Saturday, July 13, 2013

Benefits of Doing Back Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Low back pain issue is a common saga a result of the poor way of life many people are following in today's times. The reality is, it is one of the most popular lower back conditions causing missed work. Americans devote approximately $50 billion every year on back pain relief treatment program. In spite of everything, many people endure the pain, and wrongly reckon that have grown to be strong enough for much more vigorous training, ending up to a lot more prolonged pain.

Oftentimes, muscles on the lower back are placed in threat of stress when you do just about any combination of flexion, side to side flexion, and turning after which stretches and moves the spinal column back into its neutral location. Back muscles perform a huge role in your everyday life. Any one thinking about embarking on an exercise routine should include back exercises into their exercise program in order to reinforce the lower back.

Lumbar pain or a worn out back can be a common problem for working individuals. The majority of adults endure lumbar pain at some point however for some, it is much more hurting and debilitating. Chronic pain in higher levels can cause despair, loss of job function, wherewithal to accomplish everyday activities and extremely huge health and social expenses caused by medical care and compensation for loss of earnings. If you have lumbar pain, it is necessary that the cause is clinically determined prior to making an attempt any back exercises for lower back pain.

Back exercises for women are definitely vital to make sure overall back health. Womens' exercises for the back must comprise greater than the over-used cord pull-down, given that the muscles on the back have diverse joints in the body, and the way those muscle fibers are generally structured is for it to get ignited through different motions.

Another one of the best back exercises for women is the bent over row, which enables them to attain a total back exercise with no much strain. Typically, it is one of the easiest exercises to perform, also it can be performed with a free weight barbell.

Back exercises for lower back pain can help give relief and help you to recover to a phase when you execute more strenuous workouts. Such exercises really don't simply involve stretching. For a strong back, you can do back exercises specific for its muscle group three days a week. For a much healthier back, do not forget that the key is actually to do the suitable type of workout.

Back Pain Solutions - Lower Back Pain and Sciatica Pain Relief Treatment - That Works Effectively!

This may shock you but the PHYSICAL CAUSE of the MAJORITY of back pain and sciatica is ISCHEMIA also known as OXYGEN DEPRIVATION! Accepting this is often half the battle towards finding back pain solutions and sciatica nerve pain relief that works!

Only 4-5% oxygen deprivation is needed to cause problems in the spinal columns muscles, tendons and nerves especially the sensitive sciatic nerve. Problems can range from tight muscle spasms and muscle cramps (from lactic acid build up) to nerve irritation, tingling and even a frightening sense of 'deadness' in the leg.

A Brief Explanation of Oxygen Deprivation

Oxygen deprivation pain comes from a lightning fast process in the body which takes just milliseconds to occur. This is why the onset of pain is often so sharp and sudden. Briefly what happens is that the autonomic nervous system gets the 'go ahead' signal from the mind to decrease blood circulation to the nerves and tissues in the spinal column.

This reduced blood circulation means that there is a decrease in available oxygen to the spine as the blood, namely the red blood cells, carry oxygen from our lungs around the body.

But why is the autonomic nervous system sending out signals to the circulatory system to decrease oxygen supplies and circulation in the spine?

This is the million dollar question for back pain and sciatica cures! Understanding the answer to this question is KEY to knowing the ROOT CAUSE of the majority of back pain and sciatica. Once the correct cause is identified, the chances of solving the problem increase exponentially. Right cause, right remedy.

Back Pain Solutions-Finding Out The Root Cause Of Oxygen Deprivation

Oxygen deprivation pain mimicks pain blamed on mechanical and even degenerative failures in our spines. As we age most people will develop from their thirties onwards, especially if they are smokers or have a poor diet, certain structural or mechanical failures in the spine.

However, although the blame for pain often lies as the feet of the nerves, discs, posture, and misalignment it may not necessarily be the case. If we allow ourselves to think outside the box then the ACTUAL CAUSE of pain for many thousands of back pain and sciatica sufferers may be something completely different. Read on to find out below..

Back Pain Sufferers Deserve To Know About Tension Myositis Syndrome Dr John Sarno (M.D.), a US doctor pioneering in the area of back pain since the 70's came up with an inspirational theory which he has named Tension Myositis Syndrome. Tension means a certain type of inner, buried tension we are not usually aware of, myositis means affecting the muscles (and nerves too) and syndrome meaning the disorder can have many sites, the spine being one of the most common.

This theory states after years of research and countless cures that even though back pain and sciatica have a physical cause (oxygen deprivation so it is NOT psychosomatic pain) it has its source in the mind, namely the unfelt, unconscious mind.

Dare To Find Out Why The Unconscious Mind Might Be Causing You Pain!

The unconscious is neither logical or rational and it develops the pain syndrome as a defence mechanism to keep buried emotions and inner conflicts, well, buried. These can be like a volcano inside us simmering away, threatening to erupt in our psyches with chaotic consequences.

Therefore by 'creating' the oxygen deprivation pain syndrome in the body, the unconscious mind can make us blame the pain on disc herniations, ruptures, certain types of disc and spinal degeneration, accidents, trips, sprains and falls. As we are obsessing over the 'damage' in our backs and its weakness we tend to forget about everything else especially our emotional difficulties. They can safely remain hidden and buried inside us, albeit in a festering manner.

The physical pain of back pain and sciatica which can often become excruciating can then be used by the mind as a powerful decoy to hide our buried, 'real' selves. These 'real' selves have often become overloaded through the stress and strains of life. Events such as a bereavement, illness, family/marital problems, financial melt down can tilt the balance in the wrong direction and trigger a heightened form of the pain syndrome far and above our usual aches and pains of every day.

Emotional Awareness of the 'Rea' Self, The Key To A Cure "An imaginary self (ego) and a real self make up the person. We strive to present the first to the world (wear our mask) and to neglect the second." Fulton Sheen

If the 'real' self becomes overloaded and is ignored for too long a distraction strategy (often of severe pain) is introduced by the unconscious mind into the autonomous nervous system via oxygen deprivation pain. Healthy emotional maturity and emotional awareness skills serve to dissipate such problems.

However in modern life this emotional maturity and also the time in which to 'listen' to the 'real' self is sadly lacking. Further, we are often unwilling to face what needs to be faced such as deep grief and loss and have become experts in distraction strategies such as shopping, TV, drink and other addictions. All these prevent us 'tuning into' our 'real' selves.

Living very often in success orientated, fast paced societies we literally don't have the time to become emotionally aware of our real selves anymore and we live more and more in a virtual world. As a consequence, the age in which we live has been termed 'the age of immaturity'. Compared to our parents or grandparents, most people would agree, we are generally less emotionally mature than they were at our ages.

We are the age of the 'masked face' where appearance means everything and the 'real' self, the inner life is ignored. 'This inner life is never given a moment to see ourselves as we really are... (Fulton Sheen)

Back Pain Constipation: How to Treat It and Get Instant Relief

Do you think that your back pain is brought on by chronic constipation? Do you consistently strain at the loo? Do you have to keep pushing until the pain gets unbearable? Well, chances are that constipation may be part of the problem.

Research has shown that apart from constipation, there could also be an underlying cause of the pain. In this article we'll be looking at the relationship between back pain and constipation. I'll also show you what you can do to not only cure the constipation, but also the back pain and its underlying causes -if any.

Constipation is a common condition that affects millions of people annually. It is a major cause of discomfort and back pain and constipation. This can be rather frustrating, painful and debilitating.

Back pain and constipation are caused by many factors. Chief among the factors is the impaction of feces resulting in an overloaded intestine. When an individual aches in the back and has constipation at the same time, it's mostly because of the weight and pressure of the overloaded intestine on the lower back. This often occurs among adults because of their eating habits and lifestyle.

Recent estimates and stats have shown that next to cold and flu, most people visit their physicians because they have aches in different parts of the body. While it is normal to develop aches -particularly back aches- after a stressful physical workout or hectic day, back aches can often be as a result of constipation. Other causes of aches in the back could be stress, excessive walking, degenerative, disc disease, stair climbing, bending, heavy lifting and standing for long periods.

If the above mentioned are not a common part of your daily activities and you are constipating, chances are that you are having a bout of back pain and constipation. Straining hard to pass stool can cause an ache in the lower back. This ache happens because the anus is inflamed and because of the stress put on it when trying to defecate.

Kids are also known suffer from these problems. Parents have been known to take their kids to the doctor to help diagnose an ache only to find that the kid is suffering from pain caused by straining the anal sphincter and nerves. When left untreated, it can be so strong that it weakens the individual.

How Do You Know that Your Back Pain is Caused by Constipation?

Look for the following symptoms. If they are present, then you sure have got it.

Consistent pain which doesn't ease off even when you're lying down.

The pain becomes more intense when you're trying to poop.

It doesn't just remain in the lower back. It extends to the upper region of the back.

The intensity gradually increases regardless of what pain relief medications you may have taken.

Loss of appetite and nauseous feeling.

Numbness and weakness in the legs, buttocks and feet.

Inability to pass feces and intense pressure on the bladder.

What Can You Do?

They can be treated using various methods. You can opt for pain relievers and laxatives. It is important however to know that pain killers and laxatives or enemas don't mix. However, a meal consisting of a large bowl of All-Bran combined with a tablespoon of oat bran for breakfast, lots of vegetables, whole meal bread and lots of water can work wonders. Others recommend thyroxine as being very efficient.

The Three Worst Stretches For Back Pain

Stretching is one of the most commonly used methods to reduce back pain. Unfortunately, most stretches for lower back pain can cause more harm than good.

The lower back is one of the most misunderstood areas of the human body, perhaps only second in that category to the brain. Many so-called treatments completely ignore the functional anatomy of the lower back. Due to this misunderstanding, there are three stretches for back pain that are frequently recommended but can actually increase your pain when performed over time.

The number one offender is the lower back rotational stretch. This is the stretch that involves laying down on your back and twisting your legs in either direction while holding your shoulder blades against the ground.

