Sunday, July 21, 2013

Natural Relief Remedies for Pain in Lower Back

Many people avoid going to the doctor because they know that he or she is likely to prescribe unnatural medication that often comes with unwanted side effects. You may be curing one problem and causing another. If your pain in lower back is bearable and doesn't seem like the kind that would need surgery or another major medical intervention, you can try to relieve the pain at home by using non-invasive natural pain relief remedies. If your pain is severe, make an appointment to see a chiropractor. He or she can help treat the cause of your pain so you won't have to become addicted to pain killers.

Cushion your back - Often, backaches are caused by incorrect posture that comes from sitting in an uncomfortable chair. You may not have a choice of chair at the office, but you can certainly make the one you have more comfortable. Place a small cushion between the lumbar area of your back and the back of the chair.

Check out the scenery - If you have a desk job, you might be overtaxing your back by sitting for very long periods at a time. Get up and take walk every hour or so. This will help increase blood flow and reduce stiffness in your back.

Put on your swimming cap - Swimming is a very low impact way to get your body moving without hurting your back. Exercise increases blood flow which can help reduce stiffness, but it also will help strengthen the muscles in your back. A strong back is less likely to be a painful back.

Time to start that diet - Carrying around extra weight can put a serious strain on your back. It may or may not be the cause of your back ache, but it will certainly contribute to your pain. In addition to low impact exercises such as swimming, you should adopt a healthy diet that will promote weight loss - that is, only if you are overweight.

Avoid heavy lifting - If your back is already in pain, you definitely want to avoid lifting anything too heavy. Give your back some time to rest before causing any undo strain. If you have to life something, always bend your knees and lift with your legs as opposed to your back. Lifting with your back can cause serious injury that can only be helped with regular visits to your chiropractor. Unless you want to see him or her on a regular basis, lift properly.

Relax - Try drinking some chamomile tea after a long day of work. Chamomile has a calming effect on your mind and it can also help calm your muscles. This type of tea has also been known to have a sleep-inducing effect. Getting a better night of sleep can also help you feel relaxed and refreshed the next day, with less of a backache.

Take a bath - Before or after your daily dose of chamomile, you may want to consider taking a warm bath. The heat can help relax your muscles and relieve your pain naturally.

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