies get bigger and bigger, but back aches plague pregnant women in the early stages too! Every woman who has ever had lower back ache in any stage of pregnancy wants to find some kind of relief.

Lower back pain in early pregnancy - causes...

Caution: There are several reasons that pregnant women have back discomfort. Generally, lower back pain is normal and to be expected but, if you are bleeding, in the first trimester of pregnancy, or if you experience pain that is new, the quality has changed or is particularly intense - it COULD indicate a problem, even a possible miscarriage.

Call your doctor to be sure your backache symptoms are not a medical emergency.

One of the causes of normal lower back pain in early pregnancy is that the hormone progesterone affects the ligaments, muscles and tendons in a woman's body. This is to make it easier to give birth. Progesterone also affects the cartilage in the body, like that between the vertebrae of the spine.

Another reason is that a pregnant woman is very front heavy. (And gets more so with each passing day.) All the weight in front of her causes her to arch her back to try to balance and relieve it. This causes a lot of stress on the lumbar and sacroiliac areas of the spine, which are the 2 lowest segments of the spine.

Lower back pain in early pregnancy - solutions...

Just as there is more than one reason that pregnant women get lower back pain, there is more than one solution.

If you are suffering from lower back pain and you are pregnant there are several things that you can do to get severe back pain relief.

There is always the prescription drug route - but while you CAN visit your doctor and get medicine, there are several solutions you can try first that are drug (and side effect) free...

The first thing you can do is to apply heat and cold to your back. Heat can be done in a warm bath or shower.

Another way to apply heat is to use an old sock filled with rice that you heat in a microwave. You can just put that across your lower back and lean back. This will often provide immediate pregnancy back discomfort relief.

Caution: You want to avoid going into a Jacuzzi. You also want to avoid heating pads.

Lower back pain in early pregnancy - avoid the Jacuzzi...

To apply cold all you need to do is get an ice pack. Make sure that there is something in between the ice pack and your skin, you can get mild frostbite from an ice pack. You also want to use it for no more than 20 minutes.

Try alternating back and forth from a heat pack to an ice pack. They both work in about the same way. The heat pack draws blood into the affected area, which helps relax the affected muscles. The cold numbs the area, but when it's removed the blood comes rushing back into the area further relaxing the muscles.

Lower back pain in early pregnancy - exercises...

You can also fight lower back pain in early pregnancy by doing some stretching and pelvic tilt exercises.

To practice the pelvic tilt and take stress off your lower back, get on the floor on your knees and elbows. Roll your pelvis in. Your abdomen should go up towards your spine and your back should arch. This releases the muscles in the lower spine.

Mild exercise can also help reduce your discomfort. You can try exercising in a pool. The water will take all the weight off your body and allow your muscles to relax. Just make sure that the pool isn't too warm and that you don't spend too long in it.

Lower back pain in early pregnancy isn't something that a pregnant woman has to silently suffer. While it will affect every woman who ever gets pregnant, there are many ways to find relief.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lower Back Pain - Find Permanent Relief

Lower back pain now affects more than 80% of people at some stage in their life. It is very common for people to have recurring bouts of back pain throughout their life. This is usually because the root cause of the back pain is never treated properly. Common medical treatments normally only provide short term relief.

Lower back pain is often treated with short term solutions such as chiropractic adjustment, painkillers, back braces, inversion tables, strengthening exercises or the wrong stretches. By by using these short term treatments and not treating the cause of the problem the damage to the back and pain continues and the quality of life of the victim is severely affected.

The cause of the lower back pain can be damage to any of the components of the body in the lower back region. It could be damage to nerves in the spine area, or the invertebrate discs, or the spinal bone structure or any of the muscles and ligaments that attach to and support the spine.

The cause of the damage to these components is often found in an area we don't often look. It is in how we use our body every day. Due the westernization of our society we have adopted poor body use habits. Examples of these are sitting at a computer all day or driving a truck all day. Our bodies are designed to squat, run and jump. If we don't do this, the muscles and ligaments in our body change length and become shorter and tight. This pulls our body all crooked and out of alignment. And then we get pain.

The solution is to treat the root cause of the problem. To do this we need to re-learn good body use habits. When we do this the ways we move every day will no longer damage our body. Once we stop damaging the body that is only the first step. Step two is to treat the damage that has already occurred and step three is to strengthen the weak muscles and lengthen our short muscles so the pain never returns.