The truth is that the lumbar vertebrae are not built for rotation. If you have seen one of these vertebrae in person before, you would notice that the lumbar vertebrae are much bigger than their thoracic and cervical counterparts. As a result, the lumbar vertebrae do not have much capacity for rotation.

In fact, each lumbar vertebra can normally only rotate by a few degrees (usually 1 to 3), while each thoracic vertebra can rotate almost 10 degrees.

As a result, most of our spine's rotational capacity stems from the middle and upper spine, not the lower back. Attempting to get more rotation from the lumbar spine by performing the rotational stretch is a recipe for more pain over time rather than relief. The expression "forcing a square peg into a round hole" fits perfectly here.

The reason this stretch (and the next stretch) remain popular is due to the fact that they feel good while you are performing them. Picking a scab also feels good, but does not help the tissue heal! The relief from these stretches is temporary and the injury is perpetuated. This "feel good" mentality is a trap; just because something feels good does not make it healthy. Extra rotational capacity at the spine only leads to a higher risk of injury.

The next common but dangerous stretch is "knee to chest" stretch. This stretch for the lower back involves laying down on your back and pulling your knees to your chest. This stretch invokes something known as the "stretch reflex"; this forces the stretched muscle to relax and prevents it from contracting properly for about 20 minutes. This also provides a pain-relief effect.

The net result is that your lower back muscles can no longer contract effectively (reducing spinal stability) and the area is numbed (making it hard to tell if you are injuring yourself). Due to the lowered stability and sense of pain, it is easy to injury your lower back during this 20 minute refractory period. Additionally, once this reflex wears off, the person performing the stretching is back in pain and none the better for it.

The final stretch is the "toe-touch" stretch, which involves bending forward and trying to touch your toes. This stretch can cause further injury because the spine is in its most susceptible position to injury when it is flexed. Additionally, tight hamstrings are often used by the brain to splint the spine and prevent further injury. It is not always appropriate or effective to stretch a muscle just because it is tight.

5 Simple Stretches For Lower Back Pain

Many people suffer from lower back pain and the constant nagging pain can really lessen your enjoyment of life. There are things you can do to help alleviate the problem. Here are five simple stretches for lower back pain that you can do to end your suffering.

The first exercise requires you to lay down flat. Put your leg out to the side of your body. You will do this by bending at your knee. Bring the upper part of your leg to your side. Cross the bent leg over to the other side of your body. You will do this exercise with the opposite leg using the same steps. Do this for 20 to 30 seconds.

The second of the stretches for lower back pain will work your entire spine. Lower your chin down to your chest for about 20 to 30 seconds. You can do this exercise anywhere you want as long as you are sitting. If you don't feel any relief the first time you do this exercise, repeat a few times. You should feel this throughout your entire spine.

The third stretch will require you to use your arms. Put your arms out and to your sides. Keep your arms shoulder width apart. Do 15 to 20 arm circles forward and then do that many backwards. Once you are finished, lift your arms above your head and grab your hands. Bring your hands down and in front of you. Your hands should be together and stretched out in front of your chest. Hold this position for about 15 seconds. When you are finished, slowly put your arms down. This exercise also helps your arms and chest.

Fourth in the series of stretches for lower back pain is done sitting on the floor. Sit with your feet touching each other. Your knees should be pointing out to the sides. Bring your body forward so your head would be touching your feet or as close as you can get them. Don't force yourself to touch your feet because it will make this exercise ineffective. Slowly lower yourself down so you can feel the full benefits of this exercise. Perform this exercise for about one minute. While you're doing this exercise, remember to do your breathing. Repeat this exercise about five times throughout the day. This will help you stretch your entire body.

This last exercise will require you to stand. You can lean against a wall while facing forward. Bend forward to touch your toes. If you can't touch your toes, try to touch the front of your calves. This exercise can still be effective even if you can't touch your toes.

These stretches for lower back pain will help relieve you of your suffering. They will work your lower body muscles as well as your entire body. Keep working at them and you will find relief. Remember to do these slowly so they can be affective.

Can You Handle Your Back Pain After Knee Surgery

The last stage for most of the people is on the operating table for a number of different causes, and because of this there are thousands of people dealing with pain after knee surgery, including back pain. This back pain that's experienced after having surgery can be due to a couple of different things, depending on what the surgery was for in the first place. It doesn't seem reasonable to have back pain after knee surgery since that's was the surgery was supposed to finish, but usually there is a certain healing time to be had before the person having the surgery starts to feel relief.

A lot of strain will be put on your back during your ambulation period either through crutches or through a walker. In place of getting relief from the actual knee problems after having knee joint surgery, patients still report having low back pain after surgery and it seems to hurt them when they need to move themselves. This will further increase your trouble.
Pre surgery requirements include proper conditioning and toning of back and lower limb muscles so that patient do not face must trouble after surgery.

Use A Walking Aid To Avoid Back Pain After Surgery:

Use an aid while walking to avoid pressure on your back as well as knees. Start with two crutches and as the condition improves move on with a single crutch.

One of the treatment to get rid of back pain after knee surgery that you can try at home is to lay on your back with a soft pillow under your knees. Do not put any undue strain on your knees and keep your back straight. This will keep the pressure off from your back and help in relieving the pain. You can also try resting your knees on a pillow that's placed on a chair. Lay on your back and place your knees on the chair. Both of these are great remedies to relieve back pain after knee surgery.

Exercises Are Must To Avoid Back Pain After Knee Surgery:

You should not forget to perform your mild and simple exercises for back pain, and at the same time as doing exercises if you feel pain you must at once stop your exercise and cool down before recommencing once more. Another way of exercising for back pain after knee surgery is to strengthen your critical muscles in the abdomen, lower back, gluteus and quadriceps. And, you can also perform back and leg muscles strengthening by doing isometric exercises which do not involve any movement and strengthen your muscles. This will certainly help you with your back pain after knee surgery.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Chronic and Recurrent Low Back Pain - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Low back pain is a universal symptom, and almost every individual suffers from it at some time in life. Chronic and recurrent low-back pain is also very common, and almost sixty percent or more of the general population complains of this problem, usually while approaching middle age. The causes for this condition are multiple, and usually relate to the bony lumbar spine, muscles and ligaments in the lower back, the nerves emerging from the lower part of the spinal cord, internal organs of the lower abdomen, and the skin covering the lower back. Treatment for chronic low back pain therefore, depends upon the known cause for this condition.

The Ayurvedic management of chronic or recurrent low back pain is similarly based upon treating or removing the diagnosed or suspected cause of the condition in individuals presenting with this condition. An acute low back sprain is usually treated with rest, local application, hot fomentation, and medications to reduce pain and inflammation. Medicated oils like Vish-Gargha-Oil and Maha-Narayan-Oil are used to reduce pain and muscular spasm. The beneficial effect of local applications can be reinforced with hot fomentations using hot water bottles, electric heating pads, or medicated steam of decoctions of medicines like Nirgundi (Vitex negundo) or Dashmool (Ten herbal roots). Pain, spasm and inflammation can be reduced using medicines like Triphala Guggulu, Trayodashang Guggulu, Maharasnadi Guggulu, Vat-Gajankush-Ras, Vat-Vidhvans-Ras, and Vish-Tinduk-Vati.

Recurrent low back pain is usually because of a faulty working posture, a contributory working environment, poor muscular tone, obesity, and lack of regular exercise. A detailed history of the affected individual is necessary in order to identify and help remove or minimise the known cause. Health life-styles need to be inculcated in order to reduce weight and exercise regularly and sensibly. Relaxation techniques and yogic asanas help considerably in reducing this condition. The appropriate medical investigations need to be done in order to rule out organic causes of the condition.

The commonest cause of severe, intractable, chronic low back pain is usually irritation of the lower back nerves due to bulging, degenerated, herniated or fractured spinal discs or overgrowth of the spinal vertebral bone. Aggressive and long-term treatment, ranging from three to six months, is usually required to bring relief from pain. The medicines which can be used in this condition include Trayodashang Guggulu, Laxadi Guggulu, Maharasnadi Guggulu, Panchtikta-Ghrut Guggulu, Tapyadi-Loh, Ekangveer-Ras, Vish-Tinduk-Vati, Vat-Gajankush-Ras, Trivang-Bhasma, Mukta-Bhasma, Praval-Panchamrut, Shrung-Bhasma, Godanti-Bhasma, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Asthishrunkhla (Cissus quadrangularis), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) and Musta (Cyperus rotundus). The patient has to be strongly advised against physician-shopping, in search of a quick remedy.

Regular and moderate exercise and a well-balanced diet provide excellent protection against low back pain. Trunk-rotating exercises and all exercises which bring about an extension of the back muscles are beneficial in this condition. Qualified supervision and advice is however, necessary in order to obtain the maximum possible benefit, while avoiding adverse consequences.

Healthy Back Institute's Back Pain Relief Products Review

Individuals would go through anything to relieve lower back pain, including testing out the newest devices and pain relief products, like heating gels and other new liniments and support pillows, which are demonstrated on infomercials. The success of various products in minimizing the pain is provided through convincing stories of many folks. "Satisfied" consumers also chime in with their good remarks in the hopes that the customer would dish out those valuable dollars to purchase the product. What's the deal with these products? Do they truly provide relief? Or are you just endangering your health?

Thankfully, not all back pain relief products are total frauds and there are many health institutes that will try out these products for their safety and productivity.

One particular institute is The Healthy Back Institute. A sample of a product that was tried by the Institute was Memory Foam which was released in 2009. Though it was advertised to be the most effective remedy for back, neck, and sciatica pain relief, third-party researchers found volatile arsenic and phosphor poisons being gave off by the foam material which brought on serious allergic side effects (such as rashes and itchy eyes), breathing issues, vomiting, and a host of other physical complaints. The mattress also afflicted numerous pets.

Of course, the Healthy Back Institute has uncovered many other back relief products that are both safe and effective. The following are some of the very suggested back pain relief products...

