Saturday, August 3, 2013

What Are the Causes and Remedies for Lower Back Pain?

If someone is suffering from lower back pain, it is not surprising that they may wish to know what causes the pain and the ways in which the pain can be stopped. In many cases, it is not often possible to point out the exact cause of lower back pain. All the same, it is not important to know the cause in order to eliminate the pain effectively.

One of the most common causes of low back ache is inter-vertebral disc degeneration. This is a condition where the discs between the vertebrae are wearing out due to age. This loses the cushioning property of the discs leading to painful experiences around the back. Muscle tensions, spasms, ruptured discs and bones may also serve as the causes of low back pain. Sitting and sleeping postures are yet other suspected triggers of lower back pain. This may be as a result of strained back muscles and discussed making them experience a lot of pain.

Heavy tasks that the body is not used to performing may also serve as a pre-requisite to back ache. Compression of the spinal nerves and osteoarthritis are also other causes of low back ache. Having understood some of the major causes of lower back ache, it may require the individual to find out the ways and means of eliminating this pain in a fast and effective manner.

Low back pain treatment and relief work is a way to prevent the causes of back ache in different ways. There are some remedies that work to repair nerves and the spinal attachments. Spinal surgery and lower back fusion surgery are all part of the strategies of eliminating pain on the back bone. A decompressing therapy on the other hand is an effective way of eliminating lower back pain.

Other times, simple prescriptions of drugs may be enough to eliminate low back ache. These drugs are usually pain relievers. Acute lower back pain may be very painful and eventually will affect someone in many different ways if left untreated. The doctor is however responsible in changing their medication depending with what is ideal for a patient. The alteration by the doctor on the medication is targeted on establishing the best treatment.

Steroids and opioid analgesics are administered to a patient to help treat their low back ache. This medication is however meant for short time usage only. The medication needs to be taken as per the physician's prescriptions or under their guidance to enhance effectiveness. In case of severe and intolerable lower back pain, subcutaneous electric manipulation can be used to treat the pain. This method has proved quite effective in its functioning. Chiropractic treatment and use of zero gravity chairs are also suitable forms of treating lower back pain as they help rescue the back of the body weigh resting on it.

Overall, there are many forms of treatment to help those suffering from lower back ache. Whilst surgical treatment is primarily used for more complicated procedures, more simple problems are able to be treated using medicine and physical therapy. If the right treatment is used effectively, it can end someone's lower back pain within a short period of time.

Lower Back Pain Cause: Tight Hamstrings

The hamstrings and the lower back are connected by the pelvis. The hamstring is composed of tendons and three muscles that run from the back of the knee to the back of the pelvis; this network is responsible for bending the knee behind the middle line of the body when the hip is extended (such as when running or walking). Via the hip connection, tight hamstrings can cause lower back pain.

When a muscle is tight, its length is shortened. This can occur in a number of ways. Overuse of the hamstring without stretching can cause it to be chronically tight. This is often accompanied by weak quadriceps and hip flexors such as the psoas, since the hamstrings will fail to relax and allow them to do work. Failure to stretch and exercise in a balanced manner can lead to this muscle imbalance. On the other hand, the opposite imbalance can cause the hamstring to tighten. If the hip flexors and quadriceps are overly tight, the hamstrings will be stretched and weak. Weak muscles can quickly experience fatigue due to their lack of strength. Fatigued muscles have a difficult time relaxing. If a weak hamstring does not relax when the quadricep contracts, it can become torn or pulled. This is a very common type of injury, especially in athletes.

Muscles work as a sort of pulley system; if they are not balanced in length, strength and flexibility, then any number of structures within the body may be pulled out of alignment. The hamstring muscles and hip extensors are intricately related; if one is tight, the other is bound to be tight also. If these are tight, the muscles performing the opposite functions - hip flexors and knee extensors (quads) -- will be weak and lengthened. Muscles of the upper legs and hips are a crucial part of pelvic stabilization. Since the pelvis is the base of the spine, pelvic stabilization is the foundation of spinal stabilization.

Shortened, tight hamstrings exert a downward pull on the pelvis. Since the quadriceps and hip flexors are long and weak, they cannot balance this force with an equal pull in the opposite direction. As the pelvis is pulled downward in the back, the lower back loses its natural arch (called lordosis). As the spine is forced to flatten, the discs between vertebrae experience increased pressure in the front, possibly leading to early disc degeneration.

The muscles of the lower back are also strained by tight hamstrings. The proper way to bend forward is at the hip joints. When the pelvis is pulled backward, however, you have to bend from the lower back. This type of work in unnatural for the lower back muscles, and can lead to chronic strain.

Because of the compensatory tendencies of tight muscles, it is necessary to loosen them before attempting exercise. While stretching is a good way to restore length and flexibility to tight muscles, a technique called self-myofascial release (SMR) is more effective and the best first step of treatment for tight hamstrings. In this technique, you use a dense foam roller to compress and loosen the hamstring, effectively turning it off so that other muscles can begin to work. See this video of hamstring SMR for a better idea: As with any form of back pain exercise, it is best to be trained by a physical therapist in proper technique.

Once your hamstrings have been neutralized, you can move on to develop your quadricep and hip flexor muscles, which will help to stabilize your pelvis. Consult a physical therapist to assure that your exercise plan does not create the same or another painful imbalance. Educating yourself on how muscles work together will help protect you from back pain.

Stabbing Pain in Lower Back (Right Or Left Side) - Help Reduce the Pain Now - Braces For Support

Do you have a stabbing lower back pain that needs attention?

Did you get it as a result of an accident or did it just start to come on by its own?

1.) Introduction

Stabbing low back pain is the worst! You do not deserve to suffer from any form of back pain and that is why this article was written. We have studied many forms of back pain and can present you with some information that will help you save time and money when it comes to finding honest treatment methods. Lastly, we are not writing this article to just waste your time. We really want to get to the point here to help you achieve a more pain free lifestyle.

2.) Common Back Pain Problems

Some of the most common types of back pain are caused by muscle strains. This can be the result of overuse or an accident of some kind. Moreover, people can also suffer in many cases from a herniated disc, which may result from a degenerative condition or improper body mechanics. Pinched nerves can also cause pain in the lower back and it may travel down your leg in this case.

Fractures are also very possible and they can find a "home" in many peoples lumbar spine. Trauma and osteoporosis can lead to fractures of the lumbar spine and when you have a fracture of any type it is best to talk to your physician.

3.) Treatment Options

When you have injured your back, it is time to face the problem. Remember, you do not deserve to suffer from this issue and this is why we are going to provide you with some helpful information here.

One of the best ways to help off load your lumbar spine and its related internal elements is to consider using a back support. You may ask "why"?... Well, one of the tested, biomechanical principles of a back support is that they can help to increase intercavitary pressure. This helps to off load aching muscles, herniated discs or degenerative issues that can cause you a lot of problems. - The other good thing about increasing your back support is that many of these braces are easily concealed, just by using a t-shirt over the brace. People will not even be able to know that you have a back support on, unless you came out and told them. Many physicians recommend that their patient's get and use a back support because of all the benefits that have been described. If you have problems with your lower back, you should consider looking into one today.

*This is health information. We believe in the benefits of low profile, light weight back supports, however it is best to talk to your physician regarding medical advice for your particular situation.

Acute Low Back Pain - Red Flags - Relief Options and Back Supports

How is your back doing lately?

Do you have low back pain that is causing you grief?

1.) Introduction to This Article

Acute low back pain is not a laughing matter. A person suffering from it experiences pain and it can cause that person to be limited in his or her daily activities. Many people who experience back pain for the first time just ignore it without seeking treatment. They only take action when the pain recurs. Our backs are an important in supporting us while we do many of daily chores, such as lifting heavy objects, maintaining proper posture and more. It is important that we take care of it.

2.) Acute, Subacute & Chronic Low Back Pain

Low back pain is considered as acute when the pain has continued for less than six weeks, sub acute if it has continued for six to twelve weeks, and chronic if it has lasted for more than twelve weeks. Acute low back pain is one of the most common ailments in the world. In United States alone, an estimated $20 billion of health care expenses are incurred to directly treat back pain, and it climbs to $50 billion if you count all the indirect expenses for treating the ailment such as insurance.

The main culprit for acute low back pain is usually strained muscles, ligaments or herniated discs. A bulging intervertebral disc (which is the cushion between our vertebrae), is a very common reason for acute low back pain, because it can press on spinal nerves.

3.) Red Flags

Low back pain can be managed. The following are warning signals or so -called, "red flags" that may prompt doctors to do more intensive assessment and treatment.

Red flag signals may include:

  • The pain was a result of a severe injury such as a car accident.

  • The pain on the back never stops and only gets worse every day.

  • The pain is focused on the upper part of the spine.

  • Patient has experienced back pain even if his or her age is below twenty or more than fifty five.

  • Despite treatment, patient continues to find it hard to bend forward.

  • Patient experiences significant weight gain or loss related to back pain.

  • Patient's general health is poor.

  • Patient has cancer or has had cancer.

  • Patient has HIV, a drug abuser, or on steroids.

