Lower back pain caused by muscle spasms, muscle sprains, slipped disks, sprained ligaments or joint problems is something that most of us will experience at some point in our lives. usually it occurs when you have preformed a strenuous activity like gardening, sports, heavy lifting or other activities that your back is not used doing. You need to remember that relief of lower back pain is possible, you only need to know how.
Exercise To Prevent Lower Back Pain
If you frequently have lower back pains you need to prevent this by doing exercises, the moment you are experiencing lower back pain, relief is all you can think about, the key is to think about it when your back isn't killing you because the last thing you want to do when you have pain is to exercise. However there really are some exercises that can help you relief pain in your lower back. The most effective one is to lay flat on your back with your knees bent in a 90 degrees angle or with your knees bent over the seat from a chair. Try to relax your back, than raise your left knee, very slowly, to your chest, wile you press your lower back to the floor. Keep this up for about ten seconds and repeat it with your right leg. You should do this exercise about ten times, 3 times a day, when you experience lower back pain to relief it.
Rest Is Not The best Remedy
The natural reaction to relief lower back pain is to take rest and to move as little as possible, that is fine if you do that for one maximum two days after that you should start moving, if you take to much rest, it can stiffen your muscles, and make them hurt even more. So, it is really important that you try walking around for at least a couple of minutes every hour and take your rest in between The best way to let your back rest is to take the weight and pressure of your back, you can do this by lying flat (on the floor) with a pile of pillows under your knees or the seat of a chair under your feet.
Options for a quick fix.
There are days that you just can't do the mixture of taking rest and do the exercises, and how ever painful it can be, there are some quick relief options. There are heating pads that can help you with muscle spasms to relax, and there are ice packs for joint problems and slipped disks, You can also get a back massage, from a professional or a friend with massage equipment. There are also many product these days in the form of wraps or ointments to purchase that can help you to quickly relief your lower back pain.
And last but not least there are non prescription medicines like aspirin, ibuprofen, and many other pain relievers that should meet your needs. When you have lower back pain very often or it takes longer than two weeks you should make an appointment with your family doctor.
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