Saturday, September 21, 2013

Can Chiropractic Treatment Cure Chronic Back Pain?

The purpose of this article is to go into some detail about my experience of chiropractic treatment as an effective cure for chronic back pain.

After my doctor told me to go home and take painkillers for my bad back of several years, I decided to take matters into my own hands and look at ways of fixing the root cause of my pain, not just the symptoms.

The first idea that popped into my head was to go and see a chiropractor. I imagine this is hardly a huge revelation for many of you. Of course you go and see a chiropractor when you have a bad back.

Where I live, there are several chiropractors dotted around the main drag. I did a bit of research on them; we have a good local online forum where people post their experiences of various local businesses and one of the chiropractors got consistently positive reviews. Well that was that decision made, a quick phone call later and I was booked in for the initial consultation.

When I got down there later that week I remember sitting filling out the registration form and looking at this poster in the reception. It was of a huge iceberg. The smallest tip of which was the only thing above the surface. Below the surface however lurked the huge bulk of the 'berg. There were two arrows, one pointing to the tip and one pointing to the hidden monster under the water. The caption next to the arrow pointing to the tip was "your symptoms" and the caption next to the arrow pointing to the rest of the iceberg read "your problem". This immediately made all sorts of worse-case scenarios flooding through my mind. What if my sore back was actually the symptoms of spinal cancer or some such other horror?!? It's like that chapter in Three Men In A Boat by Jerome K. Jerome (by the way if you haven't read this, the funniest book in the entire world then get yourself onto Amazon and get a copy) where J starts reading a medical dictionary and realises with dismay he has every condition in there apart from, it appears, Housemaid's Knee!

Just as I was beginning to fear the worst my unassuming chiropractor ushered me into his office. I told him about my bad back and he made me do the same sorts of stretches my doctor had done before sending me home with a bottle of Tylenol. He even rolled a small sharp metal wheel a bit like one of those things you cut pastry with across my thigh. Eventually after a lot of scribbling on his chart he told me that what I needed was a few X-Rays. Only then he said, can we see what is happening. So off I went to the local X-Ray man which funnily enough was in another chiropractor's office across town. An hour later and I had my X-Rays and was heading back to iceberg-central to hear the bad news.

What my chiropractor told me was quite surprising. He said that there was nothing really the matter with my back. The problem, he said, was my neck. But my neck is fine I replied, are you sure there is no spinal cancer in evidence? No he was quite sure the issue was with my neck and to prove it he popped up my neck X-Ray onto the screen. The problem is that you neck has been pushed forward from years of stooping and looking down. Being as tall as you are (6'6″) your neck has, for years been under the tremendous force of your head pulling forward and down. It was, he went on, one of the worst cases he had seen, being some 8 centimetres away from where it should be. He said that I was lucky to have caught it so young as in another 10 years I would have been in a lot of trouble.

After all this had sunk in and I had looked more at my X-Ray with its china marker drawings of angles and lines added by the chiro, I enquired what was to be done. Traction is your best bet. Traction and manipulation but we can do it all here and you are looking at at least 4 months of regular visits. When do we start? Right now.

The next thing I know I am lying face up on his table and he is slowly manipulating my bowling ball of a head which has been the cause of all this trouble. Deep breath, relax, CRACK. If you have ever had chiropractic manipulation you know what I am talking about when I said I nearly jumped out of my skin. When I had recovered sufficiently to realise I was not paralysed from the neck down I enquired whether this was normal. Indeed it was according to my assailant and I had apparently just had a very good "release". My neck actually did feel nice and loose and the manipulation itself didn't hurt per se, it just felt really really odd.

Anyway next up was the traction. For this part of the proceedings I was to lie on a contraption called a Gombali which is essentially a small stool-like affair that one lies down on, puts one's head in a harness which is in turn attached to a piece of elastic rope like a bungee cord for attaching parcels to motorcycles. Once your head is in the harness, the cord is pulled tight which stretches your head right back and keeps it there under tension. The goal here is to slowly pull the neck back into its proper position. Twenty minutes I had to lie in that thing. When the elastic was released I could not believe the the relief. I could also not believe how hard it was to bring my head forward, so used had it become to being in the pulled back position. After a drink of water I had another chat with my Spanish Inquisitor who told me that I needed to come for manipulation and Gombali traction 3 times a week for 6 weeks whereupon I would probably be ready for proper traction.

Proper traction? As opposed to the pretend traction I had just been enduring for the last twenty minutes? But what about my back I asked? His answer was that my biggest problem by far was the parlous state of my neck (this was my hidden iceberg). If I didn't fix that first then there would be no point in looking into the back pain. He said that the two may very well be related but that it was imperative that the neck angle was corrected. In any event I agreed to come back in two days time.

As I walked home I ruminated over everything that had happened in the previous couple of hours. The main thing that struck me was that I had submitted to the traction without doing any research into it. This worried me and I resolved to do a great deal of research into the subject before subjecting myself to more sessions.

The pulling of my neck backwards was pretty uncomfortable and this was certainly not the first time that 20 minutes felt like 20 hours while getting this treatment. According to my chiropractor I had vertebral subluxation of the bones in my neck. When I got home I did a bit of research on this topic.

The term Subluxation is used by chiropractors to describe an altered position of the vertebrae. This misalignment of the bones puts pressure on spinal nerves which causes a knock on effect of improper function to other parts of the body. The traction process is supposed to gently restore the bones to their proper position, thus relieving the pressure on the spinal nerves and thereby relieving the patient's symptoms.

There is definitely strong differences of opinion in the medical profession and even within some parts of the chiropractic community over whether the "subluxation complex" actually exists. Some argue that it is a made-up construct that was retro-fitted by chiropractors to explain the success of their treatments. Others maintain that it is a scientifically testable condition that left untreated leads to disease states in the body.

All I knew was that I had a bad back and my neck X-Ray did look terrible - no nice backwards curve for me, oh no. So after a lot of reading on wikipedia and other websites I decided to stick with the process and see what the results were. I knew that the particular chiropractor I went to had been in the same location for at least 10 years so I reasoned that if he had a track record of crippling people, he wouldn't still be there!

So back I went a couple of days later for my next stint in the torture chamber. This time I got some manipulation on my lower back. This involved lying on my side with one leg pulled up. The chiro then sort of twisted me by pushing down on the pulled up leg and the opposite shoulder at the same time. This gave the most amazing popping sound and all my pain in the back vanished. He warned me at the time that this would not last all day but over time would help with my overall condition.

Then it was time to get back on the Gombali. This time, because I knew what to expect it wasn't such an ordeal. Twenty minutes later I was back out on the street. And so it went on for about a month, at which time my chiropractor announced I was ready to graduate to some heavier traction. This would, he said start to pull my neck back from the base which would ultimately give the correct angle.

With a slight feeling of apprehension I took my seat in front of a pulley system. A harness attached to my head, and to this harness was attached a bag containing 5Kg of weight. The Gombali was a walk in the park compared to this. The pain as the weight was brought to bear was very intense and I had to support the back of my head to make it bearable. So we dropped the weight and this time it was merely very unpleasant.

After a week I was able to build up the weight again but it really was a very uncomfortable thing to go through. What made things worse was the radio in the clinic was tuned to a station that seemed to play the same easy listening music. Every day the same songs would come on and I would swear they lasted about an hour each! In the beginning I would always be checking the clock every few seconds for the twenty minutes I was subjected to the traction. In the end I used to force myself to wait two songs between each look at the clock. Sometimes two songs would go past and I would be very annoyed to see only five minutes had elapsed when I felt sure it would be more like twenty!

This went on three days a week for about 8 weeks. People did start to say that my posture looked a lot better and I looked at different photographs taken before and during the traction and you could clearly see a big difference in my posture. I actually grew half an inch over the course of the treatment.

After I had gone the prescribed time, the chiropractor asked that I get another set of X-Rays done so we could check my progress, so back I went to the X-Ray place. In the car when I was driving back I kept looking at the X-Rays, holding them up to the car window to see if I could see any improvement. Let's just say it was hard to tell!

However when I got back to the chiro's office and he put the before and after pictures up for me to see side by side, the difference was amazing. In the most recent picture you could clearly see a much healthier looking curve in my neck bones compared to the dreadful-looking slouched image from before the treatment.

So now that I had a properly re-aligned neck, was my bad back cured? The short answer is no. While I did get short-term relief from the adjustments that the chiropractor made to my back, I could not honestly say that my back pain was much better. When I brought this up, he said that there was still further work to do on the neck. At this point I decided to forego any more treatment - the traction was really too intense to face another round of 3 days a week agony. I felt that after three months of this I should try some other things and perhaps re-visit the chiropractic in the future. The chiropractor indicated that without regular maintenance traction, the neck would slowly go back to where it was originally. For a few weeks I did go back for a light stretch once a week but in the end I decided to discontinue the treatment.

So my feelings about chiropractic are definitely a bit mixed. That my posture was improved by the traction, there can be no doubt; however no real benefits to my original problem were realised unfortunately. However perhaps it was a very worthwhile exercise and I have fended off a problem I did not know I had. Time will tell I suppose.

Walking and Having a Herniated Disc - Symptoms, Treatment and Pain Relief Options

How is your lower back doing?

Does it cause you problems when you are walking?

1.) Introduction

Back pain that is due to herniated disc can be terrible. Maybe you know all to well the agony of trying to walk with the pain of a bulging disc, pressing on your spinal nerves. This can either give you pain in your lower back. Moreover, as you may very well know, the pain or numbness can also travel down your legs due to the herniation! - This article is the result of studying back pain for years and the ideas in this article have been medically documented. We are here to help and we think that you can benefit from the information here.