Herniated Nucleus Pulposus, L5-S1 - Back Pain and Pain Relief Options

Do you have lower back pain?

Have you ever herniated a disc in your lower back?

1.) Introduction

Anyone that has ever had to endure the process of having a herniated disk knows how painful and agitating the injury can be. Injuring the herniated nucleus pulposus at L5-S1 is a common back injury. It can cause the individual a nagging pain that does not go away by itself.

2.) What Is A Herniated Nucleus Pulposus at L5-S1?

A herniated nucleus pulposus is a medical condition where either some or all of the soft center of a spinal disk is forced through a weakened part of the disk. This is often called a "slipped disc". - The L5-S1 refers to a particular vertebra in your spine and the various parts of it. In general, an L5-S1 in your lower back near your tail bone.

3.) Symptoms

If you believe you may suffer from herniated nucleus pulposus L5-S1 issues, there are several distinct symptoms that can help you identify if this is the issue. If you are feeling random or sudden numbness in the lower part of your back, this could be a symptom. Also, if your lower back pain starts going into your lower body such as your buttock or legs, this is can be a herniated nucleus pulposus l5 s1 problem. Not only can having herniated back problems can cause chronic back pain, it can also cause other issues. One issue is having trouble controlling your bladder or bowels. You can suddenly release your bowels without having any control over it. Also, this condition can cause searing pain in the legs and feet.

4.) Causes

The most common cause of herniated L5-S1 is from an impact injury caused to the back or spine. A rear end car accident can hurt the back and cause L5-S1 problems. Another common cause is a lifting injury for a body builder or if someone carried something very heavy and felt pain afterwards. Also, some individuals are genetically dispossessed to injuring their spine if they are born with weak walls of the disc of their back. In addition, may are surprised to know that chronic smoking of tobacco are more likely to suffer from herniated nucleus pulposus L5-S1 because the ingredients in cigarettes can deteriorate the discs in the back.

5.) Back Pain Relief

If you are having pain related to a herniated disk, than there is hope for relief. One way to treat the problem is to see your doctor and to also get rest of course. However, one way in which people can get pain relief is seeing their local, licensed orthotist. These individuals can evaluate and treat you with a low profile back support that can reduce your pain very quickly. These back supports are also good because they can promote healing. For medical advice on bracing, speak to your local, licensed orthotist.

Note: For medical advice on a slipped disc, speak with your physician primarily.

Dull Low Back Pain - Get Rid of It

Lower back pain is miserable whether it is dull low back pain or sharper muscle spasms in the back. What can be done to get rid of it and can you do it at home yourself?

Causes and Types

There are a few common reasons why we experience lower back pain:

  • spinal stenosis - this pain is caused by the spinal cord becoming narrower. For the most part, this normally occurs with age.

  • injury or overuse of the muscles

  • spinal deformities - such as scoliosis

  • spondylolisthesis - this is a type of defect where the vertebrae slides over one another.

  • fractures - normally occurs when a lot of force has been put on the vertebrae. This could happen when someone has taken a hard fall directly on the buttocks or a hit on the head. It could also occur during an automobile accident.

  • osteoporosis - if this condition is present, even the slightest amount of force could cause fractures, slipped disc, or other back problems.

In rare cases, a bacterial infection could be causing back pain. You will need to visit your family physician or chiropractor to rule out any harmful bacterial infections or tumors.

Sometimes, lower back pain may stem from failed back surgery or other hospital related incidents.

5 Tricks to Lose the Pain

These tricks will help get rid of back pain. Test them and try them all to see what helps you get rid of your back pain.

arm rotations - slowly stretch out both arms and begin to rotate them. Do this about 20 to 25 times, then reverse directions and do them again. After you have finished both sets, put both arms over your head and clasp your hands together. Take several deep breaths and lower arms.

toe touches - start with your back flat against the wall. Slowly bend at the waist and reach for your toes. You don't actually have to touch them. Just bend as far as possibly to stretch the back muscles.

superman - lie down on your stomach on the floor. Stretch your arms over your head like you are flying through the air like a super hero. Raise your arms and upper body off the floor as high as you can. Hold for 1 to 2 seconds and release. Do this ten times. This is a very hard exercise that will strengthen your back muscles. If you need to do less reps at first, it's fine. Work up to it.

kneeling dog - get down on the floor on your hands and knees like you are a dog or a baby crawling. Slowly kick out one leg at a time like you are kicking someone behind you, then lower. Repeat on the other side. Do each leg 10 to 15 times rotating legs.

butterflies - sit on the floor and pull your legs up until the bottoms of your feet are touching. Hold your ankles and bend forward. You are trying to get your nose as close to your feet as possible without straining. Do this slowly without jerking. Release for 3 seconds and repeat.