  • There are a number of problems in the nervous system.

  • The patient spine has a noticeable deformity.

4.) Back Braces & The Reasons Why They Are Important

One effective alternative treatment for acute low back discomfort is the use of back brace or support. Many doctors approve of back braces and see it as an effective support to relieve you of your pain. People who have used back braces have significantly decreased the pain caused by acute back strains, for example. Another benefit of back braces is that they can help restrict your movements so you do not move your body in such a way that would further hurt your back, which will worsen the situation. Back braces also support your back in such a way that it improves your posture so that the pain recurrence will be lowered. A very good back support should have a low profile feature so it is barely noticeable when you wear it under a shirt or garment.

*This is health information. We know back supports have helped thousands of people, but you should talk to your doctor about medical advice for your particular situation.

Back Pain - 4 Exercises That Can Provide Instant Relief From Lower Back Pain

If you are one of the many people who suffer daily from lower back pain you will know how uncomfortable it is...

...and depending on how bad it is for some, this condition can have a serious impact on the quality of their lives if it goes untreated.

The following exercises will in some cases provide instant relief but should not be practiced chronic back pain cases.

4 Exercises to Counter Lower Back Pain

Exercise in a controlled, progressive & gradual manner contributes to the healing process.

Active exercise to strengthen the muscles in your back will help reduce the amount & severity of back pain you experience.

  1. Hug Knees to Chest
    Lie flat on your back & then slowly pull your knees up so that you can hug your knees to your chest and at the same time, bring your chin to your chest keeping the tailbone on the floor to stretch the lower back - hold for 15 seconds & do 3 sets.

  2. Cat Stretch
    Get down on the floor on your hands and knees, take a deep breath & exhale as you push your back up towards the ceiling (like a cat arching it's back) and continue arching until you feel a gentle stretch in your back.

    Hold for 15 seconds, return to starting position & do 10 sets.

  3. Spine Twist
    Lie face down bending the right leg and placing the right foot on the left knee.

    Slowly twist to the left while taking the right hand straight out on the floor, the left hand gently pressing on the right knee.

    Relax into the stretch and feel it in your lower back and hips.

    Hold for 15-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

  4. Torso Twists
    Stand with feet wide, knees bent and bring the arms up in front of the chest.

    Slowly twist the torso to the right, squeezing the abs and then twist to the left repeating for about 15 reps on each side.

    Keep the movement slow and controlled and making sure that you only rotate as far as your flexibility will allow.

Get this full (free) report for 5 ways to get quick, long term relief from your Lower Back Pain here »

Exercises For Lower Back Pain - How to Get Rid of Your Back Pain Naturally

Since a lot of manual workers have problems with their backs due to excessive stress, exercises for lower back pain can help them a lot if they learn how to do them correctly.

A lot of people don't understand that a great way for back pain relief is fitness exercises, not taking pills without working at all. If you want another way to fix your problems, lower back exercises can help you get rid of the pain or at least reduce it.

Your pain will disappear faster if you exercise on a regular basis, as this will also improve flexibility and strengthen the muscles. All these benefits contribute to the reduction of chances of an acute back pain attack happening.

There are two components of exercises that can be done for lower back pain. First is the increased flexibility and strength, plus the body conditioning overall. You can get your body in great condition if you do some cardiovascular exercises (biking, walking or swimming) on a regular basis.

Your lower back will also improve if you lose some of the extra weight. In the beginning you should start slow, but in time you should get to 20-40 minutes of exercise in each session, with 3-5 sessions per week.

The second component of these exercises will make your back muscles more powerful and flexible. Besides your lower back, exercises will also improve your other muscles and abdominals.

With exercise you will be able to keep the back of the thigh loose, which decreases the chance of injury.

You should talk with your doctor if you want to do these exercises, to make sure it's safe for you to do them, and to recommend a specialist that can take care of you.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Lower Left Back Pain - Get Relief Fast!

One day everything seems fine but the next day there can be a sudden and new tenderness and lower left back pain. The cause may seem a mystery, especially if the sufferer thinks back to the last few days or even weeks.

Nothing comes to mind that could cause symptoms such as a numbness or tingling in the left leg, aching in the lower back muscles and a host of other symptoms. It can be so uncomfortable that the pain doesn't cease, whether sitting or standing.

Low back pain treatment:

What causes lower left back pain? Consultation with a medical doctor may be necessary to determine the specific cause and proper low back pain treatment options. Before seeking medical treatment, though, a look at one's lifestyle can be very helpful. Think about any possible changes, from new exercise programs to the birth of a baby.

Even something like eating new foods can cause intestinal problems which radiate to the back. Repeated motions, including exercises mean to strengthen the lower left pain can actually result in pain, if done incorrectly.

Sports injuries also can result in lower back pain. Oddly, some internal organs may be infected but the first symptom of that can also be mostly in the back, radiating outwards. The bones may not even be affected!

While there are certainly some serious causes of lower left back pain (fractures, cancer and inflammation), other symptoms are signs of a temporary condition. However, it is best not to try low back pain treatment methods or self diagnose the problem if it has been going on for some time.

If a warm heating pad or even a hot cloth in a plastic bag is applied to the tender spot and the pain eases, it could be just a temporary muscle sprain. But if the pain reoccurs, seek medical help.

If the pain is not intense, try keeping a journal before seeing the doctor and coming up with the best low back pain treatment plan. Note any and all foods eaten, bouts of diarrhea, sports and exercise routines and daily habits. Why should you do this? Because the cause could be as simple as food allergies, resulting in lower left back pain and spasms. Also, a journal keeps the doctor fully informed.

Lower left spinal pain is often easily treated. Options vary but can include special exercises as well as physical therapy (often done at home). In some cases, a cortisone shot may be given, offering immediate relief. With proper diagnosis, some people feel better in a matter of days.

With cortisone shots, there are even those who get instant relief, along with tips on how to prevent the aches and pains from returning. It should be a relief to know that surgery is required only in very special cases and is not necessary much of the time.

Back Pain - Muscle Problem Or Nerve Damage?

Back pain can be a minor ache caused by a weekend of throwing a baseball with your kids or it can be serious requiring MRIS, physical therapy, drugs and even surgery. Most people when they experience back pain wonder if it's a muscle problem or nerve damage. Let's look at the difference between muscle pain and nerve pain?

Of course if you wake up hurting the last thing on your mind is wondering whether the pain is caused by a muscle pull or nerve damage. However if you are like me and the pain persists you start worrying if it can be more than just a sore muscle.

Let us first look at muscle problems and back pain. There are four major muscles in the back starting with the Sternocleidmastoid running down the neck, to the Trapezius in the upper back, the Latissmus dorsal running down the back and the Gluteus Maximus. Any of these muscles can be damaged by overwork, quick jerking movement like in an accident, or by over extension. When and where muscles are weak or out of balance and injury can occur causing back muscle pain. Usually rest, a little ice and an over the counter pain killer will do the trick. Once the pain has gone away an exercise program specifically designed to strengthen the back muscles will go a long way to prevent back problems in the future.

Nerve damage can signal a more severe back problems. Nerve damage can be caused by an accident or a herniated disc or a damaged muscle pressing against a nerve root. In the lower back nerve problems usually means the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body running from the lower back and down both legs. When a disc, or bone or muscle presses against the nerve pain can radiate down a leg or both legs right to the feet. Nerve damage will often involve your doctor, physical therapy and possibly surgery to relieve the pressure on the nerve.

Whether it's muscle damage or nerve damage back pain should not be taken lightly. If the pain continues for more than a couple of days it is time to see your doctor to determine what type of back pain problem you have. Once this is known the doctor can decide on a program designed to treat the muscles or nerve. This treatment can range from anyway from taking a pain pill an a couple days of rest to surgery.

In my case the pain was caused by a lifting accident and nerve damage. I believe it is important to know and understand what is causing your back pain and take an aggressive approach to stopping the pain and strengthen the muscles. Strong core muscles support the spine and can alleviate nerve damage. Nobody likes back pain and yet so many people ignore their bodies through lack of exercise and/or weight and then wonder way they are suffering from an aching back.

Lower Back Pain Relief Tips

Lower back pain is a common problem that can affect everyone, including you. The pain occurs when you do something over and over that causes repeat trauma to your spine. You may feel pain after doing a simple task but the cause can be something that you have been doing for many years. It is important for you to realize that you may already have lower back pain. At the moment, you may not feel any pain yet but it can be a time bomb that can explode anytime.

Your spines are very complex and strange parts of your body. However, don't worry if you are suffering from this problem. There are ways you can do to get rid of the pain easily. Below are some lower back pain relief tips to keep your back safe:

1. Watch Your Weight
Overweight is one of the back pain causes. Your spine's task is to carry the body's weight around. If you are overweight, then your spine has to take more burdens. Thus you need to keep your weight in normal level to avoid any worse pain.

2. Be Careful on Spine Mobility
Normally, people who are suffering from back pain try to move around and do some activities to train the spine. However, this is actually not very helpful for them. It is because when you move your lower back, you have higher risk of having injury. It is normal to move your hips and upper spine but don't do it too much. You can do some safe movements especially that involve your hips and thoracic spine. To help you broaden range of motions at your hips, you can do some stretching on the hips and perform exercises like hip flexor stretches or overhead squat.

