Saturday, August 31, 2013

Use These Back Pain Relief Products For a Healthy Back

As back pain has emerged as the most common problem in present day, various back pain relief products have surfaced in the market. People rely a great deal on these products to get positive results.

Heat Therapy

Among the most common backache relief medicine, are the heating pads, which are found in every household. They are available in many forms. You can buy the electric heating pads, hot water bottles or heat compresses. A belt for the back is meant for reducing pain and minimizing the strain on the back. You can use a simple belt or a magnetic belt, which also heals with magnets, while providing support.

Massaging Products

Vibrator helps relieve the pain in the back. Massagers or vibrators are operated with electricity. They can be directly used on your back or used to apply some oil or ointment to provide relief. They work by stimulating your muscles, thus reducing backache. Massage chair does the same job, but is a high-end product and everybody cannot afford it. Therefore a vibrator can do the job for you.

They Cure While You Sleep

For comfort for your back and to avoid further wear and tear, you can use products like specialized mattresses, pillows and beds for backache. These are special orthopedic products that are especially formulated to provide relief to a painful back. These products take care of the root cause of your problem, as wrong posture can lead to further worsening of your pain.

Over-the-counter pain-killers rank among the most commonly used products. They provide the much needed respite and enable you to carry on with your routine, at least for some time, till they lose their effect. Using topical lotions, ointments, herbs and vitamin supplements for pain in the back is also a common practice. You can also benefit from books on back pain therapy that contain simple remedies to get relief from pain and some self-help tips.

People often resort to exercise or yoga to get respite from pain in the back. In these cases, products like yoga exercise mats, exercise ball and Roman chair prove to be useful products. All these things can be bought from a retail store or you can obtain them online. Whatever may be the product, it serves the sole purpose of freedom from pain. But always remember to seek advice from a medical practitioner before using any of these back pain relief products.

Pulled a Muscle in Your Lower Back? Learn the Big Recovery No-No That Worsens Your Back Pain

When you pull a lower-back muscle, they need special care to heal. Without understanding the body's recovery process, many people innocently cause themselves more low-back pain. And they slow their own healing.

This one practice seems harmless, and it provides temporary relief from pain and soreness. So, how can it be causing long-term damage?

This one common self-care practice is Heat application.

Typical scenario:

It's the first heavy snowfall of the winter season, and your lower back muscles were not ready to shovel the entire driveway and front walkway. The next day, your whole lumbar area is extremely sore. So, you settle into the couch in the evening, with a heat pad on your lower back.

Heat is like a new trend in self-medication. We have heated car seats, and even our couches have cushions that heat up. We keep heat packs at the office, too. Heat provides a quick fix, but it may aggravate the condition.

Why is heat application so bad for relieving aches and pains?

Pain and soreness may be your back's way of screaming out for help. They are often a sign of inflammation, and overactivity.

When we apply heat, our mind blocks out pain signals temporarily. But if the pain is due to inflammation, the pain will return when the heat is removed. And it can return with a vengeance.

Is your weary body calling out for more heat?

Instead, apply Ice. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation are the four basic steps of first aid. (Notice: heat is not included).

If you consider that your lower back muscles need to rest and cool down, then try the greater relief and healing of ice.

Herniated Disc Treatment - Brace Your Lower Back For Pain Relief & Support

Are you experiencing excruciating pain in your lower back area?

Is this keeping you from doing your daily activities?

Are you barely able to move because every single motion causes you pain?

If your answers to these questions is a yes, then, it is quite possible that you are suffering from a slipped disc or what is commonly known as a herniated disc. Most people believe that whatever form of muscular or back pain they have can easily be relieved by taking pain relievers or just sleeping. But what if the pain you are feeling is the result of a serious injury or sickness that you do not know of?

The people who are afflicted with a herniated disc, or slipped disc, often think or pass the pain they are feeling as just lower back pain. But if the lower back pain you are experiencing is consistent and the pain you are feeling can no longer be treated by the pain relievers you are taking, then, it is quite possible that it is the result of a lower back injury.

Herniated discs are one of the most common and painful forms of lower back injuries. It is not easily detected by a simple x-ray or medical examination, which is why you should always make sure to consult a doctor if you are experiencing lower back pains. Only your doctor can rule out that you have a slipped disc or provide you with the proper treatment ideas if you are indeed suffering from this ailment.

The common misconception about herniated disc treatment is that it involves surgery, but surgery is only needed for severe cases wherein the neurological development or system is severely impaired. If you are suffering from a herniated disc, chances are that your doctor will be advising you to take a long break from your daily activities - especially ones that cause strain to your lower back area.

Wearing back braces is another form of treatment for people who are suffering from herniated disc. The back brace can help provide suppor to a hurt back and this can help reduce your back pain on the spot! This is something that can definitely help your lumbar spine as it is trying to recover from the herniated disc as well as help you get through your day to day activities just as though you are not suffering from back pain at all.

Five Benefits of Doing Pilates Pain Relief Exercises To Relieve Chronic Pain

Lack of exercise and repetitive movements can cause certain muscle groups to tense and become stressed. This can lead to bad form, imbalanced muscles, tight closed-up joints, and short tendons and ligaments to act up. These tight, short tendons and ligaments inhibit movements and do not work functionally. Over time, tight joints become stuck and stiff and lose its ability to move.

Pilates pain relief exercises are specific to even out tight cranky angles in joints. It is about smooth, well-controlled movements that are recommended to address tight muscle knots. When done properly, the risk for injury is minimal and it is also a good method to use in building flexibility, muscular strength, tone, posture, stress and tension relief, and core muscle endurance.

If you are a beginner, it will be a great idea to understand the fundamentals of the Pilates Method. Pilates is a total body conditioning regime that is aimed at stretching and strengthening you at the same time. It also teaches core connection - body mind connection. Its effectiveness as a pain relief exercise works in a way that it aligns certain parts the body back to its neutral position.

Tips on the benefits of pilates pain relief exercises:

1. Increases Flexibility

Pilates is commonly known to increase flexibility of all the tight muscles of the body, namely the hamstring, lower back, neck and shoulders. It has a series of exercises that increase flexibility of other tight areas like the hips, side and front of the body and middle back. The routines are done on the Pilates machines are very specific and highly recommended to achieve good results.

Strengthening and stretching are very important as they help in maintaining physical balance. All of these pilates pain relief exercises promote both strength and flexibility. Once the body's muscle coordination and flexibility are improved, the person would start seeing results in relieving pain especially in the back, neck, shoulders and knees.

2. Improves Muscular Strength

Muscles get stronger when they are used more often; likewise the bone gets denser and stronger when it is challenged. Bone density naturally declines when the one reaches the age of 30 or earlier. It's a major health issue especially for women who suffered from osteoporosis. Lack of exercises can indeed result in weaker bones because less demand means porous bones.

In order to lessen the risk of spinal issues, pain, fractures, and conditions associated with osteoporosis, it is highly recommended to perform some pilates exercises to strengthen the bones and muscles.

Pilates exercises have proven to maintain the density and the mass of the bones specifically those that involve resistance and weight bearing. In these techniques, the muscles and bones are pitted against gravity. Pilates involves bone strengthening exercises that support the spine and teach safe movements and posture that can be used everyday.

3. Develops Proper Posture

Good posture means the body is balanced and in sync. It assists the body to have good flexibility and wider range of motion. Pain in the neck, shoulder, and back is contained when the core, back and abdominal muscles are developed evenly and well balanced.

As daily tasks and activities related to sports and fitness can cause the imbalanced development of certain muscles, those that are used less often become weaker. And those that are used often become stronger. Pilates exercises improve posture and promote uniform bilateral muscles, thus creating a well centered and balance body.

4. Relieves Stress and Tension

Stress is major factor for muscle tension where the muscles can act up and become sore. Pilates, with its mind and body exercise technique, can relax a person's mind as well as loosen those muscles that are over tight. This eliminates tension, which is particularly beneficial for people experiencing from simple ache to chronic pain in the neck and shoulder areas. This can even prevent more serious conditions linked with high levels of stress including stomach ulcers, hypertension, migraines and heart attack.

5. Strengthens Core Muscles

The core muscles in the central portion of a human body include the pelvic floor, abdominal group, and diaphragm areas. These components essentially provide support to the spinal column and hold the key to overall posture. Aside from just properly maintaining the body's posture, it also provides stability to most bodily movements. Once the core muscles are weakened, not in sync, it can manifest to pain in the lower back and ultimately affect the body's ability to function normally.

Pilates aims to strengthen the core and alignment of the spine through stretching and strengthening movements. Its resistance training allows the core musculature to be stressed at a certain intensity level just enough to provide the desired result.

Lumbar Epidural Injections for Pain Management Relieve Sciatica Tremendously

At any one point in time, 1% of America is suffering sciatica from a herniated disc. If that seems like a small number, consider that amounts to over 3 million people with burning, searing pain going down one of their legs right now!

Sciatica pain can be extremely painful, and it may burn or cause a pins and needles sensation along with muscle spasms. Patients may be administered narcotic medications to relieve pain, but they actually don't work so great for sciatica type pain.

But lumbar epidural injections actually have an excellent track record for sciatica. The principal behind an epidural steroid injection into the lower back is as follows. You have a nerve root that has been inflamed. This may be from a herniated disc, or in the case of spinal stenosis it may be from overgrown and arthritic bone and soft tissue. There is another scenario where the disc may have a tear in it and that is sparking up what is known as a "chemical" radiculitis.

There are a few different types of lumbar epidural injections.

繚 Intra-Laminar Epidural Injections

繚 Transforaminal Epidural Injections

繚 Caudal Epidural Injections

The first type invented sixty years ago was intra-laminar epidurals. These involve placing a needle just underneath the bony area overlying the spinal canal called the lamina. Thousands of intra-laminar epidural injections are done every day in America.

