In terms of pain in the lower back, you are undoubtedly not on your own. Get this, 80% of Americans endure back problems at some point in their lives. Because of this, lower back exercises are critical if you want to be rid of lumbar pain forever.
While there can be many causes of back pain like slipped disk, spinal stenosis or even inflammation, the root cause of most back pain is loss of robustness in the core muscles that support your lower back. Those core muscles include the back muscles, ab muscles, and gluteal (buttocks) muscles.
However, if more than one of your core muscles is weak, any tension on the lower back will cause one of the muscles to contract, which could put your back out of alignment resulting in pain in the lower back.
Robust, flexible muscles surrounding the lower back and abdomen are required to strengthen your backbone and guard it from future problems. Just strengthen those core group of muscles and it will minimize your back pain noticeably and eventually eliminate it altogether.
BEFORE you commence these back pain exercises, here are a few important tips:
1. It is extremely crucial that you keep the ab muscles taut for the course of the workout.
2. Breathe normally, NEVER hold in your breath at anytime during the session.
3. Be sure to consult with your medical professional BEFORE starting up this or any type of back strengthening exercise program.
4. Wear clothes that are loose enough that you can bend and stretch without any kind of restriction.
Here are 3 simple back pain exercises that you can do in the comfort of your home that concentrate on the muscles of the core.
Backward Leg Swing: Focuses on the gluteal (buttocks) muscles
Stand upright, hold a chair back for support. Contract abs. Sweep leg in reverse until you are feeling your buttocks muscles stiffen. Tense up muscles as much as you are able to and swing leg back a couple more inches. Bring back leg to ground. Do 10 times. Alternate sides and repeat.
Leg Lifts: Lower abdominal exercise
Lay down flat on back. Bend one knee and push foot flat on floor. Stiffen abdominal muscles. Elevate opposite leg about 45 degrees. Maintain position for 3 seconds. Do 10 reps. Change sides and repeat.
The Plank: Strengthening exercise for back. Also strengthens abdominal muscles, neck, arms and legs.
Rest on tummy, place elbows and forearms on floor. In a push-up posture, balance on your toes and elbows. Hold your back straight and legs upright. (Like a plank) flex abdominal muscles. Maintain place for 10 seconds. Then Loosen up. Repeat 5-10 times. If this type of drill is too painful, balance on your knees rather than your toes.
These back exercises are where it starts but they will get you on the journey to being pain free in no time at all.
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