The 7-Day Back Pain Cure. This particular product is a book which includes numerous exercises and natural methods of reducing the pain.

Lose The Back Pain System. Quite comparable to the first product, this product helps relieve the pain and sciatic pain through the application of easy-guide videos.

Heal-n-Soothe. Unlike the NSAIDs and its negative effects, this all natural anti-inflammatory pain tablet will help lessen inflammation and pain.

Rub On Relief. For those who are tired of taking oral medicines, Rub On Relief presents instant and soothing relief to muscle pain.

Super Joint Support. The Super Joint Support is an oral liquid solution and it is employed to enhance the joints with ingredients like glucosamine, chondroitin, Vitamin C and Manganese.

Inversion Tables. In order to reduce swelling and boost recovery, specialized inversion therapy tables decompress the spine, free nerve impingements, and enhance blood circulation and hydration to the discs to alleviate lower back pain.

Nubax簧 Trio. Lower back pain, herniated disc, and sciatica is relieved by the Nubax簧 Trio by decompressing the spine.

Far Infrared Heating Pad. Deep-penetrating infrared heat is applied to the affected areas to present alleviation from back pains, joint discomforts, and other types of aches and pains.

Trigger Point Therapy. A home massage system, it operates to ease pain by deactivating trigger points that have induced muscle pressure and nerve irritation.

Freedom Back Support Pillow. Helps to repair awful stance while sitting by offering support to the lower back. The Freedom Back Support Pillow also has a built-in massage system that helps to reduce strain and relax the muscles in the lower back, therefore alleviating soreness.

You can consider the many tried and tested back pain relief products through the Healthy Back Institute.

Back Pain In the Lower Left Side? These Are The Common Causes

There are many types of back pain with many different causes.? Chances are if you've been to a doctor, hospital or chiropractor they have had difficulty in diagnosing the problem.? Perhaps you've had X-rays taken and other tests as well as taken drugs to ease the pain but you were not cured.?

Possible causes of back pain involving the lower left side indicate intestinal problems of some sort possibly including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), muscle imbalance, kidney stones, excessive or improper exercise, lifting objects that are too heavy, pregnancy, obesity or an improperly aligned spine such as a herniated disc.

With IBS, you may experience bouts of diarrhea and vomiting due to certain foods you may have eaten that you may be allergic to such as gluten in wheat or rye.? Chances are your doctor will tell you to remove gluten from your diet, which should bring some relief.? There are no cures for IBS which also includes Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis but it can be managed.? In some cases Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis have come about due to some prescription medication you have taken such as Fosamax.? Fosamax is used to treat osteoporosis in women and men as well as Paget's disease.

Kidney stones are a common cause of lower left back pain.? Chances are you will experience difficulty urinating and possibly have blood in your urine.? Your doctor will have no problem diagnosing his problem.? Depending exactly where your stones are and how big they are, your doctor will determine how to get rid of them.? Sometimes it is just a matter of letting them pass through your system.? Laser technologies have been used to blast these stones into smaller pieces, which will pass through your system as well.

A muscle imbalance can also cause lower left back pain.? There are many causes including a pulled muscle.? This can generate pain in other parts of the body as well including spinal pain and intestinal pain.? You may experience pain on the opposite side of your back because your right side is working harder to take over lost function from your left.? Sometimes muscle relaxers and pain killers are prescribed to allow you to do certain exercises that aid in recovery of the damaged muscle.? If the damage is serious, you may require surgery.? Alternating hot and cold compresses are recommended to keep inflammation down and allow for good blood circulation for a faster recovery.? Lower left back pain will remain until your muscles return to normal.

Pregnancy is another cause of lower left back pain.? As the fetus develops it gets bigger and bigger causing the uterus to expand shifting your center of gravity not to mention weakening of the stomach muscles.? This puts tremendous strain on your lower back.? Remember, you are also carrying around extra weight from the fetus plus any weight you are gaining.? This increase in body mass may begin pinching nerves which will cause pain as well.? I'm afraid the only cure here is delivery and that you will have to wait for.? Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs may bring some relief in the mean time.

Many back problems can be avoided if you maintain proper weight and exercise regularly.? Be careful how you pick up heavy objects and make sure you do your exercises properly.? Back problems can start out small but if ignored can become a serious issue.?

Make sure to:-

The Pros and Cons Of Radiofrequency Treatment For Chronic Back Pain

Radiofrequency neurotomy, also called radiofrequency ablation or lesioning, is a procedure that intentionally injures nerves to prevent pain signals from being sent to and processed by the brain. It is a minimally invasive surgical procedure reserved for those with chronic pain who have not found relief from more conservative treatment methods.

Radiofrequency treatments can be used on patients with pain from a degenerative disc, facet joint or sacroiliac (SI) joint. Guided by fluoroscopy, an electrode is inserted into the body and placed on the targeted nerve. Once positioned properly, the electrode is heated to create a lesion on the nerve. A more recent, advanced form of the procedure includes a cooling phase; this increases the area of the electrode's impact and may be useful in certain locations of the body.

This treatment is not a permanent solution; over time, nerves heal and pain returns. It is important to remember that radiofrequency is a treatment that addresses the symptom of pain, not the initial cause thereof. Review the following pros and cons before deciding whether to receive this procedure.


For people who cannot perform day-to-day activities or work due to pain, a procedure like radiofrequency neurotomy can be tremendously positive. If effective, the procedure may allow people to return to work and perform basic daily activities like walking without excessive pain.

Results from radiofrequency treatment can last up to a year or two, which may make it more appealing than steroid injections, another common treatment for back and SI joint pain.

Neurotomy is a less invasive procedure than other surgical methods of eliminating joint and disc pain, particularly fusion surgery. Fusion creates a rigid segment between vertebrae or the pelvic bone and sacrum to inhibit painful motion from instability. The procedure comes with a high price tag and a host of risks, including accelerated degeneration of facet joints and spinal discs near the fused joint. Radiofrequency lesioning may provide enough pain relief to avoid more invasive surgery.

Research indicates that this procedure is helpful to some degree for around 70% of those who receive it and that it may decrease reliance on expensive and dangerous pain medications. See for a collection of research supporting the use of cooled radiofrequency for discogenic and SI joint pain.


Radiofrequency lesioning makes pain worse before making it better. The initial week following the procedure can be difficult due to local soreness and swelling. Some patients who have received the treatment report that it can take a month or two to feel any positive effects.

Some patients receiving the treatment never experience relief. Some may even experience more pain if the procedure was done incorrectly and the targeted nerve was incompletely damaged; this would cause it to increase its pain signal output. See to read reviews of the procedure from a number of people who have received it.

It must be remembered that this treatment is not a cure; it just masks the pain. Whether your pain is caused by a degenerated disc, facet joint or SI joint, it is important to continue efforts to resolve the underlying issue. Research alternative medicine to find treatment options you may not be aware of. Take advantage of your pain-free or reduced pain time post-radiofrequency treatment to follow through on exercise therapy, strengthening your core muscles that support joints and spinal discs.

Radiofrequency neurotomy may be a suitable treatment for you if pain is interfering with your quality of life. The focus of any chronic pain treatment plan, however, should be to address the cause of pain and not just mask the symptom.

Lower Back Pain Hip Pain Gluteus Medius

A person with lower back pain or hip pain often will limp with a lurch over to the side of the weight supporting limb every time he/she takes a step. This sign called the Trendelenburg sign is due either to pain and or weakness of the gluteus medius muscle. This duck waddle type of gait is characteristic of this muscle's inability to function well.

Gluteus medius arises from the outer surface of the pelvic bone called the iliac bone and attaches to the outer part of the hip. Its function is to spread the thigh outward away from the midline (abduction). This muscle receives very strong nerve supply from the L5 nerve root via the superior gluteal nerve. Since L5 nerve root is the most commonly injured nerve root, weakness and/or pain in the gluteus medius is common.

Usually, muscles that become weak and are prone to injury are those subjected to constant lengthening contractions rather than shortening contractions. Gluteus medius however does shortening contractions but is one of the muscles that easily become weak. Nerve related weakness of this muscle is common and is due to L5 spinal nerve root involvement from irritation related to presence of degenerative arthritis of the spine, slipped disc, bulging disc, etc.
A person with tightness of this muscle may sometimes hear a click as he/she walks and there can be significant hip pain. Treatment of nerve related muscle pain of the gluteus medius cannot be isolated to treating this muscle alone. The adjacent tensor fascia lata muscle supplied by the L5 nerve root whose function is exactly similar to that of the gluteus medius must be treated.
Pain and/or weakness of gluteus medius and the adjacent tensor fascia lata muscle is made more difficult to treat from the overpowering action of the hip muscles that bring the thigh inward such as the adductor magnus muscle in the inner thigh and the buttock muscle (gluteus maximus). Therefore at a minimum these two huge muscles as well as the lower back muscles must be included in the treatment.

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Pregnancy and Lower Back Pain, What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know

Back pain and pregnancy, tips on what you can do to make your pregnancy and lower back pain a little easier to deal with.

Normal weight gain in pregnancy is about 35 pounds, but lots of women I have met over my twenty-year midwifery career gained 35 pounds to 70 pounds during pregnancy. The stress of sudden weight gain during the short cycle of pregnancy can cause back pain and pregnancy misery.

Pregnancy posture change:

Pregnancy and lower back pain happens because of pregnancy weight gain and the automatic adjustments your body makes in posture to accommodate the growing womb. This change in posture is called pregnancy lordosis. Upper and lower back pain and pregnancy lordosis go hand in hand because your spine becomes super curved, elongated, and your breast and buttocks stick out pulling and stretching your back muscles.

Pregnancy hormones:

On top of this, back pain and pregnancy go hand in hand because of the higher levels of pregnancy hormones you produce. Pregnancy hormones have a relaxing effect on many of the muscles in your body to accommodate the muscle stretching that is required during pregnancy. Relaxed muscles are not as supportive to the spine and abdominal muscles, therefore many women complain of back pain and pregnancy shoulder stress.

