Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Advantages Of Cobroxin Pain Relief

Arthritis and lower back pain are some of the complications that harm every individual at some point or the other in their lives. Unfortunately, there is very little that we can do in order to prevent these health issues. This is mainly sue to the fact that life in this day and age has become super fast and hence a lot more demanding than what it was few decades back. Every individual seems to be in a race to earn more money at a fast rate. It is very obvious that all the stress and efforts is due to have certain ill effects on the body.


This is one of the most painful health complications which are associated with joints. Joints are badly damaged which leads to arthritis. There are many different types of arthritis. Most of the experts believe that arthritis is a result of the daily wear and tear a human body goes through. Hence, it is next to impossible to avoid this complication. An individual suffering from this complication experiences severe pain in the joints. Cobroxin has been extremely successful in offering relief to suffering individuals. It has been observed that this product has indeed shown many positive results which other products and remedies failed to do previously.

Lower Back Pain

A study shows that as many as 80% of the world's total population suffers from lower back pain at some point or the other in their lives. An individual might suffer acute pain or might also go through extreme pain which would not even allow him/her to move comfortably. Over the years there have been many products which have claimed to curb down the lower back pain and offer relief to the patient. However, most of these products have not been able to stay honest to their claim. However, cobroxin is one of the very few products which have indeed served the patient in a much better manner than what it has claimed. Most of the people around the world who have used cobroxin state that they experienced instant relief from this unbearable pain.

No side effects

One of the highlights of cobroxin is the fact that it does not have any kind of side effects on the body of the user. Many people have a misunderstanding that the product contains supplements and other artificial elements which leads to the instant decrease in pain. However, this is far from reality. The product is extremely safe to use.

Long Lasting Effect

There are other products in the market that would give you relief from the pain. However, this is just a temporary relief. The pain would hit you back once the effect of the product dies down. In case of cobroxin, the effect lasts for a really long time and hence you get permanent relief from pain.

All these benefits and advantages of this wonder product definitely makes it the first choice for many people.

Lower Back Pain Relief And Understanding The Environment Surrounding It

Individuality is something which modern society prides itself on, yet it may be surprising the number of elements people have in common on a daily basis. Most individuals stick to a three meal a day habit because that is how we were raised to perceive dietary requirements. Several follow the routine of the nine to five work atmospheres because seeking alternatives would go against the norm. Also, several people blindly accept that there is no real solution, because that's the way it has always been. With all the advancements that have taken place in medical science, there is no reason that medical professionals have not figured out a solution when it comes to back relief pain help.

The reality, however is that there is a very good reason these experts have not sought a permanent solution to the ailment which is back pain. In no other medical industry do experts find such a profitable opportunity to continue the use of temporary solutions and people blindly accept that this is their only solution to lower back pain relief.

Millions of dollars are spent every year by customers on temporary pharmaceutical solutions and pain killers to alleviate back pain. In medical professions like chiropractics, the professionals depend on the regularity of repeat business in order to continue to profit off of one of the most common ailments in the world. If a real solution for back relief pain help was to be found, chiropractics would lose a tremendous amount of their business and the pharmaceutical industries would lose millions.

You'll notice a theme in relation to lower back pain relief, if you assess the present solutions provided for back pain. When you get a chiropractic adjustment you feel fantastic afterward because the professional has readjusted your back into its proper alignment. Overtime though you start to feel the pain coming on again until you should seek the same type of adjustment to accomplish back relief pain help. Rather than accepting blindly that back pain is an element of life, the question that must be derived is what caused your back to revert back to that state of pain. The answer to this is found through the poor habits individuals have in relation to their every day routine.

Back pain has become a bad habit as individuals continue to practice these poor habits and pass them onto the next generation. Whether these habits are a result of the way you sit in your sedentary lifestyle or the way you walk from location to location, they put constant strain on your back which results in the pain which so many experience.

Sciatica - The Best Position to Relieve Extreme Pain

Sciatica can be a very painful and debilitating condition which is a result of irritation upon the sciatic nerve. This irritation has several potential causes and the best position to relieve it will depend a great deal upon what is causing the pain in the first place.

First and foremost I would suggest that if your pain is that extreme and constant, you need to speak to a health professional. It is likely you will benefit from a short course of anti-inflammatories in order to help settle the pain.

However, getting back to what would be the best position, as I mentioned above, this is likely to depend upon what is causing your sciatica in the first place.

If it is a disc bulge/herniation/slipped disc etc. then lying on your stomach is likely to be the most comfortable position. If your pain is still very sensitive, I would suggest placing 1 or 2 pillows under your stomach to begin with. It would probably be best if you adopted this position for a few minutes every hour or so (if this is practical) or let's just say 'little & often' throughout the day.

If it is the facet joints of your lower back which are irritating the sciatic nerve however, then I would adopt a completely different approach. This time you will be wanting to 'flex' your back. An easy way to do this is to lay yourself on your back, with your knees slightly bent, maybe placing a pillow or two under your knees.

Sometimes, the pain can be too sensitive for either of the above positions. If this is the case, I have found side lying is usually best. However, make sure that while in this position, your bottom leg is straight and your top leg supported by one or two pillows (so that your top leg is roughly parallel with the bed/floor you are lying on). By adopting this position, you will be encouraging your back to maintain a neutral position and also be stopping your pelvis from dropping forwards and down, which can place increased stress across the sciatic nerve.

In summary, your diagnosis is key, therefore it is important to be able to find out why it is you are suffering with sciatica in the first place. Having said that, it is always important you listen to your body, therefore try out the above positions and which ever you find the most comforting, that's the one to stick with for a while.

Before I finish, it is important I stress that activity is vitally important as well. As your pain begins to settle, it is imperative you start to become more active. By this I mean generally active as in getting up and about, as well as providing yourself with a specific exercise programme in order to address the cause of your sciatica.

Ovarian Cysts and Back Pain - Can Ovarian Cysts Cause Backaches?

Ovarian cysts and back pain can go hand in hand for women who are suffering from this condition.  The pain is not specific to backaches, it can be experienced in other areas of the body (pelvis, abdomen, whilst urinating or during bowel movements) and the severity is specific to each woman and the type and size of the cysts she has.

This article will focus on ovarian cysts and back pain ...

The problems usually start when a cyst begins to grow in size.  A common complaint is when it puts pressure on the bladder causing you to visit the toilet more often.  The cyst can also press against other organs which is usually the culprit for causing lower back pain.

So the answer to "can an ovarian cyst cause backaches" is a resounding YES!

I've experienced mild back pain which grew in intensity and I could hardly get through the normal activities I'd normally do in an average day.  That really depressed me and I felt hopeless.

I think I was also stressing myself out about the thought of surgery if the cysts did not shrink on their own.  Willing them to go away doesn't work unfortunately!

While my cysts were in observation mode I took the time to do some research to see if I could do anything to give the cysts a helping hand to stop using my ovaries as a home.

I came across a guide about natural remedies and knew it was my last attempt to avoid surgery.  Ovarian cysts and back pain are enough to make you try anything and I'm glad I did.  I'll be forever thankful to the author of the guide and I've provided a review of it for you below.  She's been through it and knows what it's like to live with this condition.

Find Quick and Effective Relief For Lower Right Back and Side Pain!

As you know lower back pain is a very typical condition, that affects people from all ages. In fact 80% of people suffer from different types of back pain at some point and for most people this not severe. But some people develop a chronic and severe lower back pain, that is very difficult to treat. Most treatments and remedies fail to give any permanent relief for people, but there are treatments and cures that work incredible well.

How to get rid of lower right back and side pain

If you have lower right back and side pain, then something has to cause this and taking medication does nothing to eliminate the cause of the pain. In order to successfully eliminate your lower right back and side pain, the cause or causes of the pain must be treated. If the exercises, stretches or massage don`t treat the cause, then they are not effective.

The Healthy Back Institute for example has spent more than 10 years on studying sciatica and back pain. Over the years they have helped tens of thousands of people and their treatments are highly effective. Why? Because their treatments and remedies focus on the causes of the pain. So what causes the pain in the first place?

The problems you are having right now, have not happened overnight. It is true that the pain can appear suddenly, but the problems could have been developing for months or even years, without you ever knowing it. Muscle imbalancement is the main cause of lower back pain. It means that one muscle group is tighter and the other muscle group might be weaker. This difference over time pulls the body out of it`s normal position. You might not feel the difference, because your body keeps going until it breaks down. The pain is a symptom of a much deeper problem.

The thing that can make it extremely difficult to treat your lower right back and side pain, is that although you might feel the pain in your back and side, the the cause of the pain might actually be in your thighs. When muscle groups in your thigh are out of balance, then it can pull your pelvis and joints out of positions. Your lower back pain can be treated, but only if it is done by experts, who know what they are doing.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Learn How To Treat Lower-Back Pain In Early Pregnancy

Congratulations! You are now on your way to have one of the greatest blessings the world may well over, giving birth to your child. One of the challenges you may face is lower-back pain in early pregnancy. The bump in your tummy may cause you to have a very bumpy ride.

Statistics show that about 50 % of pregnant women experience pain in lower parts of their back during their first trimester. Some experience it all throughout their pregnancy while some don't experience it at all. To learn how to treat this pain in early pregnancy, you must first know what causes it.

One of the major causes for back pain in early pregnancy is the growing of your uterus. You may not notice it, but the center of your body gravity changes. It shifts forward because you become heavier in front. Another reason for these pains is the hormonal changes that are happening within your body. Some hormones, such as Relaxin, cause your pelvic bones to soften and prepare you for the natural labor. In return these changes make your backache.

Of course, now that you are pregnant, you are no longer allowed to ingest pain relievers as it can potentially harm the normal development of the fetus. Here are few suggestions on how to treat lower-back pain in early pregnancy in a natural way.

