Monday, September 16, 2013

Herniated Discs and Pinched Nerves - Side Effects - How To Help Avoid Lower Back Pain

How is your lower back feeling these days? Do you suffer from pain in your lower back that really is starting to hinder your daily activities?

1.) Introduction

When you have a lower back problem, whether it is due to a herniated disc, pinched nerve or a muscle strain, the result can stay the same... Your back pain can start to consume your life! You can have lumbar or sacral pain problems due to a number of different ailments. We will review them in this article and help you find pain relief as well.

Remember, a back problem is something that you do not deserve to deal with! - You should not have to deal with lower back pain for any reason! - If you suffer, then read through this brief, free article.

2.) Herniated Discs

As a result of a herniated disc, you may have pain due to nerve compression in your lower back. You might also lose partial function of certain muscles that are effected by your herniated disc as well. - Unfortunate, but true. - So now what? - You can not let the disc problem win, so it is time to start thinking about your treatment options.

3.) Treatment Options

Many times your physician might suggest that you undergo physical therapy and take pain medication. These two methods have helped people in the past, but there is a down side in our opinion. Pain medication can sometimes only mask the pain and how much physical therapy is enough? - Money can start pouring down the drain and now you will have to worry about the back pain, and in addition you will need to start worrying about your bank account as well!

Rest is also a very useful treatment option. It is, but how many of us can talk a lot of time off of work or school to lay in bed and rest? - Many doctors actually disagree with more than 2 days of rest anyways because your muscles that support you do not remain as strong and this can really start to be bad for your lower back as well.

4.) A Power Treatment Option - Conservative, Yet Extremely Useful

Lower back support is a medically documented treatment option that many physicians recommend. Why? - Biomechanically, a quality made lower back brace can off load your lower back and help to immediately alleviate your pain symptoms. This can help promote healing as well.

Good posture can also be facilitated by the use of a lower back support. This can be a very good thing because when the brace helps to limit painful and damaging movements, you will then realize the benefits of the support. The truth is that you may forget you have the brace on but it does not forget about you. - When you block those one or two movements that will further your pain and injury level, per day, you will begin to promote healing and this is a very useful concept for people with lower back pain. Not only that, many quality made, low profile supports are easily concealed by the use of a t-shirt as well!

* This is health information. We have seen back supports help more people than we can count, but in the end it is best to talk to your physician about medical advice. Every situation is unique and your physician may very well recommend that you get a back support, but this article is not medical advice.

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