2.) Pinched Nerves & Disc Herniation

Unfortunately, if one of your lumbar intervertebral discs is bulging it can press on your spinal nerves. What does this mean exactly? Well, if the herniated disc can resolve somehow, this means less pressure will be placed upon your nerves and you might have less pain. If left untreated, you could suffer from pain for a long time. This pain can strike at any time and needless to say, it can really limit your activities of daily living.

3.) Treatment Options That Actually Work!

You have options to consider. Basically, it comes down to a handful of options that have proven track records and we will discuss some of them here.

A.) Rest: Taking it easy does not cost you a thing. The problem arises in that we do not have infinite time each day to take a rest. Would you agree? Life seems to always be asking more and more of us and it just seems like rest is a good idea, but it is not always easy to come by.

B.) Ice: Ice may help, but it has to basically be used in conjunction with resting. Unless you are going to walk around with ice bags tapped to you. Melting ice is another story all together.

C.) Surgery: Sometimes going in for a procedure is the only way to help rid yourself of herniated disc problems. However, a qualified spinal surgeon will tell you that they would prefer to see you exhaust conservative treatment options prior to going in for surgery.

4.) Back Support - A Useful Option

One of the best things about a low back support, other than being easily hidden by a t-shirt, is that they can help reduce your pain. They can do so by biomechanically offloading your lower back. This is done by the use of increased intercavitary pressure, a medically documented benefit of braces. If you have back pain problems, you can benefit from using one of these supports. You should check one out today.

* This is health information. Although we really believe in the benefits of back supports, it is best to talk to your doctor about medical advice.

How to Relieve Endometriosis Back Pain

Endometriosis back pain is one of the most common forms of discomfort experienced by endometriosis sufferers before and during menstruation.

It can be severe and debilitating, leaving some women incapacitated.

Back pain associated with endometriosis usually starts about two days before and menstruation and can last throughout the length of the period, although the time scale and severity of pain can differ wildly from person to person.

It is not uncommon for back pain to worsen over the years. This can be pretty alarming and lead the patient and their doctor to assume that the pain is related to a muscular-skeletal problem rather than endometriosis.

For most sufferers the aching starts in the lower back. In most cases involving the patient experience aching in the lower back that can travel down through the buttocks and into the top of the thigh.

This pain can often be sciatica and totally unrelated to Endo. When back pains become sciatic, the patient usually has limited mobility, as they are not able to easily or comfortably move, and often the movement in one or both of her legs are impaired.

Once any other reasons for the back pain have been ruled out, and the link to endometriosis established, the symptoms should improve with the various endometriosis treatments that are available.

How to relieve back pain related to endometriosis

The initial treatment during the early onset of back pain can be to take pain relievers. Usually this will provide relief from mild to moderate back pain as the anti-inflammatory medications get to work. However, the effects can soon wear off.

If you have back pain as a symptom of endometriosis it will generally be a recurring symptom, so the best treatment would be to treat the source of your problem, the endometriosis itself.

Firstly, consult your doctor. There are many medications, which help control endometriosis symptoms.

Birth control pills are effective at regulating the estrogen levels in the blood, which prevent the build up of endometrial tissue each month. These are a particularly good option for endo sufferers who are looking contraception as well.

Hormone regulating treatment is also available, as well as surgical operations that would involve removal of endometrial tissues and adhesions.

For more natural approaches to back pain caused by endometriosis you could try acupuncture. Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that aims to rebalance the body and remove any blockages in our system.

Ensure that you find a practitioner who has dealt with endometriosis sufferers before and don't to forget to mention your back pain as a symptom during the initial consultation.

Acupuncture sessions are tailored to the individual so your treatment plan will be specific to you.

For more information on treating the endometriosis naturally sign up for the free Endometriosis newsletter below.

Endometriosis back pain can be serious and impact on your quality of life. Trying new treatment or seeking out complimentary remedies to the medication you are taking could provide the relief you are after.

Lower Back Pain from Standing Too Long - Get Rid of It

There are lots of jobs or situations that might require the person to stand continuously for some period of time. Though the continuous standing will give the person something called a salary or get him a movie ticket if he is standing in a queue, it will also give him some serious back problems. In this article, we would look at how to get rid of back problems that mainly arise due to standing for long hour's non stop.

People might be slightly surprised to hear this but the shoes you wear is one of the main causes of back problems while standing. There are lots of people who buy long heel shoes in the name of fashion and do not bother about the comfort aspect of the shoe. Getting rid of the high heeled shoes or buying something more comfortable would be a very good way to cure this problem. Flat heeled shoes should be the way to go.

Some exercises which help in strengthening the stomach muscles will be very beneficial in handling this problem. The muscles in and around the stomach are very crucial for a more stable and stronger back and it is therefore important that one takes good care of his or her abdominal muscles by exercising regularly and keeping them toned.

If you are in a job like that of a waitress or a bartender, then ninety percent of the time you would be standing and would not get an opportunity to sit. During such times, you should never miss a chance of sitting or taking a rest as that will help in relaxing the stress and pain on the back muscles considerably.

Doing some yoga might also be beneficial in curing this problem. Try to get yourself diagnosed if you think that this back pain is more serious and has something to do with the other medical disorders that you might probably have.

A Very Common Cause of Lower Back Pain

What is Lordosis?
Lordosis is also known as Hyperlordosis or Swayback or Saddleback. It is an abnormal excessive front-to-back curvature of the lower back Lumbar Spine. Hyperlordosis is one of the most common causes of Lower Back Pain yet is a correctable condition if addressed properly.

What causes Hyperlordosis?
Anything that causes the pelvis to rotate forward will move the body's center of gravity forward. The body will compensate by moving the upper torso backward to reposition the center of gravity in a vertically balanced position. When that happens, the end result is an excessive front-to-back lumbar curve given other names Hyperlordosis, Swayback, or Saddleback. The resulting Postural Dysfunction of the lower back Lumbar Spine causes muscular imbalances as well as incorrect positioning of and in the Lumbar Spine. What this basically means is that Hyperlordosis is fundamentally a postural and developmental problem that develops over a period of time rather than a condition that happens overnight.

Does this mean that Foot Position has a lot to do with Lordosis?
Anything that causes the heels of the feet to be lifted higher than the balls of the feet can be a contributing cause to Lordosis. This means that Lordosis can be caused by wearing high heeled shoes that results in postural dysfunction of the lower back. The postural dysfunction in turn causes muscular imbalances where there are corresponding anterior and posterior hypertonic muscle groups in opposition to weak and inhibited muscle groups in the pelvis and lower torso. This results in a condition that is commonly known as "Lower Crossed Syndrome".

What are the corresponding Hypertonic (Excessively Tight) Muscle Groups for Lower Crossed Syndrome?
The anterior hypertonic muscle groups directly related to Hyperlordosis Lower Crossed Syndrome are the Hip Flexors (Psoas Muscles) and the upper anterior thigh muscles (Rectus Femoris and Sartorius). The posterior hypertonic muscle groups directly related to Hyperlordosis Lower Crossed Syndrome are the muscles of the Lumbar Spine (Erector Spinae, Multifidi, Quadratus Lumborum, Rotatores).

What are the corresponding Weak and Inhibited Muscle Groups for Lower Crossed Syndrome?
The anterior weak and inhibited muscle group directly related to Hyperlordosis is the abdominal Muscles (Rectus Abdominus). The posterior weak and inhibited muscle groups directly related to Lordosis is the buttocks muscles (Gluteus Maximus) and the posterior upper leg muscles (also known as the Hamstrings or Biceps Femoris)

How does Hyperlordosis cause Lower Back Pain?
With the spine positioned in an excessive lordotic curve, a primary dysfunctional source of pain and a secondary dysfunctional source of pain is created. The primary source of pain is the improperly positioned lumbar spine. The secondary source of pain is the abnormal tissue hypertonicity that is created.

How does the improperly positioned Spine cause Lower Back Pain?
The improperly positioned lumbar spine due to Hyperlordosis results in unbalanced, uneven, and abnormal weight bearing loads upon the Lumbar Vertebrae and the Intervertebral Discs, which could result in nerve impingement and/or Sciatica. The excessive curve also results in incorrect Lumbar Facet Joint movement i.e. reduced Lumbar Facet Joint movement and /or Lumbar Facet Joint Compression which can turn into Lumbar Facet Syndrome. That Facet Syndrome could be a stuck open or closed Facet Joint or a Facet Joint that "sticks or binds". This could also cause Facet Arthritis.

So what kind of Pain Symptoms are experienced directly as a result of the Improperly Positioned Spine?
The pain symptoms commonly experienced initially from the Improperly Positioned Spine are Facet Syndrome Pain Symptoms due to the Hyperextended Lumbar Spine that results in Facet Joint Compression, decreased Facet Joint movement, and irritation caused within the limited Facet ROM-Range of Motion in a Hyperextended state. Additional Pain symptoms over time would be a result of degeneration of Intervertebral Discs, and development of Osteophytes (Bone Spurs) that would have an effect upon nerve roots in the Lumbar area. In either case the pain could be localized, radiating, or Radicular-nerve root pain in nature.

How does Tissue Hypertonicity cause Lower Back Pain?
When Lordosis occurs, the hypertonic tissues experience excessive soft tissue loading and compression as well as reduced circulation due to the compressive state. The excessive tissue loading in turn causes reduced circulation that results in the inability to move waste products out of the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissue, as well as impeding the flow of nutrients into cell structures. The result of this multiple cause and effect issue is significantly reduced circulation that not only results in lower back pain, but can also result in Ischemia (lack of Blood Flow) or Myofascial Pain Syndrome or Trigger Points.

What can be done to correct Hyperlordosis?
As far as self-treatment goes, the first thing that the Hyperlordosis back pain sufferer should do is to alleviate as much as possible any condition that would position the heels higher than the balls of the feet while standing. The best approach to Hyperlordosis is to have a Diagnostic Pain Assessment conducted by a skilled Medical Massage Therapist or other Healthcare Professional prior to Hyperlordosis Treatment. The Assessment is a comprehensive compilation of information based upon Postural Analysis, Range of Motion Testing and other Special Tests that will be used to formulate the most effective treatment plan for this condition.

