Thursday, September 26, 2013

Is it Possible to Get Permanent Back Pain Relief?

Back pains are, well, a pain in the back. Once they start, it becomes very difficult to get rid of them. And when they start becoming acute, you may not even be able to move. This can be a very sorry situation, but you can seek solace in the fact that there are ways to get back pain relief.

First of all, you should know that there is no one reason why back pain occurs; there's a whole host of them. You may be suffering from backache because of lumbago, fibrosis or a slipped disk. It may also be because of your obesity or because of fractures and tubercular infections. Pregnant women get back pain almost all the time. Or, it can be due to something very simple such as not maintaining the proper posture or stress. However, in almost all cases, the main reason why back ache occurs is because there is some kind of misalignment of the back muscles or the spinal cord. It is important to correct these misalignments as soon as possible, or they can lead to chronic problems.

So, when you are looking at permanent pain relief for your back, you have to first know what caused the pain. Get a professional diagnosis done to understand the main cause of your problem. This will help you find the best solution for your condition.

Here are a few things that can help you get permanent relief.

1. Fortify your diet with higher amounts of vitamins of the B complex. Vitamin B deficiencies can trigger pains in the back. You need to include foods that are rich in vitamins B1, B6 and B12. Find a list of foods that are rich in these vitamins and make them an integral part of your diet.

2. Some herbs have exceptional qualities in treatment of backaches. Having ginger tea regularly is quite helpful. Ginger can reduce the effect of the inflammation that causes back pain. Another herb that has very good properties for back pain is turmeric. A paste of turmeric can be directly applied to the area where the pain is prevalent. Turmeric must also be included in the diet in copious amounts. For external application, eucalyptus oil is also known to have very good effects. One more option that you can use is cayenne pepper, which is meant for external application as well.

3. If the pain is highly acute and you are looking for some quick back pain relief, then you can use some of the Devil's Claw herb. This is particularly beneficial if the pain is in the lower back.

4. Hot water fomentation can also help when you are looking for immediate back pain relief. Continue this for some time till the pain eases out. When the pain begins to recur, do the fomentation treatment again. However, simply fomentation is not enough; you need to supplement it with other treatment methods such as the use of proper herbs and oils.

5. If you have consistent pains, then an herbal oil massage can help. Ask the masseur to give you a massage for removing the back pain. A professional chiropractor would also know how to trigger the right areas so as to help you out with your back pain problems.

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