Pregnancy pelvic changes:

The female pelvis is made up of many different bones. When you get towards the end of your pregnancy, a baby cannot fit to a normal-sized woman's pelvis without the pelvis opening and expanding. The pelvis has two major joints; one towards the right and one towards the left of your lower back along with a hinge joint at the very tail end of your spine.

Back pain and pregnancy ligament pulling and stretching is a direct result of your pelvis opening, which will allow your baby's head to engage or enter into the cavity of your pelvis. Pregnancy and lower back pain is also caused by the excess pressure felt deep within your pelvis as your baby sits and waits for labor to commence.

All of these factors taken together, it is not unusual for pregnant women to get backache. So if you get a backache straight away start doing things to prevent your backache from getting worse or getting out of control.

How to help minimize symptoms associated with pregnancy and lower back pain:

I definitely recommend having nice warm bath soaks, putting nice warm compresses on your back, or even better still having back massages to help with your pregnancy and lower back pain.

I would absolutely recommend that every pregnant woman go to see a chiropractor during pregnancy. A lot of traditional obstetrician, gynecologist and midwives are a little afraid of sending the women to a chiropractor because they are just not informed as to what chiropractors actually do. A chiropractor can help your spine accommodate easier to all the posture changes that happens during your pregnancy and relieve pain associated to pulled and stressed muscles associated to pregnancy and lower back pain

Apart from that, let us look at what things can you do to your own body to help minimize back pain and pregnancy. Wearing a good supporting bra during your pregnancy will support the increased breast weight and uplift your breasts so they do not feel so heavy. This will alleviate a lot of the upper back stress associated with pregnancy and lower back pain.

There are also a lot of pregnancy stomach binders that have been created to help support the weight of your growing womb which can help relieve back pain and pregnancy ligament discomfort.

Many women are focused on fashionable shoes and wear ridiculous footwear during pregnancies that do not support their posture and feet. I cannot believe how many pregnant women out there are wearing ridiculously high shoes or low shoes. Remember, as you become more and more pregnant all the bones and muscles within your feet are stressed.

Take a good look at the shoes you are wearing during your pregnancy and ask yourself these questions to evaluate the importance of your feet:

Do your shoes have a good supportive arch in them?

Are your shoes nice and wide to accommodate the increasing growth and widening of my foot associated to extra blood volume and swelling that occurs during pregnancy?

Can your foot easily slip out of your shoe? If so you could trip and fall and injure yourself or your baby.

The more informed you are about pregnancy the better choices you will make. Better choices mean a happier healthier mom and baby. Pregnancy can be an extraordinary experience for a woman. It is far more than growing a baby and understanding pregnancy and lower back pain.

Pregnancy has a huge emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic side to it. The more you understand these aspects, the easier and less symptomatic your pregnancy will be. Learning how to connect with the emotions of your unborn child will allow you to enhance your pregnancy experience and surrender to its normal physiological process of pregnancy and lower back pain.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Back Pain Relief - Exercise Tips to Feel Better

If you suffer from back pain, you can do something about it. Although, some circumstances might require medications to control the pain, it is possible that you can find back pain relief without medications. For some back pain relief, exercise can be the best prescription for you.

It is absolutely vital that you consult your medical care provider for exercise techniques that are safe for you to do. Some individuals have other medical conditions that can restrict their options for pain relief techniques.

One of the most popular and highly recommended exercises is going to require the use of a chair. You should sit in a sturdy chair and slowly lean forward until you are touching the floor in front of you. Hold yourself in the lowered position for 20 continuous seconds and then slowly bring yourself back to the upright sitting position. You should repeat this exercise three to five times.

Another great technique to use will require the assistance of a hard surface, such as a floor. You will need to lay completely flat on your back with your legs straight on the floor. Using both of your hands you should touch your left knee and bring it as close to your chest as you can. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then slowly, with your hands lower your leg back to the original position. Alternate to the right leg and repeat this for three sets.

This next exercise is a "spin off" if you will of the above exercise. Again, you will need to find a hard flat surface for this exercise as well. Here, you will lie completely flat on your back and use your arms to bring both of your legs up as close to your chest as possible. Hold your legs in this position for up to 10 seconds and slowly relax your legs back down to the floor. You should repeat this exercise three times.

Finding the right back pain relief exercise for you and your individual issue might prove to be a trial and error scenario. However, more than likely you will find a great exercise program with the assistance of your medical care provider to meet all of your needs and relieve your back pain. If you feel the pain has intensified in any way while you are exercising you should immediately stop the exercising and contact your medical care provider for other suggestions.

Chronic Back Pain Solutions For Seniors Citizens - Easy Home Treatment That Relieves Low Back Pains

Are you a senior citizen suffering from chronic back pain or acute low back pain? Are you caring for your elderly relatives who are affected by backaches? You may wonder if there are special and appropriate remedies for treating back pain when aging. Fortunately, there are a few soft and natural home treatments very helpful for elder people. One of them is called balneotherapy.

Balneotherapy Meaning and Principle

Balneotherapy is probably one of the oldest-known therapies for relieving pain and symptoms of a wide range of diseases. Since time immemorial, it has been observed that a mineral-rich water bath ('balneum' in Latin) can heal people who suffer from chronic diseases such as rheumatics, skin problems, gastrointestinal disorders, muscle spasms, back injuries and respiratory troubles.

What's the therapeutic principle? Trace minerals such as sulfur, calcium, selenium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese and lithium are absorbed by the body through the skin and provide beneficial curative effects. The term 'balneotherapy' is often associated with 'hydrotherapy' and by extension it refers to everything relating to spa therapy.

Balneotherapy and Back Pain

A few reliable scientific studies have demonstrated that balneotherapy can appreciably alleviate people who are suffering from back problems. Regular bath in mineral water (the studies have been done with mineral water containing sulfur) can reduce both low back pain and muscle spasms. They improve spine mobility too.

Simple Use and Precaution

You may buy Dead Sea salts or other sulfur-containing bath salts in a health natural products store (it's relatively inexpensive). Run a warm bath, pore salts in water and soak up the benefits of the medicinal water for about 15 minutes. If you are suffering from heart problems you should speak first with your doctor before applying these suggestions.

Last Important Advice

We must recognize with modesty that balneotherapy is not 'the backache miracle cure' as some people think it is! Nevertheless, it helps quite well. Alone, this cure can't cut your back pain by 100%.

As an excellent complementary treatment to balneotherapy I suggest you to follow a simple but effective home treatment that corrects very softly spine alignment and consequently can help get rid of back pains forever. Jerry from California who had been suffering from back problems for 50 years finally discovered an easy way to definitively end his back pains. Feel free to read the Easy Back Pain Solution [] Method that helped Jerry so much!

Bacteria Causing My Back Pain - Serious Problem to Consider

Bacteria causing my back pain results in limitation of most of your activities. Bacteria causing my Back pain for instance, are the leading cause of disability in people under 45. It, especially when they occur should never be ignored. When you feel it such as this, it usually means there's something going on in your inside and the pain is the only way for your body to alert you to the problem. Your physician is the one who should make the judgment, however, so it's important not to try any treatments unless you know what you're dealing with. Let doctor examine bacteria causing it as soon as it occurs; don't exacerbate it by waiting too long.

Infections in the spine or in the nerve sac located at the base of the spine may also be a result of bacteria causing it, and a stay to the doctor will be necessary to get to the underlying cause of the problem.

Bacteria Causing My Back Pain May Results from Bladder Infection:

When you encounter bladder infection, it usually means you ate something you shouldn't have. Or, it could be some kind of bacteria that entered through any other means. If bacteria causing it prevail, do not eat what you just did or you know to take some kind of absorption aid, such as an antacid. Similarly, you know that it usually means you overexerted yourself or bent a way you weren't intended to bend. However, when infection and they are combined, you should never ignore the symptoms. When these occur together, it could mean a number of things. It could mean you have digestion problems, or it could mean you have nerve damage. If you do encounter both together, don't hesitate to see a doctor immediately.

A sharp shelling pain in the back in a person may be a sign of acute pyelonephritis that causes more severe lower back pain when standing with a sharp, burning it radiating into the leg. This may also go together with by weakness in the reflex actions. Those aged 50 and over may suffer from kidney infections, causing severe back pain radiating into one or both legs. It usually increases when walking and is less evident when seated.

Look For Medical Attention Immediately in Bacteria Causing My Back Pain:

Professionals suggest that doctor must be immediately if bacteria causing my back pain symptoms persist, which could indicate some fundamental condition. For example, if you gets worse when you cough or sneeze, if you experience numbness down either or both legs, if your symptoms keep you from getting a good night's sleep, or if your back causes you to urinate or make a bowel movement, you should definitely see a specialist right away as these are not symptoms of normal back pain.

Help My Back Pain - Therapies to Ease the Misery

Therapy to help back pain
Lower back pain sometimes known as Lumbago or Sciatica is a common disorder affecting some 60% of the adult population, seeking to get rid of back pain. So great is the problem, that in the UK alone, some 150 million man days are lost each year in industry, as a result of absenteeism attributed to lower back pain. Generally, the symptoms of low back pain are due to benign musculoskeletal problems often arising from strains in the lower back muscles or soft tissue, and these ease considerably within a few weeks using common sense measures to address.

To help back pain, establishing of the fundamental origin of the back pain with a GP is usually made through a combination of a medical history, physical examination, and, when necessary, diagnostic investigation, such as x-ray, MRI, or CT scan. Usually, low back or lumbar pain can be treated conventionally, with one recommendation being physical therapy which may help alleviate the symptoms, and give back pain relief. A summary of some of the more common therapies used to provide back pain relief are listed below:-

Acupuncture treatment originated in China over two thousand years ago. It is reputed that the first observations were of soldiers, wounded in battle by arrows, and how the arrow 'punctures' caused therapeutic effects in different parts of the victims body well away from the wound area. The general theory behind traditional acupuncture is based on patterns or meridians of energy flow through the body that are essential for health. This is referred to as Qi or Chi and sometimes Xue (blood). Disruptions of this flow are thought to be the primary causes of pain and disease. Acupuncture attempts to correct imbalances of flow, thus helping to restore the patient's health.