Arthritis and the Lower Back Pain Relation

Arthritis is one of the most pervasive diseases in the United States and is the leading cause of disability. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention one out of every three Americans is affected by one of the more than 100 types of arthritis. Arthritis simply means a painful condition of the joints. There are different types of the disease - many inflammatory and others more degenerative in nature. Across the world there are 350 million people suffer from the chronic joint inflammation of Arthritis. In US the number reaches to the 37 to 40 million. All of us know that there should the joint pain that is accompanied by the arthritis. The joint pain referred as the arthralgia. To suppress the join pain all of the people search for the natural arthritis treatment.

There are many forms of arthritis (over one hundred and growing). The forms range from those related to wear and tear of cartilage (such as osteoarthritis) to those associated with inflammation resulting from an over-active immune system (like rheumatoid arthritis).Together, the many forms of arthritis make up the most common chronic illness in the United States. People are spontaneous to react in way of finding the treatment of arthritis symptoms and anxiety of its various forms.

In the world there are two types of arthritis- 1) Osteoarthritis and 2) Rheumatoid arthritis. The Osteoarthritis mainly affects the cartilages of or around the bones. The cartilages provide the bone with the cushion and thus to protect it from the rubbing friction. On the other hand the Rheumatoid arthritis is the joint chronic inflammation that also the affect the body autoimmune system. Rheumatoid arthritis is also the main disease that causes the pain in or around the joints. Only the arthritis low back pain relief is the main pain suppression methodology for both of the arthritis. Here Autoimmune disease must be explained. The autoimmune disease is that illness by the blood antibody or the cells whose main job is to seeking and destroying body invaders preferably the infections mistakenly attack the body tissues.

For most people arthritis pain and inflammation cannot be avoided as the body ages. In fact, most people over the age of 50 show some signs of arthritis. Joints naturally degenerate over time. Fortunately, arthritis can be managed through a combination of medication, exercise, rest, weight-management, nutrition, and, in some cases, surgery. Your doctor can tell if you have arthritis through blood tests and x-rays. He or she will then be able to help you decide on the best treatment for arthritis for your case.

Friday, September 20, 2013

How is Multiple Sclerosis Connected With Back Pain

Multiple Sclerosis is a very painful condition that worsens progressively and affects the sensory and motor neurons. The remission cycles that occur worsen the condition and increase the level of pain felt by the patient. What causes this condition is still unclear however many experts are of the opinion that the condition is a result of a viral infection which plays a vital role in the development of the said condition of multiple sclerosis.

People suffering from this condition will experience severe back pain. However the condition also severely affects the brain which follows down to the spinal cord. Once the infection has had time to set in the process of degeneration takes off and starts eating through the myelin sheath, which is primarily a system of nerves that cover the cells. This infection like activity causes string of patches of the sclerotic tissues. These patches may impair the condition to some extent which later reaches the motor nerve impulses.

How would I know if I have Multiple Sclerosis?

Just look for the symptoms. These symptoms would include weakness, intolerance to heat, ataxia, blurred vision, nystagmus, diplopic, tremors, impairment to the senses, speech scan, optic neuritis, tremor intentions, paralysis, euphoria sensations, incontinence urine, unable to control the body.

How to find out if you have Multiple Sclerosis?

To know if you have multiple Sclerosis for sure you will need to seek the help of a professional. However there are a few symptoms you can look out for that should give you an idea if you have Multiple Sclerosis. The most common symptoms of Multi Sclerosis include weakness, intolerance to heat, blurred vision, ataxia (the inability to control the coordination and movement of your muscles), having a problem with your sensations, nystagmus (it's an involuntary movement that effects the eyes and causes it to move from side to side. This is usually caused due to the weakening of the optical and other nerves behind the eyeball), optic neuritis, slight or extreme euphoria sensations, urine problems, feeling of paralysis you may also feel powerless and some problem movement.

What is Diplopia?

Diplopic is also called diplopia which causes double vision. The double vision is caused because the body isn't able to coordinate the movement of the eyes. Optic neuritis is another condition that affects the eyes during Multi Sclerosis.

How is Multiple Sclerosis Detected?

MRI tests, CSF, CT, EMG etc are used to detect and confirm the presence of Multiple Sclerosis. Once the presence of protein intake increase is detected it means that the body's WBC is present and medical management is considered.

Once the presence of multiple sclerosis is detected the medical treatment involves a strict diet along with controlled exercises, physical therapy, speech therapy along with a host of medicines etc. Baclofen is a muscle relaxant that is often prescribed to patients suffering from this condition. A medication with a high concentration of magnesium and aluminum hydroxide such as Maalox is also prescribed. These medicines help in raising the body's level of the natural nutrients that are required to ensure proper function.

Would you like more information on back pain relief and solutions?
There are many websites online that provide you with the information you need on back pain. Be sure to do your due diligence and always consult with a doctor for any medical needs or solutions.

What To Do When Your Lower Back Pain Involves a Kidney Infection

You can get lower back pain from some very simple things. Some of them can be as simple as walking in high heels or maybe you even stretched incorrectly. If you are suffering from a kidney infection, this too can develop into low back pains and become very painful.

Symptoms and Signs

You absolutely must see your doctor is you have mid or low back pain that has been persistent. You may have some form of trauma in your back that needs attention immediately such as a possible kidney infection.

You may be suffering from a kidney infection if you are experiencing some of the following symptoms:

Blood in urine (not always visible) - Burning during urination - Nausea - Fever

Pain from a kidney infection will be in the areas on both sides of the spine and just above your hips. Most doctors press on these areas to see if you are feeling any sensitivity in these areas. The pain may also creep to the waist area.

A test to see if your body is fighting of infection a blood test is used. By counting the white blood cell count in a urine sample, doctors will be able tell if you have an infection.

Many times you will know that you don't have a kidney infection because you will know what caused the back pain. You will have had an accident that caused the back pain. If you don't remember any traumatic event that could have caused your back pain then you may have a kidney infection.

Treating a Kidney Infection

When bacteria enters into the bladder and travels to the kidneys will cause a kidney infection. You will suffer from a bunch of symptoms, one of which will be lower back pain. Two forms of kidney infections are:

Acute (strong but short -term) - Chronic (slow buildup but can be long in duration)

Receiving treatment from a kidney infection is crucial to keep from damaging your kidneys. To treat for a kidney infection you will need to take antibiotics.

For those suffering with a severe case of kidney infection, your doctor may give you a shot of antibiotics along with anti-nausea medication and pain medication. Once the infection goes away the pain in the lower back will subside.

Treatment for lower back pain

Pain caused by trauma will not go away as quickly as pain caused by infection. You can treat pain that began due to some sort of trauma with the following:

Physical therapy - Topical - Oral pain meds - Heating pads

These treatments are used, along with rest, when back pain is brought on by these types of events:

Bending Wrong - Back Spasms - Herniated Disc - Over Doing Exercise - Stretching - Strains

As you can see there is a big difference between pain from trauma and lower back pain from a kidney infection.

Looking for Remedies To Relieve Back Pain After Surgery?

If you recently had a back surgery your probably still experiencing pain, the first thing you should do obviously is to ask your doctor for some form of remedies to relive back pain after surgery to help reduce your suffering. On the other hand there are a couple of techniques that can be applied at home to help you with you pain issue. However before using any of those techniques you need to talk to your doctor just to make sure that you are not going to damage you back while applying those. The most important thing to consider is that you need to allow you back to heal properly; this is why it is very important to talk to your doctor before applying any of the following techniques.

The Small Pillow Technique

This is a very small but effective remedy to relieve back pain after surgery. If you have a small pillow you can try to lie on the ground with the soft pillow under your knees. It is very important to keep your knees bent and your back as straight as possible. This simple technique is very effective to relieve the pressure in your back muscles help you with your pain issue. This home remedy for back pain after surgery can also be performed with a chair. Just simply lay on your back and place your knees on the chair. These two very simple techniques are very effective remedies to relieve back pain after surgery.

The Step Stool

Another very simple but effective remedy you can try is to simply stand with one foot on a small stool. Try to keep your back straight and your head and hips aligned. Do this for at least fifteen minutes and then alternate your feet. This simple trick to relieve back pain after surgery will help keep the pressure off your lower back. This is very useful especially if you have to stand for long period of time.

Heating Pads

Heating pads are also very popular as remedies to relieve back pain after surgery. Make sure you only the heating pad on the affected area for no longer than thirty minutes at a time. The important thing here is to make sure this particular remedy is not causing your more pain, if it does you could try an ice pack instead or just seek another and more effective treatment.

The most important aspect of back pain after surgery is to make sure you are not making things worse by trying various remedies. Of course you can try very simple technique like stated above but you should also stay in touch with your doctor. If you are experiencing severe side effects like nausea, fever or anything else than causes you alarm, contact your doctor immediately.

How to Reduce Low Back Pain by Using Resistance Bands

Low back pain has become one of the most common physical problems in today's' world. Only functional work out programs can strengthen our core abdominal muscles and help us get rid of this acute pain. These exercises can be efficiently performed with the help of resistance bands. Here are a few steps that you should follow:

繚 Start with lying down on the floor. Stretch your legs in a straight line towards the ceiling and wrap up the exercise band around them in such a manner that the soles of your feet rest on it. Hold the edges of the band in your hands and keep the back portion of your body on the floor. Now, try to pull your front ribs inward as if you are pinning your belly button to the rear of your spinal cord. It would help you work on your lower core abs.

