Monday, September 23, 2013

Pinched Lower Back Nerve - How to Treat a Pinched Nerve in Your Lower Back

If you are struggling with the pain resulting from a pinched nerve in your lower back, there are a variety of treatments and exercises that should prove to be helpful in reducing or eliminating the pain. It is, of course, important to say up front that if the pain has persisted for more than a few weeks, it is best to see a doctor and get an MRI taken of your spine to rule out any serious spinal problems or illnesses.

Simple measures to take are to make sure that you have a proper ergonomic station if you sit at a computer all day. If you tend to slouch a lot or make your chest concave as you are working, then this can wear down the natural elasticity of the lower spine over time and lead to low back pain and sciatic problems.

Also make sure that you are doing a few minutes a day of core strengthening exercises. Your core is the area just underneath your navel. When these muscles become flaccid due to lack of use, your spinal integrity will be compromised and you will be much more vulnerable to pinched nerve and low back pain.

I also recommend that you make sure that you are getting gentle movement on a daily basis. Bike riding is an ideal form of exercise for a pinched nerve in the lower back, as many people find great relief from the repetitive cycling motion. There are indeed many exercises that can be of great assistance in reducing the pain and healing the spine.

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