Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lower Back Pain Relief - 3 Tips to a Pain Free Back

Lower back pain relief can be yours with very little effort. In this article, I want to share with you 3 tips that I have used myself to relieve my lower back pain.

Warm Water

Something I often do for my back is to have a very warm shower and then direct a fast jet of water onto the lower back region.

Honestly, I know of nothing better for the back than this. It just seems to soothe the pain immediately. I've had neck pain before and it worked for this too.

In the first stages, do this as many as 3 times a day. You might think that 3 showers a day is excessive but, trust me, you'll feel so much better for it and it's totally worth the pain relief.

Adopt The Position

Often people will go to bed when they have back pain. You'll soon discover that this often does not provide any relief.

What you need is a rolled up towel. Roll up a towel into a sausage shape and put it in the small of your back. Now you're back is in its preferred "S-shape".

You can also do this while sitting. Sit in a chair but do not slouch. Use the rolled up towel for support to help you maintain this position.

Start Lifting Correctly!

Most people do not lift correctly and that probably includes you. Either you overdid it or you are just unlucky to have suffered for it.

It is never too late to start lifting correctly.

In basic terms, you need to imagine a weight lifter at the Olympics. Once they have the correct position, they always look forward. This helps to keep the back straight while lifting and use the power of the legs.

Look forwards while lifting and you will use your back for lifting which will only further damage it.

1 comment:

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