繚 Bring your legs back to the earlier position gradually. Your lower core abs should be involved even this time too. However, do not place your legs on the floor directly. There will be a time when your heels will be right above the ground. Float them at that position for a while, and then draw the lower back abdominals as well as your legs back to the floor. The entire work out should be repeated at least 10 to 12 times. Take rest once you are done with it.

繚 Now, start with lifting up your legs from the floorings once again. The ends of the resistance bands should still be in your hands. Slowly spread out your arms by your sides in a straight line. It would look just like the wings of birds. Then, bend your palms to make small fists. Make sure that your fists are anchored into the floor. At this position, try to place your tailbone on the ground. However, you should not compress your lower back abdominals this time. Also, try to keep the normal cervical as well as lumbar curve intact.

繚 Start bringing down your legs, but they should be inclined to the right side. All at once, turn your head to your left and look straight at the wall in front of you. Your core abdominals must be involved in this work out. Now, breathe out with the help of the core abs as you draw both legs jointly back to the centre from the right side. After completing this step, repeat the entire procedure by interchanging the positions of the legs. Repeat at least 10 to 12 more times and then take rest for some time.

繚 Now, roll off to your right side slowly. Your feet must be positioned facing your chest. Also, make sure that both your knees are bent properly. Once again, wrap up the exercise band around your feet. The two ends of the band should be in your hands. Then, lift up your chest and pull the axis of the 'sacrum' to the fore. At the same time, roll down the neural spine so that the backside of your body rests on the floor. Start breathing out once again by keeping your core abdominals involved, and roll back up to be seated. This exercise should also be done at least 10 to 12 times. Take rest once you are done with it.

Perform these work outs with your resistance bands regularly to work on your obliques, chest muscles, and lower belly muscles. These would certainly help you alleviate your low back pain to a great extent.

Causes of Back Pain - Spasmodic Torticollis, Sciatica, and Spinal Stenosis

Although many people will suffer from back or neck pain at some point in their lives, it can be quite difficult to diagnose these acute, short-term problems. Often, a muscle strain may be the culprit, which can heal in a manner of days or weeks. But for chronic pain in the neck and back, doctors have named a variety of disorders that people commonly experience. From sciatica to spinal stenosis, being aware of a few of these common painful conditions may help people suffering from back injuries understand why they are in pain and what treatment paths to take when they are recovering.

If a person has shortening of muscle fibers or periodic spasms in the neck, spasmodic torticollis may be the problem. The neck muscles may contract so much that the neck is forced to turn from a neutral position to a deranged one. Unfortunately, though, doctors do not know what actually causes this condition. A reaction to drugs or medication is the most common reason people suffer from spasmodic torticollis, but the actual reason that some people develop it is uncertain. Treatments for the condition involve such modalities as physical therapy, injections of botulinum toxin into the neck muscles, drugs to control the pain, or even surgery in some cases.

Sciatica is a condition in which the nerve roots are compressed. The most common cause is a vertebral disc begins to protrude out of the spinal column and additional pressure is put on the spinal cord. Osteoarthritis, bony irregularities, tumors, and abscesses may also cause sciatica. People who have this condition often describe the pain as burning or stabbing, and pain or numbness may be felt all the way from the lower back to the feet, with discomfort in the hips or knees also present. Rest, rehabilitative exercises, spinal flossing, medication, and surgery have all be used to treat sciatica, with varying degrees of success in different patients.

Another disorder that can cause harmful pressure on the spinal cord and sciatic nerve roots is called lumbar spinal stenosis. This results from a narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back or upper back regions. In fact, it may even be one of the causes of sciatica. Degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis or disc degeneration may lead to spinal stenosis. Pain is most commonly experienced in the hips, thighs, and even down to the calves, and may be felt when standing, walking, and running. The treatments for spinal stenosis are similar to treatments for sciatica and aim to reduce spinal compression causing pain.

Though there are a number of other conditions that can cause pain in the back and neck, these ones detailed here are some of the most common but most debilitating for those suffering from them. Pain in the lower back and neck can be very uncomfortable, even when it lasts only for a day or a week at the most. But chronic conditions such as sciatica or disc disease can cause pain for a great portion of person's life. This makes it even more important to find ways to deal with the problem by reducing the pain and then relearning how to move without severe back or neck pain.

Is There a Way to Treat Low Back Pain and Bowel Problems Together?

If suffering the agony and debilitating effects of back problems is not enough, some people have painful bowel problems on top of this. You may be thinking that this is just adding insult to injury, why me? One source of discomfort is bad enough. Don't worry, this article will show you that quite often the two are linked and curing one can cure the other.

One of the most chronic pains that people face today is lower back pain. This pain can be caused by a number of problems, including sports injuries, poor posture, degenerative or herniated discs, work injuries, or simple overuse in carrying large loads of heavy items, for example. Although common, it is also one of the most debilitating pains, especially when relief cannot be easily found. Low back pain and bowel problems have even been linked, making curing the low back pain even more of a priority for someone who suffers from it.

There are a few ways to try to alleviate the lower back problems. First, try sleeping on your left side with a pillow between your knees. A new mattress may also help. Wear flat shoes, and pay attention to proper posture during the day. Lifting with your legs instead of your back is also important. Heating pads and over the counter painkillers can also help. Beyond these home remedies, sometimes there is an underlying physical cause of the pain that needs to be addressed. Chiropractic care, physical therapy, and massage therapy are popular options to try to remedy these underlying problems.

Bowel problems are also quite common. Many people suffer from a condition known as IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome. This non-specific name conveys much of what is known about the causes of IBS, which is not much. This condition causes bowel and abdominal pain which is non specific and which often cannot be remedied, leading some to think it is imagined or psychosomatic. One link that is interesting to consider is the link between Low back pain and bowel problems. Some researchers and medical practitioners hypothesize that nerve damage in the lower back, which is often responsible for lower back pain, can also affect the bowels and abdomen by causing muscular pain and by disrupting the nerve flow to the digestive tract and internal organs.

If there is such a link between Low back pain and bowel problems, it would stand to reason that fixing the cause of the lower back pain would also fix the bowel problems. Both of these remedies would be most welcome to those who suffer from both, or from either. Stress reduction therapy, along with the previously mentioned choices of chiropractic or physical therapy, can have a big impact on both problems for those who suffer in this way.

Discuss the facts in this article with your doctor you may be able to kill two birds with one stone and your path to perfect health may be easier than you think.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lower Back Injuries - Treatment Tips For the Back

Lower back injuries affect over 31 million people annually and are the 5th leading cause of physician office visit in the United States. These injuries are often debilitating and lead to loss of spine function, mobility and a decreased ability to perform daily tasks, work and even play. Lower back pain and injury are some of the more common and disabling ailments known to humans. Although this information seems intimidating, there are solutions and prevention strategies that can decrease the incidence of injury and also aid in treating the symptoms of lower back strain.


Some of the more common reasons that increase the incidence of low back strain are acute injury, overuse injury, poor flexibility and weakness to the spinal column musculature. Acute injury generally happens when the spine is overloaded and unprepared for a movement, resulting in abnormal stretching or tearing of the muscle or groups of muscles. Overuse injury is often the result of faulty posture and underdeveloped musculature that supports the spine and results in chronic strain to the lower back. 

Poor flexibility leads to decreased range of motion of the spine, while weak muscles contribute to poor function, posture and decreased performance with activities involving the lower back. The main culprits of lower back pain are tight hamstrings, tight hip flexors, weak abdominal and spine extensors, plus poor endurance in core stabilizers.

These faulty mechanical features leave the spine more susceptible to injury or overload, and therefore an increased incidence of lower back problems.

The good news is many of these common ailments are preventable when it comes to dealing with lower back strain. The tips below are things you should be aware of and use in daily life, work, play, and sport to lessen your incidence of developing an aching back.  


To minimize the incidence of developing low back injury, keep the following things in mind during day to day activities:

  1. Avoid Stress- the lower spine is subjected to stress when standing, sitting, lying, working or exercising. Avoid standing or sitting for long periods, change positions frequently and be sure to keep good posture.

  2. Correct Lifting Techniques- Bend at your knees to pick up objects, and carry and/or hold objects close to your body at waist level. Use proper form and technique when exercising or playing your sport, and in general just be more mindful of your posture and spine motions when you work and play

  3. Correct Abnormalities- trunk flexibility and range of motion are critical to proper spine function. Strength and flexibility should be developed in the spine extensors to aid in injury prevention, as well as abdominal/core strength to ensure proper postural alignment.

  4. Core Stabilization- increased core stability and strength improve posture and help individuals maintain proper spine and pelvic position. Proper mechanical position will decrease the effects of repetitive motion and protect the structures in the back from damage.

Although lower back pain is preventable, it is sometimes unavoidable, especially in the case of acute injury. There are effective treatment options available and individuals should be prompt in managing their lower back strain to help relieve pain, reduce incidence of muscle spasm and decrease inflammation associated with injury.


First and foremost, proper diagnosis is critical for proper treatment of any injury. Be sure to seek medical attention in the case of any acute trauma to the spine, or chronic injury that continues to be a nuisance to your daily activities. If lower back strain has been diagnosed then use the following tips to assist in treatment

  1. Rest the injury and avoid activity that places stress on the lower back

  2. During acute phase use ICE packs and or ice massage to reduce inflammation and help with muscle spasm

  3. Use and elastic wrap or compression wrap around abdominal region to help support lumbar area of spine

  4. Introduce a gradual program of stretching (focus on hip flexors / extensors) and strengthening (focus on extensors, stabilizers of spine) should be introduced

  5. Ice therapy / ice massage after exercise, as well as abdominal brace / compression wrap to assist with low back stabilization

Using injury management tools like a  "lower back" ice wrap will be of great benefit to the strained individual. This wrap provides ice, compression and lumbar support, all of which are necessary to maximize treatment and rehabilitate injured spine tissues.