For decades, doctors did these injections in an office setting without an x-ray machine. Then a study approximately ten years ago showed that without a real time form of x-ray, called fluoroscopy, about 40% of these injections missed the mark. More and more, fluoroscopy is now becoming the standard of care in this country to ensure the best chance of accurate needle placement in epidural injections.

As the use of fluoroscopy was becoming popular, transforaminal epidural steroid injections were developed. These injections involve placing the steroid medication closer to the area of where the nerve roots are leaving the spine and being pinched. This type of injection is now extremely popular among pain management doctors and the results have exhibited between a 75% and 90% pain relief success in multiple studies.

The third type of lumbar epidural injection is termed a caudal injection. This injection is very interesting, as it involves an approach through a low point in the sacrum in the buttock area. The pain doctor places the needle through an area called the sacral hiatus and then injects a considerable amount of numbing medicine and steroid. Multiple areas of nerve root compression can be treated at one time, which is great in a situation such as spinal stenosis that affects multiple levels.

Complications of epidural steroid injections are small but real. They may include infection, bleeding, and temporary nerve injury. Paralysis is an extremely rare complication.

These injections are done in an outpatient setting. Patients either receive intravenous sedation or simply local numbing medicine. For most patients that is all they need!

Lower Back Pain

One of the most common problems of the elderly is that of lower back pain. This does not mean, however, that lower back pain or lumbago is not common in other age groups as well. Fortunately, it often subsides within a short time with little or no treatment.

Because the lumbar region of the back (the small of the back) undergoes considerable stress when a person twists or lifts, it can become sprained quite easily. The pain produced by lumbago or lower back pain makes movement painful and sufferers are generally unable to work during these episodes. The majority of sufferers recover in a week or two and require little or no medical treatment. Often, rest is all that is needed.


Although lower back pain is usually caused by a back condition, it can also be caused through other medical conditions.

A very common cause of lower back pain is that of muscle injury. This is usually brought about by stress which is normally the result of bending incorrectly or lifting while carrying excess weight. This type of back sprain is characterized by pain and stiffness that is evident within a few hours of the injury. It generally subsides within a day or two although more severe strains may last longer.

Some recurrent backaches are caused by inflammatory conditions such as osteoporosis. This condition is caused by the degeneration of the joint in the backbone through wear and tear and is often more painful in the morning. Another painful and persistent inflammatory condition that causes persistent lower back pain is called ankylosing spondylitis. A slipped or prolapsed disk can also be to blame for the discomfort of back pain.

Severe lower back pain can also be caused by a crush fracture which can result from a fall or other injury. A crush fracture happens when a vertebra collapses. Other medical causes are mestastases or secondary deposits of cancer and also spinal bone tumours.

Osteoporosis, a common condition of the elderly, weakens the bones and makes the pain of arthritis even more unbearable. It is caused by a reduction in the calcium content of the bones. Because the backbone is weakened, compression fractures become more likely and, as a result, there is severe lower back pain.

Another cause of lower back pain can be due to the uterus becoming tipped during childbirth. Kidney infections can also be a cause.


Pain and tenderness on movement usually begins within 2-24 hours of an injury or muscle tear. This can include any sprain or strain of the muscles or ligaments and is usually noticed after lifting heavy objects.

The abovementioned symptoms are similar in the event that a lumbar disk slips or is ruptured. However, in this instance the pain is more severe. The bck muscles go into painful spasms and the simple act of coughing or sneezing also creates pain in the back. Sciatica is different again in that the pain spreads from the back, down the buttock and down the leg.

Osteoporosis and other conditions caused by degenerative joint conditions come on gradually and is long term. The pain is generally mild to moderate but is recurrent over a period of several years

In some conditions such as fibroids which are harmless tumors in the uterus, as well as in the case of large abdominal tumor or pregnancy, the presence of lower back pain is only one of a number of symptoms.


It is rare for lower back pain to be considered as dangerous although some untreated symptoms may become dangerous. One such symptom is an untreated disk which may be pressing on the spinal cord. This, if left untreated, could lead to paralysis. Also, lower back pain caused by infection in the spinal vertebrae may be dangerous as could secondary cancer though these conditions in the spinal region are very rare.


Most strains and sprains of the back are easily treated and respond well to minimal treatment. Basically, the main treatment is rest by lying flat on a firm surface. Sometimes the use of an infrared lamp or a heat pack can be beneficial as it relaxes the muscles. Also, a gentle but firm massage and the application of liniment on the affected area, will normally give substantial relief. A painkiller such as acetaminophen should be taken. Lifting and carrying of heavy objects should be avoided during the recovery period.

Where there are serious medical causes, such as prolapsed disk, abdominal tumors, or an infection, the treatment is changed according to the condition. Often, in more chronic cases, it may be advisable to wear surgical belts or surgical corsets during the day.

Using proper lifting and carrying techniques can often prevent lower back pain as can the use of swimming and other exercises that strengthen the back muscles. In the elderly, persistent attacks of lower back pain may be a natural part of the aging process and therefore, something that must be accepted.

Most people who suffer from an attack of lower back pain make a total recovery within a week or two and do so with little or no treatment. In the case of a protruding disk, recovery may take several weeks but there is normally no need for surgery.

How to prevent lower back pain


1. Bend the knees and keep the spine straight when lifting or carrying heavy objects

2. Wear sensible and well fitting shoes

3. Whether at home or at work, find a comfortable position from which to work

4. Be careful of twisting and bending when getting in and out of motor vehicles

5. If advised, wear a support brace or corset to support your back


1. Lift or carry anything heavy when recovering from lower back pain

2. Overexert your back. Always ask for help if necessary

3. Sleep on a soft bed. A firm mattress is better for your back

4. Twist and stoop to get into motor vehicles

5. Ignore the need for medical help if lower back pain persists

Friday, August 30, 2013

Upper Back Pain Relief - 4 Simple Steps to Relieve Your Back Pain

Are you seeking for upper back pain relief? Do you want it to happen now and wish that the pain will disappear in a second? Well, it can be. A relief from such pain is possible to achieve, provided that you are going to do your part in performing necessary treatment as advised. Most of all, make sure you are responsible enough to correct the causes of the upper back pain.

Do you hate that upper back pain that seems to control your life these days? Does the pain make yourself unproductive, leaving you sedentary and irritable? True, upper back pain can affect your day to day activities. Usually, when it happens to you, the pain is mostly felt in the bottom part of the neck up to the middle portion of the back, which is why the other term for upper back pain, is "middle back pain". The pain can make you miserable, such that you will not be able to perform household chores well, such as dish washing, laundry, mapping, gardening, etc. you see, even on simple things are affected with it. Your upper back pain could also be the reason of your missed workdays at the office.

Moreover, how people respond to upper back pain depends on how they perceived the pain and how they treat it. Mostly, the common mistake of people when dealing with the pain is that they consider it as the BEST indication for treatment. Pain is an unclear sign because it doesn't give you clear definition as where the pain originates, when it will last and how much is the pain. Remember, pain is but a subjective sign, it varies from person to person, so it is not a good basis for treatment. The best way to know how upper back pain is treated, is through knowing its causes. There are a lot of factors what causes upper back pain, and the main causes are

  • Imbalance of your muscles and joints brought about by improper posture and exhausting daily works and household chores.

  • Weak muscles due to aging and laborious work.

  • As one ages, the spine may undergo a wear and tear stage, thus causing the spine to degenerate and becomes weak.

  • Unused joints due to sedentary lifestyle.

  • The lower back can even caused upper back pain since the spine works as one system, so, when the lower back is twisted or damaged, the upper back is affected anyway.

Again, the biggest mistake a person can make in dealing with upper back pain is relying too much of the pain alone as the basis for treatment. It must be noted that the best way to approach a relief for upper back pain is by knowing the causes, and by knowing it, a long and effective relief is possible.

Upper back pain relief...

The different causes mentioned above can be approached with the following:

1) When you suddenly feel the pain on the upper back, give value to REST. When the pain happens when the time you are doing heavy works or sitting and standing for a long period, your body calls for a rest. When you at the home, you can lie down for a while to relax your back muscles. When you are at work, take some time to sit from long standing, and stand from long sitting. Do not overwork your back muscles, as this can cause strain and injury to the back. However, rest must not be done for more than 3 days, because our back may get weak when over rested. Our back needs to be active slightly, enough to strengthen the bone.

2) If the pain is less than 48 hours, hot and cold treatment can be done alternately:

  • Cold application always comes first than hot. This application can be in a form of ice pack which makes use crushed ice wrapped in a towel. This is then applied directly to the painful area for 15-20 minutes. This works by reducing pain and inflammation.

  • Hot treatment is done next. Then the pain already subsides, this is then applied to relax the area and increase the flow blood to the area, thus causing wound healing. With the use of hot bottle wrapped in a towel, apply to the injured area for 15-20 minutes.

  • Application should not exceed for more than 20 minutes as this may cause some bad effects to the body.

3) Anti-inflammatory drugs.

  • Ibuprofen is the most common anti-inflammatory drug used to relieve swelling and pain on the injured area, because of its lesser side effects.

  • The frequency, duration and dosage of the drug should be advised by your health care provider.

4) Upper back pain exercises

These exercises can correct all those causes mentioned above. When the spine is weak, we can strengthen it. When the spine is immobile because of sedentary lifestyle, we can work it out though exercises. When the spine is out of balance because of improper posture, we can align it and correct those bad postures. All those and more can be covered by upper back pain exercises.

Exercise One: Stand straight. Keep your lower back against the wall with your hands on your sides. Allow your palms to face outwards. Now, those arms on your side must take a slide up and down against the wall for about 15 to 20 counts. This will stretch both your back and arm muscles.