1. You can combat the gravity issue by practicing your posture. The pain will worsen as your baby becomes bigger. You may start practicing good posture now to reduce further pain from lower parts of your back in the coming stages of your pregnancy.

2. Modify your wardrobe. Keep your pumps and skinny jeans away for now. Choose anything comfortable to wear especially for your feet. Don't worry you won't be jeopardizing your style because there are a lot of maternity clothes that are still fashionable and at the same time convenient.

3. When you need to lift something, make sure that you bend your knees instead of bending your upper body towards the floor. Most of all don't lift heavy things as this could lead to a miscarriage. You should learn when to ask for help. Even if you are excited to be a mom and care for everyone, this is the time that you should be well taken care off.

4. Don't sleep faced up. Sleeping on your side as well as bending your knees together will help relief the pain. There are special pillows made for pregnant women whom they can place in between their knees while sleeping in this position.

5. Be active. Being pregnant should not stop you from working out. Take long walks even when you are at work, just don't run. Stretch your body from time to time. Make sure though, that you do exercises that are allowed for the pregnant women. There are many DVDs you can watch or classes you can attend, to help you out.

There are many treatments for lower-back pain in early pregnancy. However, you must know a way to draw the line between treating yourself and seeking for help from a professional. Consult a doctor when needed.

Yoga Stretches For Lower Back Flexibility & Pain Relief

Natural way for us to get relief from back pain

Lower Back pains are mainly caused by bad posture and bad sitting at work places. Overweight and heavy strains on back bone are one of the main reasons for lower back pain. Stretching the lower back, which might seem somewhat unusual to some people, normally cures back pain. But doctors also advise the patient of lower back pain to do stretches for the lower back to get rid of their injury or pain.

Warm-up of our body is one of the important factors for us to remember as we start the stretches for lower back pain. Generally exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles of our abdomen and spine will help us to prevent back injuries. If we have strong abdominal and back muscles it will help us in maintaining a good body posture.

Warming up of muscles of our body with small aerobic acts like brisk walking before any stretching exercise will help us in a great way for the back posture. We should always be in loose clothes while doing any stretching exercises for the lower back as it makes us feel comfortable. We should always stop doing the exercise that causes pain to our back until we are allowed by the doctors or health care provider to do them. We should also always take the assistance of the physical therapist or any health care provider to help us out in making an exercise schedule or program.

It has been advised by health care provider or physical therapist to avoid the following exercises to avoid as they strain the lower back of us:

  • Lying on the ground along our paunch with both legs extended and lifting them together.

  • Doing pull-ups with straight legs

  • Doing hip twists

  • Trying to do hurdle runners stretch

  • Any stretching that demands a fast and bouncy movements

In addition of all the above advice it is also said that we should first and foremost keep our back in a well condition. This all helps us in the back pain stretches to cure the back pain and also helps in avoiding any of the possibilities of future lower back pain. It is always helpful for us to check out our lower back position before we start any rigorous exercises or exercise schedule by the health care provider. Remember to start such exercises slowly and we should not bounce on them at once.

The activities that would prove fruitful in lower back pain stretches are listed below:

  • Walking

  • Bicycling

  • Swimming

  • Strength training on machines

  • Aerobic exercise on machines

The lower back pain exercises are hard nut to crack; hence it should be done with perfect stretching techniques and with assistance of the physical trainer.

Lower Back Pain Relief at Home - 3 Simple Treatments

Typically, the three most effective treatments for at home lower back pain include exercises, stretches and modalities. When properly implemented, a system of all three components can significantly decrease lower back pain as well as increase overall flexibility and strength. In this article, we are going to introduce you to all three treatments.

First, we would like to introduce modalities. Modalities include any method of therapeutic treatment. Items considered modalities include applying heat and cold, over the counter medication, massage devices, and others. They are therapeutic devices that assist with immediate relief and potentially increase the healing process.

Two of the simplest and most common forms of modalities available at home are heat and cold. A combination of both heat and cold should be used to gain the most effective relief from symptoms. Appropriately applying heat and cold to the area(s) in question will significantly decrease the pain and increase flexibility as well as the healing process.

When properly applied, heat will improve blood flow to the area in question. By increasing the blood flow, heat allows the affected muscle(s) to relax and become more flexible, in turn decreasing the tightness in the area in question. Cold on the other hand will constrict or tighten the muscle(s) reducing the blood flow to that area. By periodically removing the cold, new blood circulates to the muscle(s) in question creating a better environment for that area of trauma to heal. In addition, cold will help reduce swelling as well as reduce the pain in the affected area(s).

The following are two simple methods for at home lower back pain relief with regards to heat and cold application.
1. For Heat - Place uncooked rice in a sock and put it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds or until the desired heat is acquired.
2. For cold, try using a bag of frozen peas or make a homemade ice pack by placing ice in a plastic bag.

These two simple at home modality applications will certainly assist with reducing your pain, increasing flexibility and as well as assisting the healing process.

On a side note, please use caution when entertaining various other modalities such as laser treatments, electric shock and other modalities. They can be detrimental to both your health as well as to your pocket. Keep in mind that to relieve symptoms, you really don't have to spend money. You have everything you need at home.

The second effective treatment for at home relief is strengthening exercise. Strengthening exercise is vital to recovery. It is very important to know exactly what strengthening exercises to do as there are specific exercises for specific symptoms. Our goal is to coach you along the way so you have the appropriate mechanics to stop the pain at its core.

For example, as an analogy, anybody can throw a baseball, but if you don't have someone there to coach you, to have the right mechanics to know what step to foot forward with, to where to put your arm, to how to throw the ball, you really won't be that accurate with throwing a baseball.

The same thing holds true for recovering from lower back pain. If you don't know what strengthening exercise to do and what muscle groups to target, you may never relieve the pain because you will just aimlessly doing a bunch of exercises. In addition, performing the wrong strengthening exercises can actually exacerbate the symptoms causing you additional undue stress and pain.

It is important for you to understand that alleviating lower back pain is much more than just doing exercises, putting on ice, and getting back to life. It is essential that you become aware of the appropriate muscle group(s) that causes your pain and how you can use the appropriate strengthening exercises to regain your health.

Last but not least we would like to introduce our final treatment of this article - stretching. You may have heard that certain stretches work best for relieving lower back pain. While many of the demonstrated stretches can be effective in pain, many times your back pain will not subside because you don't know exactly what muscle group is the cause of your pain. That's why it is crucially important for you to first know what muscle group(s) are contributing to your back pain and what specific stretches you can do to alleviate your pain.

Rather than giving you arbitrary strengthening exercises and stretches, we have created quick and detailed questionnaire that was designed as a 1-on-1 consultation with our back pain specialists to diagnose the underlying causes of your back pain. It takes out the guesswork from lower back pain relief and only takes our average client 5 minutes to complete. In addition, once you complete the questionnaire, you will receive a Free Personalized Back Pain Relief Guide that provides you with the essential information to finally feel relief from your lower back pain.

Lower Back Pain Relief - 3 Simple Effective Moves to Relieve Your Lower Back Pain

Okay, so it's morning time and the sound of the alarm is blaring in your ears. And as if that's not bad enough, you go to reach for the wretched clock that shook you from your dreams and found that old familiar ache and pain in your lower back. Another morning and it's the same old thing. Back pain is there to greet you with a grimace again. You've found yourself once more desperate for some low back pain relief. Does this scenario sound familiar? Are you ready to change the routine? Are you ready from some relief of the pain in your lower back pain? While it's true that some causes of low back pain are due to things that require medical treatment, there is a vast majority of sufferers that simply need to make some minor changes in their daily habits that will help them to get the relief they are looking for. Implementing these changes in your routine can give you that same relief as well.

1. Focus on posture: you may not realize it but your posture plays a huge roll in how your back feels. You probably already know that any awkward twisting or turning can cause a kink in your spine and you've probably grimaced a time or two as a result.

Did you know that your posture even plays a role when you're sleeping? Alignment of your back and hips are involved in the posture game as well. One way to do that when you're sleeping is when you lay on your side. Do so making sure your hips are stacked one on top of another. In addition, place a pillow between your knees to keep your hips in alignment.

2. Stretching: stretching out your back muscles is important in order to keep the flexibility in your back. Lack of flexibility causes shortened tight muscles that can pull on vertebra. Muscle opposite of the shortened tight muscle group end up becoming stretched out and weak. The result is a weakened muscle that can not support the vertebra in your back.

One simple stretch that can be done is to lie on your left side on the ground. Stretch out your right leg in front of you until it's fully extended and grab your toe with your left hand. Stretch your left leg behind you and bend at the knee grabbing your left toe with your right hand. Use each hand and pull on each foot you're holding onto while still laying on your side. Hold stretch for 20 seconds and then release. Repeat the stretch 3 times on each side.

3. Exercise to strengthen the back: One of the best things you can do for your body overall is to exercise and strengthen muscle groups. This holds true for your core and back muscles as well. Your core muscles are your back, abdominals and sides, otherwise known as the obliques. Strong muscles, as indicated above, help to support the spine. In addition, they protect the back from injury during activity such as lifting heavy items. While it's important to use proper lifting techniques, strong core muscles give additional support during that kind of movement.

One excellent exercise for strengthening the back is the Romanian (straight leg) deadlift. Make sure you keep your back straight when lifting and lowering the weight.

Beat Lower Back Pain Now!

Lower back pain is one of the leading causes for seeking a physician's care. It plagues more than 31 million people each year in the United States. Are you one of these people struggling day to day, trying to get through work, trying to get through the day? If so, keep reading!

What do we see when we look at the anatomy of the lower back? The lower part of the back contains 5 vertebrae (lumbars 1-5), the pelvis, and sacrum. Also an intricate set of muscles, ligaments, and fascia that stabilize the joints of the low back and allow for our upright posture. The muscles of the low back are considered part of the "core" muscles; therefore, core stability plays a role in lower back pain.