As with any injury, proper diagnosis and treatment are critical to getting back to normal activities of work and play. Without proper care of your injury, healing time can take longer and be more debilitating and there is the possibility of recurrence or re-injury. By utilizing effective prevention strategies such as core stabilization exercises and targeted stretches, and using treatment tools such as a lower back ice wrap, individuals can not only treat their injury, but be back- no pun intended- in the game in no time.

Dealing With Hip and Lower Back Pain

The very serious problems that are relating to back pain are the hip and the lower back. Usually hip pain and lower back pain come hand in hand as the pain is very similar. As the causes of the lower back pains are same as of hip pains.

Your body movements are basically affected if you are having hip pains and or lower back pains. These problems cannot be fully removed and this becomes a very painful situation. The people over 40 years old who are facing this problem deal with a terrible experience as far as the pain are concerned. They must stay still at one place to avoid having body movements which makes it very difficult for them to walk around when they are in their home.

The causes of the hip pain and lower back pain occur as follows:
- The nerves that are connected to the hip are coming from the lower back which becomes affected by a neurological problem.
- Any injuries to the muscles in the lower back might also affect the hip muscles.
- Any injuries to the muscles in the hip might also affect the lower back muscles.
- Is very difficult to face these pains as it is not easy pain to deal with.
- Arthritis will also affect both organs the back and the hip adding more pain to the body.

If you were to ask your physician for the reasons behind hip pain and lower back pain, he may not be able to provide you with an answer. Causes of this pain can be arthritis, spinal stenosis and a fracture. The thigh bone, the femur and pelvis are connected together at the hip joint, as these bones have cover of articular cartilage, which is a different matter altogether as it works as a shock absorber. This act as a contraction and expansion as the existing pressure helps to protect the bones as the hip joint contain a lubricating substance around the muscles. In the hip joint you have a capsule that can go in any direction since the hip joint is the ball and the socket joint as the nerves nearby this area come from the lower back.

The lower back can always be treated with a treatment regularly, once the causes of your hip or back pain is found your doctors will provide you some medications with some routine exercises which will improve your daily habits. If there are any changes in your back pain it should be directed to your doctor, if there is any pain in your lower back or your hip you should contact your doctor as soon as possible as it can easily become a serious and major problem such as arthritis or a congenital hip or lower back problem. This is a situation in which your hip joint ball is not seated properly where is suppose to be at the socket, if the socket is not deep the ball will have to move from the edge of the socket.

While aging and use plays an important role as the situation arises in which the fluid filled sac is inflamed and create pain, a person over the age of 40 years old may get a fracture with a gentle fall and this will not be able to be operated and this patient must face this problem the rest of his life.

If by any chance you have your two legs which are of different length you might be getting into having a problem of hip or lower back pain due to the difference in length, arthritis needs a different treatment, which needs to be followed for a longer period of time.

The treatment usually is a treatment of heat and cold water which helps to alleviate the pain. Maintaining weight control is very important as well as using medications against inflammation is required. Hips and lower back will provide support to our body while the attention of our problems must stand out with very strong support.

A solution has been created which will help to avoid these pains and make you pain free, is a solution known as Muscle Balance Therapy which is the greatest back pain break-through of our generation.

If you need additional information about the Muscle Balance Therapy Please visit this site.

Lower Back Pain Relief - How Icing Increases Recovery

When an acute episode of lower back pain occurs, ice is the first line of defense to help reduce your pain. An episode could be a slip and fall, car accident, sudden twist, or picking up something heavy that immediately causes lower back pain. Please note, if you have been in an accident, get checked by a physician, but if you have been cleared by medical personnel, ice should be the first agent you put on your back for the first 48 hours.

Ice will cause the blood vessels in the area surrounding the injury to vasocontrict. That means that the blood vessels will close down and reduce the blood flow to the area. Vasoconstriction is important because the body's initial reaction to pain, stress, and trauma to an area is inflammation. Ice will help reduce inflammation. Inflammation decreases range of motion and also causes joints to have decreased movement.

Ice should not be applied directly to the skin. Rather it should be placed in a in a towel, paper towel, pillow case, etc in order to prevent frostbite or irritation to the skin. After an injury, you should ice 10 minutes every hour to every other hour.

Icing with frequency will allow for sufficient vasoconstriction in the area in pain. You do not need to exceed more than 10-15 minutes per session. In addition it is not advisable to fall asleep with ice on an area. For maximum effectiveness, keep your icing sessions to 10-15 minutes. Anything longer and you run the risk of giving yourself frostbite.

If your pain is the result of a twisting incident, you may want to ice your gluts as well because rotational movements are generated from your gluts and when they are irritated, they can cause lower back pain.

The last key point to consider while icing for the reduction of your lower back pain is posture or position. If you have injured your lower back, it is best to lie on your stomach with a pillow under your stomach and have the ice pack on your back.

You can also sit in a chair and place the ice between your back and the chair. It is not advisable to lie on the ice because it can create additional unneeded stress to the spine.

The quicker and more frequently you apply ice to the affected area, the sooner and shorter your recovery. As mentioned in the beginning of the article, icing is your first defense.

In our next article, we will discuss the second line of defense that should be applied concurrent with the icing routing that will promote increased healing.

Therapeutic Ultrasound And Pain Management

In recent years, a new form of pain relief management and treatment has emerged called "therapeutic ultrasound" or at times "ultrasound therapy." Although first tried in the 1940's, only in the past decade or so has it grown in popularity as a form of pain management.

One of the most common ways ultrasound therapy is used today is to manage lower back pain. There are two primary ways to acquire this treatment: either by seeing a physiotherapists who specializes in this treatment at a clinic, or by using a portable home device developed for this treatment.

There are two main types of ultrasound therapy: thermal and mechanical. Thermal relies on providing a continual stream of sound waves, while mechanical relies on sound pulses.

Most therapeutic ultrasound treatments only last between five to ten minutes in length, and completely painless. The therapy relies on the use of sound waves and is really a form of deep tissue therapy. Not only can it be used to treat chronic pain conditions such as lower back pain, but many sufferers of conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia and found the treatment to be of use as well.

Therapeutic ultrasound is generally much preferred to surgical options for pain management. Given the advent of home ultrasound machines, it is also quite convenient for many to use as well. Home machines usually consist of a hand held "transducer" that in conjunction with a gel will allow an individual to treat many different body pains easily at home. Many of these devices cost under $200, although you should shop carefully and make sure the model you select has good customer reviews and is FDA approved.

If you prefer to see a physiotherapists for the procedure, you may want to ask your regular physician for a recommendation and for his or her opinion on the treatment. A physiotherapist may be able to more accurately treat your pain condition. They should be able to tell whether your specific condition is more appropriately treated via thermal or mechanical ultrasound therapy, and make sure that it is administered effectively.

There have been several scientific studies that have supported the use of ultrasound therapy, but others have not, so at best the scientific community is mixed on the benefits of this treatment. Still, given that there is little chance of harm using this method to treat pain compared to surgical options, it may be worth at least trying out for many.

Lower Back Spasms - What Causes Lower Back Muscle Spasms?

Many people will at some stage in their lives experience the pain and discomfort of a lower back spasm. It often occurs when you least expect it and leaves you wondering what on earth has caused such a debilitating pain in your lower back.

Furthermore back spasms are not always selective which means that active as well as sedentary people can experience this excruciating back pain.

5 Causes of Back Spasms

  • A back spasm usually affects the lower back muscles rather than the middle to upper back muscles of the torso and are often the result of an injury or inflammation of the spinal area or the spine itself. It is also thought that the spasm is the body's response to protect and immobilize the spine from further aggravation.

  • Weak abdominal muscles often cause more strain and stress to be placed on the spine which can cause injury and subsequently a spasm to isolate the spine from further stress or injury. So over exertion with weak abdominal will likely result in a back spasm to prevent further damage.

  • Sportsmen may be prone to this type of condition through repetitive motion injuries or chronic overuse injuries. For instance the repetitive motion of a golfer's swing could eventually cause spinal inflammation and injury or damage to the vertebrae or spinal discs & ligaments which will trigger a spasm as a protective measure.

  • People with weak back muscles will also be prone to this injury as extra strain will be placed on the spine for instance when lifting something heavy or perform any type of movements that could place stress on the spine.

  • Poor posture is another cause of lower back pain as it can cause the back muscles to be over strained in trying to maintain spinal stability.

In conclusion it should be noted that usually people who are not overweight, lead a reasonably active lifestyle and are in good physical condition are less prone to suffer from muscle strains and therefore less likely to experience lower back spasms.

Lower Back Pain - Common Causes and Treatment Options

Do you know that lower back pain is the most common ailment these days? Large number of people suffers from this painful condition at some point or the other in their life. It is indeed a matter of great concern and it should not be neglected in any manner.

If you are suffering from mild or severe lower back pain, you should certainly rush to doctor for getting relief and to lead healthy and fit life. You all would be surprised to read that back problems are on steady rise and have become as common as headache or cough but its cure is must for everyone. Before taking steps for prevention of low back pain, it is important to know about root cause of this ailment. Some of such causes are written below- have a look!

Injury in bone, nerves of spinal cord or muscle
Infection in lower body parts like bladder, kidney, hips and abdomen etc.
Broken vertebrae

It is important to know about the exact cause of lower back pain before undergoing for its treatment. Doctors can offer you various pain relief ointments and creams to give you complete relief from pain.

If your pain has occurred due to deficiency in nutrients, then ask doctors to prescribe you healthy diet full of vitamin D. Moreover enriching diet with calcium rich food sources too helps in getting relief from lower back pain. You would be happy to know that certain exercises are also advised by doctors to be done on regular basis that can help in keeping the pain at bay.

You would be surprised to know that acupuncture also plays a big role in curing lower back pain along with some dietary change in your lifestyle. Yoga is again a good option to treat lower back pain. Doctors also advices hot compression technique for getting relief from pain. Apart from this, doctors may advice you with best option that suits you to treat your pain.