Other Ways to Lose the Pain

There are other natural ways to get rid of back pain without the use of doctors or chiropractors. Some people turn to herbal remedies while others look to meditation or acupuncture.

How to Rehabilitate Your Lower Back

Lower back exercises when done properly can significantly reduce low back pain by activating muscles of the low back and "core." 80% of people will experience some form of low back pain in their lifetime. Therefore, people should be doing some kind of exercise for the lower back to prevent injuries.

The most common form of lower back pain is "mechanical low back pain," which happens when a patient uses the wrong muscles to load the joints of the lower back. When a patient experiences mechanical low back pain it is very hard to pinpoint a direct cause for the pain. This type of pain usually occurs due to a direct injury to the area, repetitive overuse injury, or posture related injuries.

When the wrong muscle gets loaded by a joint it causes the muscle that was supposed to be loaded to get turned off by the brain. Then the brain really doesn't know that muscle exists for a certain action. For example, people who sit all day long usually have trouble using their gluteus maximus muscle when it comes to hip hinging and other activities that require this muscle to fire.

Therefore; the gluteus maximus muscle will get shut off by the brain and a different muscle will take the blunt of the work. These are usually the muscles of the lower back getting the workload. This can then cause pain. Proper hip hinge refers to using your hips as hinges to lower your body into a squat position, which is what we all do when we sit down. This action should be dominated by the gluteus maximus muscle and not by the muscles of the lower back.

Lower Back Rehabilitation Exercises:

Cat-Camel Exercise:

The Goal is spinal mobility. Good first exercise in a rehabilitation program. Maintain slow and controlled posture. This exercise has to be pain free. Perform 10-20 reps and 2-3 sets per day.

Abdominal Bracing:

Proper position is on all fours. Bracing the abdominals is exactly what you do when you are going to get punched in the stomach. Place hands around mid-section to check for proper activation. This is very good to train the abdominal muscles in the initial phase of the rehab program. Brace for 3-5 seconds and do 8-10 reps.

Glute Squeezes:

This exercise must be done first to maintain activation of the glutes before progressing to glute bridges. Feel the hamstrings and lower back to make sure the glutes are doing all the work. Simply perform by squeezing the glutes together.

Glute Max Bridges:

Brace the abdominals first. Then squeeze the glutes together and bridge up. This is a very good exercise for gluteus maximus activation and is key in lower back rehabilitation. Feel the hamstrings and lower back to make sure the glutes have the most tone. If the glutes don't have the most tone go back to glute squeezes until this occurs.

Side Bridges:

Start on knees and advance onto feet. Activation of the transverse abdominus (core muscle) contributes to low back stability. Abdominal brace first, then squeeze glutes together to raise up making sure knees, hips, and shoulders are in line. Hold the bridge for 3-5 seconds for beginners and do 10-15 reps. Advanced side bridge can be held for as long as possible for endurance.

Bird Dogs:

It's very important to brace the abdominals first. Stretch opposite arm and leg out and maintain a slow controlled motion to maintain activation of the core and glute muscles.

Body Weight Squats:

This exercise must be done when the patient knows proper hip hinge procedure. Hip hinging is bending at the hips using the glutes to guide the movement. We do not want excessive bending and moving in the lumbar spine.

Tri-Planar Lunges

There are 3 planes of motion sagittal (front to back), frontal ( side to side), and transverse (diagonal movement). Every muscle and joint must be able to move in these planes of motion. So to properly train the glutes movement must occur in 3 planes of motion.

Always consult your physician before starting any exercise or rehabilitation program. These lower back rehabilitation exercises are not suited for everyone. If you feel you should start a rehabilitation program please consult a health care professional.

Lower back rehabilitation is an integral part of beating lower back pain. Lower back exercises can be found here with picture demonstrations.

10 Tips for Alleviating Back Pain from a Physical Therapist!

Almost all of us at some time or other will experience back and/or neck pain throughout our lives. Most of us know that when we sit in one place for too long, bent forward, either so focused on a project in front of us or at a computer, we end up with an aching back and/or neck. Some of us know that we have spent years at the same job doing repetitive activities or movements that end up straining our muscles and joints. Of course there are the times when we do our share of weekend chores and wind-up pulling weeds, mowing the grass, raking leaves or shoveling snow and by the next day we can barely move out of bed. For some of us that old "injury" creeps back every once in a while until one day it becomes more and more noticeable and more intense. For whatever reason, we know that over time, life has found it's way to accumulate on our bodies. Compensations begin to develop and we become stiffer, less flexible and more out of balance.