If you are in pain, I'm going to give you a few simple solutions to your problem:

First of all, don't feel as though you have to get surgery to cure low back pain. Conditions such as osteoarthritis, disc herniations, etc cause some physicians to jump to surgery. Most of the time pain relief from these conditions can come from alternative therapies. There are medical emergencies with these conditions though; if you lose bowl or bladder function or are experiencing severe weakness in the legs please contact your medical doctor or nearest emergency facility.

Here is a 4 step process to back pain relief:

Spinal manipulation by a Chiropractor:

Spinal manipulation by a chiropractor to the lower back has been shown to be a very effective treatment. When a chiropractor motion palpates the lower back to find an area of "fixation" or "joint locking" this is the area the adjustment goes. Manipulation acts on the cellular level by decreasing pain fibers called nociceptors. Spinal manipulation by a skilled chiropractor can unlock stiff or restricted joints; thus, blocking pain fibers.

Lower Back Rehabilitation:
This is a very important part of staying pain-free. With lower back rehab we turn on the muscles that have most likely been shut off by the brain. For example, if you have job that makes you sit all day long, unless you're out there running marathons, your glute muscles are shut off. Without proper glute function the muscles of the lower back have to go into overdrive and make up for it. This can be a significant pain generator. With rehabilitation you can wake the glutes back up, then you're on way to being pain free again. Some simple rehab exercise examples for the glute muscles are: glute bridges, bird dogs, and more advanced are tri-planar lunges.

Beating inflammation should simply start with changing dietary habits. There are many foods out there that inflame your body and promote disease and pain. I go into what to eat for the anti-inflammatory diet more on my website. An acute response to any kind of tissue injury is inflammation so cryotherapy (ice) can be used on the lower back. For cryotherapy no more than 20 minutes on at a time. So an ice schedule should look like 20 minutes on 30 minutes off and do 3-4 sets or more of this a day.

Solid Advice:
Solid advice should come from a qualified health care professional. Anyone who prescribes bed rest for your low back pain is way outdated. You should turn and run from those doctors. Recent studies have shown that bed rest is the worst thing for you. Walking and moving normally is much, much better than laying in bed worrying about your pain. Fear avoidance is what we don't want in all cases.

Discogenic Low Back Pain - Symptoms, Treatment & Pain Relief Options

How is your lower back doing lately?

Do you suffer from discogenic low back pain, or want to know more about it?

1.) Introduction

Lower back pain is not as uncommon as one may think. Ninety percent of the adult population has experienced back pain in their life. Every year, fifty percent of the work force in the United States complains about back discomfort on some level. Lumbar discomfort can result from spinal stenosis, disc herniation or lumbar sprain, for example. It can also be caused by a degenerative condition such as discogenic low back problems. Discogenic refers to having one or more intervertebral discs as the source of the pain.

2.) Discogenic Low Back Pain Symptoms

Discogenic low back pain can simply be pointed to aging. During our body's aging process, several changes will occur. For example, our skin will continue to lose its elasticity, or our hair will turn gray. Aging also affects our spine, especially the intervertebral discs. During the first stage of intervertebral disc degeneration, one may not feel symptoms, and severe pain is usually absent. However, as the degenerative process continues, that is the time one will experience low back discomfort.

There are activities and involuntary movements that trigger the pressure on intervertebral disc such as bending forward, sitting, sneezing and coughing. These activities can elevate the pain on people suffering from discogenic low back pain. Radiculopathy, which can include leg pain that resulted by applying pressure on the nerves of one's lower back, is also associated with discogenic low back pain.

In diagnosing if one has a discogenic ailments, a physician may do a discography, which is a procedure wherein discs that are thought to be the cause are injected with a contrast dye to be seen under fluoroscopy. This procedure will allow the physician to assess the discs by knowing their shape and size. Similarly, the injection of contrast dye may reveal the pain pattern of the sufferer that will help pinpoint which disc is the source of the pain.

3.) Non-Surgical Treatment for Discogenic Low Back Pain

It is important to emphasize that surgery is not the only option in treating discogenic low back pain. Non-surgical treatments that are heralded by many doctors as effective are available.

One of non-surgical treatments available is physical therapy. This includes transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TENS), ultrasound and forms of massage are used in combination to relieve pain. Strengthening exercises for the lower back and abdominal muscles and stretching are applied in physical therapy.

4.) Back Support & Its Benefits

Back braces have been found to be effective tools in relieving pain and aiding the recovery of a low back pain sufferer. Back braces help alleviate the pain in the back area significantly and this should not be over looked. Many patients who have used back braces have seen a huge improvement in their situation. These supports can also foster proper posture to help speed up the recovery. Lumbar back supports are known to restrict certain movements that will further cause pain in your back. What is great about back braces is that they are created to give support directed to the lumbarsacral spine to help relieve the pressure off the lower back. Many physicians will also recommend them to the patient that have discogenic back pain. If you are interested in this alternative treatment and support, it is important to choose a back brace that is light and hardly noticeable when worn under a t-shirt then this conservative treatment option can really help you.

*This is health information. We obviously believe in the use of a well designed back supports, and our experience is positive with them. However, it is best to talk to your doctor about medical advice pertaining to your particular situation.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

No More DDD Back Pain! Here's a Proven Way to Say Goodbye to Your Degenerative Disc Disease Worries!

Degenerative Disc Disease, or DDD, is highly correlated with age factor. As we mature and grow older the tough and rubbery discs between our vertebrae dry up and lose their cushioning height. To illustrate, I would compare a spinal disc to Homer Simpsons favorite sofa cushion (the sofa cushion in front of the TV). As years passed by, Homers weight would shatter the sofa ultimately and wear out the fabric. While the outcome for Homer was perpetual butt-relief, the result of Degenerative Disc Disease for the typical 3-D person sadly, is anything but comfort.

Luckily Degenerative Disc Disease sounds a lot worse than it actually is. It is the degenerative that really affects my well being. Well, disease is not an encouraging word either. But the truth is, everyone gets DDD as they age, and usually it is not painful. It is an inherent stage of getting older. However, it is when the spinal disc shrinks to the point of vertebrae hitting bone on bone, that nerves are affected and back pain begins. For the two commonly known DDD back pain, these are classified as Cervical (neck) and Lumbar (lower back).

Both types of degeneration yield further back problems such as herniated discs, arthritis or sciatica (pain in the legs) or spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal chord). It is amazing how a small problem in the spine can cause joint and bone inflammation in the fingers and toes. Has anyone ever compared the peripheral nervous system to the Internet? Like the Internet, the nervous system is all over: It conveys body-wide messages, but watch out, it can also instigate body-wide aches.

Spinal Decompression To The Rescue!

Spinal Decompression helps treat all types of DDD because the lifting of the vertebrae allows for the spinal disc to repair itself. Then pressure is taken off the nerves. Especially in cases of spinal stenosis or sciatica, where surgery is invasive and therefore risky, Spinal Decompression is a conservative, yet affective method of treatment.

With the option of Spinal Decompression, I feel at ease. But my pressing concern given all the information available, is there a doable way which can ensure a healthy condition for my spinal discs?

Unfortunately, this time eating right and exercising regularly just wont cut it. The root of DDD back pain comes from a loss of collagen (protein) and water in the spinal discs. The shortfall of fluid occurs when the number of Proteoglycan Molecules in the discs decreases. So, when Drs. Mark Ewin and Robert Inman from the University of Toronto, Toronto Western Hospital discovered in 2006 that the Notochord Cell (which releases CTGF, which is a connective tissue) regulates production of Proteoglycan, they were upbeat that their research results would serve as a groundwork for future regeneration of disc cartilage for patients suffering from DDD back pain. One impediment: the only Notochord cells found in humans are in their embryos, and for now this study is steering clear of stem cells!

But thank goodness there is at least progressive research going on that might one day help preserve the spines discs. Good thing for Spinal Decompression in the meantime though! I feel somewhat relieved that no one is alone for having a fear of back pain. So: research studies are underway, the spinal decompression machine is pulling: Some efforts are underway geared towards addressing our back problems.

Why Wear Braces For Back Pain Relief: 6 Reasons

Of late, back pain has become a common problem among people of all ages due to erratic lifestyles and work conditions. Cervical and lumbar spondilytis is now commonly seen in all age groups and can have some very negative results in the long run. In fact degenerative spinal conditions like osteoporosis and scoliosis, seen mostly in post-menopausal women, are one of the prime causes of worry nowadays.

That's why many orthopedic surgeons advise patients to wear braces to get relief from lumbar muscle strain or herniated discs. The other reasons for using braces are as follows:

Braces give supportive resistance to your sacral and lumbar spine, ensuring that it is kept straight and reduces inter-vertebral pressure. Increased pressure between the vertebrae usually results in spondylosis and can be quite painful.

Unnecessary movements that you make can cause lower back pain. Braces restrict that. Moreover, muscle strain or disc injury is bio mechanically off loaded by increased intercavitary pressure when you use braces.

The corsets available in the market are stretchable and come with internal panels which support your entire lower back. The rigid types of braces that totally immobilize the lower back are most effective in tackling accident-induced injuries.

If you have undergone major surgery of the lower spine, using a brace in the post-surgical period will only help lessen the pain. The Bauerfeind brace is widely used in such cases because it is flexible and allows you to lift objects by bending correctly. This involves your legs and not your back. You can also avoid muscle strain and your healing will be much faster also. This would also prevent further internal injury.

As a sedentary worker, you are used to using a table-and-chair concept of working all the time. This usually leads to slouching, which over prolonged periods can lead to scoliosis or permanent spine curvature. A brace will keep the spine straight to prevent lower back pain, usually associated with people working regularly in offices.

In case you have a herniated disc, you will need to use a brace most certainly. This will compress and reinforce the back and also help you maintain a correct posture. Various types of braces are available depending on the degree of the hernia and these include: Ossur FormFit Advanced Back Brace, Mueller's Brace or Ten-inch Pro Care Criss-Cross Support. The Muller's brace is effective in giving relief to pain and is designed for the same.
The others are more widely used to arrest degenerative spinal conditions like scoliosis.