You can even pull out some food items from your kitchen to cure pain associated with lower back. Application of garlic oil is an amazing way to cure pain. Mix 5 tbsp of garlic oil and sesame oil with mustard or coconut oil in a pan. Now heat it over low flame with fresh cloves of garlic. Apply over your back and leave for few hours.

Take some peeled and boiled potatoes. Mash them nicely. Spread mashed potatoes on piece of gauge and cover them with other pieces. Now place them over lower back for getting relief from terrible pain.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Home Remedies For Back Pain

Back pain can be relieved in number of ways. For usual cases rest regiment combined with cold/hot compresses, therapy, exercise and pain medications is very effective way to relieve back pain.

Rest is needed in order to give your back time to heal if you suffer acute lower back pain. However, try to be active as much as possible, without doing even more damage. Standing up and moving around the room or house will ease much of the stiffness, provide better blood circulation for your back and thus worm the injured area.

Use cold/hot compresses. Use them each on its own or combined (cold/hot regimen), in either way this is one of the best and fastest way to relieve your back pain. Heat relaxes the back muscles and improves circulation by dilating blood vessels. Improved circulation brings more oxygen to the painful area and thus reduces spasm along with pain. Remember not to apply treatment for more then 30 minutes, it can damage the abdominal organs. Do not sleep with heat packs!

Cold compresses are commonly used to ease the inflammation. Most common usage is for arthritis or sports injuries. Cold decreases the blood vessels, reduces blood flow to the affected area and thus reduces inflammation and swelling. As with heat, compresses avoid prolonged usage to avoid frostbite.

Stretching is useful for reducing the stiffness in the lower back, and to sometimes relieve spine compression. In addition, exercise will strengthen your core muscles (back, stomach and buttocks) which will result in a much better support for your spine.

Ask your doctor or better yet your physical therapist to show you how to properly execute those exercises. Properly is the main word here, if you exercise the wrong way you will only do more damage then good.

Massage is often used as a very effective back pain therapy. Massage works in a similar way as the hot compresses do. It stimulates the blood flow to the painful area, thus helping muscles to relax. Do not use untrained or unregistered massage therapists.

Nonprescription medications are another way to ease the back pain. Often they include analgesic medications like Tylenol or Aspirin. Ointments, creams and gels can be used as effective topical analgesics. Some examples of those are Ben Gay, Zostrix and Icy Hot.

You can also use other anti-inflammatory medications like Advil or Motrin (contain ibuprofen), Orudis and Actron (ketoprofen) and Aleve (naproxen sodium). If these prove ineffective visit your doctor, ho/she can prescribe a stronger pain-relieving drug if necessary.

However, if the pain does not subside in a week or if you experience any other symptoms like fever, vomiting, stomach pain, loss of bowel movement control, numbness in groin or legs visit your doctor right away.

Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief - 3 Things You Must Fix

Sciatic nerve pain relief only occurs when you recognize that you must change more than one issue when sciatic pain develops. You need to correct the common issues that cause all low back pain conditions along with the unique areas that relate to sciatica.

Sciatica is actually a symptom not a disease in itself, when pain travels away from the lower spine and down the leg it is referred to as sciatica. As soon as the nerve is irritated and pain develops, the classification changes from lower back pain to sciatica.

You need to remember that pain doesn't need to radiate all the way down the leg for it be called a sciatic nerve condition. Irritation can cause pain anywhere along the nerves path, so pain can be in your buttock or down to your lower leg, and this doesn't relate to severity either.

Sometimes pain can be more serious and involve the discs in your spine, but this is less common in occurrence and the most common cause is simply a few muscles and joints not functioning well. The same rules always apply though, if pain is not easing quickly then it is best to seek professional advice and help.

The Piriformis muscle is probably the most common cause of pain though, it needs to be assessed and addressed if you are wanting to get complete sciatic nerve pain relief. It is important as the Piriformis has the sciatic nerve running through the muscle itself or directly below it. Pain will develop in the nerve from the irritation that develops as soon as the muscle tightens.

The steps to get lasting relief are simple, all you need to do is remove both the symptoms and the cause. You can get symptom relief easily by looking at both trigger points in the area that can cause pain, and targeting the Piriformis muscle too. Symptom relief is important as your body heals faster and better when you are free of pain, or close to it.

But sciatic nerve pain relief will only ever last if you remove the causes, and all of them too. Muscle imbalances need to be addressed as it is both the tight muscles and the weak ones that are important to correct. The pelvis can twist, which allows muscles to become out of balance and hence needs to be corrected.

Even though strictly speaking, sciatica is a symptom not a disease, it is still a condition that needs early assessment and treatment. You need to remember that this is a simple variation of common lower back pain, the only difference is the irritation to the nerve by certain factors.

You should follow a simple plan for sciatic nerve pain relief, it should correct the symptoms and the cause if don't want relief to be temporary. But by following a simple plan pain can ease quickly and you can simply prevent recurrences also.

What Causes Pain in Lower Left Side of the Back?

Many people in this country suffer from pain in lower left side of back.

Because the pain is only on one side of the back, many doctors have trouble finding the actual cause. Many people go through years of endless visits to the doctor and the hospital, expensive rounds of testing, dangerous drugs, and treatments that do nothing to cure the problem.

However, if you know the true causes of pain in lower left side of back, you can avoid going through these trials by choosing a treatment that addresses the true root of your spinal problems.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Other Intestinal Problems

Pain in left lower side of back may be caused by problems with your gastrointestinal system, including sensitivities to certain foods or other bowel problems.

If your pain only occurs after eating certain foods and is accompanied by other symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting, this inflammation may be the cause of your problems. However, there are other causes of bowel problems. Many people have intestinal problems accompanied by pain in left lower side of back because of a muscle imbalance. If this is the case, these problems can be resolved by muscle balance therapy.

Kidney Stones

It is easy to tell if the pain in lower left side of back is caused by this common problem. Usually, the pain will be accompanied by other symptoms such as problems urinating and blood in the urine. Luckily, most doctors test for this problem routinely through urinalysis, and it also shows up during MRI's and other imaging techniques.

Lower Back Problems

This is the most common cause of pain in lower left side of back. These back problems may range from misalignment, a herniated disc, or any other several different disorders. Regardless of the exact diagnosis, the cause is usually the same: a muscle imbalance. Just as a muscle imbalance can cause gastrointestinal problems, it can also cause spinal problems. When you treat this muscle imbalance, you will be eliminating the cause of pain in lower left side of back and therefore getting rid of the pain itself.

Muscle Imbalances

Many people misunderstand the role of muscles in the human body. They do not just aid in movement; they also provide a vital support for organs and bones. If your muscles are out of balance, even slightly, this will cause any number of physiological problems, all of which can then cause lower left back pain. Doctors tend to treat this pain with drugs, surgeries, and therapies that work with the back itself. Only by curing the muscle imbalance you can rid yourself of pain in lower left side of back for good.

Curing Muscle Imbalance

Luckily, a muscle imbalance can be treated with a simple, inexpensive, and flexible treatment, freeing you forever of all of these painful symptoms, including pain in lower left side of back. This treatment, called muscle balance therapy, is offered by a program known as "Lose the Back Pain", which will help you determine the muscle imbalance causing your pain and treat it in a customizable program that you can do in the privacy of your own home. If you have pain in lower left side of back, you owe it to yourself and your family to reclaim your healthy, active, pain-free life by trying this innovative, effective, and affordable program.

Lower Back Pain Relief - Therapeutic Chair Positions

What is the best type of office chair to have? What is the best type of couch to have? How long should I remain seated while I am at work? What is the proper way to sit in my chair? These are some of the most important questions to have answered especially if you have lower back pain. Sitting is not inherently bad, but we tend to abuse the time that we sit in our chairs, especially at work and at home.

Some people claim to sit for up to 4 hours at a time without even taking a bathroom break. That is really tough on the body, especially the back and legs. The longer you stay in a seated position on your chair or couch, the more your body conforms to the surface on which you are sitting. The result is disproportionate muscle tension.

In a nutshell, what that means is that your body is out of balance and will cause undue stress at certain pressure points. For example, extended sitting causes hamstrings and hip flexors to be placed in positions that exacerbate tightness in the lower extremities. That is why when you get up from a low surfaced couch or chair after sitting for 30 minutes or more, you find it very difficult to stand up straight. It can take you 30-60 seconds before your body feels like it can stand up straight again. Has this ever happened to you?

Unfortunately there is no perfect answer with regards to purchasing or using the best office chair, couch or seat. Rather, there are certain components of a chair that you should consider that set up the appropriate ergonomic position conducive to a healthy back. The reason why we cannot recommend the perfect chair is because we all have different body types. As such, we all have different needs.

The key components to a good chair or couch are those that allow you the following functions/capabilities:

1. The chair seat should have a "tilt" mechanism to allow you to raise your buttocks slightly higher than your knees
2. The ability to raise the chair up and down for height
3. Firmness or a slight bulge in the lumbar section where your lower back meets the chair

The "tilt" function is important because it allows you to change the angle of the seat so that your gluts are in a favorable position compared to your knees. It is essential that you place your knees in the appropriate position to acquire the appropriate angle. Ideally you want slightly more than 90 degrees bend in your knees.

Should you be in the wrong position where your knees are higher than your gluts, it will cause increased tightness in your hip flexors which will reduce the natural lordotic curve in your lower back. This causes increased disproportionate muscle tension and causes additional lower back pain.

The ability to raise the chair up and down seems rudimentary, but don't underestimate its importance. It is essential that you have the appropriate height in order to acquire the proper angle mentioned above, as well as being able to place your feet firmly on the ground or foot stool.

