Thursday, August 15, 2013

Constant Lower Back Pain - How Do I Make My Constant Lower Back Pain Stop?

Do you find yourself suffering from constant lower back pain? Do you wake up each morning with a stiff or sore back and then spend the rest of the day trying to manage it or make it stop? Do you then go to sleep each night and toss and turn all night looking for that one certain place that you can finally be pain free for a few minutes and just go to sleep? If any of these sounds familiar then you are one of many unlucky people in the world suffering from chronic back pain.

This used to be my story. I remember sitting in a chair all day going down slowly because I was so still and sore. Then I would sit there and continue to fidget and move trying to get comfortable. When I got up I remember how slow I had to do so and how stiff and sore my back was. The good news is that I am now completely pain free and can go about my day, play with my kids, and enjoy getting out and about.

The secret for me was several small changes to the way I lived. I had thought about looking into surgery but really didn't want someone cutting on my back or potentially doing any damage to the nerves. Not to mention the really long recovery time and massive expense. There were several things that helped me but I'll share with you one quick tip and tell you where you can get some more. This may sound really simple but I loosened my belt and started wearing looser clothes. I had put on a few pounds over the years and things started to fit more snug which was pressing on the nerves in my side and back. Once I figured this and a few other things out then I was finally able to be be pain free and active and loose the weight that was also contributing to the problem.

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