Braces, by and large, are being now used by more and more patients who suffer from back problems and cannot sit for long periods without ample back support. Relief from back pain usually comes medication surgery, physiotherapy, exercises, yoga or through back braces. These have only functioned as auxiliaries to other ways of treatment and prove to be reasonably effective for all age groups. However, it is always prudent to remember that size and correct fit are most essential when selecting braces.

How to Cure Lower Back Pain - Right Side Or Left

Lower back pain that begins in the lower back on either side, (right or left) and extends downward through the buttock and down the leg, (normally the back of the leg or thigh) is refereed to as sciatica. Sciatica is caused when the sciatic nerve gets compressed. This compression can be caused by a number of things.

Some of the more common things that place pressure on the sciatic nerve are:

1. Sitting on a hard object such as a wallet in your back pocket.

2. Discs and vertebrae out of alignment in the lower back causing the sciatic nerve to become pinched.

3. Herniated discs, this is when the inner core of a disc protrudes out of the outer core of the disc the lump then, causes pressure on the sciatic nerve.

4. Piriformis syndrome which is when the muscle (Piriformis Muscle) that attaches the lower part of the spine to the thigh bone becomes damaged and swells placing pressure on the sciatic nerve.

These are just the most common causes, mostly all causes of sciatica can be cured by simply doing exercises designed to stretch and strengthen the muscles around the spine in the lower back. The muscles around the lower part of the spine are supposed to keep the spinal column in alignment and if one muscle is stronger than another or is damaged it may cause the discs and vertebrae to come out of alignment pinching the sciatic nerve.

There are treatment plans that only require eight to ten minutes of stretching exercises a day to help keep those muscles in shape thus keeping the spinal column properly aligned. By performing these exercises on a daily basis, many people that have suffered from sciatica all their lives have been able to stay pain free for many years without the expense of doctors, chiropractors, or medications.

Lower Back Pain And Kidney Pain - How To Tell If Your Back Pain Is Caused By A Kidney Infection

It is important to remember that kidney pain and back pain can have similar symptoms that have entirely different causes. You can have back pain symptoms that are caused by a kidney infection, while another person could have the exact same symptoms caused by a back problem.

When lower back pain is caused by a kidney problem.

Your kidneys are located to the left and right side of your spine directly above your hips. Pain from an infection in your kidneys will usually occur near this same general area, although it can radiate outwards thus complicating diagnosis. Many people describe the symptoms as a general tenderness or ache and not "pain." A strong, stabbing pain may be related to back problems and not the kidneys. The pain or tenderness can be due to an infection or it could be related to some type of injury to the kidneys themselves. For instance, an injury caused by a fall could compress one kidney impacting and damaging it.

In addition to kidney pain caused by accident or injury there are also symptoms that are associated with a kidney infection. Pain caused by an infection is much more common than that caused by physical trauma. In addition, with infections in the kidney there will often be other symptoms such as a fever, pain while urinating or blood in the urine.

How to tell if you have a kidney infection and what to do about it.

If you have a kidney infection, you will likely have some of the following symptoms: fever, chills, backache and pain. Nausea and tenderness near the infected kidney can also occur. Your doctor will diagnose the condition through tests of kidney functioning or by a bacterial test. Why two types of tests? Because there are two common types of kidney disorders, each with a different cause. Treatment and pain relief will likely include rest and antibiotics for any bacterial infections. Usually the treatment will last for several weeks, but certain people may have structural issues and require longer-term treatment.

The bottom line is that you want to get the right information about what might be creating your pain symptoms - do not self-diagnose. A kidney infection left untreated for many years can have catastrophic implications for your health. If there is a history of kidney infection in your family, or you have recently been in a fall or car wreck or had some other trauma that could have damaged your kidneys, you should consider seeing a doctor. The treatment for low back pain caused by poor posture or over exertion is different than the treatment for low back pain caused by a kidney infection. You want to treat the right condition.

Insight Into Early Pregnancy Back Pain

A woman's body goes through numerous changes at the onset of pregnancy and there are new symptoms everyday. Early pregnancy back pain is one of them and is very common too. But the good news is that, if proper care is taken, this pain subsides after approximately 20 weeks.

Causes And Remedies

Pregnancy back pain generally occurs due to action of hormone progesterone, being released in the woman's body. It softens (relaxes) the ligaments and discs in the back, which are responsible for supporting the upper body.

Some times women experience urinary infection during pregnancy, which can also lead to early pregnancy back pain. Also since the body weight rapidly increases in this phase putting extra pressure on the spine, it causes pain. As the belly grows forward in a pregnant woman's body, the center of gravity also changes resulting in backaches.

Posture is very important as far as back pains are concerned and during pregnancy it changes drastically, so one should take care of it too. Having correct posture helps to not only relieve but also prevent lower back pain in early pregnancy. Just follow these rules:

  • While sitting or standing, be upright, chin up

  • Don't lean forward or backward while walking.

  • Avoid sitting or standing for a long time.

  • Try to shift your weight from one foot to the other, if you have to stand for long time.

  • If sitting for long, just get up and walk a while from time to time.

  • Rest your feet while sitting, on a support.

  • Never sit cross legged.

  • Avoid sleeping on your back.

  • Use pillow to support your back/ thighs, on bed.

  • When getting up from bed or chair do it slowly, don't jerk your body.

Early pregnancy back pain may sometimes be accompanied by muscle spasms or cramps in the lower back; in such a situation exercise is a very good remedy. Some good exercises for back pain relief during early pregnancy are walking, pelvic rocking, bridging, mini-crunches, bending your knees and lifting your head. These can be done at home and on your own.

One should also avoid strenuous work as far as possible. Massages and sleeping in special mattresses may also help. Along with these, adequate rest and sleep should not be neglected at all. They are essential for curing early pregnancy back pain.

Upper Back Pain Relief, Massage Tips and Causes of Backache

Upper back pain is also known as middle back pain or thoracic pain. The pain covers an area which has the bottom of the neck as its upper limit and the top of the lumbar spine as its lower limit. The thoracic region consists of twelve vertebrae. The first nine among the twelve are attached to the ribs of the chest on either side of the spine. The ribs then take a turn or curve around the side of the body to get attached to the breast bone in front. This forms the rib cage or thoracic cage that functions as a protective cage for the major organs like heart and lungs, and also gives the organs sufficient support for proper functioning. The region, as one can understands, is an important weight bearing region, bearing the load of the upper body as well as serving as an anchor for the ribs, or aiding the formation of the rib cage.

Pain in this region thus can be quite tormenting, making life difficult. Upper back pain however is not always limited to upper back alone. It may radiate in to the neck, shoulders, arms and hands. This takes place because nerve fibers of neck, hands, arms etc are all connected to the spinal cord. The major symptoms include acute or chronic pain, weakness, bowel problem, and stiffness of muscles in the affected region after waking up in the morning, sudden tightness in neck, back or arms, numbness, weight loss and fever. The pain that occurs in the upper back region may be in the form of dull ache or sharp pain, it may be constant or recur at regular intervals, and it may be diffused or concentrated.

Causes of Back Pain

1. Straining of muscles or soft tissues like ligaments or tendons due to over use through repetitive movements, trauma or accident, and poor posture.
2. Compression fracture of vertebrae due to osteoporosis.
3. Spinal disc herniation
4. Degenerative disc disease.

Back Massage for Pain Relief

Back massage is a natural way to relieve back pain and stiffness. Use massage oil to decrease the friction created on the skin and to prevent the pulling of hairs. Massaging the back with herbal anti inflammatory oil such as Rumatone Gold Oil has great therapeutic benefits too. Use slower movements for a soothing or comforting response. The herbal ingredients present in Rumatone Gold Oil have pain relieving and anti inflammatory properties. A gentle massage with this oil also improves blood circulation and eases pain and discomfort.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Help! My Low Back Pain and Sciatica Are Killing Me!

The pain in your low back drops you to your knees again. All you did was bend over to pick up the pen you dropped on the floor. This time is different, though. It's worse than it's been in the past. This time you feel pain shoot down the back of your leg. A white-hot dagger is stabbing you in the rear end and you feel numbness and tingling in your leg, perhaps all the way down to your foot. You can't straighten up to walk and you are limping along like you've been shot. You remain still and pray the pain goes away...but it doesn't go away. In fact, it's getting worse. Your thoughts come in rapid-fire succession, "what is happening to me, what should I do, who do I call, should I go to the emergency room, will I need surgery?" Good questions.

If you are experiencing any combination of these symptoms, chances are you have a herniated disc in your lower back, one of the causes of mechanical back pain. The swelling from inflammation or the disc itself can cause an impingement or "pinching" of the spinal nerve root. The lower lumbar nerve roots eventually form the sciatic nerve in your leg. Inflammation of this nerve is commonly known as sciatica. "Mechanical low back pain is one of the most common patient complaints expressed to emergency physicians in the United States accounting for more than 6 million cases annually. Approximately two-thirds of adults are affected by mechanical low back pain at some point in their lives, making it the second most common complaint in ambulatory medicine and the third most expensive disorder in terms of health care dollars spent, surpassed only by cancer and heart disease." 1

But just because you have these symptoms, doesn't necessarily mean that you need to rush to the surgeon. According to a landmark study published in the medical journal Spine, "an operation should not be performed if other treatment will give equivalent results within an acceptable period of time...the patient with low back pain and sciatica should not automatically be referred to the surgeon." 2 If that's the case, then what are some of your other options? If you are like most people, the first place you will think to visit will be your family doctor's office (or an emergency room, if you are really in a panic). Traditionally, medical doctors will prescribe medications, such as pain killers, muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatories or any combination of these. There are three problems with taking medication, if this is all that is done.