How then do we stop this from happening? What can we do that will help reduce our symptoms and make an impact on our pain?

There are many ways to treat back & neck pain and of course there are many different causes for that pain. It is difficult to treat every individual with a "cookie-cutter" approach, however, there are simple things that can make significant changes in helping to reduce that pain.

The following are 10 tips for easing back & neck pain:

1. When sitting at a desk/computer: position yourself at eye-level to your computer screen & make sure you are not having to turn your head to one side.

2. When sitting at a desk/computer: try to position your hips higher than your knees: this will throw your shoulders back and reduce the strain on your neck.

3. Do NOT sit for more than 50 minutes at one time. Stand up and stretch backward with your hands on your hips & knees straight, inhale deeply, exhale and stretch a little further. Repeat 3 times.

4. To relieve upper back & neck tension: Clasp your hands behind your head, elbows apart, try to squeeze your shoulder blades together without shrugging, inhale, then exhale & stretch a little further (eyes & head gaze upward). Repeat 3-5 times.

5. To relieve lower back tension & pain: Stand at a counter ( bathroom height) resting one foot or calf. With your back STRAIGHT, lean your chest forward toward your foot, while reaching your hand toward your ankle. Inhale, exhale and stretch forward. Repeat 3 breath cycles 3 x each side.

6. When an injury or strain just occurs, using ice wrap or cold application within the first 48 hours works best. However, alternating between hot & cold every 20 minutes for up to 2 hours/day can be a good alternative.

7. Drink a lot of water. When recovering from an injury, our bodies require a lot of hydration to support healing. A good guideline is to drink in oz. the equivalent of 1/2 your body weight. For example, if someone weighs 150 lbs. they should drink 75 oz. water per day!

8. Take 1-2 tablespoons of Omega Fish Oils (EFA): rich in Omega 3,6 & 9 these essential fatty acids act like an "oil change for the brain." They have anti-inflammatory properties and help with promoting nervous system functions.

9. Stretch in the shower. Not only does the hot water help to improve localized heating to the muscles if you add a stretch while letting the water beat down, you will alleviate tension and pain. To help neck tension: try tilting your ear to one shoulder while taking that same-side hand on top of your head, gently let the weight of your head fall toward the side as you give yourself a little assist with your hand. To alleviate back tension: Place one hand on your hip as you lift one arm over head toward that side. Reach toward one side while you push your hips to the opposite side with your hand. This will help reduce tension to the muscles on the side of your back that often cause back pain.

10. Try to walk or exercise 20 min./day. Regular exercise whether it be walking, swimming, yoga, pilates or weight-training will improve your mobility, strength and tolerance to functional activities in your daily life that could prevent you from becoming injured.

How to Properly Diagnose Degenerative Disc Disease From Low Back Pain

Degenerative disc disease may cause debilitating low back pain. This can lead to lost time from work, the need for narcotic pain medication, along with a tough time playing with your kids. If you have significant low back pain from degenerative disc disease, how is it diagnosed by a doctor?

When you first go to see a pain management doctor about low back pain, there are a series of questions that will be posed to try and delineate whether or not the pain is coming from a degenerative disc. Often times patients will have significant pain while sitting, as studies have actually shown the greatest pressure on the disk space is in a sitting position. Pain from a degenerative disc often waxes and wanes, so if pain is present all the time and wakes a person up at night, then there may actually be something more serious that should be evaluated more intensely.

X-rays of the low back in a degenerative disc disease situation will show a loss of height of that disk space. Because the disc is 80% water in a normal situation, you can actually see the disc itself on an x-ray. What you see is a space where the disc is, and that the disc is degenerated and has lost height that's what shows up on an x-ray. So it is an inference that a patient has degenerative disc disease on x-ray from this loss of height.

MRI can show degeneration very nicely. The T-2 images on MRI will show a black area with a degenerative disc, as when the water leaves the disk space it will turn that area on the MRI black. This is why degenerative disc disease is sometimes referred to as black disc disease. Another thing that can be seen on MRI is a tear in the outer part of the disk. This may be referred to is a high-intensity zone and can indicate a reason for why the patient has such severe low back pain.

