Friday, September 20, 2013

How is Multiple Sclerosis Connected With Back Pain

Multiple Sclerosis is a very painful condition that worsens progressively and affects the sensory and motor neurons. The remission cycles that occur worsen the condition and increase the level of pain felt by the patient. What causes this condition is still unclear however many experts are of the opinion that the condition is a result of a viral infection which plays a vital role in the development of the said condition of multiple sclerosis.

People suffering from this condition will experience severe back pain. However the condition also severely affects the brain which follows down to the spinal cord. Once the infection has had time to set in the process of degeneration takes off and starts eating through the myelin sheath, which is primarily a system of nerves that cover the cells. This infection like activity causes string of patches of the sclerotic tissues. These patches may impair the condition to some extent which later reaches the motor nerve impulses.

How would I know if I have Multiple Sclerosis?

Just look for the symptoms. These symptoms would include weakness, intolerance to heat, ataxia, blurred vision, nystagmus, diplopic, tremors, impairment to the senses, speech scan, optic neuritis, tremor intentions, paralysis, euphoria sensations, incontinence urine, unable to control the body.

How to find out if you have Multiple Sclerosis?

To know if you have multiple Sclerosis for sure you will need to seek the help of a professional. However there are a few symptoms you can look out for that should give you an idea if you have Multiple Sclerosis. The most common symptoms of Multi Sclerosis include weakness, intolerance to heat, blurred vision, ataxia (the inability to control the coordination and movement of your muscles), having a problem with your sensations, nystagmus (it's an involuntary movement that effects the eyes and causes it to move from side to side. This is usually caused due to the weakening of the optical and other nerves behind the eyeball), optic neuritis, slight or extreme euphoria sensations, urine problems, feeling of paralysis you may also feel powerless and some problem movement.

What is Diplopia?

Diplopic is also called diplopia which causes double vision. The double vision is caused because the body isn't able to coordinate the movement of the eyes. Optic neuritis is another condition that affects the eyes during Multi Sclerosis.

How is Multiple Sclerosis Detected?

MRI tests, CSF, CT, EMG etc are used to detect and confirm the presence of Multiple Sclerosis. Once the presence of protein intake increase is detected it means that the body's WBC is present and medical management is considered.

Once the presence of multiple sclerosis is detected the medical treatment involves a strict diet along with controlled exercises, physical therapy, speech therapy along with a host of medicines etc. Baclofen is a muscle relaxant that is often prescribed to patients suffering from this condition. A medication with a high concentration of magnesium and aluminum hydroxide such as Maalox is also prescribed. These medicines help in raising the body's level of the natural nutrients that are required to ensure proper function.

Would you like more information on back pain relief and solutions?
There are many websites online that provide you with the information you need on back pain. Be sure to do your due diligence and always consult with a doctor for any medical needs or solutions.

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