Exercise Two: Sit straight on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you. As you do this, hold your thighs with your hands and lower down your head going towards your chest. Hold in such position as long as you can, and go back to the starting position and repeat 5 times. By doing so, it can help relax the upper back muscles.

Exercise Three: Stand straight and feet apart. Slowly stretch your hands making it parallel to the ground. Slowly turn to your left gently moving your upper body and waist; go back to the starting position and do it again on the other side. You can do this exercise, 10 times. These are great stretches for upper back pain relief.

Lumbago is Lower Back Pain - Cause and Treatment

Lower back pain can cause more than pain, it can cause multiple overall long term health issues. Lumbago is a form of arthritis, if not treated at onset, it will contribute to other heath issues from chronic fatigue to upper respiratory disease.

Impractical Causes:

  • Strain
    By improper lifting and handling of items too heavy for the distributed weight of the person. The back and stomach carry most of the body's work force. Don't push your limit.

  • Fat stomach
    If you have a pot belly, this will cause back trouble as a Fat Stomach will pull the back muscles inward. One way that you can reduce excess belly fat without pills and strenuous exercise, is to use a Neoprene body wrap. By wrapping this around your middle it will cause the area to sweat at the same time support the stomach and back.

    Such support tools will reduce not only the extra subcutaneous tissue but reduce back pain. Make sure that you use the wrap over cotton clothing, like shorts, undergarments etc. otherwise, if left on the skin you will develop blisters.

    The cotton clothing will absorb the sweat.

  • Improper Diet
    You may find that you get constipated and even when you eliminate the pressure may subside but the pain is ever persistent.

    This is because you have not eliminated all that there is to eliminate. Try using the Mucousless Foods and 12 Herbs to Healthy Weight Loss, found on Shepherds Purse Naturals. These two Remedies will specifically help your bowels become regular.

    Using split Flax Seed will scrape the walls of the colon and get you having proper elimination. Use one tablespoon full once a day. Yes, put it in your mouth, half of a tablespoon at a time and drink it down the hatch.

  • Hot and Cold
    If your body is very warm and then suddenly cools off or visa versa. This can cause the muscles to tighten up and once seized, have fun.

    Don't sit on cement, stone or marble. These drain the body temperature from the derriere area and can cause the back to suffer for it.

  • This Formula is Confidentially Yours!

    Herbal Treatment:
  • 2 Tablespoons Powdered Mullein

  • 3 Tablespoons Powdered Slippery Elm Bark

  • 1 Tablespoon Lobelia

  • 1 small teaspoon Cayenne
  • Mix thoroughly together and then mix in enough boiling hot distilled or purified water to make a thick paste, about 1 quarter inch thickness. Spread evenly on a white cotton cloth or make a muslin pouch large enough to cover the area. Place on affected area while the paste is still fairly hot and cover with plastic wrap.

    Leave on for at least 2 hours and replace. Do not reuse or reheat the contents of the poultice. Always use fresh herbs when reapplying an application.

  • Herbs

  • Plastic wrap

  • Cotton cloth or Muslin pouch

  • Distilled or Purified Water

  • Bowl and Mixing Spoon

  • Needle and thread to loosely sew up the open edge of the Muslin Pouch if used
  • Nutrients:
  • Mullein: Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Sulfer

  • Slippery Elm Bark: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium,

  • Lobelia: Vitamin C,

  • Cayenne: Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin C, Vitamin G, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Sulfer
  • Baking Soda Cancer Cure?

    Lower Back Pain - There is Relief

    Lower back pain is more common than we might think--seven million Americans suffer from chronic back pain and 80% of Americans will suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lifetime.

    The lower back or lumbar region is identified as L1 - L5. The mental/emotional causes for lower back pain have been thoroughly documented through the ages, beginning with ancient Chinese medicine. Louise Hay in her book, "You Can Heal Your Body," identifies the mental cause and the metaphysical ways to heal the root cause.

    Root cause for lower back pain:

    L-1: A crying for love and a need to be lonely. Insecurity.

    L-2: Stuck in childhood pain. See no way out.

    L-3: Sexual abuse. Guilt. Self-hatred.

    L-4: Rejection of sexuality. Financial insecurity. Fear of career. Feeling powerless.

    L-5: Insecurity. Difficulty in communicating. Anger. Inability to accept pleasure.

    Sacrum: Loss of power. Old stubborn anger.

    Coccyx: Out of balance with yourself. Holding on. Blame of self. Sitting on old pain.

    If you or anyone you know has chronic lower back pain--honestly and earnestly look at the mental and emotional causes and look for ways to release and reestablish a new perception. The fastest and most effective way to heal the root cause of physical dis-ease or skeletal pain is engaging in mind, body, spirit healing.

    Top 5 Tips for Back Pain Relief

    Focus Pilates asserts you that the best way to look after your back is through regular exercise: Exercise in general maintains a healthy posture and keeps the muscles and ligaments supporting your back supple.? It also helps maintain a healthy bone density, particularly later in life.? Activities such as Yoga and Pilates will engage your core stability muscles and if performed regularly, will ensure that your back is stable and less prone to injury. Besides exercise, you should also pay attention to a number of other factors. Focus Pilates has come up with the Top 5 Tips for back pain relief and avoid factors that would instigate more pain.

    • Standing - when standing, a large number of us tend to slump forward, which is very bad posture indeed.? Aside from looking sloppy though, such a position may cause lower back problems in the long run.? Slouching puts unnecessary strain on certain vulnerable areas of your back.? Over time, these sensitive areas suffer wear and tear and may give rise to chronic back pain.? The best way to stand (if you want to bypass the old school balance-a-book-on-your-head scenario), is to stand with your knees slightly bent, back straight and abdominal muscles in.? It helps to pull your chin in slightly too, and if you can help it, do not stand for a long period of time.

    • Sleeping - whereas it is common knowledge that orthopedic and semi-orthopedic mattresses are best for your back, your sleeping position also has some effect.? In fact Joseph Pilates, the founder of Pilates, in his book Your Health (1934) has a whole chapter about the importance of sleeping. Pilates designed corrective 穡V穡 shape beds especially made to enable better sleep. If you are not so daring as to completely changing your bed, you could sleep on your side, as sleeping face-down can cause tightness in the lower back.? If you sleep face-up, it helps to place a pillow under your knees, as it will keep your lower back flat and minimize tension.

    • Sitting - for those among us who have to spend lots of time at their desk or in front of a computer, posture is key.? Sit at the very back of your chair with your back fully aligned with the back-rest. Your knees should be bent and your feet touching the ground, preferably knees kept at a 90 degree angle to the hips. If you work on a computer, the screen should be just below eye-level. You should also have a chair which has arm rests and the keyboard should be at a level where the elbows can rest. A lot of problems can be avoided if the elbows are adequately supported.

    • Lifting - when lifting something heavy, always bend your knees as you lift it off the ground, and never lift it higher than your hips.? A poor lifting technique will put a lot of strain on your vertebral discs, so if you bend your knees, your leg muscles (quads, hamstrings and glutes) will be doing most of the work not your weaker lower back ones. Strong core muscles (deep abdominals) will assist you to keep your back straight and release any pressure from the vertebral column.

    • Bags - ?if your handbag or laptop bag is on the heavy side, do not always carry it on the same shoulder. Use a backpack instead and ensure that you wear both straps resting on both of your shoulders to balance out the weight.? If you absolutely cannot use a backpack, try to switch shoulders as you go.

    If you start making these slight adjustments to your daily routine today, you will find that your back pain will ease up, not to mention disappear completely.? Mobility is a key factor so contact a pilates instructor near you to find out how you can integrate this fabulous exercise method with your life.

    Nonetheless, Focus Pilates recommends seeing a physician if back pain seems unusual or persists more than a few days.

    5 Simple Exercises to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain

    Many people, including myself, suffer from lower back pain. Unless treated properly, back pain can affect your ability to carry out typical, everyday activities such as bending, lifting, and in some cases, even walking. I still experience back pain from time to time in spite of having lower back surgery. So, how do I deal with this problem?

    The way that I deal with lower back pain is by exercising and stretching daily. I also walk on a regular basis. I only take pain pills when the pain is excruciating - which only occurs when I overdo my limits in a physical activity such as tennis or basketball, or attempt to lift something that is too heavy.

    I will share with you 5 of my favorite stretches or exercises.

    Abdominal Trunk Stability Exercise
    Lying on back with knees bent, contract or tighten your stomach muscles while pushing the surface of your lower back toward the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat 20 times per set. Do 2 sets.

    Single knee to Chest Stretch
    Lying on back, with hand behind knee, pull one knee in to chest until a comfortable stretch is felt in the lower back and buttocks. Hold for 15 - 20 seconds. Repeat with opposite knee. Repeat 5-10 times on each side.

    Bridges Exercise
    Lie on your back with your knees bent and with feet and knees 4-6 inches apart. Raise hips toward ceiling. Hold for a count of 5. Then lower hips slowly. Repeat for 10-20 times. Do 2-3 sets per day.

    Straight Leg Raise Exercise
    Lie on your back. With right knee bent, lock left knee straight and lift leg off of floor 10 inches and hold for 5 seconds. Pull toes and foot back toward knee and maintain knee completely straight until leg is resting on floor again. Do 2-3 sets of 10 to 20 repetitions per day.

    Lower Trunk Rotation
    Lie on back. Bend knees of both legs. Keep knees together and feet on floor. Rotate legs to left side. Hold for 5 seconds. Rotate legs to right side. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 15-20 times. Do 2-3 sets per day

    I suggest that the exercises be done daily. If done on a regular basis, these exercises and stretches will strengthen, help to stabilize, and make your lower back muscles more flexible, thereby, alleviating pain. Remember to contact your physician before trying these stretches.