A CAT scan is usually not indicated in a patient with degenerative disc disease. It is great at showing bone quality, but doesn't help dramatically with the disc soft tissue. It often is done however, after a procedure called a discogram. If the patient has degenerative disc disease and surgery is being considered for it, then a discogram is a procedure that can tell whether or not the disc problem is causing the patient's pain. A discogram is not a procedure for pain relief, it is only done for diagnostic purposes.

It is a heavily debated procedure, and here is how it works. The patient is sedated for a procedure by a pain management doctor. With proper numbing, a needle is placed into the disk space and fluid is injected under pressure. The patient is then asked whether or not the pain from this fluid is similar to the pain they have on a daily basis.

If the answer is yes, then that is a positive level discogram. The physician can be reasonably assured that the disc is the culprit for the low back pain. In addition to doing the one level under concern, the pain doctor will also inject another level that is not of concern as a control level to make sure the patient says it does not cause the same type of pain experienced on a daily basis.

Once the discogram is completed, a CAT scan will often be obtained immediately afterwards as the dye was injected in the discogram can show whether the dye stays in the disk, or leaks outside the disk. If the disk has tears in it and is incompetent from the degeneration, the dye will leak outside the disk and the CAT scan will show that very nicely.

These are the studies right now that exists to define the existence of degenerative disc disease and the severity. Hopefully in the future something better will come along so the definitiveness of the diagnosis will be improved.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Back Pain Relief - How to Adjust Your Own Back

How to adjust your own back is a question that many people have. I know it was a big question of mine. And, I have known many people that wanted to know this as well. It is an especially big question for people with chronic back pain. You might want to know how to relieve mid back pain, or it can be of low back pain that is your concern. It doesn't matter, if it hurts you want relief. You want it adjusted right away, you don't want to wait another minute.

A chiropractor can adjust your back for you, but that costs money, and sometimes it hurts. Some chiropractors are better than others, but you won't know until you shell out your hard earned money to find out. It's really hard to pay for something that is supposed to give back pain relief, and it ends up causing pain. Sometimes more pain.

Here is one method that can help. It works really well for the middle and upper back pain. It can work lower down on the back, but probably won't work for the very lowest areas. Sometimes it can work for neck pain.

What you'll need are two tennis balls and some duct tape. You tape the two balls close together so that they won't roll away from each other when you lie down on them. Adjust the distance so that they will be just to either side of your spine.

All you need to do is lie down on your back with one ball on either side of your spine where it bothers you. Relax as you lie on the balls so that the muscles release allowing the adjustment to happen. It only takes a few seconds after you relax.

This works because the vertebra tends to rotate out of alignment. Lying on the balls allows the area to release so that the vertebra drops down into alignment. It doesn't matter which way the vertebra rotated out since the balls are on both sides.

One issue you need to be aware of though is that sometimes there are reasons the back is out of alignment. If you've ever gone to a chiropractor and had your back hurting again within a day or two, then you've experienced this.

Bulging Disc Treatment Options

Living with a bulging disc can be one of the most frustrating and excruciating experiences of your life. Unfortunately, millions of people live with this pain, and the medical community doesn't have a lot of answers. However, if you are willing to take matters into your own hands, you can find a bulging disc treatment that works for you and your body.

Treating the Symptoms

Modern medicine offers a variety of ways to treat the symptoms that commonly occur with a bulging and herniated disc and other back problems. Medication is available to make the pain more bearable. Unfortunately, this comes with its own set of side effects, including sleepiness, decreased reaction time, and even addiction. Your doctor will also recommend either physical therapy or surgery to deal with this problem. However, none of these treatments will be a true cure, because none of them address the problem causing the bulging or herniated disc in the first place. Without this cause-oriented bulging disc treatment, the problem will only keep coming back.

Finding the Problem

The cause of a bulging disc is actually a muscle imbalance. Spinal problems are not a normal part of aging, although they have become very common in recent years. Your back is supported by a muscle structure that keeps the skeleton and the organs in place. If there is an imbalance in these muscles, even a slight imbalance, problems in the back quickly start occurring... and reoccurring until the muscle imbalance is treated. Your bulging or herniated disc is just a symptom, and any effective bulging disc treatment must first address this imbalance. Luckily, there is a way to do this. First, you can determine exactly what muscles are out of balance. Then, you can follow a course of bulging disc treatment that will address this imbalance and end your back woes forever. Endless round of painful treatments, or one final treatment plan? It's your choice, and it should be an easy one.