How acupuncture works
Broadly, acupuncture involves stimulation of points along these energy flows through a range of techniques. Stimulation is typically performed using very fine needles that create gentle sensations. Each of these needles are inserted into specific points along these 'energy pathways' or "meridians".

Can acupuncture help my back Pain
Acupuncture is considered useful in treating such conditions as lower back pain, sciatica, stiffness, and strains. In traditional acupuncture theory, pain arises due to blocked energy along 'energy pathways' or "meridians" of the body, which are 'cleared' when acupuncture needles are inserted. In modern medicine, scientific reasons have been put forward for the apparent benefits that acupuncture provides for the sufferers of lower back pain. One observation is that acupuncture stimulation causes the releases neurochemicals and hormones, regarded as producing signals that soothe the sympathetic nervous system and release natural opioids which provide back pain relief.

Alexander technique
The Alexander Technique is a method that works to change (movement) habits in our everyday activities. It is a simple and practical method for improving ease and freedom of movement, balance, support and coordination. The technique teaches the use of the appropriate amount of effort for a particular activity, giving you more energy for all your activities. It is not a series of treatments or exercises, but rather a re-education of the mind and body. The Alexander Technique is a method which helps a person discover a new balance in the body by releasing unnecessary tension. It can be applied to sitting, lying down, standing, walking, lifting, and other daily activities

How Alexander Technique works
The Alexander Technique shows its students how to learn to do whatever they currently do as easily and efficiently as possible. It is concerned almost exclusively with process - how an activity is performed not what it is. Although there are no exercises, Alexander technique shows how to exercise more efficiently, with reduced risk of injury. Many, seeking back pain relief are drawn to the technique because of its reputation to help back pain or lumbago, stiff necks and shoulders, and other conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Alexander teachers are not doctors and do not diagnose diseases.

Can Alexander Technique help my back pain
By becoming more aware of how the body works and learning how to "undo" bad body practices, those suffering with long term or chronic back pain are able to soothe and ease their symptoms. Pupils of Alexander technique can learn how to pupils how to liberate needless muscle tension and, freer means of movement which impose less strain and therefore back pain relief.

Bowen Therapy
The Bowen technique is a soft tissue remedial therapy, named after its innovator Tom Bowen. This therapy is not considered massage, but as a non-invasive muscle release and integration technique, but similar to massage, it releases muscular tension. Its clients describe experiences of significant relaxation after a session.

How does Bowen Therapy work
The technique involves the therapist using fingers or thumbs to move over muscle, ligament tendon and fascia in various parts of the body. The work is very subtle, relaxing and gentle involving no hard or prolonged pressure. During a session the client will lie on a therapy table or bed, although the work can be effectively carried out with the client in a chair.

Can Bowen Therapy help my back pain
The most common presentation is for back pain relief and here Bowen excels. The average number of treatments would be two or three for most therapists. There are always going to be exceptions to any rule, and certain people will need further or even on-going treatments. Sports injury is a field of remedial therapy that is becoming very aware of The Bowen Technique. The Bowen Technique is being used at high levels of sport in this country, with rugby clubs and premiership football clubs showing interest. Bowen therapists advocate that this can reduce or eliminate or help back pain and promote general health
Source: European College of Bowen

Chiropractic is a technique which focuses on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The principal of Chiropractic is that the key to health is the nervous system with the spine at its centre. If the spine is aligned correctly, then optimal movement can occur and the patient can achieve improved health.

A chiropractor will generally address "subluxations"- misalignments to the spinal bones responsible for reduced movement or or loss of normal posture, causing impairment to the nervous system or nerve irritation.

How does Chiropractic work
In seeking to help back pain, a chiropractor would usually examine the patient's spine and review any patient history to determine any previous injuries, accidents, or tensions that may be impairing normal function. Sometimes the Chiropractor will order an X-ray to help determine this. A common form of Chiropractic treatment is a spinal manipulation or adjustment. This is generally carried out by hand manipulating the spinal joints affected in an attempt to increase or unlock the joints mobility.

Additional tools are sometimes used to promote healing including rehabilitative exercise, nutritional and lifestyle improvement programmes. The amount of, and frequency of the treatment required would vary according to the nature and severity of the condition.

Can Chiropractic help my back pain
A chiropractor will attempt to focus on the fundamental mechanical and neurological trouble in the spine to decrease the back pain and other symptoms caused by reduced spinal function. He will concentrate on natural health care working to encourage the body to self repair back towards improved health. Chiropractic care as a therapy for back pain in general is safe when employed skillfully and appropriately. Manipulation is regarded as relatively safe, but as with all therapeutic interventions, complications can arise, and it has known adverse effects

The Feldenkrais Method is a somatic educational system designed by Mosh矇 Feldenkrais (1904-1984), based on physics, neurology, and bio mechanics. The Feldenkrais method is designed to improve movement repertoire, aiming to expand and refine the use of the self through awareness, in order to reduce pain or limitations in movement, and promote posture, and general well-being. The Feldenkrais Method is often regarded as falling within the field of complementary medicine, and is a means of re educating the neuromuscular system, redefining movement to increase efficiency and reduce stress

How does Feldenkrais work
Feldenkrais Method is taught in two complimentary formats - "Awareness Through Movement' taught through classes and Functional Integration taught on a one to one basis.

In teaching 'Awareness Through Movement' classes, the teacher will lead the class through a sequence of movements involving standing, sitting in a chair or sitting or lying on the floor. One of the key aims is to instruct pupils how to decrease unwarranted muscular exertion and develop understanding of their whole self during movement.

In a Functional Integration lesson, a trained practitioner uses his or her hands to guide the movement of a single pupil, who may be sitting, lying or standing. The practitioner uses this "hands-on" technique to help the student experience the connections among various parts of the body (with or without movement). Through precision of touch and movement, the pupil learns how to eliminate excess effort and thus move more freely and easily. Lessons may be specific in addressing particular issues brought by the pupil, or can be more global in scope. Although the technique does not specifically aim to eliminate pain or "cure" physical complaints, such issues may inform the lesson. Issues such as chronic muscle pain may resolve themselves as the pupil may learn a more relaxed approach to his or her physical experience-a more integrated, free, and easy way to move Students are taught to become aware of their movements and of how they use themselves, thus discovering expanded movement options.

Can Feldenkrais help my back pain
The theory behind Feldenkrais is that inefficient movement behaviour may lead to avoidable tension and movement constraint leading to back pain. The Feldenkrais technique provides for expanded movement alternatives and enhanced posture which can provide backache relief or back pain relief, whilst developing greater efficiency and freedom of movement

Massage therapy
Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue to improve the function and encourage relaxation, well-being, and improve posture dysfunction. It involves acting on and manipulating the body with pressure - structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical aids. Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments skin, joints, or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, Massage can be carried out using the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, and feet. There are over eighty different recognized massage techniques with many used to help back pain.

Massage manipulates the soft tissues of the body by rubbing, kneading, stretching and other methods for therapeutic effect. As a result, muscle and tissue is made more pliable, energising lymph circulation and promoting blood flow. Therapists will employ a range of techniques and methods during treatment sessions.

How does Massage therapy work
Massage manipulates the soft tissues of the body by rubbing, kneading, stretching and other methods for therapeutic effect. As a result, muscle and tissue is made more pliable, energising lymph circulation and promoting blood flow. Experienced therapists will employ a range of techniques and methods during treatment sessions to help back pain. There are many types of massage therapy for back pain in addition to acupressure or Bowen (see above) such as:-

Deep Tissue Massage
Used to relieve severe tension in muscle or fascia, often used where the patient suffers consistent lower back pain caused by specific muscular-skeletal conditions. It concentrates on the underlying muscles rather than those at the surface in order to help back pain.

Swedish massage
(or Classic massage in Sweden!) can be used to help back pain, by improving circulation and easing joint stiffness. Swedish massage uses five styles of strokes to massage: Sliding, kneading, tapping, friction, and vibration

Hilot is a traditional healing and massage technique originating in the Philippines that can be employed to relax stressed muscle and joint manipulation to treat muscular-skeletal conditions as a lower back pain therapy.

Trigger point therapy
Can be used to help back pain and poor posture, by helping to release muscles in spasm, employing techniques to release 'knotted' muscles, and freeing up circulation in the affected area.

Traditional Chinese massage
There are two types which can provide back pain relief and - Tui na (the Chinese equivalent of physiotherapy) which concentrates on pushing, stretching and kneading the muscle, and Zhi Ya which utilises techniques of pinching and pressing at acupressure points. These originate from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Although Tui Na is described as massage in the West, in TCM it is not. In TCM massage is called Anmo, which forms the basis of Japan's Anma.

Can massage therapy help my back pain
Carried out effectively by experienced practitioners, knowledgeable of the human body and conversant with muscle imbalance massage therapy can be a useful therapy for back pain. Massage can also assist in relieving lumbar pain by reducing tension in turn alleviating poor back posture caused by muscle imbalance. Relief of mental tension and stress by using massage is also useful a useful therapy for back pain helping those within sedentary occupations involving hours of sitting in front of VDU's. Although massage is undoubtedly useful for back pain relief it may not address the underlying condition so GP advice should be sought.

Osteopathy is a non invasive holistic drug free manual therapy that centres on total body health by treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework, which includes the joints, muscles and spine. Its aim is to positively affect the body's nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems, enabling an environment of self healing. Osteopaths do not simply concentrate on treating the problem area, but use manual techniques to balance all the systems of the body, to provide overall good health and wellbeing. The practice of Osteopathy was established in the late 1800s in the United States of America, by. Dr. Andrew Taylor Still with the aim of using manual 'hands on' drug free techniques to improve circulation and correct altered biomechanics.