    Lower Back Pain Treatment Without Pills

    Chronic back pain sufferers often take pain medication for relief but long term use of pain killers can be addictive and in some cases the body becomes immune to pain killers.

    Most people will experience pain in their lower back during their lives from work, play, aging, or disease. For most people, back pain is temporary and can be relieved by medication, rest, and regular exercise. However, for some pain sufferers taking pills might be the only solution.

    Infrared Heat Therapy For Back Pain Relief

    Fortunately, there are alternative solutions for back pain relief. First step is to get a good back support for the chair. Second, is to get an infrared product. It is well known that infrared heat therapy can help relieve pain.

    Infrared is the electromagnetic radiation and has longer rays than visible light. Infrared rays are not visible to the human eyes, but the human body can feel the heat immediately. This works the same with an infrared sauna. When you step inside an infrared sauna, you will not feel the steam or any red lights at all, but the sweating starts within minutes.

    The infrared heat from the infrared pad passes through the skin and muscles, all the way to joints, bones, ligaments, nerves and blood vessels. The infrared heat from the pad warms the muscles, causing them to relax and relieve tension.

    Heating Pad - Microwave Vs. Electrical

    A simple way to get heat therapy is by using an infrared heating pad. You can place the heating pad around your back, so the infrared rays can penetrate deep into the back muscles.

    Why is Microwave heating wrap a better choice?

    Heating pads that require electricity are not practical and can be dangerous if the pad overheats. With an electrical heated pad, you cannot walk around your room. Some electrical pad has a short wire, so you have to sit in your chair all day long, which may cause more back pain.

    With a microwave-heating wrap you walk around your room or even step outside your home for a walk. Some microwave heating pads can last for 3 hours after heating up in the microwave for only 3 minutes.

    A lot of microwave heating pads can explode if they are heated for too long in the microwave. Choose a heated pad that uses a ceramic powder that will not explode even if it is overheated in the microwave.

    You can even find a heating pad that comes with a belt. Just put the heating pack into the belt and wrap it around the back. These microwave-heating pads are very portable pad, because you can wear it while driving or walking around.

    No more hassle with wires and danger or electricity. Heated pad with infrared heat is an effective way to help reduce back pain, so back pain sufferers can reduce taking pills.

    Thursday, August 29, 2013

    Low Back Pain Relief - Exercises You Can Do At Home

    Low back pain relief is foremost on the mind of those who suffer from chronic back pain. A lot of people are suffering from pain in the back; although in most cases, the pain is completely manageable. One of the major causes of the pain are inflexible and weak core back muscles that include the lower back muscles, the abs, the hamstrings, and the butt muscles. If these muscles are kept supple and strong, you will be taking away one of the chief causes of lower back pain.

    The problem is easy to correct with proper exercise. You can combine it with a complete body workout that will also condition the rest of your body. If the pain is being aggravated by excess weight, you need to shed off those extra pounds. But before performing any exercise, be sure that you have your lower back examined by a doctor.

    One of the exercises you can perform for low back pain relief is the stability ball hyperextension. This is done by lying down on the stability ball with your stomach. Your upper thigh should cover the top part of the ball. You should then put your feet flat against the wall with the toes touching the floor. Put your fingers on your temples and point the elbows on the sides. You will then have to lean forward as far as you can without moving the feet. Pull the torso as far up as you can and feel the tightening in your lower back at the end of each repetition. This exercise should be done from five to twenty times.

    You can also do the toe touch. With your feet together, bend over while slowly ensuring that your knees remain straight. The arms should be fully relaxed and hanging loose, with the fingers pointed towards the toes. Do not force the stretch; rather, let gravity work on your form and hold the position for around thirty seconds. This exercise is one of the low back pain relief exercises that you should do on a regular basis.

    There are a lot more exercises that can help relieve any back issues that you are having. You need to work through a variety of them to see which works best on the pain you are having. Make sure before starting any exercise that you get the approval of your doctor, as you do not want to injure yourself any further.

    You do not have to continue to suffer in pain there are lots of low back pain relief options available to you. Find out what works best for you, and get back into your pain-free life.

    Lower Back Pain With Yoga Part 1

    Lower Back Pain Relief -The Good News. The good news is that by doing the right back exercises in the right way, you have a great chance of stopping your lower back pain and keeping your back healthy and strong. The relief most doctors agree that when you experience lower back ache, say, you should continue with your daily activities in moderation.

    Lower back pain relief can be achieved in a variety of ways, but firstly it is important to get an accurate diagnosis for your particular ailment, so that lower back pain relief can be correctly administered. 80 percent of the adult population suffers from lower back pain at some point in their lives, so, whether it's you or somebody you care for, it is useful to have some relief techniques at hand for treating it.

    The vast majority of it comes from simply straining muscles and joints at levels they are not designed to withstand, which leads into the first lower back pain relief recommendation: Slow Down. Given time to mend, however, the muscle will began to relax and the body's natural lower back pain relief healing processes will commence. The problems with soft chairs or couches is that the curve in your back is not supported and it can come to be in a rounded position, which causes the kind of muscle and joint stress that leads to problems in need of lower back pain relief.

    The simplest lower back pain relief is to avoid lifting heavy objects, or those whose size or shape make them awkward to move. The lower back pain relief method, during sleep, recommended by many experts is on your back with three sources of support for your body: one below your lower back that is fitted to the curve there, one below your knees that supports them enough to take strain off the lower back, and a pillow below your neck that, like the lower back support, conforms to the natural curve found there and provides support.

    Always listen to your body, if it feels strained you are working too hard, it needs to be 'agreeably uncomfortable'. And this can be a fine line to draw. You are in control of you not your ego not in control of you, and this is what sometimes happens. If you feel you 'have to' do an exercise in a way that is 'pushing' you, then you will need to back off and work more gently.

    So Your Lower Back Hurts? Try These 3 Simple Routines to Get Immediate Relief For Your Hurting Back

    What do you do each time your lower back hurts? Most people would immediately reach out for the painkiller pills their doctors had given them. But just by doing some simple stretches, you can relief the debilitating pain in your back instantaneously!

    Here are some simple stretches which you can do right now to ease that pain in your back:

    1. Knee Bends - Have a chair, table, or desk nearby to act as a support. Stand relaxed with your legs shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on the support. Tighten your abdominal muscles, then exhale while you slowly bend your knees to as low as you can go without pain. Inhale as you slowly get back up. Do 10 repetitions of this

    2. Hip Rolls - Stand back away from the chair or desk you used as a support. Again with your legs shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your hips and tighten your stomach muscles. Rotate your hips clockwise 5 times, then rotate anti-clockwise 5 more times, imagining you are doing the hula.

    3. Sitting Stretch - Sit in your chair, and slowly lean forward as much as you can comfortably go. Try to touch the floor in front of your. Hold the stretch for about 20 seconds and then slowly bring your body back to an upright sitting position. Repeat this routine 3 to 5 times.

    By doing these simple stretches carefully, you should feel an immediate relief from your hurting lower back. But if you have been experiencing these such pains in your lower back, you should NEVER dismiss it as a minor problem or something which everyone experiences in their lives. Pain is just a symptom and not the real problem.

    In most cases, your lower back hurts because of an underlying condition in your body which, if not addressed properly, will lead to further (and worse) back problems! Once you feel better after doing the above stretches, you should definitely look into finding a PERMANENT cure to the real cause of your lower back pain.

    Low Back Pain - Causes and Relief

    Low back pain is debilitating, distracts our attention and is the number two cause (behind the common cold) for missed work. Ninety percent of us will experience low back pain at some point in our life.

    Simply put, our low back, or lumbar spine, transmits the weight of our upper body onto our lower body, and needs support from surrounding musculature. Imbalance in the musculature of the low back can manifest in a variety of forms, from strained muscles to slipped discs, and every time we move, we activate the pain. By understanding the muscles of the low back and core we can better understand what is causing our low back pain.

    What Causes Low Back Pain: Understanding the Muscles of the Lumbar Spine


    Connects the upper part of the thighbone and inner pelvis to the lumbar spine. The principle movement of the psoas is bringing the thigh toward the chest (hip flexion). The psoas attaches not just to the bones of the spine, but also to the discs between, and exacts a huge force onto the discs when tight. Pain caused by the psoas often shows up as lower back pain, because other muscles have to overwork to support the spine. The force of a tight psoas putting pressure on the lumbar spine can cause a pinched disc.

    Quadratus Lumborum (QL)

    Connects the back rim of the pelvis to the spine and lowest ribs. The QL aids in arching the back (spinal extension), and bending sideways (lateral flexion). When we "throw our back out" it is commonly the QL that is strained, and hence the difficulty with standing up (spinal extension). The QL and Psoas oppose each other. A tight psoas makes the QL work that much harder.

    Erector Spinae

    The Erector Spinae run the length of the spine from the sacrum all the way up to the upper back. These muscles keep our spine erect and overuse occurs from sitting improperly, or strain from lifting from the back. Pain appears in the low back or higher, radiating close to the spine.

    Internal Obliques & External Obliques

    Oblique muscles run diagonally across the abdomen. They are the key stabilizers of our core integrity on the front and hence do much to support the lumbar spine integrity. Think of these as the struts on your car, if you are driving straight, they do little, but as you start turning and shifting, they play a huge role. If these are not activating during physical activities we run the risk of damaging our lumbar spine, or compensating with other muscles.

    Rectus Abdominis and Transverse Abdominis

    These are typically what we think of as our core muscles. The rectus lies on a sheet of connective tissue that connects them to the obliques on the sides, the pelvis below, and the ribs above. The transverse abdominis run beneath the obliques and provide secondary stabilization.

    The connection between all these muscles acts like saran wrap to stabilize the core, and provide for proper spacing in the low back. Without their proper participation, low back pain can quickly occur.