Can Conventional Medicine Help?

You may already know the answer to this question. Most people exhaust every medical treatment on the market before turning to more effective, common-sense remedies. Whether you have tried everything or simply want to stop ineffective treatments in favor or a proven program, it's time for you to choose a bulging disc treatment that will help you over the long term, not just for a few short hours.

Treating the Real Problem

If treating the real problem instead of a few of the symptoms sounds like a great idea to you, there is an innovative new treatment program that will make this simple, providing the bulging disc treatment solution you're after. Called "Lose the Back Pain", this program lives up to its name by helping you end back pain once and for all. Using a simple, step-by-step treatment plan, you will learn how to identify the type of muscle imbalance you have and then how to best treat it with a simple series of exercises and bulging disc treatment. If you are ready to "Lose Your Back Pain" for good, this program offers a flexible and affordable way to do so.

Lower Back Exercises For Back Pain Relief

Lower back exercises are an important component of any lower back pain relief program, and it is essential that that they are carried out correctly if they are not to exacerbate the problem. However, whether these exercises are appropriate for you or not will depend upon the cause of your back pain, and if you are suffering from a herniated disc you will need more specialized treatment prior to undertaking any exercise program.

Many people wrongly believe that they should never exercise with back pain, because they feel that will just make the condition worse. In fact, if you allow your back muscles, particularly those of the lower back, to progressively weaken through a lack of exercise during chronic back pain, then your spine will not be sufficiently supported and your back will become increasing weaker and more prone to further injury.

Exercise, therefore, is necessary for a quick and proper recovery, although it is important that you realize that you must not try to lift anything if you are suffering from, or have recently suffered from, acute back pain of any form. If you have chronic back pain never lift with a bent back, but with a straight back and lift with your knees. Any weigh over 30 pounds will too heavy for you, at least until you have built up your core strength.

If you have recently suffered a back injury, you should rest for a few days until the acute pain has subsided and then begin with just a few simple stretching exercises. Leave the strengthening exercises until the pain has subsided or you are liable to make your condition worse.

Many people can get used to the pain, and falsely believe that have become fit enough for more vigorous exercise, and then do themselves more lasting injury. It is very important that the pain has subsided prior to undertaking any lifting exercises or significant stretching, although you can try some simple stretches such as those detailed further below. These will help to relieve the pain by relaxing your muscles, and also improving the flexibility of your joints.

Before attempting any lower back exercises it is important to warm up your muscles. This gets the blood flowing through them and enables the muscles cells to contract without doing further damage. A warm bath or shower will help achieve this. Gentle stretching improves the circulation through the muscle tissue and helps to loosen them up. This helps to improve your mobility and relieve the pain.

Walking is a good exercise to begin with and so is swimming - particularly in warm water. Physiotherapists normally provide hydrotherapy in water at around 40C, close to blood temperature, that helps to loosen up the joints and muscles.

The initial lower back exercises provide very gentle but effective stretching, and work on your back indirectly by the movement of other areas of your body. Lying down flat on your back and slowly bending and straightening one knee, allowing your heels to slide up and down the floor is a gentle exercise that will do you no harm. Do this 10 times with each leg, and you will impart a gentle stretching motion on your lower back muscles.

Then, still lying down, you can try tightening your abdominal muscles with your arms down straight. Make sure you breathe normally doing this to keep your blood oxygenated. This will put slight pressure on your spine and your lower back muscles, stretching them and helping them to recover.

These lower back exercises, and others similar to them, will help provide acute lower back pain relief and help you to recover to a stage when you carry out more demanding exercises. You will never be truly recovered from back pain, however, until you are able to improve your core muscle strength, and the flexibility of your joints and muscles. All of these will provide stronger support for the bones of your spine and muscles of the lower back.

A gentle massage followed later when feel stronger by deeper massaging and stretching offer lower back exercises that will loosen up the joints and muscles and help provide this core flexibility needed for more permanent back pain relief. You can save on the cost of frequent professional massages by using power massage pads that provide the form of deep massage needed to free up the deep joints and relieve deep-seated muscular pain.

Once you are able to, more extensive stretching exercises will be needed to offer more lasting back pain relief from chronic conditions, and inversion tables are ideal to provide stretching exercises precisely targeted to the areas that have to be exercised.