  1. Medication only treats the symptoms.

  2. Medication only provides temporary relief.

  3. Medication has many unhealthy side-effects. Take the time to read the warning insert with any of these medications and you will know what I'm talking about.

By contrast, chiropractic care has been shown to be more effective in treating chronic low back pain than traditional medical care. In one study published in the Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), it concluded that "...the improvement for chiropractic patients was 5 times greater [than for medical patients]. Patients with chronic low-back pain treated by chiropractors show greater improvement and satisfaction at 1 month than patients treated by family physicians." 3

Are there times when surgery is necessary? The answer is, most definitely, yes. Absolute signs for surgical intervention are those patients with cauda equina syndrome (which is rare), in the presence of severe motor deficits resulting from a large extruded or migrated disc fragment, and in patients with intractable pain. Unless one of these conditions is present, chiropractic care for the treatment of discogenic or mild to moderate sciatic pain from intervertebral disc herniation has been proven to be safe and effective. One study shows that chiropractic treatment (in this case in the cervical spine) is 100 times safer than using Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs like asprin, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc. 4 Another study shows patients had an 86% improvement in chronic low back pain after a course of chiropractic care. 5

As a side note, let me also say that medical care and chiropractic care are not mutually exclusive ways to treat mechanical low back pain and sciatica. In my experience, I have seen great results with the most severe cases when managing these conditions cooperatively with a patient's primary care doctor or pain management specialist. In these cases the medication is useful or necessary in order for the patient to tolerate conservative care; for example, when it is extremely difficult for the patient to move or to be moved.

Lastly, not every case of sciatica is caused by a herniated disc. A condition called piriformis syndrome can cause impingement of the sciatic nerve as it exits the pelvis. Basically, the piriformis muscle attaches at the sacrum, passes through the greater sciatic notch of the pelvis, and attaches to the top of the femur (the upper leg bone). Atheletes who participate in sports where they are sitting, such as rowing or cycling are particularly vulnerable to strains of the piriformis. Runners who overpronate are also susceptible to piriformis injury. When the muscle is injured, it causes swelling due to inflammation, which can then irritate or compress the sciatic nerve as it exits the pelvis. It is important to rule out spinal injury as the cause of sciatica, but the following video will demonstrate a stretch for the piriformis muscle. If your symptoms resolve after performing the stretch for a week or two, then you probably had piriformis syndrome and should continue this stretch as part of your daily routine to help prevent future injury. However, if you are still experiencing the same symptoms or if they intensify, seek professional help as soon as possible.

  1. Kinkade S. Evaluation and treatment of acute low back pain. Am Fam Physician. Apr 15, 2007;74(8):1181-8.

  2. Weber H. Lumbar disc herniation: a controlled prospective study with ten years of observation. Spine 1983;8:131-40.

  3. Nyiendo J, Haas M, Goodwin P. Patient characteristics, practice activities, and one-month outcomes for chronic, recurrent low-back pain treated by chiropractors and family medicine physicians: A practice-based feasibility study. JMPT 2000 May;23(4):239-245.

  4. Hurwitz EL, Aker PD, Adams AH, Meeker WC, Shekelle PG. Manipulation and mobilization of the cervical spine. A systematic review of the literature. Spine 1996 Aug 1/21(15):1746-59.

  5. Harrison DE, Cailliet R, Harrison DD, Janik TJ, Holland B. Changes in sagittal lumbar configuration with a new method of extension traction: nonrandomized clinical controlled trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2002 Nov;83(11):1585-91.

How To Treat a Pinched Nerve in Your Lower Back

A pinched nerve in your lower back is also called nerve entrapment, or nerve compression. In layman terms, it is a sore part of the body. A pinched nerve in the lower back may cause anywhere from mild pain and minor discomfort to severe soreness that makes any type of movement excruciatingly painful. Anyone who has experienced the ordeal knows that you would want it to go away, as soon as possible.

Factors Affecting Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve in the body may be caused by a number of factors. Poor posture where weight is unevenly distributed may result in lower back pain as muscles tend to compensate for the imbalance. Same goes with wearing shoes that do not offer good arch support as the pressure of your body weight is transferred from the arches of the feet to your lower back. Stress is also a known cause of lower back pain. Other factors include obesity, Morton's toe and foot misalignment, uneven leg lengths, prolonged sitting, and in more extreme cases by slipped vertebrae or a concussion on the spinal cord.

Chronic vs Acute Pain

To treat a pinched nerve in your lower back, first you have to know whether it falls under the acute or the chronic categories. Acute pain is pain that lasts for less than 3 months. These cases may be treated with back pain home remedies. Meanwhile, chronic pain is pain that is longer than 3 months. This usually requires a more intensive treatment preferably by a nerve doctor or a rehabilitation therapist.

Chronic lower back pain can be treated by either pressing heat or ice pack (never both, for your sake) over the affected area, or taking mild pain relievers. A gentle back rub using mild liniment may also alleviate the pain. Note that bed rest is never recommended, it will aggravate the situation. If you suspect that your condition is caused by stress, do gentle movement side to side, sit back and take plenty of me-time.

Treatment for Pinched Nerve in Lower Back

Once you have recovered, it is important that you do not suffer a relapse. Study how you can acquire the correct posture so you can evenly distribute your body weight. Engage in back pain relief exercises such as pilates exercises. Use a pair of shoes that has arch support that hugs your feet's shape. Avoid sitting or standing in the same position too long. Take time to understand how you got your pinched nerve so you can give it proper solution.

Can Pilates Really Help Lower Back Pain?

A significant number of my clients come in with lower back pain. For most, the pain crept up on them. They started feeling it after a long stressful day at work or when they've been cooped up in a plane or car for several hours. The unfortunate thing is, if not addressed, the pain can linger and become chronic. They are looking for relief. I tell them, "You've come to the right place!"

Fortunately, Pilates is a great way to recover from your chronic pain. Pilates can decompress your spine and get you back into alignment. Sitting bent over a computer is a daily occurrence for most of us. Our bodies grow accustomed to this crouched position, and if not balanced with awareness and elongation... it can start to be second nature. This causes constant, unnecessary pressure on our bodies. Secretly, our bodies yearn for that extra stretch and opportunity to oxygenate.

With Pilates you can find that stretch, that elongation, and in addition you'll get to strengthen your "core" (deep abdominals) and many other muscle groups, as well as access tangible assistance from the support of breathing with awareness. These are just a few of the key components that will guide you back to living pain-free.

Here's an example: The back of the leg is just as important as the front. Many mainstream workouts focus on quadriceps (front of thighs) strength without sufficient focus on the hamstrings (back of thighs). When we overuse our quadriceps to the point of over-activating our hip flexors (crucial muscles around the hip joint), this torques the pelvis and leaves the hamstrings unengaged. Consequently, the rest of our lower body strength becomes compromised, throwing our whole alignment off and causing uneven weight bearing. The hamstrings and whole 'back line', usually very tight and hard to access, are neglected, and this furthers the vicious spiral into imbalance.

How we carry ourselves in relationship to gravity is essential and can be very revealing. Do you hunch forward and slouch? Or tuck your tailbone while standing? When walking do you keep your attention toward the floor? All these are indications about how we are compromising our deepest support. A shift happens when you engage more of the 'back line' and lift your waist and ribs up out of your hips while simultaneously staying connected to your feet, thus activating and strengthening a whole new set of muscles that are usually overlooked.

With the help of equipment such as the Pilates reformer, cadillac, and wunda chair, there is an opportunity to access this muscle group with simultaneous support from the rest of your body - hence allowing for a full body workout where everything is active and engaged with balance and breadth.

With Pilates you can go from the stress of what's become second nature into the support of first nature: longer, leaner muscles, decompression of the spine, and the grace of proper alignment. You are capable of attaining this and much more with a steady practice of Pilates. Chronic pain and lower back stress do not have to be a way of life!

Low Back Pain - Hip Flexion - Sartorius

Patients with lower back pain often have hip flexor tightness. The hip flexor that is very easy to locate is the sartorius due to its strap-like form stretching from the outer aspect of the hip to the medial aspect of the knee joint. This muscle allows us to sit in the taylor sit position or the lotus position.

The sartorius muscle flexes the hip as well as rolls the hip outward (external rotation). It is also a knee flexor.

To test this muscle, the patient places the heel of the tested side on the opposite knee. Patients with pain and tightness of the sartorius tend to have difficulty placing the heel on the opposite knee.

However, difficulty in performing this function also depends on presence of pain and spasm in the lower back muscles, hip extensor muscles, hip abductor and internal rotator muscles.
Tightness and shortening of these muscles will produce difficulty performing this motion which is also called the FABERE testing (this is a combination of ability of the hip to flex, abduct and externally rotate).

Nerve supply: Femoral nerve

Spinal segments: L2, L3 and L4 nerve roots

© 2007 copyright all rights reserved Low back pain - hip pain- Sartorius

Jennifer Chu, M.D., founder of eToims Soft Tissue Comfort Center® is also President and CEO of eToims Medical Technology LLC, a medical device company with training programs in eToims® Twitch Relief Method. She is an Emeritus Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Pennsylvania, where has been on faculty for more than 30 years.

The Most Effective Lower Back Exercises To Relieve Back Pain

Despite what you might think, rarely is the cause of lower back pain at the site where it hurts. Most people and their therapists think it is. That's why they want to heat, rub, crunch, vibrate and slice the spot where it is most painful.

In fact you can tell how good a therapist is by watching where they go in the search for the cause of the pain. Just attacking the spot where it hurts sends out a big amber light.

Surprisingly, lower back pain is a merely a symptom that some of the bones in your lower back are out of alignment. Your immediate task is to get them back in alignment. Do that and there's a good chance the pain will go away.

When the vertebrae move out of alignment, ligaments, tendons and muscles are stretched beyond their pain threshold. The nucleus of discs is squeezed out and the disc collapses. Often the nucleus hits the spinal cord. That's when the pain really starts. You can't sneeze or cough without it feeling like there's a red hot poker being jammed into your back. You can't bend over the basin to brush your teeth. You can't bend down to put your socks on.