    The Road to Recovery: Building Strength and Relieving Tension

    Low back pain sourced in muscle strain can be treated quickly and efficiently with rest and stretching.

    For more long-term, chronic pain, when disc injury may be the cause, consult a doctor before beginning any routine. Developing strength through all parts of the core by doing daily yoga exercises to strengthen and stretch the key core muscles is necessary. A simple daily routine of lower back pain exercises will build strength and stretch by taking the lumbar spine through its full range of motion and activating the key muscles that stabilize it along the way.

    Osteopathy and Low Back Pain

    Over the course of our lifetime more than 80% of us will suffer at least one episode of low back pain that will last for more than 2 weeks. When this occurs we are often at a loss regarding what we should do and how we can regain our health. This article will identify structures that cause pain and advise on what we can do to prevent it worsening or reoccurring.

    I graduated as an osteopath in 1999 from the British School of Osteopathy in London following a 4 year full time degree in osteopathy. I'm currently in practice in downtown Vancouver. During my training and subsequent practice I have observed that osteopathic treatment can be very beneficial in the management of low back pain. In fact I often describe it to my patients as the bread and butter of my business as it is such a common presentation.

    When a patient presents with low back pain I will be considering the following structures that may be causing the pain:- muscle, ligament, disc, nerve, bone or joint.

    Muscle pain may be due to local injury or trauma caused by overstrain whilst exercising or lifting. Muscle pain can also be caused by chronic hypertonicity of the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the spine as they compensate and protect another injured structure.

    The posterior spinal ligaments can often be strained due to poor lifting technique or damaged in the long term by poor posture and prolonged slouching whilst sitting.

    Our intervertebral discs take an enormous amount of trauma over the course of our lives and they can be damaged leading to mild injuries such as a disc bulge to the more serious, a full herniation. The intervertebral discs are commonly injured whilst lifting poorly when we combine spinal flexion and rotation which causes a shearing force on the disc fibres causing them to tear. At different times of our lives we are prone to different types of disc injuries from the late teens and early twenties when our discs are at their healthiest to gradual degeneration and wear as we age.

    Nerve fibres are often damaged by surrounding structures such as the disc and bone. There is a very limited space in the intervertebral foramina where the nerve exits and any space occupying lesion can lead to nerve root irritation and pain. Most commonly a herniating disc will protrude and touch the nerve causing pain. As we age and our discs naturally degenerate this can lead to spondylosis a decrease in disc space which in turn allows the spinal joints to proximate which leads to wear and tear which may impinge the nerve. When a lower lumbar nerve root is impinged typically we will get pain into the posterior part of our lower extremity and into our foot. Typically when the L5 disc herniates it impinges on the L5/S1 nerve root giving pain into the lower extremity. When the nerve is injured it can produce pain, altered sensation such as numbness or pins and needles, muscle fatigue or weakness. In more serious cases a serious complication known as cauda equina can develop which causes pain in the lumbar spine, saddle anaesthesia (numbness around the groin and genital area) and urinary incontinence. This requires immediate surgical decompression as prolonged pressure on the nerve that supplies the bladder can lead to permanent incontinence.

    As we age there can also be a narrowing of the spinal canal which leads to spinal stenosis. This can restrict the spinal cord and cause symptoms usually bilaterally into the lower extremity.

    Bone can produce pain in a variety of ways. There can be fracture pain from either trauma or perhaps in old age pathological fracture due to osteoporotic change. There can also be congenital malformations of the spine such as spondolisthesis or spina bifidae which typically affect the lumbar spine. Finally and most seriously bone pain in the spine can be caused by metastatic growth or secondary spinal cancers, this however is rarely a presenting symptom.

    Lumbar spinal joints can also cause pain locally and referred pain into the lower extremity. Joint pain is caused when the joints are forced together in hyperextension or in old age when due to disc narrowing they proximate. As the apophyseal joints between each vertebrae are pain sensitive pain and discomfort occurs when they are forced together. This is a major cause of arthritic pain in the elderly.

    So that's the bad news, what about some good?

    Well osteopathy can help most of the conditions above. On your first visit to an osteopath they will take a detailed case history regarding your low back pain and general medical history. This will help to form a diagnosis and also exclude the possibility of any serious pathology. In a small number of cases an osteopath may refer you to another specialist if indicated for further testing.

    After the initial assessment an osteopath will usually examine your posture to determine any areas that may be causing strain on the low back. They will also use a highly developed sense of touch known as palpation to assess tissue health. The next step is to examine a patients range of active movement to see if there are any restrictions.

    Once a diagnosis has been made the treatment begins. This will usually involve a variety of hands on massage techniques along with spinal mobilization and manipulation if indicated. The treatment is not usually painful but there may be some discomfort during and after as the tissues are mobilized. Osteopathic treatment will focus on improving the blood supply to tissues to help them heal and also releasing the surrounding structures which may be preventing effective functioning.

    Following treatment to the lumbar spine an osteopath will usually give advice on exercise and ergonomics. I usually give my patients the following advise following treatment:-

    1). If there is pain and discomfort following treatment do not be alarmed as this is normal. In some cases anti-inflammatory or pain killing medication may be beneficial.

    2). If there is pain icing is beneficial in the first 48 hours following treatment or injury. After this time I usually recommend contrast bathing (5mins hot, 5 mins cold, 5 mins hot, 5 mins cold, 5 mins hot) on the affected area to improve fluid drainage.

    3). Keep up and mobile don't go home and lie down or sit for too prolonged periods.

    4). Gentle exercise such as lying flat and bringing the knees up to the chest and gently rocking can help mobilize the spine.

    In the long term I will be looking to improve my patients overall health by encouraging them to exercise more. By working on our abdominal muscles and improving core stability some back pain can be relieved. I will also spend a great deal of time discussing ergonomics with them, how they relate to their environment be it at work or at home, and how they can maintain their pain free state. Periodic treatments may also be beneficial in certain circumstances.

    In conclusion should you find yourself suffering from low back pain consider osteopathy with a well qualified practitioner as it is safe, simple and effective.

    Causes of Chronic Low Back Pain?

    Low back pain is a very common and sometimes debilitating condition that affects up to 80 % of the population. Most patients that develop the acute onset of low back pain will able to return to normal activities of daily living and become a functional member of society within 6 weeks of onset. Yet, a small percentage of the population can go on to suffer with chronic disabling lumbar pain.

    Despite many scientific advances in medicine over the decades, improvement in the quality of healthcare and the proliferation of various new pharmaceuticals, controlling chronic low back pain can be difficult but not impossible. Surgical solutions for treating low back pain is difficult and often met with mixed results and should be the very last option.

    Causes of Chronic Low Back Pain

    The causes of chronic lumbar pain are many and can include one or a few of the problems listed below in combination, and the causes are not limited to this list:

    Degenerative Arthritis: This is the most common cause in adults, and is consistent with the normal wear and tear process to the lumbar spine.
    Other types of arthropathies: There are a number of conditions which fall under this section such as Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diffuse Idiopathic skeletal Hyperostosis(DISH), Lupus, Ankylosing Spondylosis or other HLA-B27 conditions.
    Fibromyalgia: Disease of disuse and muscle deconditioning.
    Stress: This could be either emotional or social stressors which can lead to lumbar pain via muscle spasm.
    Fractures: This can be as a result of any significant trauma such as a motor vehicle accident.
    Muscle Strains: The most common cause as a result of work-related injuries lifting injuries or other types of other trauma.
    Herniated Disc: Disruption of the disc that separates two vertebra that results in nerve root compression.
    Spinal Stenosis: Compression of the spinal nerves secondary to naturally progressive age related arthritis.
    Infection: Bacterial or fungal infection of the spine.
    Intra-abdominal or pelvic organ pathology: Kidney, pancreas, and aorta problems as well as others can mimic symptoms consistent with traditional lower back pain.

    It is because the majority of lower back pain in our society is caused by muscle strain or arthritis, and the frequency is so common, that a delay or missed diagnosis of underlying rare conditions, such as but not limited to fractures, cancer, infection, renal stones, and aortic aneurysms, can occur.

    What are the Predisposing Factors for Chronic Lower Back Pain?

    There are a number of predisposing factors that can increase a patient's chances of having back issues. Problems such as smoking, alcoholism, obesity, low physical activity, psychosocial issues, sedentary jobs, prior failed back surgery, secondary gain, and deconditioning can all increase a patient's chances of developing or maintaining chronic lower back pain.

    As it relates to treatment for lower back pain, it is fortunate that the vast majority of patients will have complete resolution of their pain within six to eight weeks of acute onset. The prevalence of lower back issues in our society persisting longer than two weeks is approximately 14%, with a point prevalence of approximately 7% (Deyo, R. A. 1990).


    The active treatment of lower back pain has two main focuses, the first of which should always be non-operative care. This should include physical therapy, chiropractic, anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants, limited use of narcotics, various injections (both diagnostic and therapeutic), weight loss, smoking cessation, muscle reconditioning, and the tincture of time.

    As it relates specifically to aerobic exercise, fitness creates an overall protective effect on the spine by increasing muscle strength, endurance, and increasing endorphin levels. This can lead to avoiding conditions such as fibromyalgia, which is a disease of disuse.

    The other generalized treatment algorithm may include surgery. It is known that surgical intervention for predominant low back pain typically does not result in excellent long-term results.

    Surgical fusion has been met with mixed results for the treatment of predominant low back pain and decompression has a very limited role.

    Artificial Disc Replacement (ADR) is showing some significant promise in the treatment of low back pain as well as artificial nucleus. Research is still ongoing as it relates to artificial nucleus replacement, yet artificial disk replacement is available and is no longer experimental as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has completed the initial research and approved ADR for human use since 2003. In Europe, artificial disk replacement has been an approved (CE mark) treatment for over 20 years.