Lower back exercises can be used both to help you regain your strength after acute back pain and to provide chronic back pain relief, but they must be carried out correctly and targeted to the muscles and joints that have to be stretched, made more flexible and strengthened.

How to Get Lasting Lower Back Pain Relief

In this article we are going to look at how you can get long lasting lower back pain relief.

Lower back ache tends to build up over time and then something will set it off, like lifting a child or the groceries out of the car. You bend, lift or twist awkwardly and your back just goes and it is agony.

Lower back ache is usually caused by some form of muscular problem. As you will probably know there are many treatments that your doctor or physio recommend for relieving problems in the lower back. However they tend to only treat the symptoms and not treat the cause of the problem.

Treatments such as muscle relaxants, massage and heat therapy do relieve a bad back but they don't help in treating the root cause of the problem. Physio therapists have a better chance of helping you with back exercises and stretching but in a lot of cases the exercises they give you are generalized to strengthen all your back muscles and once again don't treat the root cause of your back problem.

To get completely cured from lower back pain you should be trying to find what caused the pain in the first place. Then you should be looking for something to treat the cause of the pain.

In a lot of cases the root cause of a lower bad back is muscle misalignment, this means that muscles that should be working together are not and are working against each other. Over time these misaligned muscles will work on our bones, tendons, muscles or cartilage and will cause them to become damaged or worn and eventually they will break down. A bit like a car that has a wheel misaligned, the tyres will wear out differently, the same sort of thing happens in your body.

To resolve this problem and correct the misaligned muscles you will have to work at stretching and strengthening the muscles that are causing the problems so that they will once again work together. Once these muscle problems are fixed you will have long lasting lower back pain relief.

Two Alternative Methods to Get Relief for Lower Back Pain

You shouldn't have to live in denial of your lower back pain. After all, you get frequent shooting and pulsating pains to remind you of it on a regular basis. The pain often keeps you from enjoying the things you want to enjoy. You may have no idea why you have the pain in your back, or you may simply dismiss it as a part of the aging process. No matter what is going on in your head, you need lower back pain relief in order to effectively manage the pain in your lower back.

Since pain in the lower back is so common, there have been a number of alternative methods to get lower back pain relief documented over the years. You may want to take advantage of some of these in order to get some relief for yourself. Consider a couple of the more popular alternative methods: Chinese acupuncture and massage therapy.

One of the least controversial of practices of Chinese medicine is acupuncture. While acupuncture was once very controversial, a variety of studies have documented that it is an effective way of relieving pain. While there may still be some controversy about how it works, as little is really understood about its pain relief mechanism, Chinese acupuncture is a widely accepted alternative to medications and surgeries for the treatment of chronic pain. It may also be used in some cases as a part of a treatment program for mild to moderate back pain, though you should seek such treatment only after a consultation with your physician.

Acupuncture can range from a simple back pain relief method involving well-placed needle pricks to an elaborate religious procedure involving these same well-placed needle pricks. The training of the acupuncturist appears to be the most important determinant of the success of using it to treat pain in the lower back.

While massage therapy is often classified as alternative medicine in the West, it has been widely used as a treatment for various chronic pain conditions in most parts of the world for thousands of years. Licensed massage therapists are very skilled at applying pain-specific massage therapy treatments. Massage therapy may not cure the cause of the pain, but it does more than simply relieve the symptoms. One of the most effective lower back pain relief steps many people have taken is to get a therapeutic massage from a well-trained, experienced massage therapist.

Corset Type Brace For Low Back Pain - Pain Relief Options

How is your lower back doing lately?

Are you wondering if a support could help you move past your lower back pain?

1.) Introduction to This Article

Back pain is the fifth most common ailment that leads to doctor visits. In the United States alone, fifty percent of workforce has experienced back discomfort in their life. In adults, ninety percent have had experienced back pain at least once in their lifetime. Back discomfort, although common, is not something that should be taken for granted of course. It causes the sufferer, emotional and physical pain and impairs him or her from doing many of the daily routines and hobbies. Back pain can derail a patient from going to work for weeks or months, and that will have a negative impact on his or her productivity.

2.) Treatments Available for Low Back Pain

There are so many reasons why you can be suffering from lower back pain. Unfortunate but true. The treatment options used to improve a sufferer's condition have been backed up by many doctors and this is helpful to rely on for many patients. If your lower back discomfort is recurring, doctors usually inquire and assess the severity of pain. Depending on the pain threshold, some doctors may just prescribe pain killers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (make sure to talk with your doctor about medications prior to their use). There are back strengthening exercises and stretching included in some prescribed therapy to aid the recovery of someone who is suffering from back pain.