So what causes the vertebrae in your lower back to move out of alignment?

Answer! If the pelvis has moved out of alignment, it's highly likely the bones above it have moved out of alignment as well.

Treat the pelvis as the foundation for the bones that are above it and consider this analogy. If the foundation of your house moves then the walls will crack. You can patch up or paper over the cracks, but you'll probably have to continue to keep patching and papering until kingdom come. The solution is to underpin (and square up) the foundation so it can't move.

So the precondition for a spinal column that's in alignment is a pelvis that's in alignment.

So what causes the pelvis to move out of alignment?

Answer! Tight calf, hamstring, buttock and hip flexor muscles.

Which brings us back to the question of what are the best exercises to relieve lower back pain?

Answer! Flexibility exercises that impact on the alignment of the pelvis, particularly exercises that loosen off tight calf, hamstring, buttock and hip flexor muscles.

But that's not the full story. You also need to strengthen the whole musculo-skeletal ecosystem by regularly going to the gym and working out - or if you're averse to lifting weights start on a regular and systematic strength training program at home that includes situps, pressups, squats and the Superman back arch.

It makes sense to have a body strong enough to keep the bones of your spinal column in correct alignment.

Interestingly one of the best predictors of risk of lower back pain is the ability to do pressups. While you're doing pressups the muscles of your trunk are all being strengthened, front, back and core.

If you're looking for targets for situps, pressups and squats, 20 of each is good, 30 is better and 40 is best. Build the Superman back arch up to a couple of minutes of gentle ups and downs without your chest or legs touching the floor.

The last piece of the lower back exercise jigsaw is some relaxing exercises to settle the spinal column down, exercises where you lie on your back with both legs bent at 90 degrees and the lower legs supported by an ottoman. This is known in the trade as the static back exercise and lying in this position for 20 minutes will bring temporary relief from back pain, and over the weeks and months assist the vertebrae to gradually get back into better alignment.

Another relaxing posture using the ottoman is lying on the floor with one leg on the ottoman and the other outstretched on the flood for 20 minutes - then change legs. This is the supine groin stretch. Over 20 minutes the hip flexor muscles will gradually relax and over the weeks and months allow your vertebrae to move back into better alignment.

If you're diligent you'll spend a couple of hours on the floor each evening while you watch TV, read a book or just drift off with the faeries doing the flexibility exercises and the relaxation exercises.

The strength exercises you can do after you've been for a walk, shuffle, jog, swim, cycle... in the morning.

Now just as Rome wasn't built in a day, your lower back pain wasn't caused in a day. For most people it happens over decades, due to a poor sitting posture and lack of strength and flexibility exercises. Being 20 or more Kg over weight doesn't help matters.

Neither will back pain be cured in a day. Depending on how far out of alignment your pelvis and the bones above it are, it may take a couple of months for you to experience real relief and up to a year before you can say, 'I no longer have lower back pain.'

But the good news is that if you start doing something now, there's an 80% chance for 80% of people that they will get themselves back to 80% of good nick within a year. If you've got back pain them's good odds.

In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and make an immediate start on a serious strength and flexibility training program.

How to Eliminate Dull, Lower Right Back Pain!

Majority of people suffer from lower back pain and most of these people never get any permanent relief. Taking painkillers is not the solution, because it does not eliminate the cause of the pain. Every person, who has back problems, can find relief but only a small number of people do. Why? How can you eliminate dull lower right back pain?

Eliminating dull lower right back pain

The biggest mistake that so many people make, is not getting help quickly enough. The longer you wait with the treatment, the more difficult it is. Also it is impossible to get rid of the pain in a few days completely. It takes time, effort and knowledge to get rid of your dull lower right back pain. Very often people get so frustrated, when they realise that they actually have to do something. Most people don`t like doing the necessary stretching and strengthening exercises, go along with various treatments, changing their habits and so on and that is why they keep on suffering.

Ultimately each person has to make their own choices. If you want to heal your back, then you need to make the right choices, but people instead of making the right choices, keep whining, complaining and blaming others. The attitude that people have is very important and if you have a very negative attitude, then it is very hard for anyone to heal your back.

One of the first things you need to do, is find out what causes the dull lower right back pain. Most of the time muscle imbalancement is to blame, meaning one muscle group might be tight, while another muscle group might be weak. This causes the spine and joints to go out of their normal positions and cause pain. Even finding out the causes of your pain, might be a very difficult task. But it has to be done.

The next step is finding the correct treatments for your dull lower right back pain. If you start doing some exercises you got from our friend, then you might hurt your back even more. So specific exercises and treatments are for a specific cause. There is no point in doing excessive back strengthening exercises, when the cause might actually be located in your thigh muscles.

Like I said before, it is essential to make the right choices.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Back Pain on the Job

In times of economic recession, lay-offs and unemployment leave people desperate for anything they can find. Many people have lost their desk jobs and are moving out of the office in search of anyone hiring. Besides the federal government, Walmart is the largest employer in the U.S. with almost 2 million employees.

As anyone who has worked either in a chair or on their feet all day can tell you, back pain is a common occurrence, especially lower back pain. People who work for Walmart, especially those who are stationary most of the day, like cashiers, are highly susceptible to both upper and lower back pain.

Poor posture is one of the leading causes of back pain in the retail industry. Posture is not merely a matter of remembering to sit and stand up straight; maintaining spinal alignment throughout the day requires conditioned core muscles.

Another factor of back pain for those employed by Walmart and similar companies is immobility. A lack of movement limits blood flow to your muscles, causing rigidity and soreness.


Supporting the weight of the upper body is a chore; the spine is meant to receive the assistance of muscles in the lower back, stomach, pelvis and buttocks to support this weight. In this culture of sitting, however, many people do not have a strong core group. This leaves the spine without the support it needs to maintain alignment, and places the burden of the upper body's weight almost exclusively on the lower back muscles.

The most common type of poor posture includes stooped shoulders, the pelvis jutted forward, lumbar arch nearly flattened, and head craned forward. With the change in spinal alignment, the discs that cushion vertebrae receive uneven pressure, which can eventually lead to damage. Muscles from the lower back up to the neck are strained, creating both upper and lower back pain. Posture-related strains tend to be chronic, unless steps are taken to correct posture by developing the core muscles and using ergonomics for assistance if necessary.

Stationary Position

An eight-hour shift as a cashier entails nearly eight hours of standing. While state laws vary, employers generally give employees two 10-15 minute breaks and one 30-60 minute lunch break during an eight-hour shift. Since the lunch break is generally not considered work time, the actual working shift is about 7.5 hours. Standing behind a register for 7.5 hours a day, employees do not have many opportunities to move around and get the blood flowing.

The contraction and relaxation cycle of muscles pumps oxygen-rich blood in and out. When muscles are held in contraction for a prolonged period of time, as when standing in one place for hours (particularly with bad posture), fresh blood is not being pumped through the immobile muscles. When muscles contract, they use oxygen to convert glucose into energy that enables them to do work. In the absence of oxygen, waste is produced. Fresh blood flow is needed to flush these waste products out of the muscle; without this flow, the waste pools in muscles, leaving them rigid and sore.


If you are just beginning a job at Walmart or a similar company, you may be able to prevent back pain or stop it early on your own; developing the core muscle group and finding creative ways to move around at work may suffice.

The Mayo Clinic offers a slideshow of core exercises that will leave your muscles balanced and strong; find it at These exercises especially help to relieve lower back pain.

For ideas on how to keep the blood flowing at work, see Try out a few of these standing stretches between customers. Your back, neck and shoulders will likely benefit.

If posture and immobility have wreaked havoc on your back for some time now, it would be wise to seek consult with a physical therapist. Chronic muscle strain leads to muscle imbalances that wrench the spine further out of alignment and exacerbate pain. A physical therapist can help you identify which muscles need relaxing and which need developing. After balance has been achieved, your muscles will need to be retrained to support correct posture; this will help you prevent further cases of upper and lower back pain.

In nearly every situation of back pain, education can lead you to a solution. Work should not be painful. Make sure you know the risks and how to avoid them.

Lower Back Pain Relief - How Sleeping Can Contribute

Sleeping is a vital function of our everyday lives. Most of us sleep between 3 and 10 hours a day. If you are in the wrong position, you could be causing trauma or injury to your lower back. The preferred position for sleeping is on your back. The back muscles and joints tend to assume their neutral position while lying on your back. If you have acute lower back pains, you could use a pillow under the back of your thighs to create a neutral pelvis. Most of the time you will hear people say to put a pillow under your knees, but that tends to increase the arch or lordotic curve in your spine. Placing the pillow under the back of your thighs tends to create a more relaxed position for the legs and less stress on the lower back.

Sleeping on your side is recommended, but is not as safe as being on your back. The reason it is not as good as your back is because if your top leg moves into a fetal position, it will create a stretch on your gluteus medius which will eventually cause additional pain in your lower back. The gluteus medius is an important muscle used in walking, getting up from a chair, climbing stairs and rotational movements. If that muscle is overly stretched out, it will not perform well and other muscles will have to be "recruited" to help which will cause lower back and/or leg pain. If you are going to sleep on your side, it is essential that you either place a pillow between your knees and ankles or place a body pillow directly in front of you to eliminate that fetal position with the top leg.

Stomach sleeping is very hard on your neck and shoulders. It causes you to turn your head towards one side which causes your neck muscles on one side to shorten and the opposite side to lengthen. It also causes your shoulders to be rounded which changes your posture and causes more stress on your cervical spine and mid back area. Stomach sleeping is the least recommended.

To aid with lower back pain relief, please make a conscious effort to sleep in the recommended positions. Doing so will help you get better over time.