How does Osteopathy work
Osteopathy employs manual therapies for the treatment of many neuromusculoskeletal pain syndromes, such as lower back pain and tension headache, alongside exercise and other rehabilitative techniques. An osteopath will utilise a range of gentle hands-on techniques such as soft tissue stretching, deep tactile pressure, and joint mobilisation or manipulation.

The key principles of osteopathy are based on all parts of the body functioning together in an integrated manner. If one part of the body is restricted, then the rest of the body must adapt and offset this, which can lead to inflammation, pain, stiffness and other health conditions. When the body is free of restrictions in movement, Osteopathic treatment helps to reduce pain stress and enhance mobility, creating an environment of self healing for the patient's body.

In some cases, Osteopaths can complement the GP's advice on back pain by for example, by easing the pain caused by joint and muscle stiffness, by improving joint mobility and the flow of blood to the joints, to supplement maybe a pain killer prescription issued by the GP

Can osteopathy help my Back Pain
Osteopathy is recognised by the British Medical Association as 'a discrete clinical discipline' which can compliment mainstream medicine, and trials demonstrate its effectiveness in treating back pain, with GP's often referring patients to osteopaths for private treatment. Osteopathic technique is believed to be effective in providing back pain relief by:-

Reducing of herniated or bulging discs and correcting any internal displacement of disc fragments
Inhibiting nerve impulses
Releasing adhesions around prolapsed discs
Calming tenses muscles aggravated by sudden stretching
Providing respite for muscle spasm
Providing advice on exercises for the lower back, posture, safe lifting, workplace or workstation ergonomics, stress, and diet

"Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function to as near as possible when someone is affected by injury, illness or by developmental or other disability. It uses physical approaches to promote, maintain and restore physical, psychological and social wellbeing, taking account of variations in health status. Physiotherapy is science based, committed to extending, applying, evaluating and reviewing the evidence that underpins and informs its practice and delivery. The exercise of clinical judgement and informed interpretation is at its core" Ref: The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Lower back pain can be treated by Orthopaedic physical therapists who diagnose, manage, and treat disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system including rehabilitation after surgery. Orthopaedic therapists are trained in the treatment of back pain and spinal conditions, joint and spine mobilisation or manipulation and therapeutic exercise, in order to enable backache relief.

How does Physiotherapy work
Physical movement is seen as a key important therapy in treating lower back pain. Physiotherapy can be described as a drug-free technique or therapy employing a range of procedures, such as joint manipulation and mobilisation, physical stretches and exercise routines, massage therapy, ice and heat therapy, ultrasound, and breathing exercises. Although a GP may refer a lower back pain sufferer to a physiotherapist, a patient can go directly to the latter, although in some instances, the physio may require a formal GP referral.

Can Physiotherapy help my back pain
Physiotherapy can identify several factors as potentially leading to incidences of lower back pain, including trauma or injury, arthritis, poor posture, muscular strains and weaknesses, ligament strains, sciatic conditions, and disc trouble.. Dependent upon the root cause of lumbar pain, a physio can treat these issues with a number of procedures. These could include posture and ergonomics guidance, advice and remedial movement courses, where, manipulation, stabilisation training, stretching and exercise routines to give backache relief.

Pilates is a holistic exercise technique, intended to stretch, strengthen and condition the body to balance, engaging both mind and body, through an anatomical comprehension of the body's muscular-skeletal systems. Through a comprehensive exercise or programme, the patient or student can concentrate on focus area whilst carrying out for the client. Classes will focus on specific areas individually whilst carrying out routine that incorporates into an environment where optimum muscular- skeletal function and mobility can be restored

How does Pilates work
Pilates is carried out through slow controlled exercise, usually on an exercise mat, or sometimes on specific apparatus, either in classes or one to one. It's a system of exercises that take the body and mind and body through sequence of proscribed movements. These controlled movements integrate the concept of Dynamic Tension (self-resistance) which is the act of exercising muscle against muscle Pilates is taught one on one or in a class.

Can Pilates help my Back Pain
Pilates theory is that imbalance in strength and flexibility of the body may cause back pain. Pilates attempts to build strength and flexibility to help restore mobility and avert further back injury. Pilates claims to improve posture, muscle tone, mobility, and flexibility in the spine, alleviate backache and pains, and reduce stress. It is considered therapy for back pain for some medical conditions affecting the back but those suffering from Osteogenesis imperfecta, Osteoporosis, Paget's Disease, Osteomalacia should seek medical consultation. Whilst there have been recent concerns expressed over the effectiveness and safety of Pilates especially relating to strengthening the core muscles, it's accepted that it can be useful for some people in some instances for back pain relief.

'Rolfing Structural Integration' is the trademarked name for the system of hands-on connective tissue manipulation and movement education aimed at releasing stress patterns, and helping the client move and function with greater freedom, and effortlessly maintain a more upright posture. Rolfing seeks to realign and balance the body so that the head, shoulders, chest, pelvis, and legs work in improved vertical configuration

How does Rolfing work
The concept of Rolfing is that injuries, poor movement function and muscle taughtness through stress cause the myofascia (connective tissue) to stiffen, inhibiting free and relaxed movement. By applying deep pressure and other massage techniques to ease tightened myofascia, therby allowing greater flexibility and balance between muscles, tendons and bones. Practitioners of Rolfing teach awareness of those habits restricting movement and how to transform these patterns

Can Rolfing help my Back Pain
By reducing tension, softening the myofacsia, and restoring natural balance and body use, Rolfing practitioners believe the release from the above techniques can relieve back pain caused by muscle tension and help the back to realign itself, promoting improved back health and giving backache relief. Rolfing practitioners address lower back pain, including disk herniation usually by focussing on relaxing, releasing, and manipulating the muscle tissue, and forming space between the intervertebral disks.

The name Shiatsu is derived from Japanese from shi, meaning finger, and atsu, meaning pressure) is a traditional hands-on therapy originating in Japan. There are two main Shiatsu schools; one based on western anatomical and physiological theory where it soothes an overactive sympathetic nervous system, improving circulation, relieving muscle tension and reducing stress, and the other based on a holistic system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Shiatsu is regulated as a licensed medical therapy by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (Japan), and elsewhere by various governing bodies set up by Shiatsu practitioners. Shiatsu is an evolving form, and its various styles incorporate (to differing degrees) aspects of Japanese massage traditions, Chinese Medicine practice, and "Western" anatomy and physiology.

How does Shiatsu work
Shiatsu is an uses pressure applied with thumbs, fingers and palms to the same energy flows or meridians as acupuncture and incorporates stretching. It also uses techniques such as rolling, brushing, vibrating, grasping and in one particular technique developed by Suzuki Yamamoto, pressure is applied with the feet on the persons back, legs and feet (special set up is required for the "foot" shiatsu). The principle theory is similar to that of acupuncture whereby illness is brought about as a result of blockages or imbalance in the meridians or energy lines. The Shiatsu practitioner seeks to clear or remove these blockages by applying finger, thumb, palm, or even foot pressure to the affected areas using a variety of massage techniques

Can Shiatsu help my Back Pain
Lower Back pain results for a number of reasons: Poor ergonomic posture, Physical injury, occupational (such as lifting), recreational (eg golf or gardening) related to poor muscle tone, or in Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM), blockages or imbalances in energy flows through the patients meridians.. It is likely that back pain relief for back pain for back ache or sciatic conditions can be provided by a shiatsu practitioner. Shiatsu is complementary to mainstream Western medicine, not an alternative to it. Though therapy back pain will be administered according to Oriental practice it is important that a modern Western diagnosis is obtained as well, and the practitioner will attempt to establish the origin of the condition. \through the techniques outlined above the practitioner will strive to create an environment of 'self healing' whereby the patients body will revert or return over time to a more healthy condition. By understanding how the condition arose the practitioner will advise on changes in posture, exercise, or physical habits which may help prevent reoccurrence of the back pain,

Yoga dates back to over 5,000 years, and originated in India as a form of a spiritual practice. In the West, Yoga as an alternative medicine has evolved from its founding philosophy into a form known as Yoga Therapy, often considered useful as a therapy for back pain. In the UK this has taken the form of a National Occupational Standard, (NOS) for the delivery of Yoga Therapy to clients with impaired health, such as back problems or compromised well being. Yoga is usually taught in classes or groups, sometimes as a lower back pain therapy
Yoga is believed to calm the nervous system, create harmony, and balance the body, mind, and spirit. It is thought by its practitioners to prevent specific diseases and maladies by keeping the energy meridians open and life energy (Prana) flowing. Over time many different branches of yoga have involved from the original meditative states to the emphasis on physical pose or position, breathing, bodily alignment, or flow of movement.

How does Yoga work
Yoga engages movement, stretching, posture and breathing to achieve overall wellbeing of body and mind. The different types of yoga often focus on specific facets such as Fitness, flexibility, meditation, rehabilitation, relaxation, and strength.Yoga engages movement, stretching, posture and breathing to achieve overall wellbeing.

Restorative yoga is often associated with healing disease, and is practiced in a very relaxed state by using supports instead of muscular tension to maintain the pose alignments. These poses help relieve the effects of chronic stress in several ways. First, the use of props provide a completely supportive environment for total relaxation. Second, each restorative sequence is designed to move the spine in all directions. Third, a well-sequenced restorative practice also includes an inverted pose, which reverses the effects of gravity. Because we stand or sit most of the day, blood and lymph fluid accumulate in the lower extremities. By changing the relationship of the legs to gravity, fluids are returned to the upper body and heart function is enhanced. Fourth, restorative yoga alternately stimulates and soothes the organs. With this movement of blood comes the enhanced exchange of oxygen and waste products across the cell membrane. Finally, yoga teaches that the body is permeated with energy. Prana, the masculine energy, residing above the diaphragm, moves upward, and controls respiration and heart rate. Apana, the feminine energy, resides below the diaphragm, moves downward, and controls the function of the abdominal organs. Restorative yoga balances these aspects of energy within the practitioner. Most yoga classes usually comprise a combination of physical exercises, breathing exercises, and meditation. These characteristics make yoga a particularly beneficial kind of exercise for certain health conditions, including back problems

Can Yoga help my Back Pain
Yoga can help back pain through the teaching balance, flexibility, strengthening muscles and promoting body awareness. By progressively structuring the complexity of movement, yoga teachers advocate that its practice can educate the back in distributing its mass more efficiently and improve back posture and balance naturally. For practitioners of yoga, an amalgamation of yoga positions reduces weakness, improves the alignment of the spine and reduces muscle tension, creating an environment of self healing for the back. Many yoga positions can be adapted to address particular back conditions as part of a therapy for back pain or to afford greater stretches.