3.) Non-surgical Treatment for Low Back Pain

In treating severe lower back pain; surgery is not always the best option. There are alternative treatments that a patient can choose to battle back issue. Non-surgical treatments such as wearing back braces are preferred by many people. Back braces can help reduce the pain of the sufferer, and facilitate good posture to avoid the recurrence of the pain. Also, back braces restrict certain movements that are detrimental to a sufferer's back. In this way, further damage to the back can be avoided.

Back braces for the low back pain are created as a support to the lumbar spine to inhibit some movement. This will relieve pressure off the lower back, which in turn, reduces or takes away pain.

4.) Types of Back Braces

A Corset Back Brace is a type of back brace that comes as an elastic or canvas type of material that wraps around your lumbar spine and abdomen. They are often times referred to as lumbosacral braces. It offers a certain level of movement restriction, and it is effective in providing stability to the back. A corset brace is effective in limiting motion of the spine after lumbar fusion or other lumbar issue. It also helps the patient to avoid bending forward, which could otherwise elevate the pain.

A corset type of back brace is recommended for people whose daily activities or work requires them to do heavy lifting. If you are suffering from lower back pain, it is good to use a corset to give you a reminder for proper posture when you lift heavy things. Back braces are also recommended for those who need additional support due to the back strain caused by most of the activities during the day.

* This is health information. We have seen lower back braces help people a lot but it is important to note that you should talk to your doctor about medical advice for your particular situation. Corsets are usually very helpful for muscle strains, herniated discs and other degenerative issues, but not for kidney problems that cause low back pain, for example.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Cause of Lower Back and Groin Pain: The Iliolumbar Ligament

The iliolumbar ligament connects the fifth lumbar vertebra to the crest of the ilium, or hip bone, in the lower back. It is one of the thick, strong ligaments that supports the sacroiliac (SI) joint, which forms where the ilia meet the sacrum at the base of the spine on each side.

The ligaments around the SI joint facilitate pelvic stability and, since the pelvis is attached to the base of the spine, spinal stability. The lumbar spine is a highly mobile segment that bends forward, backward and sideways as well as rotating. The ligaments that attach to lumbar vertebrae are susceptible to injury if this spinal segment is overexerted.


The iliolumbar joint can be injured in a number of ways, including lifting a heavy object, impact from a fall or repetitive rotation of the lower back. Iliolumbar syndrome occurs when the ligament is chronically torn or strained. This is usually the result of a repetitive use injury, such as sustained by golfers, tennis players, or others who constantly twist at the lower back.

Ligaments have a difficult time healing; they naturally receive poor blood supply, meaning they do not get fresh oxygen and nutrients to facilitate healing. When a ligament is injured, inflammation in the region can cause pain in the area and in other parts of the body. The SI joint is affected when any of its supporting ligaments is injured; the joint loses support and becomes unstable. Inflammation in the area can cause the joint to seize up and interfere with nerves that pass through the area to other parts of the body.


Stabbing lower back pain, usually on one side

Hip pain

Groin pain

Pain on inner or outer thigh

Pain when bending to either side

Pain when twisting the spine

Misalignment of the L4 and/or L5 vertebrae, if ligament has been weak for prolonged period of time


Treating an injured ligament is difficult; while any motion can irritate it, prolonged periods of rest and immobility carry their own risks. Treatment of the ligament depends on the severity of the damage.

If you have only a minor strain of the iliolumbar ligament, ice and a brief period of rest followed by gentle stretching and eventually strengthening exercises should suffice to recover.

More severe strains may benefit from friction therapy, a form of massage designed to stimulate the ligament just enough to break down scar tissue without aggravating the injury. Exercise therapy follows to build strength and flexibility in the hips, buttocks and lower back.

Iliolumbar ligament syndrome that doesn't respond to these forms of therapy may benefit from prolotherapy, a relatively new form of treatment for ligament injuries. It involves the injection of irritants into the ligament area to spark the body's inflammatory response, which is part of the healing process. Since ligaments receive poor blood flow, the body's initial inflammatory response may have been too weak to facilitate healing. Ligaments are expected to heal after 3-10 sessions of prolotherapy.

Injury to the iliolumbar ligament is fairly distinct in that it causes SI joint and lower back pain along with groin pain. If you have these symptoms, help your doctor arrive at an effective treatment plan for your pain.