Why Chronic Back Pain Is So Hard to Treat and Eliminate

For many people, lower back pain and soreness become a way of life. While they are usually able to work and live and engage in most daily activities, they really never again have the full range of motion and ease of movement that they had before developing chronic pain. And while it seems that every website and doctor has their own magic bullet that has cured and prevented all sorts of different issues, when most people try these solutions, they are met with nothing but mediocre improvement, at best.

Chronic back pain can be very difficult to deal with because, often, the signs of tissue damage or injury have little or nothing to do with the feelings of discomfort. While one person may have pain and a bulging spinal disc, other people have absolutely no pain caused by a slipped or herniated disc or even worse damage. Some people, though, develop pain while others do not even know that they have any tissue damage at all.

Once back pain develops, it can also be difficult for the patient and doctor to tell where the problem is actually located. Too often, the feelings of discomfort are felt in a general area but do not relate well to any particular anatomical feature. A sore lower back is a real feeling for many people, but the muscles, ligaments, discs, and vertebrae of the lower back may not show any signs of damage or inflammation. But the pain persists.

And pain, as it becomes longer lasting over time, can spread from one area of the body to another. Again, lower back pain may be felt right in the middle of the back just above the hips to start. But over weeks, it may begin to be felt only on one side, or spread down through the hips and one leg. Over time, the pain may recur in one area but also spread further at different times.

With this phenomenon of the pain spreading through various tissues, searching for a damaged muscle or ligament becomes even more difficult. In fact, these types of pains with no discernible injury or site of inflammation may be a symptom of the central nervous system -- the brain and spinal cord -- becoming more highly sensitized, rather than a symptom of the painful tissues actually being damaged in some way.

Another sign of this central nervous system type of chronic pain is that people with pain on one side of their back can also feel pain on the other side. While the pain may not be as bad on the other side, it can often be experienced quite clearly at times. This makes it even more difficult to find a problem with the tissues that could explain such a mirroring of pain.

Once pain starts to become more chronic, it seems to take on a life of its own. Patients may have a continual nagging ache accompanied by occasional flashes of severe pain. And the feelings can travel around the body, causing problems elsewhere in the spine, neck, shoulders, hips, legs, and even further. Unfortunately, dealing with such centrally-caused back pain can be very difficult, and may require various treatment plans including tissue work and retraining the nerves to move with less pain.

Get Relief From Excruciating Back Pain

Study shows over 60% of the world population suffers from pain in the back region, at least once in their life time. However, for most people suffering with backache is a persistent and chronic problem. Some of the reasons for back pain are perennial bad postures, slip disc, injury, regularly sleeping on an uncomfortable bed or even using an improper chair. Pain in the spinal column region can be a major cause of inconvenience, to the extent of sometimes restricting free and natural movement.

Backaches can be either chronic or acute. Chronic backaches can last up to three months at a stretch. Acute pain is sporadic in nature and can occur any time. Chronic and acute backaches can cause excruciating pain or cause a continuous mild nagging pain. Nonetheless, both these aches disrupt our normal way of life.

Lower back pain can be very severe. The agonizing pain can almost cripple movement. In a human being, the back is built to be very strong and supple. It is meant to take a lot of stress, yet it sometimes suffers injury. Muscles in the region get strained or there could be a case of slip disc. In both these cases, there is backache in the lower region.

Avoiding Lower Backache-

Like the rest of the body the back needs to be exercised regularly. A good way of avoiding back related problem is to flex the back muscles by stretching and doing exercise to strengthen the back; this improves flexibility. Maintaining a correct posture goes a long way in keeping lower back pain, at bay. Lifting heavy items must be avoided as this can cause a lot of stress on the back. One of the main reasons for developing backache is lifting heavy items without using the proper technique.

Finding a Remedy for Severe Backache

There are remedies which can give back pain relief. The first thing to do is improve posture. A bad posture will give anyone backache. Standing and sitting erect keeps the spine straight and the lower back well supported. This should help in preventing backache to some extent.

There are certain other measures which can be taken to reduce the occurrence and intensity of pain. If backache has set in, the best solution is giving the back some rest. Sleeping on a firm bed supports the back and provides relief from the pain. Cold compression of the affected part helps to numb the pain.

Further Management for Severe Back Problems

A massage by an expert can relieve backache, but a doctor needs to be consulted at the earliest, thereafter. In some cases, a massage is not recommended and it will only aggravate the situation. If rest and ice compression do not help then a topical analgesic and anti-inflammatory spray especially devised for backache can be applied, provided there is no open wound.

Braces are ideal for unbearable pain in the lower back. Braces are especially designed to support the back and restrict movement. They are very comfortable to use and do not cause inconvenience. They are compact and when worn can easily be concealed under the clothes. In fact, these braces are being recommended by most doctors for low backache. With proper care, backache can be avoided.

Discover Back Pain Relief Using Lower Back Stretches

If you've got any sort of musculo-skeletal pain, chances are your body is out of alignment. Your quest is to find out why it's out of alignment.

Here are two analogies that might help explain what's going one.

Firstly, you're out camping and someone slackens off one of the guy ropes of your tent. Likely as not, it won't take long for the whole tent to collapse.

Chances are that if you're in pain, the 'tent' is leaning over and a few of the 'guy ropes' need adjusting.

Secondly, imagine that one of the front tyres on your car is wearing unevenly. You take it to your mechanic and he recommends you replace the tyre. You know, and I know, that if all you do is replace the tyre the same thing is going to happen again.

You need to have your wheels re-aligned and the tyres balanced. It's not a five minute job.

Taking it back to the human body, in most cases when bones are out of alignment, the secret to getting them back into alignment is to do the opposite to what you'd do to straighten up your tent. You need to loosen off the muscles that have pulled bones out of alignment.

Very few people understand that this is the principle reason why they need to embark on a flexibility training program.

If you want clues as to the underlying cause of your back pain take these tests

  1. Are the muscles on the back side of your body flexible enough to allow you to put your socks on while standing on one leg?

  2. If they're not, you've definitely tightened up - calf, hamstring, buttock and back muscles. Crunching your lower back bones or taking a pill to mask the pain isn't going to improve your flexibility.

  3. Can you sit against a wall with your legs straight out in front of you and your bottom close in to the wall? If you can't, you've got tight hamstrings - which are high on the list of suspects for lower back, neck and shoulder pain.

  4. Are your buttock muscles too tight? Can you sit up straight with your legs crossed and your hands clasped behind your back? If you can't, your buttock muscles are too tight. Tight buttock muscles are also high on the list of suspects for back, neck and shoulder pain.

  5. Can you do 20 pressups, men on their toes and women on the front of their thighs? Research shows that the best predictor of risk of lower back pain is your ability to do pressups. The reason is that while you're doing a pressup the muscles of your trunk - front, back, sides and core need to keep your trunk as stiff as a board. In fact, if you think about it, while you're doing pressups, you're also doing the 'plank' exercise, a highly recommended exercise for strengthening all the muscles that hold your back in good alignment.

  6. Can you do 20 good situps? I do mine with my knees bent, feet under a rail and fingers behind my ears. If you can't to 20 situps the muscles on the front side of your body aren't strong enough to keep your spinal column in good alignment.

  7. Are you more than 20Kg (that's a bit over 40 pounds) over weight? If you are, the risk of coming down with back pain are very high. It's not a matter of if, it's when.

  8. Lastly do you have a regular and systematic strength and flexibility training program, either at home or in the gym? My research shows that people who make a point of keeping themselves strong and flexible dramatically lower their risk of back pain.

In a nutshell, if you're weak, tight, fat and you don't have a strength and flexibility training program, your back pain is definitely not due to a lack of rubbing, crunching, heating, vibrating or Voltarin.

Rushing off to the doctor isn't going to make matters any better because for most people back pain is a fitness problem, not a medical problem; and you can't solve a fitness problem with a medical solution. A lot of people tried and things only got worse. Neither Voltarin not Celebrex strengthen weak muscles or loosen tight muscles. Neither for that matter does rubbing, crunching, heating or vibrating.

The first three tests above will provide you with clues as to which stretches you need to do. The main stretches will involve muscles that are attached to your pelvis, front, back and sides, the reason being that if the pelvis is out of alignment then everything above it will be out of alignment.

In the mean time stay tuned, highly tuned, and move heaven and earth to get your body back in better alignment and strong enough to do every day tasks in comfort.

John Miller

Chronic Back Pain Relief - What Can Be Done?

People who suffer from back pain find it hard to believe they could ever have chronic back pain relief. Most of the time, these people have had this pain for many years and so it is hard for them to imagine a life without it. Chronic back pain is actually something that can be alleviated in many cases.

If you try to imagine the pain as a short term sensation rather than a long term one the healing process is more significant. Even someone who considers their back pain to be chronic has moments where they're pain free. It's more beneficial to them to view the pain when it occurs as a passing thing and treat it at the moment it is there.

Back pain stems from weak muscles and generally a spine that is out of alignment with the body. This occurs easily in people who form the same type of habits over many years such as improper posture when standing or sitting. The habits begin to have an effect on the body over a period of time causing the body's structure to become imbalanced and painful.

There are practitioners that can successfully help you alleviate the pain in your back by helping you learn new more positive habits. This usually takes about 31 days of work with the practitioner to help remove the old unfavorable habits you've formed.

This might end up being quite costly for you depending on the type of practitioner you choose. You can learn to make these corrections on your own as well. By training yourself to stretch and flex your back muscles to help ease the symptoms of pain you create long lasting effects that are more positive.

Learning to pay attention to the posture you have when seated or standing will also train you to keep your spine more in alignment with your body. By following these simple steps your back pain will begin to disappear and over time should remain gone.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Back Or Lumbar Pain During Pregnancy

Back Pain during pregnancy, relief is possible.

Back pain or discomfort during pregnancy is experienced by 50-70% of women. The good news is there are steps you can take to manage the back pain. This is highly recommended as 25% of women who have chronic back pain later in life associate this pain beginning while pregnant.