3. Stand Up Straight
Stand up straight is one of the ways to prevent lower back pain. If you are often in a bent over position, your muscles tend to be weak and fatigued. When doing any tasks, make sure that you keep a correct posture to avoid the increase of shear force. It is not a good idea to sit bent over all day long since it causes shear force on your lower back.

4. Stop Your Sit-Ups
Having a six-pack abdomen is very tempting. Unfortunately, doing crunches will only increase the force on the lower back. You are actually still allowed to do sit up but don't do it too much. You can use a few more planks to reduce the stress on your lower back. This way enables you to make your abs stronger while at the same time you relieve the force on your back.

5. Visit the Specialist
If you finally still can't get rid of the pain, then it is suggested that you see a specialist. You can visit a massage therapist to obtain the right treatment for your pain. This treatment will relieve more than what you can do for yourself.

Attention Lower Back Pain Sufferers! Back Pain Relief Is at Your Finger Tips - Click Here!

More than 80% of Americans struggle with some form of constant back pain. To make it worse, to figure out the initial cause of back pain is often difficult to establish and, therefore, not easy to treat, leaving its victims to rely on the uncertain alleviation of cold packs and drugs. Since back pain is so common, you'll notice more products and services available to manage this common problem. You could now find unusual products and services which are very helpful in relieving back pain. I'm going to reveal to you what tactics, products and services you should use to accomplish back relief.

Inversion tables
Inversion tables have been an exceptionally popular piece of back pain equipment. They are surely very effective in providing back pain relief and can be obtained just about anywhere. You can find different brands, sizes and types. However, they all do the same job and that is, give back relief, enrich your overall well-being, relieve and align your back. Be careful of poorly made tables with poor quality materials and inferior warranties. How they work is that you strap your feet into the "boots" that are a part of the unit plus gently flip your body upside down. Inversion tables are mostly effective for your spine in that it relieves strain on the discs plus nerve roots.

Capsaicin Cream
Capsaicin can be found in chili peppers. When it's applied to the epidermis, capsaicin has been found to transmit pain, causing a painkiller outcome.

If doable, put on disposable gloves before applying the cream. Be aware never to touch the eye area or open skin.

Stand straight, and keep your feet at the length of your shoulders. Bend the knees a little and lock the fingers, raising the arms to the height of your shoulders. Push your arms ahead and stay away from leaning backwards.

Acupuncture is known as a usual Chinese practice that includes inserting needles into the aching area to reach pain relief or balance. In numerous studies it has been proven that acupuncture is amazingly helpful and even greater than other pain relief strategies. There is no proven unwanted effects of acupuncture, however it's very imperative that fresh needles are utilized before every treatment. Additionally, your original treatment may result in some adverse reactions. It is just an outcome of improvements being made within your body and should not persist longer than the first few sessions.

Ice packs
Ice packs can work well, yet for those who suffer from conditions similar to rheumatoid arthritis and connected signs and symptoms it is best to stay away from using cold packs. cold packs can diminish lower back pain especially if you keep the packs to remain on your back long enough to ease muscle spasms, soreness, and inflammation. Place the cold pack over the region where your lower back pain is for at the very least twenty minutes.

Lower Back Pain - Hip External Rotation

Lower back pain is commonly due to irritation of the L5 and S1 nerve roots. Hip pain may result secondary to pain and spasm muscles of the lower back and all muscles that cross the hip.
Patients may have trouble with external rotation of the hip due to pain and spasm of muscles that perform external rotation or from pain and spasm of muscles that perform internal rotation and thus limiting the performance of the external rotators.

This week, we shall talk about muscles that perform external rotation. To test these muscles, the patient should lie on his stomach and bend the knee up. The patient then turns the leg and foot in toward midline. This motion produces external rotation of the hip. To test the strength of the external rotators, the examiner must try to push the leg outward away from the midline.
The hip external rotators are:

- gluteus maximus lower fibers (inferior gluteal nerve L5, S1 primarily S1)

- obturator internus (L5, S1, S2)

- superior gemellus (L5, S1, S2)

- inferior gemellus (L4, L5, S1)

- quadratus femoris (L4, L5, S1)

- obturator externus (obturator nerve, L2, L3, L4)

- adductor magnus, lower portion (sciatic nerve, L5, S1)

- adductor brevis (obturator nerve, L2, L3, L4)

- piriformis (S1, S2)

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Treatment For Herniated Disc In Lower Back - 5 Natural Home Remedies To Stop Pain and Swelling

Some of the most poignant voices are heard from people who suffer a herniated disc and treatment for herniated disc in lower back is very convoluted.

What Is A Herniated Disc?

Our spine is cushioned by tiny, mushy discs. The main job of these spongy discs is to absorb the shocks endured by our body. Herniated disc is a condition when our discs get damaged or ruptured. It mostly affects our lower back and sometimes the pain can be felt near the neck (cervical spine).

People who are entangled in jobs and sports which require heavy lifting, pushing, twisting are very likely to suffer from this disorder. And with surgeries offering very poor curative results, people are bound to embrace natural remedies.

The Best Natural Treatments:

1) Rest is regarded to be the most effective treatment for herniated disc in lower back. But sometimes, over resting may backfire as it can weaken the surrounding muscles. Therefore, light activities with some rest can bring great relief.

2) Ice or heat treatment can bring great comfort to the patient. Depending on what you are more comfortable with, either of them can be applied to the affected area. They help to numb the nerves, reduces swelling and soothes out the pain. Always remember not to keep both of the either packs on for too long. Apply it for ten minutes followed by a five minutes rest.

3)Back posture is known to be a very important factor for herniated disc since improper posture may exaggerate our condition. Find a relaxing position for rest and sleeping with small pillows can do wonders. Try to use a medium-firm bed with small pillow under your head and knees. Alternatively, sleeping flat on the floor can also bring relief but try not to sleep in one spot for too long.

4)Regular massaging with safflower seed oil, Ignatia and Naja oil with some menthol can bring relief to those who are suffering from herniated disc, as they have their own medicinal values.

- Menthol - Helps in increasing the blood flow and circulation at the affected area which speeds healing.

- Ignatia- Helps to calm the affected nerves which increases the blood flow and gives more mobility to our muscles.

- Naja - Works within the nerves to heal and mitigate pain.

5) Apart from all these home remedies in treatment for herniated disc in lower back,we must note down a few important tips like:

- Staying at a healthy weight reduces a lot of load on our lower back.

- Always protect your back when you lift any item.

- Try to get mild but regular exercise.

- Avoid smoking.

Is There A Quick Yet Affordable Home Remedy?

The bottom line on herniated disc comes down to getting an appropriate treatment which grinds well without heavy expense and without any side effects. The natural remedies mentioned are very effective but they act slowly. But to our relief, studies conducted by a Health Institute has proven that a cream made from a combined mix of natural herbs like Belladonna, Naja, Lachesis Mutus, Ignatia, etc. has the ability to stop pain and swelling in a short period of time. Even better, it does not come with any side effects. It is a breakthrough which is by far one of the best treatment for herniated disc in lower back.

Chiropractic Therapy - Does It Cure Back Pain?

Back pain is considered to be one of the most severe pains of the human body. The backbone is an extremely important part of the body, and a painful back can cause serious discomfort to the sufferer. As a result, its timely cure is crucial.

There are several causes of mild to intense pain in the back. Most of the patients suffer lower back pain, whereas the percentage of those suffering pain in their upper back is significantly less. Pain in the lower back can stem from a number of different existing problems including sciatica, herniated disc, spinal stenos is, degenerated disc disease and many more. Before one can go for a treatment, diagnosis of the cause of the pain is essential.

Based on the discovered cause of the back pain, doctors will suggest different treatment approaches. However, one approach that is never talked about by doctors is chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic treatment is an alternative treatment method that focuses on manual therapy including adjustment and manipulation of joints, mainly targeting joint dysfunctions.

How does chiropractic therapy work?
Chiropractic treatment is a complimentary or alternative treatment therapy that involves spinal manipulation or spinal adjustment to cure back pain problems. Just like other practitioners, the chiropractors also rely on diagnostic steps like x-rays before starting the therapy. The treatment is usually done by taking a three-joint complex beyond the range of its normal movement by the chiropractor, without requiring any efforts from the patient, while ensuring that it does not further dislocate or damage the joints. By doing this, the practitioner attempts to increase the range of motion under which the joint operates and provide better mobility to the joints.