Neck Pain - Lower Back Pain - Role Of Latissimus Dorsi (The Bridge)

Latissimus dorsi is the most powerful muscle of the back and pain and spasm in this muscle can cause significant lower back pain and aggravation of neck pain.

It is a very large, triangular muscle that extends from the arm pit to the lower back. It arises from the lower six thoracic vertebrae, lumbosacral fascia, the crest of the pelvic bone called the iliac bone and also from the lower three to four ribs. It inserts into the floor of the groove on the upper front of the arm bone (humerus) known as the bicipital groove and is very close to the shoulder joint.

Its action is to bring the arm closer to the body (adduction), rolling the arm inward as in placing the hand on the back of the body (internal rotation) and to bring the arm backward (extension). The nerve supply to this muscle is the thoracodorsal nerve which carries the spinal nerve root fibers of the C6, C7 and C8 nerve roots.

This very powerful muscle can lift the body of the ground as in crutch walking, climbing up a pole and chinning the body on the horizontal bar. In these activities, it works together with the pectoralis major and the abdominal muscles. It is used in swimming especially in the down stroke of a crawl and most swimmers have very over developed latissimus dorsi muscles giving them a V-shape with wide shoulders narrowing down to a small waist.

Rowing type activities is primarily the function of the latissimus dorsi muscle. In pitching of baseball, it contracts very strongly in the late cocking phase. Acceleration of the arm as in throwing type activities involve lengthening contraction of the latissimus dorsi muscle which makes this muscle prone to injury.

Overhead activities, especially that against resistance as in climbing are conditions that require lengthening contractions that injure this muscle. Pulling down and chin up activities require tremendous shortening contraction of the latissimus dorsi.

This muscle also raises the lower ribs and assists in respiration. Many patients with pain and spasm of the latissimus dorsi muscle will complain of pain on deep breathing and pain in the sides of the chest wall.

The latissimus dorsi muscle is the bridge between the lower back and the neck. Therefore, the neck and the entire middle and lower back have to be treated in order to treat this muscle properly. Without latissimus dorsi muscle functioning properly, lifting type activities will be performed by shoulder shrugging. Therefore, pain along the slope of the shoulders which is primarily from pain in the trapezius muscles cannot be treated by local treatment only to the trapezius muscle. Pain in the trapezius muscle area will thus recur unless the latissimus dorsi muscle is first treated.

Similarly, low back pain treatment must always involve treating the latissimus dorsi muscle. Because of their insertions into the thoracolumbar fascia, latissimus dorsi muscle can never be properly treated until the gluteus maximus muscle is included in the treatment.

Any symptom of pain and discomfort involving the back must therefore involve the "trio treatment" that involves the gluteus maximus, latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles.

Since the latissimus dorsi muscle is constantly exposed to lengthening contractions with activities of daily living, most people have chronic tightness and shortening of this muscle. This leads to significant limitation of range of motion of the shoulder for internal rotation and extension.
Therefore, further injury to the commonly injured C6 and C7 nerve roots will further tighten and shorten the latissimus dorsi muscle making it very difficult to treat.

© 2007 copyright

Pillow Choice Important for Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain Relief

Getting out of bed is hard when you're in pain. If you wake up with back, neck and shoulder pain, it could indicate that you need a different pillow.

Most people probably don't analyze their sleeping posture, but it is as important as your waking posture. The cervical spinal has a natural arch in it; if this is not maintained or is exaggerated throughout the night, spinal and muscular strain result. If you lay on your side, for example, your head should maintain the same alignment it has when you sit or stand with proper posture. If your pillow is too thick or firm, your neck may bend upward, causing the spine to curve to one side. If your pillow is too flat or soft, your head may sink downward, increasing the cervical arch.

Back sleepers are at risk for neck misalignment as well. Ideally, the back of your head will be aligned with your back. Back sleepers often sleep with their heads higher than this and their necks straightened because their pillows are too thick or firm to accommodate the natural cervical arch.

Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended, as it causes the lower back to sink in and the neck to be turned to one side.


If you always sleep in the same position (on your side or back), this should be taken into account when shopping for a pillow. Those who always sleep on their sides may prefer a contour pillow; these pillows have a curved 'S' shape whose higher curve supports the neck and lower curve provides a hollow for the head. These pillows are designed to maintain spinal alignment, allowing your muscles to relax.

If you always sleep on your back, it is important to use a thinner pillow. Specialty pillows are available with more stuffing in the lower third area to provide extra support to the neck curve.

If you change positions throughout the night, alternating between side and back sleeping, you'll want a pillow that can adapt to your changing alignment needs. Memory foam and down feather pillows are popular options. Feather pillows are the cheaper option; their advantage is that the stuffing can be moved around to support your neck in whatever position you choose. Memory foam is more expensive but self-regulating; it conforms to your changing positions to provide you with the best support. It has the disadvantage of making some people hot as the material has poor ventilation.

The density of your pillow is largely a matter of personal comfort. Try different densities out to see what is most comfortable. Any density is acceptable so long as the pillow is capable of supporting the neck in proper alignment.

The type of pillow you use can affect how you feel when you wake up. Make sure your pillow encourages proper sleep posture.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lower Back Pain Treatment - Why Suffer?

If you've ever had to live with chronic low back pain, you KNOW how annoying it can be. It seems to permeate and affect every second of your day - and night! You can't sit still without feeling it, you can't move around without feeling it... until you get healthy again, life becomes a torment.

Fortunately, lower back pain treatment options DO exist and you've come to the right place.

There are many possible causes... before starting any sort of home treatment for severe back pain relief, you should pay a visit to your local medical professional to be certain you don't have something like - degenerative disc disease, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, scoliosis, sclerosis, sciatica, or one of the other nerve or spinal cord disorders.

Yes, I know that's a scary sounding list but the good news is that for the most part, it is treatable without surgery. Your problem is usually caused by something more mundane like a simple muscle strain or sprain. Assuming you don't have some sort of spine injury, you will mostly be treating yourself by concentrating on pain management and relief until the muscle disorder heals itself.

There are a number of over the counter medications that you can take, especially if the lower backache has just begun. These medications include:

  • Tylenol and generic acetaminophen medications

  • NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen (Motrin) or Naprosyn (naproxen)

  • Try using hot and cold packs to alternately apply heat and cold to the lower back to help relieve pain naturally.

Then, to keep the chronic discomfort from returning, you should ensure that your stomach and back muscles are in good shape and strong. To improve your back and abdominal muscles takes only a few minutes per day - of the right back exercises - and the cause vs. effect benefits are completely out of proportion to the investment of time and effort.

Keeping your core muscles strong is the best way to ensure that you don't suffer from lower back discomfort, and you can help prevent further injury by muscle stretching exercise and strengthening both your back and stomach muscles.

Without a doubt exercise is the best preventative treatment option for lower back pain relief available.

Many people believe bed rest is the option for lower back pain treatment; however that is a common misconception. Remaining active is better to help you relieve any aches you may experience. Being active allows your muscles to loosen up and relax. You will return to full normal health much faster than through bed rest.

Staying in bed for too long can lead to sore and stiff muscles, when your muscles tighten up, it will increase the pain in your back. It can lead to more serious issues, such as weak muscles or stiff joints.

If you must rest as part of your lower back pain treatment, make sure to lie on your side and place a pillow in between your legs. You can also place a pillow beneath your knees as you lie on your back on the floor.

There are a variety of treatments so, again - always call a doctor and follow his/her recommendation as to what treatment options are the best to reduce your lower back pain.

For those who have lived with acute pain for more than three months, more intensive treatment is recommended to ensure the full recovery of the back. Physical training and therapy, acupuncture, all can be combined into an effective treatment system.

Few people who experience symptoms will actually require surgery... for the most part, lower back pain treatment is handled through simple therapy, physical training, and visits to your chiropractor.

Home Self Care Remedies for Low Back Injury

Taking care of yourself at home is the first treatment advised for lower back discomfort. Extended bed rest is not generally prescribed for back pain because it can actually delay recovery. Long bed rest can also contribute to serious conditions such as depression, blood clots and a loss of muscle tone. Medical professionals generally limit bed rest to a maximum of two days. It is typically advised that people who have back pain go back to their regular activities as soon as they can. They should, however, avoid any movements that will strain their backs. Limit your activities or contact your physician if your pain worsens.

Back pain often goes away by itself, but taking a few simple steps can help the process. During the first day or two, get a lot of rest to accelerate the healing process. Whenever possible, sleep on a firm mattress placed on the floor for those first couple of days. Use a pillow or rolled towel to provide support to the lower back. Bend your knees and use the pillow to comfortably support your knees in this position. A person with an injury should get up every few hours and walk around. As you can tell, you don't have to purchase expensive medical equipment to encourage healing from a back injury; use simple items from around the home.

There are ways to address back pain at home. You should definitely use an ice pack to reduce swelling and pain for the first few days after injury. Place the ice pack at the site of the injury for a period of 10-15 minutes each hour. Don't place the ice pack directly against your skin, as this could cause frostbite and other nasty effects. Once a few days have elapsed, switch to heat as your primary means of treating the pain. Either a heating pad or a water bottle will work fine. You should not use the high setting on a heating pad, as this level of heat can cause burns. One treatment of relieving pain is the use of nonprescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDS). Keep in mind that NSAIDs can cause GI tract issues, so take this type of medicine with milk or food to minimize this side effect.