    Any patient that is considering treatment for chronic, disabling, low back pain should seek the advice of their primary care physician first and address many of the risk factors that have been outlined above.

    Surgical intervention for chronic low back pain is not common, but evaluation by a spinal surgery specialist would be an important step to take if you, as a patient, have remained symptomatic, despite the conservative course, for longer than 6 to 8 weeks.

    Wednesday, August 28, 2013

    Stomach and Lower Back Pain - Is There A Connection?

    Can stomach pain and back pain be related? The answer is it depends. Recently a friend contacted me about having both stomach and back pain. Because of my own experience he was asking for my advice. The first bit of advice I gave him was that stomach and back pain could be serious and to call his doctor immediately.

    Obviously I am no doctor and I avoid trying to diagnosis someone's medical problem. However when someone is complaining of pain in both the stomach and back chances are it is more than just a strained back muscle. Usually what is happening is that the stomach problem is radiating to the back making then person believe he has a problem in both areas when it's probably originated in the stomach or pelvic area.

    So what are some of the causes of stomach pain? Well they can be different for men and women. Women are more prone to pain in both areas. Pregnancy and or menstruation are two causes of stomach pain in women. Pelvic inflammatory disease is another. Men also have some medical conditions that are unique to them. One of them is an inflammation of the prostate called Acute Prostatitis. This can cause pain in the stomach and lower back. Seminal Vesiculitis is another condition related to the prostate. This condition is the inflammation and degeneration of the seminal vesicles.

    Common to both men and women are the following:

    Kidney Stones: Boy if you have had them you know how painful they can be and how that pain spreads through your lower back.

    Acute Pancreatitis: Your pancreas is a large gland located behind the stomach. It's job is to secrete digestive enzymes into the small intestine. When the pancreas becomes inflamed this is known as Pancreatitis.

    Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Is a swelling of the Abdominal Aorta. Most of the time this occurs at or below the kidneys so you can see how this would affect the back and or stomach.

    All these conditions are very serious and require urgent medical care. In my friend's case he had Acute Prostatitis and is receiving treatment which has eased his back pain by treating the prostrate. So what my friend thought was pain caused by muscle pull after a weekend of tennis turned out to be much more serious. Fortunately he did not delay in seeing his doctor. The lesson here is sometimes what you think is a back pain can be an infection in the pelvic area that radiates to the back. There obviously is a connection between stomach pain and back pain, but it is one that must not be ignored. So if you are having discomfort in both the back and stomach area chances are it is pretty serious and needs a doctor's attention as soon as possible.

    Causes of Low Back Pain in Women - Symptoms, Treatment, Back Support For Painful Back Aches

    Does your lower back hurt?

    Do you want to find an honest way to treat your lower back pain and get relief?

    1.) Introduction

    Unfortunately lower back pain can show up at any time. Sometimes it just comes screaming out of nowhere and you may be looking for answers now. Common causes of lower back pain are discussed here and a cost effective treatment option is also discussed in the following paragraphs. You do not deserve to live with any level of back pain, and this free information can help those of us that need pain relief.

    2.) Causes of Lower Back Pain in Women

    Some of the main causes of lower back pain include lumbar strains and irritation to the nerves that are located in the lumbar spine. Wear and tear (overuse) and degenerative issues that may include your intervertebral discs may really irritate your lower back. You do not necessarily need to be in some form of an accident to have back pain. Even a bad mattress can irritate your back, for example.

    3.) Now What? - How Can You Relieve Your Back Pain Now!

    Rest and ice are at home methods that have been used for years and years. Sure, you know about them, but you may not always think about their limitations. Rest is for those that have a lot of time on their hands. Maybe you have some, but can you afford to lay around with ice strapped to you for long lengths of time? We are willing to bet that life asks more of you and it is hard to always rest as much as you may want to. - Moreover, rest is not a cure all. If you make a sudden movement while resting it is possible to irritate your internal structures without some form of protection.

    4.) Back Support & How It Can Help You

    If you have never had a back support you should think it through for a moment. These days, back supports are more light weight and low profile in design. As a result, you will be able to easily conceal many if not all of them with a t-shirt! A quality low profile back support can help reduce movements that can further an injury that you may have.

    Pain relief is another common benefit of braces. The increased intercavitary pressure that a brace can provide effectively can unload your lower back discs, muscles and other structures for almost immediate pain relief. - Even if you do not get instant and total pain relief, you should still think about using a back support because they can help promote healing of an injured lumbar spine.

    * This is health information. For medical advice that pertains to your particular situation, it is best to consult your physician. We do believe in the benefits of back support but we are not your physician.

    Physical Therapy Treatment for Chronic Low Back Pain

    Pain affecting the lower part of the back characterizes the common condition simply called low back pain. Usually, low back pain goes away after a few days or weeks. You have acute low back pain if you have been experiencing pain for less than six weeks. However, if the pain persists for more than twelve weeks then you have a chronic condition.

    Low back pain may occur suddenly or gradually. Although the lower back is the main body part affected, the pain may go into other areas of the body such as the buttocks down to the legs and feet. Strain to the muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones are the main causes of low back pain. However, what causes the strain differs from one person to another so it best to consult with your doctor.

    For acute low back pain, it is important not to overexert yourself nor stay completely inactive. You may feel like staying in bed will get rid of the pain but in fact doctors do not recommend long periods of bed rest in this case. It is best to continue with your normal activities but at a gradual pace. Some exercises may not be helpful at all at the onset of pain. However, after a couple of weeks you may do some aerobic exercises. Avoid putting pressure on your lower back when you exercise.

    If the pain continues for three weeks, it is best to seek professional physical therapy treatment for chronic low back pain. A qualified physical therapist is knowledgeable on the specific needs of a person suffering low back pain and will be able to design and administer individualized physical therapy treatment for chronic low back pain.

    Physical therapy treatment for chronic low back pain starts with educating the patient about correct movement and posture. Some physical therapists use methods of therapy that apply heat, electric stimulation and ultrasound to the affected area. Physical therapy treatment for chronic low back pain involves specific exercises to improve flexibility and strengthen back muscles especially those that support the spine.

    Physical therapy treatment for chronic low back pain may include one or a combination of any of these exercises: low-impact aerobics, swimming, biking, walking, strength training exercises on the lumbar extension, regular flexibility exercises, contraction exercises that retrains back muscles, and yoga, tai chi, or Pilates exercise programs.

    According to some studies, the exercises above are some of the effective ways to treat chronic low back pain. Again, theories and approach as to what is the best treatment varies but exercise and physical therapy done with consistency and professional guidance definitely play an important role.

    Lower Back Pain Exercise To Combat Pains

    The pain in lower part of back is a common muscular problem. It is of three types.

    - Acute- this is caused due to accidents or fall.

    - Sub acute

    - Chronic- this occurs due to course of time like aging weakness in joints, etc

    There are various exercises for curing lower back pain.

    These are classified under three heads

    1. Initial

    2. Intermediate

    3. Advanced

    Initial lower back pain exercises

    - Ankle pumps- moving your ankles up and down while lying on your back

    - Heel slides- slowly bending and straightening your knee while lying on your back

    - Abdominal contraction- lying down on your back. Tighten your abdominal muscles to squeeze your ribs down toward ground.

    - Wall squats- stand while leaning against a wall. Bend both knees to 45 degrees but keep your abdominal muscles tight.

    - Heel raiser- raise upon your heels and down.

    - Straight leg raiser- lying on your back, keep one leg straight and other leg bent. Slowly lift straight leg up in air and bring down.

    Intermediate lower back pain exercises

    - Single knee chest stretch- lying on back, both knees straight. Bring one knee up toward your chest.

    - Hamstring stretch- lying on back with holding one of your thighs in air.

    Swiss ball lower back pain exercises

    - Lying on your back, as your knees is bending upon the ball. Raise your arm over head and corresponding other leg in air.

    - Sitting on the ball, raise your arm overhead and other corresponding leg up from ground about 2 inches in air

    - Stand with wall, while ball is in between you and wall. Slowly start bending your knees to 45 degrees, and raise your both arms overhead

    - Lying on stomach over the ball, alternatively raise each of your arm and leg in air one by one

    Advanced lower back pain exercises

    - Hip flexor stretch- lying on bed, holds knees towards your chest. Leave the knees one by one.

    - Piriformis stretch- while lying on your back, cross your legs and pull opposite knees.

    Keep yourself in one position at least for 10 seconds and repeat all the exercises for at least 10 times.

    Identify the Causes of Burning Lower Back Pain

    Do you have burning lower back pain and can't quite figure out what's causing it? If you're like many people, you have this at least occasionally and you're tired of it. That means that if you can eliminate the causes of the burning pain, you will likely be able to stop getting the pain in your lower back and that can mean good news for you. So, before you can look for an effective treatment, you need to identify the cause of your pain. There are many common causes and you may relate to one of these.

    Another Round of an Inflamed Sciatic Nerve

    The term a pinched sciatic nerve is all too familiar with many back pain sufferers and this certainly provides you with burning lower back pain. If you're not familiar, the sciatic nerve runs down the spine. When you move in a certain way that causes your muscles surrounding the nerve to rub on it the wrong way or compress against this sensitive nerve, you are asking for trouble. This is one of the more common causes of burning pain in the lower back that you will find and you would be surprised how sensitive this little nerve can be. However, if you can determine what movements you have done that can cause this nerve to become irritated, you will be able to eliminate this cause all together in many cases.

    Overworked Back Muscles

    Why do we all assume that our backs are strong? Most people's backs are the weakest parts of their bodies. This might be why you are suffering from burning lower back pain. Have you struggled and strained to move anything heavy? If you strained for lack of strength, your poor back would have had to do all the work. We don't typically work our backs out and they are already tired from doing the daily work of supporting the body - keeping you upright, protecting the essential spine, absorbing shock from walking or running.