Does it really work?
Chiropractic treatment has always been a topic of controversy. Some people find it tough to rely on, whereas others find that it works like a charm. Chiropractic treatment has been found to be highly effective when it is adopted as a preventive therapy during the initial phases of pain. There have been various studies and researches conducted around the world to assess the results of the treatment. The results of the studies are not consistent, and could not help someone to make a decision about trying out the therapy. Thus it can be said that the results of the treatment vary from person to person. The only method to discover the efficiency of the therapy on a person's back pain is by trying it. Though it has its own adverse effects and risks associated if mishandled, the treatment is safe when applied skillfully by a qualified chiropractor.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Back Pain after Shoulder Surgery - A Problem After A Problem

There are a lot of people that experience back pain after shoulder surgery and it can be so severe that it causes them to be unable to sleep for whole of the night. Of course, this may be an out-of-the-way case nevertheless it has been found to have an effect on a number of persons. The reason may lie in muscular problems though it may also occur after undergoing shoulder surgery. It can be so brutal that even taking medications as well as using heating pads may prove useless in treating the situation.

After a shoulder surgery you might expect that your whole trouble has come to an end but this is not true always. Sometimes you might experience back pain after shoulder surgery and in some cases there may be reappearance of your past back pain, which may no doubt be less than prior to having had the surgery, but is present nevertheless.

Steps You Need To Take In curing Back Pain after Shoulder Surgery:

After you had your shoulder surgery if you are still experiencing pain then you might be thinking that What should you do? The first thing you ought to do is talk to your doctor who will guide you correctly and may be able to prescribe some form of medication to help in reducing the pain you're experiencing. There are also a few things you can do of your own to help relieving back pain. However, before you try anything, make sure you discuss the procedure with your doctor to make sure you aren't doing anything worse and thus making more damage than good. When you are recovering from surgery, you want to make sure you are allowing yourself to heal properly and you don't want to do anything that will exacerbate the problem.

Effective And Simple Remedies to Reduce Back Pain After Shoulder Surgery:

Buy an analgesic and inflammatory solution or gel which you can easily get from your local grocery store. This kind of lotion is often found in spas (specifically for massages) and you can massage it into your back muscles. This will definitely help you in providing immediate relief from back pain

Another effective home remedy [] is placing a heating pad on your back for a few minutes at a time. The heating pad should not be on for too long, because too much heat can be dangerous. Of course, another soothing option is to get a massage to get instant relief.

Use ice packs on the your back for about 10 minutes and then leave the area for extra thirty minutes devoid of the ice packs, and then repeat the whole sequence once more. Using ice helps in cooling and reducing inflammation that get drained by your back muscles while they spasm. To avoid the possibility of getting mild frostbite, do not use ice straightforwardly on the skin.

These are just a few ways to solve your trouble. Your doctor may have more, so you should ask him or her what you should do when the pain becomes intolerable.

Lower Back Pain Relief - A Little Known Exercise That Works Wonders

I have had surgery on my back for disc damage which provided lower back pain relief. The damage was basically caused by use and abuse. The whole process has turned me into a person like a reformed smoker! I know how simple it is (now!) to look after my back and the fine line that exists between avoiding surgery and needing surgery. For example, I very rarely bend over to pick up things off the ground I always squat - it has become a habit.

We will talk about four sets of muscles:

- Traversus abdominus muscles that are deep muscles at the base of your back.

- Rectus abdominus muscles or "the Six Pack" or "Washboard Abs" that are surface muscles.

- Erector Spinae muscles that run longitudinally down each side of your spine.

- Gluteus maximus is the largest of the gluteal muscles (Butt or Bum muscles).

I believe I was very fortunate with the rehabilitation I had and the great physiotherapist who looked after me. At the time I misunderstood the value of light resistive exercise and the importance of isolating muscle blocks to provide lower back pain relief. The exercise I will show you is very simple indeed but not easy to do - it is very specific. This is because it involves flexing the little known Traversus abdominus muscles that are deep muscles. In contrast to the well known Rectus abdominus muscles or "the Six Pack" or "Washboard Abs" that are surface muscles.

This exercise requires some learning and it falls in the basket of less is better. But the results I have had from using it regularly have been amazing.

Jay, my physiotherapist, introduced me to one of the pieces of apparatus designed by Joseph Pilates called the "Reformer" using pre-tensioned springs on a moving platform. Pilates developed an exercising philosophy that involves resistive activity and the isolation of muscle blocks for rehabilitation and improved stability. Going through this course using the Reformer educated me to the fact that weights and dumbbells are not the only methods to give us lower back pain relief and to increase muscle tone.

I don't know what we could call this exercise - perhaps the Tummy Button or Tummy Button Flex! Maybe we could call it the Umbilicus exercise (the scientific name for the tummy button).

The Exercise Routine.

Standing in a normal position place the index finger of which ever hand you feel is best in your tummy button. OK this sounds a bit weird but is only to teach you by touch which muscles to flex and by how much. Once you learn the process you can do the exercise sitting. Now the first thing to do is relax your stomach muscles -with your finger still in place.

Now pull in and hold your lower stomach musclesto a position that is easy to hold. Your stomach should move in about 3-5 cm (1-2inches) from the relaxed state, that's all. Imagine you have a string from behind you that is attached to your tummy button and the string is pulled so that your tummy button moves in about 3-5 cms (1-2 inches).

Now we come to the exercise. I have to emphasize that doing this as described is vital i.e. very important to getting the most from this activity. It took me a two or three days before I could do it consistently without using my finger.

It's just one of those things where you develop a knack of how to do it.

With your stomach muscles "in" and your finger in place we need to move our tummy button further in just a small amount more, say 1.5 - 2.0 cms (1/2 - 3/4 inch), and then let it out only by the same amount. Your finger is only used to "feel" or help localize the movement (sort of coordinate things) but do not to push with the finger.

By now you will have guessed that the exercise involves moving your tummy button in and out this small amount with your finger as the "sensor". It is important that the movement is restricted to the distance mentioned because in doing so you are isolating these deep muscles that will support the back properly. Once you have got the hang of this small muscle movement and you can do it on a consistent basis, you won't need your finger and you will find that you can do it sitting down as long as your back is straight but relaxed.

Do this exercise 10 times (in-out is one time) and have a breather, then do another 10, if you are doing it correctly you will notice which muscles in your lower back you are exercising! You will know that you have been working some muscles because you will get a "warmed up muscle" feeling. These muscles are the ones that support your back and provide you with lower back pain relief.

I suggest at the start do 3 sets of 10 reps. Depending on the state of these muscles, you may have to lower the number of reps. You may find that you have difficulty keeping a regular rate when you start, this is natural as the muscles you are exercising are being specifically worked for the first time and may get tired quickly so coordination may become difficult..

Doing this exercise regularly, at your desk at work, waiting for the bus, watching television etc., will be very good for your lower back pain relief and support.

A Tip.

In the future when you pick up something heavy from a low level or the floor - you will already know not to use your back like a crane, but to keep your back in a fixed posture and flex your leg muscles!! - Here is some advice: Don't push your stomach muscles out (flex your abs) when you lift as most people tend to do, but instead when you lift, just pull your tummy button in like you do in the exercise above and this will help stabilize your back putting less strain on it.

Another Tip.

If you have to stand for long periods of time then practice the following:

Standing tall relax your shoulders - this may give you the feeling that you have "shrugged" your shoulders, that is, stooped a bit, but if you look in a mirror you haven't.

Now completely relax your Gluteus muscles (Butt or Bum muscles) and this will tend to relax your Erector Spinae muscles that run longitudinally down your back.

You see standing "normally" without relaxing shoulder or your "glute" muscles tends to tension the Erector spinae muscles which will provide upright support but unfortunately will also tend to compress the spine making lower back pain relief impossible and this is not good!

I have found this exercise to be by far the most effective for stabilizing my back. Don't let it's simplicity fool you, the muscles you are exercising are very powerful and are the best for true back support. So it is my hope exercising these muscles is as beneficial for your back as it has been for mine.

10 Tips For Fast Back Pain Relief

As we all know, back pain can occur at the most unexpected and inconvenient times. Here are 10 tips to reduce back pain until you can arrange a doctor appointment:

1. First the obvious - over-the-counter medications, acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID''s), are commonly recommended to alleviate low back pain. They range in type from broad-spectrum pain reducers to some that are marketed specifically as back pain medications. As always, use any medication with caution, consult a doctor first and always use as directed. The only problem with using pain medication is that it tends to mask or numb the pain but does not treat the underlying cause of the soreness or pain.
2. Alternate applying heat for 20 minutes and then a cold pack for 10 minutes several times. If the pain occurred very recently, finish with the cold pack.
3. Use a "hot patch." Looking like a large bandage or Ace wrap, apply it to the affected area. The patch stays hot for a few hours, with the heat working to stimulate blood flow and helping to speed up healing. Fortunately the patch also helps to soothe sore back muscles
4. Lay down on your back with your legs raised over a chair or cushion with hips and knees at 90 degrees, for 30 minutes twice a day. This will help relax the muscles in your spine.
5. Deep breathing exercises can provide fast back pain relief in two important ways. Firstly it accelerates the intake of oxygen and puts more oxygen into your bloodstream to feed your cells, and secondly it helps the lymph system eliminate the waste products produced by the cells by removing toxins and fueling your cells. It also helps to relax your tense muscles.
6. Make sure you drink lots of water. This will help to hydrate the muscles and discs in the spine.
7. Take a short walk, several times per day. Movement will help loosen your back and in fact too much laying down will make your back stiffer.
8. Cat stretch: Get on hands and knees and do a cat back stretch, by rounding your spine and holding the position for 30 seconds, then relaxing. Repeat several times.
9. Back stretch: Lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground and knees bent. Then lift your buttocks off the ground so that you are resting on your upper back. Next squeeze your muscles in your stomach and buttocks tightly and hold for 30 seconds, then relax. Repeat several times.
10. Side stretch: Lie on your right side with legs extended, feet stacked. Support your upper body on your right forearm and lift hips. Hold for 6 seconds, lower, and repeat. Switch sides.