What causes back pain during pregnancy?

* As hormones released during pregnancy ligaments in the pelvic area soften and the joints to become looser in preparation for the birthing process of your baby

* Your center of gravity changes during pregnancy and will gradually move forward as your uterus and baby grow, this causes your posture to change

* Weight increase: as your baby grows the increase in weight adds pressure to your lower back

* Poor posture, excessive standing, and improper lifting or bending can increase pain.

* Stress - stress emerges in the weakest part of your body which during pregnancy can be your lower back.

Can back pain be prevented or minimized?

Here are a steps you can take to help reduce or prevent pain:

* Exercises (even a little bit every day) approved by your doctor or midwife, that support and help strengthen the back and abdomen

* Squat to pick up something using your leg muscles vs your back (bending over from the waist is a sure way to eventually tweek a muscle)

* Avoid high heels or shoes that do not provide arch support

* Put a pillow under your knees if you sleep on your back

* Wear a high quality support belt which provides lift: (we found supporters made of elastic stretch out so make sure the band is made of very durable material. some have optional shoulder groin bands for extra support.

* A quality chiropractor can realign your back (many changes occur during pregnancy)

* Rest when possible and elevate your feet at night if you have a chance.

What can you do to treat the back pain you are experiencing?

Common interventions:

* Ice your back at night with a gel pack to reduce inflammation which is causing pain

* Use a brace or back support device (there are many out there so chose wisely, make sure they are adjustable and are not made of elastic which breaks down with washing)

* Sleep on your side if possible with a support or pillow in between you legs

* Only if you are in high discomfort: Medications used to treat inflammation(often times a support band can prevent this need)

* Use a chiropractor or massage therapist (licensed of course)

When should back pain cause me to seek help?

Contact your health care provider if you are experiencing any of the following:

* Severe pain (you must judge this based on comparison)

* Increasingly severe or abrupt-onset of back pain

* Rhythmic cramping pains; this might be a sign of preterm labor

Severe back pain may be a sign of other diseases associated with pregnancy. Although not common, your health care provider will investigate other possible ailments if you are experiencing severe back pain.

What are your Next Steps:

* Talk to your health care provider about an approved exercise program to support your back and abdomen

* Try a couple times a day to get off your feet and relax(this may sound impossible if you have other children, but even sitting to read book with them can provide back relaxation)

* Find a Chiropractor in your area

* Purchase a support belt

* Purchase a sleep aid pillow or just use a thin regular pillow between or under your knees for side and back sleeping

How to Avoid Chronic Lower Back Pain

Chances are that if you haven't already, at some time in your life you will have a run-in with some lower back pain. Researchers estimate that 60-80% of Americans will suffer from low back pain over the course of their lives. Lower back pain can range from a simple annoyance to a debilitating catastrophe. Fortunately, there are some reliable methods for reducing the likelihood that you will experience lower back pain. This article is about one of the most effective, but least talked about ways that you can either limit you chances of experiencing lower back pain or relieve the back pain you may already be in.

Aerobic Exercise: The method I am talking about is aerobic exercise. For some people, the mention of the word "aerobic" conjures images of leotards, headbands, leg warmers, and lines of women dancing and stretching to music. This is only one form of aerobic activity. The word "aerobic" actually means "with oxygen". Or in other words, aerobic activity is that which requires increased oxygen to perform. Aerobic exercise has many benefits including improved cardiovascular (heart and lung) health, general fitness, weight reduction and, as you will now learn, improved lower back health. Low impact aerobic exercises actually nourish the muscles of the lower back. Low impact exercises include activities such as water aerobics, swimming, cycling, rowing, elliptical trainers, walking, etc. Any exercise that raises the heart rate to an aerobic zone without causing significant impact on the low back will help to reduce the occurrence of lower back pain. Exercises like jogging or jumping rope introduce high compressive forces on the spine and may not be optimal for reducing lower back pain. To understand why aerobic exercise is so effective, you must understand that there are two types of muscle in your body. They are fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles.

The two types of muscle: The fast-twitch muscles are the ones that control many of your voluntary movements. They are designed for speed and power. If you open and close your fist, you are using your fast twitch muscles. These muscles use glucose for energy. Glucose is the energy that your body gets from carbohydrates through your diet. It travels through your blood or it can be stored in fat cells and muscle in the form of glycogen. Slow-twitch muscle fibers are involuntary muscles that are built for endurance. These are the postural muscles of your body. Since the muscles of your lower back are primarily used for posture and endurance, they are mostly slow-twitch muscles. This kind of muscle uses oxygen for energy. When they don't get enough energy these muscle become weak and tired. This can lead to lower back pain. Aerobic exercise increases the ability of your body to circulate the blood and get more oxygen to these endurance muscles. When the muscles are well nourished there is a lower likelihood that they will spasm or cause you pain. Feed your muscles well and you will find that your lower back pain problems will be reduced.

Remember to use low impact aerobic exercises on a regular basis to help control or prevent lower back pain. As with any type of exercise program, it would be wise to consult with your physician before you undertake any sort of aerobic training program to benefit your lower back. In the meantime it doesn't hurt to take more walks to increase your level of aerobic fitness and decrease your lower back pain.

Obesity - A Known Cause of Low Back Pain

Obesity is one of the many causes of low back pain. The pain occurs because the spine which is responsible for carrying the entire weight of the upper body and distribute it evenly to the lower body, has come under an extraordinary amount of stress. When excess weight is being carried around over a period of time, the spine is forced to assimilate the burden; the consequence is often severe lower back pain. In both sexes, obesity have known to cause lordosis and low back pain, due to an increased weight of the abdominal contents(ex."potbelly').

Lordosis is often described as hollow back or sway back. Anatomically speaking, it's when ones hips are thrust forward, and the back is in an arch position, producing an abnormal increase of the lumbar curvature. This abnormal extension deformity is frequently associated with weakened abdominal muscles.

Muscular Weakness and Low back Pain

Many Orthopedists consider muscular weakness, particularly in the abdominal region, and poor joint flexibility in the back and legs, primary causes of back pain. Most obese individuals have not been physically active due to their severe overweight condition, which leads to the continued accumulation of additional body fat and poor range of motion around the joints. As the fat accumulates, especially around the abdominal area, muscles gradually continue to be replaced with fat cells.

Exercise Prescription

Strengthening of the muscles of the abdomen and back, along with joint flexibility exercises, are often prescribed for the prevention of and rehabilitation from severe lower back pain. According to many Orthopedists, maintaining normal daily activities of pain tolerance, often leads to a more rapid recovery from an episode of acute back pain as opposed to bed rest.


It is clear that obesity is one of the many causes of back pain. Bearing in mind that obesity has already been held responsible for one of the causes of diabetes, hypertension, cholelithiasis, cardiovascular issues and more, it's extremely important that the obese individuals see this as another reason to be concerned about their overweight condition. Consulting a physician should always be the first and the right thing to do.

Low Back Pain Relief - Things You Should Know

Lower back pain is a nuisance that almost everyone will have to deal with at one time or another in their lifetime. Unfortunately lower back pain can be caused by just about anything, including overuse, strain, or injury in everyday activities. This makes the search for low back pain relief ever changing and important. There are simple easy treatments for low back pain and there are more invasive and permanent treatments. The most common form of pain relief is the use of over the counter medications. There are several different choices to choice from when looking for a medication for low back pain relief. Medications can include Tylenol, Motrin or other anti-inflammatory medications like Advil or Aspirin. As always, it is important to follow the instructions on the bottle and if you have any questions consult a doctor. There are products made just for pain relief such as Doan's pain pills. There are several topical medications that can be used also, including Icy Hot and Bengay, as well as other topical products.

Two other popular low back pain relief methods include the use of heat and ice to sooth and dull the pain. This is recommended for injuries like strains to use ice for the first week because heat can aggravate the injury even more. You can use an ice pack or cold compass several times a day for relief. The recommendation is 20 minutes of ice followed by at least one hour between icings. After the first week following an injury or for chronic low back pain one may use a heating pad for the same, 20 minutes of heat followed by at least an hour before applying the heat again. Many find it most helpful to alternate the two methods several times during the day.

You may also get pain relief from exercise. The simplest and most effective exercise for this type of pain has been found to be walking. It is important when walking that you have shoes that fit well and to make sure the walking surface is relatively flat. Always start small and increase the exercise as your back starts to feel better. That way, you don't overdo it or risk serious injury because of your attempts at relieving the pain. For more detailed exercises for strengthening ones back muscles, it is best to ask the advice of a physical therapist, doctor, or chiropractor. People searching for pain relief often seek the help of other professionals to get better treatment options. You can find back pain relief by going to a chiropractor, who uses a type of hands-on therapy often helpful in relieving pain. Acupuncture is also a method used for relief of pain. Traditional Chinese acupuncture typically is applied by putting extremely fine needles into the skin at specific points on the body to create an energy flow with the body's meridians. Other styles of acupuncture might employ pressure, heat or even mild electrical current to stimulate the energy flow along the meridians which may aid in low back pain relief.

People who suffer from chronic low back pain or debilitating injuries are often led to back surgery. Surgery is used when there are no improvements after several other attempts at relief. Surgery is performed under general anesthesia and requires hospitalization. Back surgery is a permanent and last attempt at correcting a back problem. This surgery requires plenty of recovery time and physical therapy following. There are different options available when considering surgery so be sure to discuss them all with your doctor. The best advice for pain relief is to allow the time needed for healing after an injury or overuse. Once the back is injured it is easily re-injured so strengthening the back muscles is an also a good step in prevention of future injuries. For those who suffer from chronic low back pain there are always new and improved methods for low back pain relief. You should always seek medical treatment when you aren't certain about which relief methods would be best for your back pain. Never discount your injuries or assume that they're not that bad because you might end up doing more damage in the long run if you don't take it seriously enough.