    If your back muscles are already tired, you will likely find that to add to the burden by lifting heavy objects or moving things improperly, you will suffer from lower back pain. Why not work to make the back muscles strong by strengthening these particular muscles and work to support them by strengthening the core at the same time? You might find that your burning pain in the lower back not only goes away for a time, but it will vanish for good.

    Herniated or Slipped Discs

    Here's a lesson that you may or may not know; the spine has "shock absorbers" between each vertebra called discs. These are what helps you to stay comfortable and pain free throughout much of your life. Discs can help to ease every day wear and tear on the spine and are also help you to move fluidly. These are also susceptible to injury if you're not careful with your body. Many times, we will find that if we injure these discs, there will be burning lower back pain. You might have herniated a disc, which means that the disc is injured and inflamed. This is a time when you should try to take it easy and not overwork your back, so the swelling can go down and the disc can fit back into place.

    In other cases, you may find that you have slipped a disc. In this case, not only will you suffer from a burning pain, but this type of pain is more serious and may require the help of a health care professional or chiropractor so don't play around with this type of problem.

    Any time that you have burning lower back pain, you need to be able to identify the causes and keep track of your symptoms so that you can either let your health care professional know or start to begin your own back pain treatment program.

    Lower Back Pain Causes and What You Should Do

    Lower back pain is caused by many issues, but it is not the way you lift, bend or even move about that causes your pain. Pain is created by three main issues that combined will also confuse you about what are the best ways to get lower back pain relief. Read on to discover what are the low back ache and pain causes and what you should do to get lasting relief.

    Most people are told when they hurt their back that it must have been how you lifted, or that you lifted incorrectly or the load was far too heavy for you. Yet in most situations the object you lifted was not too heavy, you've done the same activity many times before without getting pain. So why is this particular situation different and why did lower back ache develop?

    The reality is that the low back pain causes you thought were the true causes are in fact aggravating factors and not causes. Your pain has developed as your muscles and joints in your low back have become tired and exhausted and then the final act you do, causes them to go into spasm and joints to tighten.

    So there are three common issues that create this situation and from this you can understand what you need to do to get lasting lower back pain relief. Remember it is the combination of factors that cause your pain and it is the combination of techniques that will remove your pain long term.

    The common lower back ache cause is muscle tightness, which is where your muscles have tightened and pain develops. Along with this you can localized muscle spasm which is also called trigger points. But it is muscle tightness that causes most of the actual pain, but is still only part of the reason why pain happens.

    If muscles tire out then muscles will tighten, so the muscle tightness mentioned above is the result of when muscles tire. Muscle tiredness doesn't mean they necessarily lose physical strength, but it relates to their nerve and blood supply. If this supply is reduced, then muscles cannot function correctly, they will tire and hence tighten.

    The next issue is joint movement and it is joints that combined with the muscle imbalances that lead to pain. Joints can slow in motion and become sticky, once this occurs the muscle will work harder and then they tire.

    As you can see, combined these three issues are the main low back pain causes and each can recreate the other. To get lasting lower back pain relief you therefore must remove all three issues or pain will only leave temporarily.

    Once again it is the combination of techniques you use that will give you permanent lower back pain relief. Techniques must incorporate aspects that remove the muscle imbalances and joint imbalances to be effective. If not then lower back aches and pain is likely to remain or only leave for the short term.

    Tuesday, August 27, 2013

    Reasons For Lower Back Pain - Treatment Options For a Sore Back

    How is your back doing lately?

    1.) Introduction

    Low back pain is the pain felt at the lower portion of the back, and the feeling may vary from one person to the next. Some may have a slower onset of symptoms, and some may have a sudden spike of pain at any given moment. The duration may be acute - which may last from a few days or for weeks on end! Often times back discomfort results from a mechanical injury, subacute - which may last from four to twelve weeks, or chronic - which may last longer than three months and may be progressive.

    2.) Low Back Pain

    Low back pain may affect the back on any portion just below the ribs and above the legs. Our lower back is the bridge between our upper and lower body, and it carries most of our body's weight. Because of this, the lower back is easily injured just doing daily activities. In fact, low back pain affects eighty percent of the total population at least once in their lives. Most low back pain however, will just go away in a short time with just a few basic self-care remedies. If your pain lasts for more than a few weeks on the other hand, you should then go and see your doctor for proper treatment.

    3.) Causes of Pain

    There are a lot of causes of low back pain. It may be from a muscle strain, or muscle spasm, after a long day at the gym, or after carrying heavy objects, or from overusing or overstretching, which is usually the most common cause. It can also be from aging. As we age, our bones and muscles also degenerate and lose strength which increases the chances of injury. Therefore elderly people may have more risks of having low back pain than younger people. Other causes of low back pain may also be from arthritis, osteoporosis, slipped or herniated disk, congenital spine problem, or even from vehicular or other accidents. Being stressed or depressed may often times make the low back pain become chronic and long-lasting.

    4.) Prevention

    There are some ways to prevent low back pain from returning, one of which is the use of proper body mechanics, with good posture upon sitting, standing and walking. Stretching prior to exercising may also help reduce incidence of low back pain. Regular and low-impact exercise may also help, such as walking, jogging, swimming or stationary biking. Watch your weight and eat calcium rich food and beverages. And most importantly, do not lift objects that are too heavy for you. Instead, bend your knees upon lifting and keep the object you are lifting close to your belly button.

    5.) Back Braces For Support & Pain Relief

    If you have low back pain then you should look into getting a back support to help reduce your pain and improve your stability. They can help promote stability and help to give you your life back again. Many are totally concealed by wearing a t-shirt over the brace and people will never know you are even wearing one, unless you tell them. These supports are useful because they can help limit those movements that will cause you pain and this can help promote healing of an injured lower back.

    * This free health information should also not be used as a substitute for medical advice.

    Low Back Pain Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms

    Low back pain or pain in lumbar region affects nearly 80% of people once or many times in their lives. It is a pain caused due to musculoskeletal disorder and can cause acute, sub-acute or chronic pain. It is the area that supports most of the body weight of a human body, this structure makes all the movements of the body possible and provides flexibility to the body.

    The lumbar area is made up of five vertebrae and between them are inter-vertebral discs which act as a cushion and also prevent the vertebrae to rub each other. These inter-vertebral discs also protect sciatica nerve which off shoots from the lumbar region. This whole structure is supported and held together by muscles and ligaments and muscles make the movement of the low back possible.

    As it is evident that low back is the area which bears most of the weight of the body and is involved in most of the movements made by the body in day to day activities, this makes it prone to wear and tear and also to injuries. Any injury to the muscles or ligaments can cause pain in the back. With the growing age the lumbar area can have diminished or shrunk inter-vertebral discs which make the vertebra or facet joints rub each other causing pain and stiffness in the lower back area. With the age ligaments and muscles also loose the strength and elasticity which can make vertebra move more than they should, hindering the functioning and causing pain in the low back. Spinal stenosis, pinched sciatica nerve, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout arthritis, herniated spinal disc are some other problems which lead to chronic low back pain and need special treatment and attention for alleviation.

    The initial symptoms of low back pain is mild pain in the lumbar area which may radiate down on the front side or back of the leg or may remain confined to the lumbar area. This pain increases with the movement like walking or standing and sometimes it may get aggravated at night while in resting position or in prolonged sitting position. Inability to standup on the toes or inability to raise big toe upwards signifies irritation of certain nerves. Numbness or tender points or lack of blood supply to any leg during sitting position also suggest low back pain.

    NSAID, herbs for controlling pain and inflammation, creams, massages, therapies and exercises are helpful in treating low back pain. In the case of chronic pain due to arthritis or herniated disc, massages and exercises are recommended along with pain killing medicines. Since side effect of NSAID are not yet known completely so herbal treatment for pain control is recommended. Rumatone Gold capsules and oil is very good ayurvedic remedy in lowering back pain. Light exercises, weight control and healthy life style are helpful in preventing episodes of low back pain. Yoga poses and exercises are also extremely helpful in curing and avoiding the pain in low back area by keeping the weight under control and functioning of the joints smooth and proper.

    Lower Back Pain Relief: Non Conventional Treatment Options

    Lower back pain relief is brought to pass in most cases through interventional therapy, which involves blocking the conduction of nerve between specific areas of the brain and the body. Injecting steroids, narcotics, and local anesthetics into affected joints, nerves or soft tissues, does this. Traction is another method through which pain is reduced and in this case weights are used to apply force to pull the structure of skeleton into better alignment.

    The method called Transcutaneous electrical nerve simulation is also employed to bring lower back pain relief. In this case a battery-powered device is used to send mild electric pulses along the nerve fibers in order to block pain signals to the brain. Ultrasound is a therapy that is non-invasive and works by warming the internal tissues of the body that results in the relaxation of muscles. Fractures of the vertebrae are sealed by minimally invasive treatments like vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. In the former, a doctor guides a fine needle into the vertebral body and injects glue like epoxy, which hardens to stabilize the bone, and in the latter a special balloon is inserted and inflated to reduce spinal deformity.

    At times surgical methods are used to bring lower back pain relief, and usually in cases where the patient does not respond to therapies. Procedures like Foraminotomy, Disectomy, are used to clear obstructions or internal injuries. Moreover there are some complex treatments like IntraDiscal Electrothermal Therapy and Nucleoplasty among other that are used to alleviate back pain. In the first case thermal energy is used to treat back pain while in nucleoplasty uses radiofrequency energy to treat patients who suffer from contained or mildly herniated discs.