You should make every effort to ensure that you do not dangle your feet while sitting in a chair. This may sound silly, but everyday there are many people who site this way. When your legs dangle, it creates a distraction force through your lower leg which can eventually irritate the lower back, hips and knees.

Last, firmness or a slight bulge where the lower part of the chair where meets your back will ensure lower lumbar support so you can maintain the natural curve of your spine. In addition it will maintain the adequate support needed to maintain a healthy back from extended hours sitting.

If you sit in a chair daily as part of your work environment, hobbies, or others, and you find that you continue to have chronic lower back pain issue, evaluate these items out and make the appropriate adjustments. By doing this, you will put yourself in a winning set up for finally stopping your back pain.

Thank you.

Cure For Lower Back Pain - Food Groups That Can Provide Cure For Back Pain

In your search for a cure for lower back pain, you become too focused on pain relievers and therapies that you tend to overlook certain dietary intakes that may resolve your back problems. Your nervous system also requires nutrients that can strengthen your bones, muscles and tissues as well as provide the substances that can trigger the proper responses from your nerves.

It may also be a case of taking in substances that trigger the release of hormones or chemicals in your body resulting to protrusions, compression or weakening of your spinal system or inhibit your cells from its natural healing processes These are the possibilities to consider in trying to determine the root cause of your back pain.

Here are some important nutrition facts about certain food groups that can provide cure for lower back pain. Check your diet and find out if you're lacking in some or may be taking in too much of them:

* Foods Rich in Vitamin A

Foods rich in Vitamin A will provide you with nutrients that allow natural healing and repair of tissues. Osteoporosis as a cause of back pain is due to the degeneration of spinal bones. Mainly because the bones lack calcium that can provide bone mass. Unless you address an existing deficiency, it would be hard to render as effective whatever cure for lower back pain you take or make. Examples of food rich in Vitamin A: dairy products, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, beef and chicken liver.

*Foods Rich in B12

B12 is an important nutrient for bone marrow production, while the bone marrow in return plays a significant role in spinal growth and over all body functions. Quite interestingly, the same food groups that are rich in Vitamin A are also rich in Vitamin B12, hence, they can be a very potent source of cure for lower back pain.

*Foods Rich in Vitamin C

As far as back pain is concerned, one important nutrient that can be derived from foods rich in Vitamin C is collagen. Distressed tendons, ligaments and injured discs can proceed with their healing process much faster if they have enough collagen supplement, thus, this is a good cure for lower back pain. In addition to the food groups rich in Vitamin A and B12, additional sources of Vitamin C are strawberries and cherries.

*Foods Rich in Vitamin K

Vitamin K rich foods are abundant sources of calcium nutrients which we all know as the most important substance needed by our bones to stay healthy and strong. In addition, it can provide your bones with iron, which are minerals that help in the absorption of oxygen and the elimination of waste elements like carbon dioxide. You can get your Vitamin K or potassium supplements in beans, soy, grains and lentils in addition to the other vitamin rich foods.

*Foods Rich in Magnesium

Magnesium is important in promoting proper muscle contractions and to keep your muscles toned. It helps in the absorption of nutrients that can add density to our bones. Vegetables that are green and leafy, whole grain breads, beans, nuts, seeds, shrimps, bananas and a lot more can provide us with sufficient amounts of magnesium.

Keeping a balanced diet can provide us with all the nutrients provided by these different food groups. Rather than persistently trying out different drugs and solutions, why not turn your attention to your diet which may hold the key to your cure for lower back pain.

Back Pain Relief - 7 Simple Tips to Save Your Back While Sitting - Ergonomic Too! - Nurse's Guide

If you're looking for some simple tips to help save your back, hips and joints or get back pain relief, assuming you do a lot of sitting all day at work or at home on your computer, these are some of my favorite tips.

Oftentimes it isn't a better ergonomic chair that's needed but the fact that most of us are slouched forward with our earlobes in front of our shoulders. Then we sit that way for hours, hardly moving. So first of all check your posture and make sure you keep your head and neck back using your earlobes as a guide.

Good posture will also give your lungs room to breathe properly from your abdomen and help your voice and speech too.

Sitting for prolonged times like this, no matter what your age, can cause blood clots and hip, joint and back pain which is the leading cause of disability in people under the age of 45!

Sitting is the worst possible thing you can do for your back and puts a lot of stress on the spine and slouching makes it worse. So make sure to stand up every ten or fifteen minutes or so and clasp your hands behind you. Walking around for a few moments is even better. You want to keep from hunching into a C shape.

The disks that absorb the shock between our vertebrae need nutrients because they have no blood or nerve supply. They depend on movement for nourishment. So keep moving as much as you can.

Make sure your chair is not too low. This is one of the reasons people get back pain and are not aware that their chair is positioned too low. Consider buying an ergonomic chair or better ergonomic chair. Beware of those labeled ergonomical that aren't.

When you're on the phone try standing up instead of sitting at your desk or on the couch at home. You can also tighten your abs and lean back keeping your earlobes in check.

Some people use a treadmill desk and walk at about 2 miles an hour or so.

Get a lumbar roll. These are inexpensive and available at medical supply houses. You can put them behind you in the natural curve of your back to help keep your spine in the proper positioning.

You can set reminders to stand up every 15 minutes or so with timers, post-it notes or Outlook reminders.

Using these tips will help you avoid back pain and serious problems. If you're suffering now with pain and need relief, make sure you do these every day and work on your posture whether standing or walking. Try building up your back muscles at the gym or health club - I especially like the lat pull-down and seated row to keep my back healthy and ward off pain. Give these tips a try and avoid back, hip and joint pain like I do. There are a lot more tips and secrets you can use to help you get back pain relief or avoid it like I do - too many to mention in this article.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Radical Back Pain Relief Exercise

This is one man's experience with back pain from spondylolisthesis. It may apply to you and it may not apply at all. It's entirely on you to decide if it has any value. There are many other opinions on the cause and cure of back pain. I don't know the answers. I just know my answer. This is what I did to cure my back pain.

In 1995 at the age of 47, I spent six weeks on the floor after something got pinched in my lower back. I had intense back pain with a numb, weak, tingling right leg for the next year. A spine surgeon took xrays and diagnosed spondylolisthesis, a genetic defect that had not bothered me until I became inactive and spent too many years at a computer. The simple lifting of a 15 pound object to a shelf above my head was all it took to break something. Spondylolisthesis means the vertebra are not locked together by bone flanges at some point along the spine, but are free to move out of alignment if the muscles get flabby and one or more vertebra have moved forward relative to a lower vertebra.

After 8 years of daily pain and a spine so fragile that I dared not jump off a curb, lift more than 30 pounds or turn around too fast, I read, "The Multifidus Back Pain Solution" a book by Jim Johnson, a physical therapist (PT). He had a radical idea that the multifidus, small overlapping muscles along the spine itself, were the key to a healthy spine. In his practice he found that most back pain was accompanied by weathered or weak multifidus muscles. These muscles attach on vertebrae and extend two or three vertebra up and down the spine, overlapping and pulling each vertebra into alignment with the one above and below. Most people have no idea they are there, yet they are the muscles that extend the spine when you stand upright and try to lift your head as high as possible. They are like a fist around the spine, but this fist is three feet long.

I ignored the book and its suggestions for another six months before deciding to do some of the exercises. As a physical therapist, Johnson recommended somewhat traditional leg lifts. I did not like the idea of leg lifts since I had tried them for months when my problem first arose. I did like his exercise of the cross stomach muscles. The original PT back in 95 had recommended sit ups and leg lifts. All these PT exercises are worthless to me, but they may do you good. They concentrate on long voluntary muscles that have nothing to do with these small overlapping muscles along the spine. I think that any benefit you get from traditional exercises is due to unconscious exercise of these core muscles. When I got interested in his ideas, it seemed obvious you needed to exercise the spine muscles, not all these long voluntary muscles that pull you up in a sit up or keep you from falling as you bend over. Most of Johnson's exercises do work the core muscles and these are important. My belief is that you need to exercise these multifidus muscles before anything else and they are the only essential muscles.

The problem was that nobody is conscious of these muscles. Maybe I was just more motivated, but I did get control of the muscles. They are slow. There is no jerk capability. They felt like molasses instead of any other voluntary muscle I knew. They can be felt and controlled by doing this extension exercise. Sit or stand and tense up the backbone or core muscles in the stomach and pelvis. These muscles on the spine are slow to move, you will feel the spine lengthening as they contract. It's very hard not to tense the stomach muscles at the same time, but the important reaction is this contraction around the spine itself. Start at the pelvis, let the contraction flow upward along the spine. It takes time to let it creep up the entire spine to the skull. At the end your spine is at maximum extension and a firm strength can be felt along it's entire length. Many other associated muscles are entrained by this exercise and your entire core will feel the tightness as the cross muscles of the stomach press your guts back against the spine. The vertical stomach muscles you use to do sit ups are not part of this exercise. Forget about them. We are interested in the crosswise muscles that suck your guts inward and make your trunk a firm cylinder of support.

After six months of this exercise, visualizing the spine and the multifidus muscles pulling things back into proper alignment, my pain was gone. And has not returned in the five years since I started the exercises. At the end of that six month period, I noticed one of the normal bumps along the spine had moved outward and to one side by 1/4th inch. Those floating bones had actually moved away from the spine and taken up a new position that did not cause pain. I can only imagine that the stronger muscles along the spine have pushed the loose bones away from the location where they were causing pain.

These days, I don't even think about my back. But I still can't lift more than 40 pounds without problems. The ruptured disk is probably still ruptured, but something is healed and nothing hurts at all any more.

Tense these multifidus muscles every morning. Let that grip flow upward as your spine lengthens. Do it several times each day. And never do anything that hurts. Move up to the hurt and back off. Never endure pain when doing these exercises. We want to gently encourage it to move and go away. When an injury is fresh, you may need to wait until the freshness is healed and you are dealing with ongoing pain instead of the transient pain of fresh damage. Don't try these exercises with a fresh injury that needs to heal.

