Thursday, August 29, 2013

So Your Lower Back Hurts? Try These 3 Simple Routines to Get Immediate Relief For Your Hurting Back

What do you do each time your lower back hurts? Most people would immediately reach out for the painkiller pills their doctors had given them. But just by doing some simple stretches, you can relief the debilitating pain in your back instantaneously!

Here are some simple stretches which you can do right now to ease that pain in your back:

1. Knee Bends - Have a chair, table, or desk nearby to act as a support. Stand relaxed with your legs shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on the support. Tighten your abdominal muscles, then exhale while you slowly bend your knees to as low as you can go without pain. Inhale as you slowly get back up. Do 10 repetitions of this

2. Hip Rolls - Stand back away from the chair or desk you used as a support. Again with your legs shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your hips and tighten your stomach muscles. Rotate your hips clockwise 5 times, then rotate anti-clockwise 5 more times, imagining you are doing the hula.

3. Sitting Stretch - Sit in your chair, and slowly lean forward as much as you can comfortably go. Try to touch the floor in front of your. Hold the stretch for about 20 seconds and then slowly bring your body back to an upright sitting position. Repeat this routine 3 to 5 times.

By doing these simple stretches carefully, you should feel an immediate relief from your hurting lower back. But if you have been experiencing these such pains in your lower back, you should NEVER dismiss it as a minor problem or something which everyone experiences in their lives. Pain is just a symptom and not the real problem.

In most cases, your lower back hurts because of an underlying condition in your body which, if not addressed properly, will lead to further (and worse) back problems! Once you feel better after doing the above stretches, you should definitely look into finding a PERMANENT cure to the real cause of your lower back pain.

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