    Other methods that bring lower back pain relief are Spinal laminectomy, a procedure that involves the removal of the lamina in order to relive pressure on nerve roots and spinal chords. Radiofrequency lesioning is a technique wherein conduction of pain signals is interrupted through electrical impulses and is used frequently by doctors to treat chronic pain in the back. Another technique used to lessen back pain is Spinal fusion, and as the name suggests in this method involves the removal of two or more vertebrae and the fusion of two adjacent vertebrae.

    Other procedures that bring lower back pain relief are cordotomy, rhizotomy, and DREZ, which are surgical in nature and all of them involve the severing or destruction of the nerve root, nerve fibre or spinal neurons. Many of the causes of lower back pain are work related and taking cognizance of this fact more and more employees are promoting ergonomically designed tools. All in all modern sciences has developed various procedures to tackles this frequently occurring ailment and all the sufferers have to do is contact their physician who will prescribe the correct treatment to end their suffering.

    Leg Length Inequality: The Most Ignored Cause Of Lower Back Pain

    Back pain is the most common ailment afflicting Americans today. Over 80 million Americans suffer from back pain at some point in their life. It's a problem that costs employers millions of dollars each year due to lost time and productivity. New and better treatment methods are always sought after in hopes of reducing the economic impact this condition causes, but a little known condition with an easy solution just might be the answer to reducing the frequency of lower back pain.

    Leg length inequality, or LLI, is a condition where one of a person's legs is physically shorter than the other. This can occur because of genetics, where a person is predetermined to have a variation in the rate of growth of one or more of the bones in the leg. Injury to the growth plates of the tibia or femur can also be responsible for the different rates of growth. This explains why gymnasts are so prone to having leg length inequalities. The constant pounding forces applied to the growth plates of pre-teen female gymnasts explains why so many lower back problems exist as these individuals become adults. Fractures of one or more of the leg bones, foot bones, or even surgical changes seen in procedures like hip and knee replacements can also cause a variation in overall leg length.

    Leg length inequality is often measured in orthopedic and chiropractic offices by use of a tape measure and measuring the distance between the lateral malleolus and the anterior superior iliac spine on each side of the patient. Although this method is common, it is not always accurate. The most accurate method of comparing leg length differences is with the use of a standing pelvic x-ray. The central ray of the x-ray is aimed at the sacral base, and the resulting film not only shows the position of the pelvis and sacrum, but also each femur head. With these structures visible, line drawings can be made on the film that allow the health care practitioner to determine the exact difference in millimeters.

    Treatment for leg length inequality typically consists of an orthopedic shoe lift. These are very inexpensive, usually costing less than twenty dollars, compared to a custom orthotic of $200 or more. When the amount of leg length inequality begins to exceed half an inch, a whole sole lift is generally the better choice than a heel lift. This prevents the foot from being unnecessarily stressed in an abnormal position.

    Leg length inequality goes largely undiagnosed on a daily basis, yet this condition is easily corrected, and can eliminate many cases of lower back pain and muscle spasm. If you're suffering from chronic lower back pain and haven't found relief, ask your doctor to consider leg length inequality. It's easy to find, easy to fix, and just may the key to ending your lower back pain.

    How Ovulation Causes Back Pain

    Lower back pain during ovulation normally begins in the lower abdomen. Doctors refer to it as "Mitelschmerz" meaning middle pain in German. This type of pain starts 14 days before menstruation occurs around the time the egg is released from the ovaries. Though this is rarely serious, it is bothersome with 20 percent of the female population experiencing this discomfort monthly.

    There is normally no need to undergo invasive treatments for Mitelschmerz. There are home remedies available to relieve the discomfort brought about by this condition that plagues some women every month.

    1. Drink lots of water. Women experience more intense pain brought about my Mitelshmerz if their body lacks fluids. If a woman is dehydrated, abdominal cramping increases, which consequently makes their lower back discomfort more painful. Young kids have been told early on in their education about the importance of staying hydrated. It is best to take at least 8 glasses of water or other drinks a day.

    2. Taking birth control pills eases severe symptoms of Mitelschmerz. If a woman's lower back pain is extremely painful every month, she may want to consult her doctor about it. Birth control pills can help relieve the pain since it prevents women from ovulating in the first place. Pain medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen and naproxen can also help get rid of the symptoms of Mitelschmerz.

    3. For those who refuse to take medications for fear of its side effects, applying heat effectively alleviates the pain by loosening up the tense muscles. Employing heat in the abdomen, pelvic region and the lower back increases the blood flow to lessen the discomfort. There are Far Infrared Ray (FIR) heat wraps available online. These are better than traditional heat pads because FIR penetrates deeper into the body than regular heat, optimizing the benefits of heat therapy. They also stay in place with the use of a Velcro lock so movement is not hampered, making it extremely easy and convenient to use.

    There is no need to suffer from pain brought about by Mitelschmerz monthly. There are simple ways to get rid of the pain for women experiencing this discomfort before menstruation.

    Severe Arthritis in Lower Back - Treating Back Arthritis

    It's amazing the amount of specifically women in the West who are going through the rigors of arthritis in the back at such a young age. where the rate at which the disease is spreading, one would expect to happen at least beyond age 70.

    Men of course also experience the same symptoms, but young women in the West especially are having the quality of life stripped from them as early as their late 30's, early 40's.

    Just when you're starting a family and that new chapter in your life, variant forms of arthritis such as spondylosis (spinal osteoarthritis) or bursitis of the lower spine, are inflicting women quite rapidly, while prior to this they may have also been living with fibromyalgia, costochronditis or degenerative disc disease.

    Obviously, spinal arthritis is somewhat different to knee or hand arthritis albeit they all have their degrees of pain, but when the disease starts in the back, then down to the lower back - the pathway that this disease often takes is one that leads to the genitalia rendering your control almost useless.

    This is more likely to happen unfortunately if you have pudendal nerve damage, this nerve runs down through the tail bone, through the backside and ends in the genitalia, where it the arthritis will potentially interfere with everything here.

    Obviously this is a worst case scenario, but it is all very probable especially if you are only in your 40's, so what treatment can be taken to slow this disease down and in some way help it to go into remission if at all possible.

    Treating Arthritis in Lower Back

    NSAID's and Injections

    You can take these but beware long-term use is not advised due to the violent nature they can inflict on your internal organs such as the liver, kidney and heart.

    Three quite commonly used NSAID's for back pain are Rituxan, Bextra and Methotrexate.

    Injections also provide a quick fix to the pain, where the steroid cortisone is often used to reduce the swelling in an instant.


    Now if you're from the U.S you will know that if you don't have some kind of insurance, either you will or you won't be able to afford this.

    Surgery is extremely expensive but it does obviously differ from state to state.

    The first step of the procedure is to see a neurosurgeon which will cost $200 - $400, surgery will then cost $10'000 - $25'000 and the hospital fee may range from $30'00- $50'000.

    That's how damaging the costs are in the U.S. Canadians and Europeans and other countries may or may not be able to undergo surgery free, depending on their health care system.

    Surgery will fix what damage needs removing or fusing in the spine but it won't obviously stop the disease, just perhaps slow it down and make the pain bearable again.

    Natural Homeopathic Supplements and Treatments

    FDA registered supplements in the U.S and over the counter pills in Europe and beyond work slightly differently than NSAIDs.

    They help reduce the inflammation and relieve the pain, but they also try and restore some density to the bone while slowing the disease down by restricting this auto-immune disease from attacking the bone.

    This is something NSAID's can't do.

    Homeopathic ingredients include magnesium and calcium for re-building bone structure, Reishi and Glucosamine Complex, for slowing the rate at which the disease spreads and Chondroitin Sulfate, MSM and Capsaicin for reducing swelling and flare-ups.

    Monday, August 26, 2013

    How to Cure Lower Back Pain In Days

    My husband had lower back pain for 10 years. X-rays had revealed that he had a slightly slipped disc in his back. He had been to see Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Sports Therapists, Acupuncturists, Physiotherapists and nothing had worked.

    Eventually he allowed the pain to control him and he grew frustrated and worried daily about how he would play with our children when the time came.

    After 10 years and an unknown amount spent on professionals we were willing to try anything.

    We experimented with various techniques and this is what we found:

    When we focus on something, we give it energy.

    When we focus on pain, we attract pain.

    When we focus on love, we attract love.

    Our bodies are designed to be healthy- If your body is in a state of dis-ease it is trying to tell you something is wrong.

    There may be various reasons why your body has created this dis-ease and it is up to you to play detective. In my husband's case it was more than one reason.

    Firstly, he lower back region of the body relates to support and finances. My husband has not had the support he needed from his family and friends and whenever we returned from a family visit his back was much worse.

    Secondly, he might be creating the lower back pain in order to NOT participate. Now I know this might sound like self sabotage and that is EXACTLY what it is. In order for him to not make a fool of himself or fail at the activity he simply gave himself back pain as an excuse to not even try.

    Now, you have to understand that this is all SUBCONSCIOUSLY. He did not "give" himself pain knowingly.

    Your subconscious is immensely powerful.

    It has a primary goal: To make whatever you believe to be true.

    Say, "My back is killing me today" and it will probably hurt twice as much as it normally does.

    Pay attention to your words and thoughts. Your subconscious is ALWAYS listening.

    And that's why we decided to use it to our advantage.

    Affirmations. Ever heard of them? Yes, the mantras you recite over and over to yourself in the hope that what you say comes true.

    Well, guess what?

    They work!

    He wrote the following on a small piece of cardboard and carried it in his pocket and every time he went to the bathroom he would repeat it over and over- about 50 - 100 times a day.


    And the lower back pain disappeared within 3 days and he is now able to do exercises (the "cobra pose" in Yoga is a great exercise for strengthening the lower back).

    He still uses the affirmations and does 50 "cobra" repetitions a day and so far is still free from lower back pain.

    What a pleasure!