Use one or a combination of these tips to get fast relief from back pain. Make an appointment with your chiropractor or medical doctor if the pain persists for more than 3 days or if the pain gets progressively worse.

Relief From Lower Back Pain - How to Achieve Quickly

How To Achieve Fast Relief From Lower Back Pain

Your spine carries the entire weight of your upper body including your head, which can weigh about 5kg (2.3lb). The spine is supported by groups of muscles and like any structure, this complex integrated composition is restricted by its design as to what it can carry.

Would you load a 1 Ton pick up truck with 1.5 Tons and expect it to last its natural term of life?

Comparing the spinal anatomy to a mechanical structure suggests that like anything mechanical, it requires servicing to work efficiently for a long time. Unfortunately, we cannot inject oil or replace worn parts of our spines at will so the only way we can service our mechanical back is to maintain a reasonable weight, eat a healthy diet and keep the core muscles strengthened.

Most back pain, especially lower back pain, is caused by muscle strain. Simply by sitting, the muscles are in use to prevent you from falling over. Stress, anxiety and depression are frequently linked to back pain. Stress causes muscles to contract, which reduces blood flow to the tissues and often leads to pain. Stress hormones can heighten the perception of pain.

HOW then can we achieve fast relief?

An EPIDURAL STREROID INJECTION is a common spinal injection, often referred to as a nerve block. It uses a steroid combined with a local anaesthetic, which is injected into the epidural space (this is the space between the membrane covering the spinal cord, known as the "Dura" and the wall of the spinal canal). The medication travels up and down the epidural space to coat the spinal nerves and facet joints near the site of injection.

The procedure will be performed by a suitably trained clinician and results may vary with many patients experiencing instant pain relief, which can last from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the cause of the back pain. In some cases the injection is ineffective. It can take several days for the steroids to effect pain relief as they gradually reduce inflammation.

The main goal of this type of pain relieving strategy is to assist the Para spinal muscles to relax. As mentioned above, when muscles contract, they reduce the blood flow to the tissues and like a bruise, pain is experienced.

It must be stated although it should be obvious that pain emanating from a damaged spine, be it from trauma or degeneration, will not be relieved for long if at all. Irrespective of the cause, it is always a good idea to have your doctor prescribe some simple core muscle strengthening exercises as part of the servicing agreement you should have with your spine.

Left Side Lower Back Pain Causes - Brace Yourself For Relief - Special Report

Is your lower back threatening to fall apart?

Do you feel like the pain is eating away at your lower back?

1.) Left Lower Back Pain

Yes, pain in the left side of the back can be annoying. The persistent pain puts you through some very uncomfortable moments and is an impediment to work and even relaxation. Sometimes it is like you can not shift your position without accentuating the pain. Middle-aged and old people are more prone to it. Young people get it too, in some cases.

2.) Back Pain

A.) Back Spasms / Cramping

A pain that is hard to ignore may be result of a sudden contraction or spasms in the back. This condition, called muscle cramping. It can be left to its own devices and will disappear even without your noticing it. Hopefully, this will be the case for you. If not, then read on...

B.) Injury

Injury to the area will, like any other body part, be source of pain. Children especially can injure themselves in ways unimaginable and left side lower back is not an exception. An accident, fall or a blow to the back may spread the pain to left side of the lower back. If you strain your back or caused a sprain to the ligaments, you will have pain.

C.) Herniated Disc

A herniated disc that has slipped from its position or ruptured can cause a nagging pain and, until it heals, you will keep experiencing pain.

D.) Kidney Issues

Kidneys play a large part in left side lower back pain. When stones form from excess calcium in the urine and refuse to be flushed out, they cause severe pain if the stone gets deposited in the left kidney.

E.) Pregnancy

Pregnancy essentially means that the lady is going to be putting on weight. The weight exerts pressure all over, including on the left side of the lower back. This causes pain. Diarrhea, bloating or constipation and all stomach ailments can also bring on the pain.

3.) Treatment Options To Consider - Braces For Support and Pain Relief

One of the best ways to help reduce lower back pain on either the right, or left side, is to use a low profile back support. You may have not ever tried one of these in the past, but they can be a great asset to those individuals that are haunted by back pain. Why should you believe that they work? - Many physicians use these braces to help secure a patient's lower back and be a reminder to them not to make certain movements that can hurt them, as they are healing. - When getting one of these supports, it is best to work with your local, licensed orthotist. These individuals are brace specialists and can help you get your brace for free if you have insurance.

Treating Lower Back Pain With Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that encourages natural lower back pain relief while healing and improving body functions. This treatment is administered by insertion and manipulation of hair thin needles into the body and by applying electric stimulation at particular acupuncture points. This procedure is widely used today in the west as a solution for pain relief for the back.

How the procedure works
The typical Chinese medicine explanation for acupuncture is that it relays energy in regular modes through and over the body's surface. These channels act like streams of water flowing through the body to hydrate and nourish the cells and tissues. A hindrance to the free movement of the energies behaves like a blocked dam. These channels can be influenced by inserting needles that help unblock the "dam" blockages and reinstate the regular flow of energies through the channels. This procedure helps correct imbalances in digestion, energy production activities, absorption, and the overall energy circulation through the channels.

It is scientifically explained that acupuncture needle points stimulate the nervous system releasing chemicals to the muscles of the spinal cord and brain resulting in pain relief for the back. The chemicals work by changing the whole pain experience or trigger the release of other hormones and chemicals that influence the body's internal regulating system. In the end, the body's natural healing abilities are enhanced promoting ones overall well being.

Conditions best suited to treat with acupuncture
The procedure is performed by specially trained practitioners either as stand alone form of treatment or in combination with other methods of treating lower back pain. This treatment influences three major areas of an individual's health; these include illness prevention, treatment of various conditions and promotion of the overall health.

This treatment is related to lower back pain control while it has broader medical applications that can be explained in clearer details by an acupuncture practitioner. These are:

Menstrual, urinary, and reproductive disorders
Respiratory conditions like sore throat, sinusitis, bronchitis, recurrent chest infections, and asthma
Digestive tract conditions like, diarrhea, spastic, colon gastritis, and hyper-acidity
Muscular and neurological disorders that include headaches, neck pains, lower back pain frozen shoulder, facial tics, sciatica, osteoarthritis, tennis elbow, and various forms of tendinitis.
Emotional and tension related physical problems.

Benefits in pain relief for the back
When one is looking for pain relief for the back, then they may consider acupuncture which has a track record running over 2000 years. The procedure relaxes the body muscles relieving lower back pain while stimulating the body to heal itself. Daily stresses accrued to the body through lack of exercise trauma and poor diet weaken the immune system leaving one susceptible to illnesses and bodily pains and aches. Acupuncture helps in improving blood circulation removing blockages to the affected areas that are functioning insufficiently and easing lower back pain.

Pregnancy discomfort consisting of pelvic and lower back pain are also treated effectively with acupuncture. Studies have shown that about 25% of pregnant women seek medical attention for lower back pain related to pregnancy. The basic treatment given that may include physical therapy has proved to be effective in relieving lower back pain during pregnancy and after delivery. Acupuncture is a great alternative to conventional treatments for pain relief for the back and has very limited risks to it.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Does Acupuncture For Lower Back Pain Really Work?

The National Institutes of Health reports that up to 80 percent of all people in the U.S will suffer from some type of back pain. That means four out of five adults are likely to have low back pain at some point in their life, making it one of the most common ailments, second only to headache.

Wow! That's a lot of people with back pain!

There are many treatments available to help relieve this pain. Unfortunately, there is no one single definitive treatment. So the use of acupuncture for lower back pain has become more popular over the past few years.

A number of studies have shown acupuncture as a reliable method for pain relief. In fact, the Annals of Internal Medicine has published an analysis on acupuncture for lower back pain showing that among the two dozen previously published studies on back pain treatments, acupuncture was
"significantly more effective" than no treatment.

Yet, there are still those who don't believe in the benefits of acupuncture.

So How Does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture has been used to treat a number of illnesses for hundreds of years in China and many other Asian nations.

The treatment is based on the theory that the human body is made up of channels or meridians where the "life force" or qi flows through. If these meridians are blocked off because of stress or other causes of illness, it compromises the health of the individual. The goal of acupuncture, therefore, is to unblock these clogged meridians and allow the qi to once more flow freely throughout the body. This is done by sticking needles unto the affected meridians to release the qi.

Is There Science Behind Acupuncture?

In a study published in the Clinical Journal of Pain, Dr. Christer Carlsson and his colleague Dr. Bengt Sjlund of the Lund University Hospital in Sweden were able to prove the safety of using acupuncture for lower back pain.

