Saturday, September 28, 2013

Lower Back Pain And Natural Healing

Most of us at one time or the other have experienced lower back pain in some way, shape, form or another. It's a familiar feeling of dull, throbbing pain right around where our tailbone and pelvic area is. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to chronic back pain when we're sitting in an office chair for 8 hours a day. Alternatively it can happen if you're a manual labor worker. One wrong move and you've tweaked your back. There all sorts of methods to treat this pain with traditional medicine, such as prescription muscle relaxants, injections and even surgery. Some of these are not very appealing, so you may have considered trying to heal lower back pain more naturally. Here are some of the more popular methods to treating and healing lower back pain naturally.

Chiropractic Adjustment. Probably the most well known natural method of treating lower back pain, a good chiropractor can target the bones and muscles within the lower back, and push them back into alignment. In fact, regular chiropractic adjustment can actually prevent further injury from the lower back and help with posture. Most major insurances now cover chiropractic adjustment as a valid method of treatment, which is great new for those of us interested in treating pain naturally.

Acupuncture. Using needles placed just under the skins surface, a skilled acupuncturist can target the muscles and nerves affected by lower back pain. Pain relief is almost instant when this method is used correctly. Again, most major insurances are now recognizing this as a valid treatment for pain.

Massage. For soft tissue pain, massage can be a godsend. Deep tissue or even regular Swedish style massage performed on a regular basis can help keep muscles moving and in the right spot. A good massage therapist can recognize sore and tender spots and help the injured individual to recover quicker.

Topical Herbal Tinctures. Using different oils and combinations of herbs can help relieve pain right in the target area. Often recommended are angelica, pine, lavender and peppermint. All give excellent anti-inflammatory benefits to sore muscles.

There are many natural healing methods to alleviate pain and some of the best ones are listed here. Depending on the severity of your lower back pain, you may be able to heal yourself just using one method, or if pain is severe you may find relief in using a combination of all of them. Lower back pain no longer means being relegated to strong prescriptions and injections. With natural methods you can allow your body to help heal itself naturally without any untoward side effects.

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