Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dying For Lower Back Pain Relief?

Your back is killing you, you've tried a few things but nothing is working. Now you're looking for a lower back pain relief alternative. Unfortunately, this problem is so prevalent that 80% of adults experience it.
Instead of wasting time writing about the obvious, I'm going to reveal to you some techniques, tools and resources I've used to help relieve your pain.

First of all, you must understand a few things. There are different types of back pain and there are many causes. It can be difficult to diagnose the initial culprit of your pain. There is back pain that is cause by degeneration or a herniated intervertebral disk, pain caused by strain, stress, diseases, bad posture, over exertion, even weight gain.

To help assist in lower back pain relief you will need to eliminate bad habits. Here are the top 5:
1. Stop stressing - believe it or not stress is a huge factor in a lot of common diseases and internal pain. The less stressed you are the less tense you'll be and you'll experience less injury, hence less lower back pain.
2. Stop sleeping on soft surfaces -a firm mattress will often help alleviate your lower back pain. In addition, sleep on your side NOT YOU'RE YOUR STOMACH.
3. Do not site in the same position for an extensive period of time!
4. Do not pick up or carry heavy items (25 lbs should be the maximum).
5. Attention woman: do not wear high heels.

Now, if you're back is suffering from acute pain, that is not frequent, here's what you can do to help relieve this issue.
1. Apply ice for 48 hours, and heat after.
2. Apply an ointment to the affected area.
3. Soak in a very warm bath.
4. Inversion tables are actually extremely effective and can provide relief and strengthen your back, along with other things.
5. Try to avoid animal proteins, this can actually contribute to the problem.

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