Studying 50 patients who were suffering chronic low back pain for a minimum of six months, the scientists randomly assigned one group out of three to undergo sessions of acupuncture. The other two groups underwent electroacupuncture and placebo, respectively.

After four sessions plus a follow up treatment two months later, "significant" changes were observed in the group that underwent acupuncture for lower back pain. Based on these results, the scientists concluded that "there is now reasonable evidence that acupuncture has a clinically relevant pain-relieving effect on certain forms of chronic pain."

So if you're dealing with back pain, it may be worth considering acupuncture to get the pain relief you need.

Lower Back Pain Relief - Learn The Cause To Find The Cure

It may get frustrating to have to deal with lower back pain even while the doctors are struggling to determine the cause of the condition. It is a well known fact that it is difficult to pinpoint the reason of lower back pain even after many medical diagnostic tests have been carried out. Many people will resort to self help remedies in the quest to relieve themselves of their lower back pain. And when they do manage to do so it is a very satisfying feeling.

If you suffer from lower back pain and you can handle it with some sort of spray or balm freely available in the market it is ok. However, when the back pain just does not go away completely and lingers on for a couple of months it is best to get yourself to the doctor to try and determine the cause f the pain. In most cases the cause of the lower back pain will be some prescription drug that been prescribed to you and you have been taking it over a period of time. Many drugs are known to cause lower back pain if taken over an extended period of time. Stopping the use of these drugs can alleviate the pain. If stopping the drug does stop the pain it is best to stop taking the drug altogether.

There are other causes of lower back pain though and these are picking up heavy objects, bad posture, over exercise, lack of exercise and sleeping of too hard a surface or too soft a surface. Determining what caused the back pain is a difficult task but for the person suffering from the condition experimenting with a trial and error method for a few weeks or days is not difficult to pinpoint what s causing the condition. Once you have discovered that changing something about yourself, be it the way you sleep, walk, sit or change some medication actually makes your back feel better you can experiment further and alleviate the condition altogether by making permanent changes about yourself.

However, while you are still trying to discover what it is that is causing you such discomfort it is also not necessary to live with the pain. You could resort to some home made therapies to deaden the pain if it becomes too unbearable. One of these home remedies is 'inversion therapy'. This is a therapy where a patient can design a contraption to help reduce or sometimes even cure his or her back pain.

Inversion therapy requires very simple equipment - a board of wood or plank if you want to call it that. This board must be at least 1 foot wide a couple of inches thick and 6 feet long. It is placed on the floor with one side at least 3 feet higher at one end. Then the patient must lie on his or her back on the plank in an inverted fashion - head down feet up. This is practiced for at least 20 minutes a day and is known to relieve back pain by releasing the pressure on the backbone.

Whatever the therapy you try, if the back pain is too severe and lasts for more than 2 months, get yourself over to a doctor - it may be a cause for concern!

Unbelievable Severe Lower Back Pain in Late Pregnancy

I was in my 9th month of pregnancy and I had to spend full two weeks in bed because of the sever lower back pain in late pregnancy. It was so unbelievable, and it was not even labor... Let me tell you what happened!

It was my very first pregnancy. And at the time I was self employed. I work many hours over time so I could spend more time when the baby came. I really was nuts, now that I think of it. I would go on for 16 hours without a minute rest. I just felt so good and energized and excited. 

I mean, I felt so good that I helped my husband with getting the nursery ready. I just could not wait him to arrive and I just wanted everything to be perfect. 

The first time pain happened was at the 7th month pregnancy. That is the same time I started experiencing really bad leg cramps. The kind that woke me up screaming in the middle of the night! At my Dr. visit I mentioned it to him, and he said, I need more rest. 

Like I was going to listen to him! He did not know of all the things I needed to do before! Yes, I know, I was crazy and I beat myself for it later on! By the time the 9th month came around, I was so bad, I had to stay in bed for 2 weeks. I had pinched my sciatica nerve. If you don't know what that is, it feels like the pain shooting down your front or back leg. Often the back and it really feels terrible! My pain was so bad, that my husband rolled me around on the chair so I could go to the bathroom and even with that it would take around 2 hours. 

The worst, is, I could have prevented my lower back pain in late pregnancy going so far. If I just followed the step by step guide on preventing and stopping lower back pain in pregnancy. I know it could have been prevented! How do I know that? With my second pregnancy I followed it, and it made all the difference!

Chiropractic Rated at the Top For Low Back Pain Relief in Consumer Reports

When most people think of chiropractors, they think of back and neck pain. Many people do not know that chiropractors often do much more than this. Arguably, chiropractors can be considered natural back pain relief specialists but, depending on their states laws, chiropractors may also be able to help you in a variety of ways. But, since back pain is why most people would go to a chiropractor for the first time; this article focuses on how the best chiropractors deal with this issue.

In a May 2009 article on ConsumerReports.Org; chiropractic was rated at the top for back pain relief treatments. It should be noted that this study made no mention of what type of back pain. Most of the public and all of us doctors out there know that low or lower back pain is much different than upper back, shoulder and mid back pain. That being said, we can assume that this article is referring to back pain in general. The article goes on to state that about 80 percent of U.S. Adults have, at some point been bothered by back pain. The Consumer Reports Health Ratings Center surveyed more than 14,000 subscribers who had lower-back pain in the past year to write this study. None of these subscribers have had surgery. More than half said pain severely limited their daily routine for a week or longer and 88 percent said it recurred through the year. Many said the pain interfered with many activities of daily living including efforts to maintain a healthy weight. This article lists chiropractic as having a higher satisfaction rate than physical therapy, acupuncture and primary care.

In fact, many Portland chiropractors and chiropractors around the world have experienced the same thing. How do you find a chiropractor to help you with your back pain? Well, here are some hints and ideas that I believe are paramount to both relieving back pain and creating a functional structure so you decrease your risk of having back pain again. First, the way our body moves in space is governed by a combination of mobility (how much we move) and stability (how controlled this movement is). In almost all cases, mobility "trumps" stability, that is, you cannot have proper stability without first having mobility.

For instance, for the low back to be stable, the vertebrae in your low back must move properly AND your hips and ankles must be adequately mobile (especially your hips). This is where a chiropractor can do wonders. We deal with mobility issues as good or better than most other health care providers. The chiropractic adjustment restores mobility of your joints. Unfortunately, this step is where many chiropractors stop. Chances are, if you are seeing your chiropractor for a few minutes each appointment and all they are doing is adjusting you, they have stopped at this step. Many Portland chiropractors make sure that once mobility has been restored, the patient and their doctor work quickly to restore stability. One of the reasons this is so prevalent in Portland, OR, is because Western States Chiropractic College is in Portland and the curriculum is evidence-based.

Often, in the stability stage the patient does most of the work and their chiropractor will just prescribe exercises and self-mobilizations that are customized to restore proper stability. In general, this consists of some hip and ankle "stretches" or mobilizations; hip stabilization exercises; specific low back exercises and lastly, dynamic exercises like kettlebell swings, TRX suspension exercises or even something more obscure like unicycle riding (you may laugh, this has been the "magic bullet" in a few patients' low back rehabilitation).

This last step is crucial. If you go to a chiropractor for any musculoskeletal problem and they fail to help restore stability, there is an 80% chance that it is going to come back.

Best Back Brace For Lower Back Pain - Important Free Information on Bracing

Are you looking to get a quality back brace?

Maybe you have heard of the benefits of these kinds of supports, but you are not quite sure which one to get...

1.) Introduction

We are here to help you make a quality decision. Even if you know nothing about back supports, you will be better off after this article has been read. You will also be glad to know that this information is free of name brands, so you know we are not trying to push one manufacturer in this article. Remember, the best back brace for you depends on the severity of your symptoms and diagnosis. We will talk about two important designs in the later sections.

2.) First, Why Get a Lower Back Support?

Lower back braces can be extremely helpful when you have a lower back problem. This could be a muscle strain or a herniated disc for example. There are many other reasons to get support, but the benefits can be extremely helpful. Just ask your doctor if a back support can help you and they be readily able to point to the medically documented information that promotes the use of quality made lower back supports as a conservative treatment method.

Braces for your lumbar and sacral spine can help to reduce pain. They do this by providing you with meaningful support and motion control. We always say, why push an injured back too far? A back support can help to limit excessive movements that can be easily made. This alone helps to promote healing of an injured internal back structure. - Moreover, a lumbar or sacral back support can also help to biomechanically off load an injured disc or muscle strain, for example, by increasing intercavitary pressure. This is a medically documented biomechanical principle that can seriously help to reduce your pain the moment you put the support on!

3.) Which Back Support is Best For You? - Read On...

When it comes to getting a back support, do not get confused by the brand name. There are a lot of quality back supports out there, so you will have to look at the make up of the brace. Many corset type braces available are made of a canvas type material. These may or may not include internal panels. However, our point is that these braces can be really helpful, but they are usually meant to act as a reminder to you not to make certain movements that may hurt you. They can help reduce pain, for sure, but they are not considered to be rigid in design.