Do not consider this to be medical advice. If you can find some value, great, otherwise let it alone. Your back and your injury may be totally different from mine.

How to Diagnose Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a common affliction, with millions each year visiting physicians for relief. Not only will they seek relief, they will want a diagnosis.

It is not always easy to diagnose lower back pain. Many body structures can cause it. There are muscles, ligaments, and tendons; spinal column bones; joints, discs and nerves. In addition to these structures, there may be underlying medical conditions your physician needs to evaluate.

Whether you initially diagnose lower back pain yourself, or leave that to your physician, the diagnosis will need to consider both the location and symptoms of your pain.

Step 1 - Location

The first step is to decide the location. "Where does it hurt?"

1. Axial lower back pain: This lower back pain hurts only in the low back. Pain does not travel into any other area.

2. Radicular lower back pain: This lower back pain hurts in the low back, and also radiates down the backs of the thighs into one or both legs.

3. Lower back pain with referred pain: Diagnose lower back pain with referred pain if it hurts in the low back area, and tends to radiate into the groin, buttocks, and upper thighs. The pain will rarely radiate below the knee, but may seem to move around.

Step 2 - Symptoms

Once you diagnose lower back pain as to location, you will consider symptoms. "How does it feel?"

1. Worsens with certain activities: If you play football, for example, the pain is worse.

2. Worsens in certain positions: Perhaps it gets worse if you stand for too long. Or it is more painful after you sit in a car.

3. Feels better after rest: Resting from the activity or position usually reduces the lower back pain.

4. Deep and steady: Not a sharp muscle catch, this pain is constant and deep within the affected areas.

5. Severe: The pain is excruciating, possibly more so in the calf than the lower back.

6. Numbness and tingling: There may be "pins and needles" within the area.

7. Fleeting pain: Pain may seem to come and go, leaving you unsure at times just how it feels.

8. Achy and dull: Like the flu, this pain is sore and dull, though sometimes intensifying.

9. Migratory: It hurts in one spot, then another.


AXIAL: If location is best described by number 1 above, and symptoms are a combination of 1, 2, and 3, you can probably diagnose lower back pain as being axial - the most common type. This is also called "mechanical" lower back pain. A variety of back structures can cause axial lower back pain, and it is difficult to identify which is the cause. Axial pain gets better on its own, and about 90% of patients recover within six weeks.

RADICULAR: If location is best described by number 2 above, and symptoms are a combination of 4, 5, and 6, you can probably diagnose lower back pain as being radicular - commonly called sciatica. This lower back pain is caused by compression of a lower spinal nerve, usually the sciatica nerve that runs from the spinal column, down the back of the thighs to the feet. Doctors usually recommend conservative treatment such as physical therapy exercises, medications, and possibly spinal injections, for six to eight weeks.

REFERRED: If location is best described by number 3 above, and symptoms are a combination of 7, 8, and 9, you can probably diagnose your pain as being lower back pain with referred pain - the least common type. This lower back pain is treated the same as axial back pain and frequently goes away as the problem resolves on its own.

How do you diagnose lower back pain?

Diagnose lower back pain with care. You need an accurate diagnosis, which your physician can best make, to be sure no underlying causes need attention. It is not enough to know you have sciatica. You need to know the underlying cause of the sciatica to determine treatment options.

If you do diagnose lower back pain, check the diagnosis with your physician.

Natural Back Pain Relief - What Are Your Options?

Presently, the development for natural back pain relief is gradually increasing specifically among individuals who are suffering from back pains that doesn't seem to want to go away. This is generally because of the customers' disillusionment and mistrust in the pharmaceutical industries. Even though there are many appealing pain-relieving drugs available, many of these, when taken inappropriately or by a delicate person can have various side-effects such as liver damage, heart attack, or even stroke. With the many dangers involved, folks simply don't want to take such chances on their health even with the benefits they give.

Here are the 15 most well-known natural solutions for back pain and to help guarantee back health. Not only are they secure, they are affordable too...

Acupuncture. The traditional Chinese medicinal art of acupuncture has long been known for alleviating chronic back pain. Back pain starts, in line with practitioners, when energy pathways in the body are blocked. The procedure works by making use of long, fine needles, which are inserted into these energy pathways to be able to unclog them. Opioids in the body are launched when this treatment is undertaken and in line with many research, these bodily substances help loosen the sympathetic nervous system which in turn lowers pain.

Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 and other B complex vitamins are the ideal treatment, in accordance with many neurologists, when it pertains to neurological problems like nerve disorders, including Parkinson's disease, as well as pain. Pain and disability can be lessened with regular intake of B vitamins either orally or through injections.
Besides that, Vitamin B12 have the added advantages of minimizing numbness and paresthesias ("pins and needles" sensation), reduce the fine tremors of Parkinson's disease, improve memory, and reduce depression and irritability.

Magnesium. Magnesium is a very essential mineral that is involved in vital biochemical processes in the body. The mineral works by protecting the normal functioning of the muscles and nerves, and aids in keeping the bones solid. Besides its beneficial effects on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, it also gives support to the immune system and the cardiovascular system. The deficit of magnesium in a body can bring about muscle cramps and pain which is quite noticeable for athletes. Magnesium supplements are a must for people who are into heavy exercises to be able to alleviate aches and pains.

Vitamin D. Found in many research, the lack of Vitamin D in the body can bring about chronic musculoskeletal pain. People who are at danger of developing chronic pains as a result of a deficiency of this vitamin include races with darker pigmented skin (like Asians, Hispanics and African-Americans), those with very few sun exposure, individuals taking glucocorticoid medications for allergies and lung disorders, and digestive tract disorders (like celiac disease). Through increased exposure to sunlight, increased intake of fortified milk, and cereals, and small-boned fish, Vitamin D deficit can be turned around.

Capsaicin Creams. Capsaicin is the ingredient in chili peppers that triggers the mouth to burn. Made as topical cream products, capsaicin functions by depleting the pain transmitter substance P in the skin, producing a pain-relieving effect. When applied four times a day for a period of 3 weeks, considerable pain relief can be achieved.

White Willow Bark. Similar to aspirin, white willow bark includes salicin which becomes salicylic acid when taken orally to help ease pain. However, not like aspirin which may trigger gastric irritation, willow bark extract is healthier and provided rapid relief in chronic pain patients that is comparable to Cox-2 pain drugs.

Yoga. Relief for chronic lower back pain can be given through this soft but rigorous exercise by conditioning the muscles and increasing the flexibility of the body. Unlike traditional exercises, yoga uses a variety of postures that produces a balance on both the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.

Breathing Techniques. A separate healing discipline, many people confuse breathing techniques as being part of yoga. These techniques involve the application of the connection between the mind and body by making the person conscious of essential aspects in his body through meditation, such as breathing and movement. Through controlled abdominal breathing, it helps to relax both the mind and body, resulting not only in lowered soreness, but also stress relief.

Chiropractic. The spine is realigned and manipulated in this technique to bring back the flexibility in the joints. Muscle rigidity is diminished by adding steady force to the spine which in turn relieves stress, irritation, and soreness. Patients with acute back pain and sciatica benefit most from chiropractic.

Massage Therapy. Massage is probably the most well-known method of relieving back aches and pains, particularly among pregnant women. Through massage, subacute and chronic pain can be alleviated. It can also help the body to relax, thus alleviating stress and depression.

Bowen Therapy. While most folks think of Bowen Therapy as a type of massage, it is highly specialized type of body work that employs mild strokes of thumbs and fingers. The treatment entails pulling the skin away from the muscle, applying strong force on special receptors found in the muscle, and then swiftly relieving the stress. Pressure on these receptors results in the sending of nerve impulses to the brain, generating muscle relaxation and pain relief.

In contrast to a massage, Bowen Therapy is not a continuous form of treatment, as the therapist has to make the client rest for a few minutes between each move. Based upon the patient's condition, a typical Bowen session may last between 30 minutes to as long as an hour. In current years, Bowen Therapy is being practiced by licensed therapists to enhance the immune system of patients struggling with cancer.

Alexander Technique. Developed by Australian actor Frederick Matthias Alexander, the Alexander Technique is usually noted as an effective way of relieving pain in many medical articles. Poor body practices such as slouching is corrected by this technique thus reducing back pain. The result is relaxation of muscle tension, greater flexibility and pain lessening. There are a number of websites on the internet that supply videos on the ideal way to conduct the Alexander Technique.

Prolotherapy. Impaired tendons and ligaments in the back can bring about instability in the spinal vertebrae which in turn will bring about chronic back pain. Soreness is eased when the immune system starts to fix the induced local inflammation, by undertaking prolotherapy, on the tendons and ligaments.
Prolotherapy can bring about mild pain, which is why it should be performed by a medical doctor (M.D.), osteopath (D.O.), or state-licensed naturopathic doctor (N.D.). A patient may need 10 to 25 sessions relying on the intensity of the back pain.

Balneotherapy. Relief and healing can be provided to numerous back aches and pains by going to mineral hot springs. This type of therapy can be undertaken at home and it is often known as balneopathy. This therapy entails bathing in warm water or mineral water. Scientific studies have proven that balneotherapy has generated pain relief and improved mobility in lower back pain sufferers. This therapy, however, is not advised for individuals with heart disorders.

Music Therapy. Lower back pain can also be eased through the application of music, which sounds quite amazing. Research conducted on music therapy has shown a decrease not only in discomfort, but also in disability, depression, and stress among patients of chronic pain. Of course, the type of music is also very important. Music genres that have been found to have pain-relieving effects are classical music and ballads. On the other hand, stress and heart rate can be heightened with rapid rhythms like hip hop and rock.

Any person who has become exhausted of the complications of pharmaceutical products should give these natural back pain relief treatments a try.