A support brace might offer some help from back pain. Regular elastic support belts are recommended just for temporary wear though. If you use these kinds of support belts, you may end up with weak back muscles. The best options are belts designed to aid posture. Bad posture is the main culprit of chronic back pain in several people.

Anyone with a back injury is best off sleeping on his/her side with knees bent in a fetal position. Pillows placed between bent knees can help the strain on an injured back. If a person sleeps on their back, then a pillow or rolled fabric should be put under their knees. They should sleep on a bed that supports the joints and back well enough, though not so firm that it becomes uncomfortable.

Actions must be taken that prevent the back from being injured again. Maintaining good posture is a must. A dedicated exercise regimen helps by strengthening back muscles and increasing their endurance/flexibility. Good exercise programs that concentrate on back health always have portions dedicated to stretching and conditioning. One major exercise used is called "the super man." You lay on an exercise ball with your stomach resting on it and your face down. Simultaneously, lift one arm straight out and the opposite leg straight out and hold it for five seconds. Lower the limbs and then do the same with the other side. Activities like walking and swimming are recommended as they are low impact and don't cause much strain on the back.

PMS Symptoms - Back Pain

PMS is the time just prior to your menstrual cycle. This time usually brings with it some uncomfortable symptoms for many women. The severity of which can be from mild to severe enough to be debilitating. Back pain is just one of the symptoms of PMS.


Believe it or not those food cravings are real and have real basis. The cravings for chocolate and other sweet treats are occurring because these foods can cause a rapid increase in the levels of serotonin. Serotonin is the brain chemical that helps to manage mood, sleep cycles, and your appetite. Giving into these cravings can cause weight gain.

Weight gain can also be attributable to water retention. Cramps are spasms and can be very painful. Fatigue, irritability, anger and aggression are also symptoms that can affect you just prior to and a couple of days into your period. You might also experience concentration problems and sleep problems. Mood swings, anxiety, and depression may also occur to varying degrees.

Hormonal effects on symptoms can include migraines, sore breasts, and bloating. These symptoms are not the same for every woman. The quantity and severity is different for each one. It is also notable that for yourself the symptoms you may experience can be different from month to month.

Back pain is also a primary symptom of PMS. Back pain in the lower back can be very uncomfortable. The degree of back pain can be anything from a very dull twinge of pain to absolutely spasmodic pain. The good news is that there are things you can do to alleviate PMS symptoms, back pain.

PMS Symptoms, Back Pain Treatments

Medication both OTC - over the counter and prescriptive medications can benefit PMS symptoms including back pain. An Anti-inflammatory may be used to deal with the pain and the inflammation. Water retention may also contribute to back pain as it does to pre -period weight gain. There are medications to deal with this but there are also some things you can do that do not require medication.

Back pain can benefit from a heating pad applied to the lower back, Stretching exercises can help and so can the Yoga pose "legs up the wall" You lie on the floor with your buttocks against the wall and your legs flat against the wall. You will be in the form of an L. Massage is a treat but also beneficial to body aches including PMS symptoms back pain.

Due to the serious side effects from some of the prescribed medications, many are looking for natural treatments such as herbal supplements to help give them relief from the uncomfortable PMS symptoms. Herbs that may benefit your PMS symptoms include Black Cohosh, Red Clover, and Damiana among others.

Quality supplements are a blend of standardized herbal extracts and other nutritive substances that are known to benefit PMS symptoms. Standardized herbal extracts are used because this is the location of the herb's most active ingredients. Quality supplements will have been put through rigorous testing. The ingredients' metabolism at the molecular level is examined as are the interactions of the ingredients. They will have been made to meet pharmaceutical grade standards.

These above processes guarantee that you are getting exactly what the label says you are. They further ensure the purity, safety, and effectiveness of the supplements. Quality is not only guaranteed from pill to pill but from bottle to bottle. You should not take anything unless you consult your doctor because some herbs can affect the performance of prescriptions you may be taking for other conditions.


PMS symptoms back pain can be treated in a variety of ways. They include medications including an anti-inflammatory, over the counter (OTC) medicines and with herbal supplements. Stretching, some Yoga positions, and heating pads are all effective. An added treat could be massage. There is treatment and there are treatments with few if any side effects.

Back Pain - What is Axial Back Pain?

Axial back pain is the most common type of low back pain. It is usually non-specific - meaning that the anatomical structure responsible for the pain need not be identified because symptoms are usually self limited and resolve. Unlike other low back issues, this type of pain does not travel into the buttock, legs and feet, or other areas of the body. Axial back pain can vary widely from sharp or dull pain, constant or intermittent pain, or mild to severe pain.

Following are characteristics of axial back pain:

  • Low back pain that gets worse with certain activities, such as certain sports.

  • Low back pain that gets worse with certain positions, such as sitting for long periods.

  • Low back pain that is relieved by rest.

An exact diagnosis as to which structure is causing the low back pain rarely has significance to treatment. Further evaluation is only necessary when the pain is severe and chronic. A variety of structures in the lower back can cause axial or mechanical lower back pain, such as a degenerated disc, facet joints problems, and damage to soft tissues - muscles, ligaments, and tendons - and it is often difficult to identify which anatomical structure(s) is the underlying cause of the pain.

As a general rule of thumb, if your back pain is bad enough that it wakes you up from deep sleep, you should consult a physician to rule out possible serious conditions, such as an infection, tumor or fracture.

Treatment for axial back pain is conservative (not requiring surgery). Treatment may include one or a combination of the following:

  • A short period of rest (e.g. one or two days)

  • Physical therapy and active exercise and stretching

  • Ice and/or heat application for activity related pain relief

  • Appropriate medications for pain relief

  • About 90 percent of patients with axial low back pain recover within six weeks. If axial

  • low back pain persists for more than six to eight weeks, then additional testing and/or injections may be useful in diagnosing and treating the source of the pain.

Lower Back Muscle Pain - The TCM Perspective

In Chinese Medicine, pain occurs when there is obstruction in the flow of Qi and Blood through the channels, organs and tissues. Pain is most often a subjective ailment involving physiological, emotional and psychological issues and can thus be quite difficult to treat, especially more so in the Western medical paradigm, as western science has only in very recent times, understood and acknowledged the importance of the emotional and psychological factors in causing diseased states.

Where Western Medical Science has failed dismally in treating and controlling pain, especially when it is of a chronic nature, Chinese Medicine and especially acupuncture, has filled the void quite admirably. In fact, the first forays of genuine interest in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture were established in the 1950's, when the first reports of operations under acupuncture analgesia were reported from China. Since then, many studies into the efficacy of acupuncture analgesia have been conducted both in the Western and Chinese arenas. Today, although Acupuncture has achieved world fame, the general community as a whole, is more familiar and comfortable with the pain relieving effectiveness of acupuncture than with the therapy as a complete form of medicine, equal to if not more powerful than the Western model.

In China, acupuncture has been used for thousands of years as a treatment for pain relief. In TCM, pain is seen as a symptom which manifests when there is a disharmony in the free flow of Qi and Blood ie.when Qi/Blood is blocked or obstructed, pain occurs.

In order to accurately interpret pain and to facilitate appropriate treatment strategies,
the symptom of pain (Qi and Blood stagnation in TCM) has to be analyzed according to the 8 Patterns of Differentiation -

-Interior (li)/Exterior (biao)
This parameter defines the location of pain whether it is relatively superficial or deep. It can reside in any of the anatomical positions - superficially along the pathways of the channels and collaterals or deeper in the bones and Zang fu.

Superficial Pain (Luo and Meridians)-
This type of pain will generally reflect an invasion by an external pathogenic factor and the disorder does not last for very long. Changes in environmental conditions can affect symptoms, for better or worse. By locating which area of the body is painful by palpation, the exact channel involved can be located.

Deeper Pain-
The pain is experienced at a deeper level, with a wider range of symptoms, associated with one or two organs. Usually, there is no recent history of pathogenic invasion and the illness can be chronic. Pain is usually in the proximity of the Organ or in an area that corresponds to that Organ. Organ theory (Zang fu Theory) is used as differential diagnosis.

-Cold (han)/Heat (re)
This parameter establishes the nature of pain. Cold pain is accompanied by a cold sensation and reduced local temperature. Pain aggravated by cold and alleviated by heat, indicates either deficiency of yang Qi or Cold pathogen. Cold slows the circulation of Qi and Blood and promotes the emergence of pain.
Heat pain is accompanied by a hot, burning sensation. There may be local redness and swelling. This type of pain which is aggravated by heat and alleviated by cold, indicates either yin Deficiency or an attack of pathogenic Heat.

This parameter reflects the state of Qi and the presence of pathogenic Qi
Pain from deficiency which improves with pressure or local support, means that Qi is deficient.
Pain from excess, which is aggravated with pressure, indicates that pathogenic Qi
is present.

The pain associated with Qi disorders is usually generally deeper than that associated with channels and collaterals. There is usually no history of invasion by an external pathogen but the aggravation or relief of symptoms can frequently be associated with an emotional/psychological disturbance.

This parameter qualifies the type of pain.
A yin type pain is dull, throbbing, and constant, of moderate intensity, chronic, deep, aggravated at night.
A yang pain is sharp, violent, paroxysmal, stabbing, burning intense, superficial.
The Yin/Yang parameter incorporates the 6 others and allows the practitioner to pinpoint the origin of the symptom.

These 8 parameters must be studied in relation to one another in order to distinguish Deficiency and Excess in relation to Heat and Cold, to Interior and Exterior, to Yin and Yang. Once the patient's symptoms have been collated with the findings of all the above parameters, the site of the disease and the nature of the disease will be able to be determined.


TCM can be a very effective method of recognizing and treating different types of pain and can be particulry useful in the diagnosis of back pain and lower back pain.
Different patterns of lower back muscle pain can be treated with acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.

In saying that other methods including hypnotherapy and naturathopy can also be employed to help manage back pain. Yoga can certainly be beneficial in the management of back pain.