There are rigid back braces that really help to immobilize your lower back. This can be a good thing. These more rigid types of braces will also stop lower back movements and they are much more rigid than what we considered to be a "reminder" in the previous paragraph. When the injury is a little more serious, you may want to bump up your level of support to a rigid lower back brace to help promote healing.

There is always more to learn, and to make it easy, you should consider talking to your brace specialist. They can quickly guide you through the maze of back braces and help you to make your decision more easy.

*This is health information. When getting treated for back problems, speak to your doctor for medical advice.

Ovulation and Lower Back Pain

Though less discussed than painful periods, painful ovulation is a fairly common occurrence. Painful ovulation is medically termed "Mittelschmerz," which is German for "middle pain." Ovulation, or the release of a mature egg from the ovary, occurs about halfway between menstrual periods. For many women, Mittelschmerz is experienced as a sharp twinge of pain in one side of the abdomen, pelvis and/or lower back.


Despite the fact that women have been menstruating for all of history, the medical community has yet to learn the exact mechanisms of the pain associated with the menstrual cycle. Though an exact cause has not been pinpointed, there are a number of probable causes of pain during ovulation. The predominant theory is that fluid and blood released from the ovary along with the egg may irritate the lining of the abdomen and cause pain.

Another potential source of pain is simply the release of the egg itself. The ovary doesn't have an opening through which the egg can gently pass, so the egg must burst through the ovary wall.

Ovulation pain is generally one-sided, since an egg is only released by one ovary each cycle. However, double-sided ovulation pain may be explained by the fact that the follicles - the structures in which eggs develop - of each ovary swell just before ovulation. Reproductive organs are nestled between the abdominal and lower back muscles. Inflammation in the reproductive organs can easily relate pain to surrounding body parts.


Treatment for Mittelschmerz is limited to over-the-counter medications and home remedies. Back pain can be diminished by using a heating pad or hot water bottle. A warm bath may also help to ease pain. If ovulation causes a significant amount of pain, a woman may choose to use birth control methods that stop ovulation.


Generally, Mittelschmerz is a harmless and natural part of the menstrual cycle. If pain is severe, persist longer than 24 hours or is accompanied by bleeding, fever, painful urination or vomiting, medical attention should be sought as there could be another, more serious cause of your symptoms.

One possible cause of abnormal ovulation pain is endometriosis. This condition is caused by the growth of uterine tissue around other bodily structures, including the ovaries. As the ovaries swell around the time of ovulation, the tissue is stretched and causes pain.

Back pain during ovulation is usually not a health concern. Being informed about your body will help to ease your mind and manage pain effectively.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Consider Spinal Decompression Therapy Instead of Lower Back Surgery

While back surgery is often recommended for people suffering from severe instances of back pain, there are far too many people whose surgery fails to bring them lasting relief from discomfort. This not altogether rare occurrence is referred to as failed back surgery syndrome. For people who were suffering with herniated discs, sciatica, or other injuries to their spines, a failure of surgery to produce long-term relief from pain can be very difficult to deal with.

Unfortunately, herniated discs are not easy to repair, and surgery may not result in as positive outcome for patients. Back surgery can also cause complications with the bad disc or new discs. As well, back injuries themselves can last far longer than the 6-12 weeks that make up many disability and rehabilitation guidelines. A severe injury of a disc or other tissues of the lower back -- especially ligaments -- can take years to recover from until the pain is finally gone or significantly reduced.

When surgery fails, patients are often recommended a number of movements to practice, exercises to complete, physical therapists to consult with, and other pain management protocols. Typically, if back surgery fails to facilitate healing from an injury, a second surgical procedure is not done. If the original procedure was not successful, less invasive treatments are used in the hopes of addressing different but related issues causing or exacerbating the pain.

For some patients, though, spinal decompression should be considered as a treatment for lower back pain. This is an alternative form of back injury treatment and works on the discs and vertebrae of the spine to reduce compressive loads on the tissues. A machine, the DRX9000, is used to decompress the tissues through the use of traction. As the joints are decompressed, circulation of oxygen and nutrients are able to reach the injured tissues and begin the healing process in the body. There is often less circulation to the discs and ligaments of the spine, so a procedure like spinal decompression that helps to drive nutrients to the injured areas can help promote healing.

The main benefit of spinal decompression therapy is that it is noninvasive and does not require any type of surgical incisions or even a trip to the hospital. Many chiropractors and clinics have their own DRX9000 machines and can do the procedure in-house. This makes the treatment more timely and more convenient for a large number of people who are unsure about having back surgery or need relief faster than a hospital may be able to schedule.

Also, spinal decompression has thus far proven to be safe and effective relative to lower back surgeries. People who undergo the treatment report less pain than they had before the procedure. This is important because the true test of any lower back rehabilitation is to reduce or eliminate pain in the area when stationary and when moving. If spinal decompression can lead to fewer instances of painful movement in clients, it can be included in the patient's rehabilitation program.

Lower Back Supports That Help Herniated Discs Heal - Braces Can Help Reduce Pain

On a scale of 1-10, how bad does your lower back pain get?

Are you looking for pain relief due to a herniated disc?

1.) Introduction

If you have lumbar pain and you want to help solve this problem, then you should consider using a back brace today. We are not going to promte a manufacturer of braces here, but what we are saying is that you should stick with quality brands. A well designed lumbar back brace can really help to quell lower back pain due to a herniated disc. It can also help to promote healing of an injured disc and that why it is really important for people with back issues to read on.

2.) Can People See The Brace?

First off, it is important to note that a lumbar back brace can be easily hidden by the use of a t-shirt. Sometimes people worry about this, but essentially, a brace will only be obvious to others if you tell them about it. You may think at first that other people can see it, but that may be because you are conscious that you have it on. Today, many manufacturers have made supports that are easily hidden by using a cotton shirt.

3.) Limiting Painful Movements

Secondly, and maybe more importantly, a lower back support can help you to restrict excessive or improper movements. We know that you are able to restrict movements yourself, but who wants to make this process your mental challenge all day long. Plus, what happens when you forget one or two times throughout the day, and you make a bending movement that is wrong? The brace will not forget if it is worn properly and snuggly. This benefit of bracing is actually key for those people who want to promote healing of an injured lower back.

4.) Biomechanically Speaking...

Thirdly, a well designed lower back support will help to off load your lumbar spine elements in a biomechanical sense. You may ask: "What does this mean?" - Well, we will tell you. When you wear the lower back brace in a snug manner, this will help to off load your hurting lumbar spine structures. This can include a muscle strain or a herniated disc for example. As a result of increasing intercavitary pressure, you will stand up with a more upright posture and you will also provide relief to your lower back. - If you need lower back support and you want to do it with a conservative treatment option, then you should seriously consider using a back support today.

The information contained here is health oriented. We have seen lower back braces help people that suffer from herniated discs time and time again. However, we are not claiming that this is medical advice. It is best to speak with your physician when you are seeking medical advice for your particular health situation.

I Have Lower Back Pain and It Hurts to Sit - Pain Relief

How is your back feeling lately?

Has it driven you to look for pain relief?

1.) Introduction

It is one thing to have an aching back, and it is another to have constant lower back pain that is excruciating and unbearable. It takes the idea of being in pain to a whole different level when that pain continues and even exacerbates when you sit. What are you supposed to do? Stand up all day and night? It is not very likely to happen.

2.) Why Does My Lower Back Hurt When I Sit?

Surprisingly, some people only experience lower back pain when they sit. Their backs do not hurt when they walk or when they stretch out in bed; only upon sitting. Well what causes this? It all has to do with the quantity of stress that your spine has to endure. When a person sits, that stress amount is increased. Moreover, if it is a slouching posture, the stress on the spine increases even more. Add in additional stress from a muscle strain or a herniated disc, and the pain becomes agonizing.

3.) Back Pain Relief

After suffering for a while, the reasons why you are hurting become obsolete, and your only thought is the discovery of a cure for what ails you. There are a few steps you can take to reduce pain in your lower back that occurs from sitting.

First of all, you can be selective about the chairs in which you sit. A high back chair that has arm rests (so you will be less inclined to slouch) can be very helpful and will prop up your entire body. Secondly, when sitting, it is important that you keep your knees and hips positioned at a ninety degree angle; this is the correct angle for proper posture and will help decrease stress on your back.

Unfortunately, working alone, neither of these tips will give you a great deal of relief for lower back pain. One of the best way to alleviate your pain is through the use of a back brace. A brace functions by providing support to the back in a variety of ways.

How a Back Brace Helps

1) Alleviates hurting. Using a brace aids you by reducing lower back pain that causes you to hurt when you sit. In many cases, the support will provide you with some relief immediately by reducing the movement of your spine.

2) Improves back stability. The back brace supports your back by keeping your spine more stable. Not only does this fixed position give your muscles times to heal, but it also retrains your posture to avoid further injuries.

No longer do you have to suffer from intense, lower back pain. There are ways to reduce the aching and enjoy a relatively pain-free, seating experience.

Note: This is health information. Speak to your local, licensed orthotist when it comes to medical advice on braces for your spine.

Sciatica - Back, Leg and Calf Pain

If you are feeling pain in your back, leg and calf, the chances are you are suffering with sciatica. Before I go any further however, it is important I stress that sciatica is a descriptive term and not a diagnostic one. Anyone who is feeling pain anywhere from there back, through their buttock and down the back of their leg could be said to be suffering with sciatica.

However, the most important thing to establish is not that you are suffering with sciatica, but rather what is causing your sciatica. Two or three different people could be presenting with the same signs & symptoms, yet each of their causes may be different.

The sciatic nerve is formed from the nerve roots L4-S3 which leave the lower part of the back. It then passes through the buttock region, down the back of the leg and then, via its branches, to the tips of the toes. If the sciatic nerve is being aggravated, either from its origin in the lower back or as it passes through the buttock and down the back of the leg, it has the potential to cause pain (as well as other signs & symptoms such as pins & needles, numbness and weakness).

The causes of sciatica can be numerous as I mentioned above. Nevertheless, the main culprits tend to be:

1) A prolapsed disc: A prolapsed disc will tend to pinch on the nerve roots which form the sciatic nerve as they leave the spine itself. If this 'pinching' begins to aggravate and inflame the nerve, pain will result. This pain could be felt anywhere from the low back itself, down your leg to the tips of your toes.

2) Facet Joint Irritation: As the nerve roots leave the spine, they can also be pinched or aggravated by the facet joints of the lower back. If a facet joint in the lower back is aggravating the nerve roots, once again pain may be felt anywhere from the low back itself, down your leg to the tips of your toes.

NB. It is important I note here that although a prolapsed disc and facet joint irritation may aggravate the same nerve roots which form the sciatica nerve, as well as produce very similar (in some cases identical) signs and symptoms, the treatment given would almost be opposite to each other. Therefore it is imperative the correct diagnosis is obtained.

3) Muscle Imbalance: This is where tight and/or weak muscles allow too much stress to be placed across the sciatica nerve. A more specific stretching and strengthening exercise programme would need to be prescribed for this problem. If your pain is starting in the buttock region, there is a fair chance muscle imbalance is the main cause. A tight piriformis muscle is a very common cause of sciatica which starts in the buttock region.

The good news is that sciatica can nearly always be treated conservatively with an appropriate advice and exercise programme, whichever of the above 3 may be causing your pain. If treated correctly sciatica can be treated and resolved 100% without any need for surgery. It is just knowing what to do and when to do it which is the critical factor.

For further information on how to treat sciatica, so my article How Do you treat sciatica?

Back Pain Cause - The First Step In Severe Back Pain Relief!

Back Pain Cause varies a great deal, and can range from a basic sprain to a chronic condition that can have you laid up for months or even longer. Everyday tasks will become virtually impossible, and your life will become very restricting.

Symptoms and causes of back discomfort vary a great deal, and millions of people are forced to see their medical doctors every year due to vertebrae, spine and discs damage.

Although it can be - at times - difficult to diagnose the exact back pain cause there are several different things that you can do to prevent it. Understanding the different types of and risk factors for back pain is essential.

The most common type of chronic back injury - which will eventually afflict an estimated 80% of us... is typically found in your low back, and there are several different causes for this.

Chronic back ache can occur in all types of people, irrespective of age or lifestyle, and as previously mentioned is incredibly common. Lower back pain can be found in several different forms including strain, sprain, stiffness, tension, and sore spots.

In extreme cases you may also suffer from a fever, numbness in your buttocks and legs, and constant severe pain.

Your lifestyle may be affecting the types of back injury you incur.

The first step in treatment - and to get severe back pain relief - is to have a look at the tasks you do throughout the day. This will determine if something in your work or lifestyle is damaging your back, and causing the overall pain.

As with any difficulty, if you can determine the root of the back disorder, that's the first step in changing them.

Often there is no one single underlying reason - it could be a combination of several. Don't necessarily jump at the first, obvious solution. It may be the way that you sit, stand, or simply that you lift things in the wrong way.

Being overweight and having bad posture are also a huge factors when considering the causes of low back discomfort.

If you lift objects on a daily basis you may want to consider wearing a weight belt and learning how to lift them correctly. Bending the knees, and ensuring that you do not twist your back whilst performing these tasks is essential.

Tripping and falling are also factors that can cause you injury and to suffer from back strain.

Although a huge majority of back pain is caused by straining your back while performing an everyday task, some people do in fact have a more serious and longer term damage to their backs.

These are more extreme cases, and general back pain relief and treatment will take far longer to deal with - often requiring medical intervention and surgery.

In very rare cases you may be suffering from back pain disorders due to an illness, or disease, and in some forms of cancer lower back discomfort is one of the symptoms.

Medical back pain cause...
There are also medical problems like osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, nerve impingement, osteoporosis, spondylitis, scoliosis, sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis, bulging or herniated disk, sciatic nerve impingement and spinal injury just to name a few. In other words, see your doctor to determine the exact cause of your disorder. They will be able to advise on the best steps to diagnose and treat your back pain before you start any program of self treatment.

Although a backache can be incredibly uncomfortable - in many cases a simple course of anti-inflammation medication is all you will need. By decreasing the muscle, intervertebral disc, or nerve inflammation, the disorder will have a chance to heal.

However, medicine can be a two edged sword. Try to stay away from the addictive, side effect riddled medication normally prescribed. there ARE natural enzyme anti-inflammatories that do not come with a bunch of problems attached.

Couple the medicine with some well thought out stretching and back strengthening exercises and you will have a solid treatment and future prevention program.

Regardless of the back pain cause in your case, keeping your back healthy is essential, and will ensure that there is less chance of you permanently damaging it.

Swiss Ball Exercises For Lower Back Pain

You see them every time you go to the gym, either sitting in the corner, or under someone rolling around on them. It seems to be a strong trend these days to exercise on swiss balls, but, can the swiss ball help you with your lower back pain?

The swiss ball is an excellent tool in the war to end back pain. Why? There are many outcomes that may be accomplished while using it, and through its use, provides one of the most important ingredients to postural correction. Here are just a few ways using a swiss ball can help you with your back pain:

1. Increase your body awareness: While its easy to just "zone out" while performing exercises on machines or other stable pieces of equipment in the gym, you can't do this on a swiss ball, and if you do, you'll spend more time on the floor than on the ball! Learning body awareness is a key ingredient to eliminating back pain. Connecting with your body and paying attention to how slight changes in body position, how your muscles feel and function, and what areas may be tight or weak, can provide a wealth of information on how to get out of pain, and keep it that way!

2. Improve your stability and balance: Using a swiss ball enables your body to turn on many small "stabilizer muscles" that may have been dysfunctional or weak as a result of having back pain. This is due mostly to the fact that it requires more attention while exercising on an unstable environment in order to stay balanced. The more unstable the environment, the more your spinal stabilizers need to activate.

3. Work your body as a whole: Postural imbalances that result in lower back pain come in groups, not in isolation, therefore, it may be best to train your body as a whole, rather than isolating muscle groups too much. The swiss ball is an ideal tool for full body, bodyweight exercises. It requires little to no other equipment, and provides a full range of motion for back pain stretches and exercises.

4. Have fun while you exercise: This is a very important factor to include. Lets fae it, doing the same exercises and stretches all the time can be boring. Using the swiss ball can spice up your back pain relief program, and give you the flexibility to create variations and mix it up a bit. Make it fun to do, and you'll find yourself doing your program more often!

Now as you have read, the swiss ball is a very versatile tool, and should be used by anyone who wants to get optimal results in their back pain relief efforts.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Does a Heat Therapy Wheat Bag Work to Relieve Lower Back Pain?

Heat therapy is probably one of the oldest treatments for relieving stiffness and pain in the lower back. When the majority of patients are questioned as to what they used to relieve lower back pain they almost always say it was over the counter pain relief medication with the second most common answer being a heat treatment. Many people around the world have managed to rid themselves of, or significantly reduce lower back pain with the help of a hot wheat bag or heat pack.

Most of the instances of lower back pain are a result of strain and over exertion which puts lots of tension on the muscles causing micro tears in the soft tissues around the lower lumbar region. These tears can stop or restrict blood circulation which leads to the pain receptors sending signals to the brain.

Lower back muscle spasms range from really awful pain to stiffness. However heat therapy has the ability to provide relief lower back pain as a result of reducing muscle spasms, stiffness and tightness.

When heat, such as with a microwavable wheat bag, is applied to the affected area it increases blood supply which causes your blood vessels to open up. The pinkness visible is actually the blood vessels expanding when heated.

When it comes to the spine the blood vessels around the spine are dilated when constant heat is applied. This increases the flow of fresh blood which brings oxygen and nutrients along hence decreasing healing times.

The increased flow of blood also helps in reducing muscle spasms as well as trigger points. This works because the pain can often be due to reduced blood supply so increased supply can do the opposite.

The increased blood circulation helps to relieve pain and its pain production centres which result from inflammation.

When a heat pack is applied to the area it works by activating the pain gate which is stimulated by the sensory receptors buried under your skin, it also helps to reduce the overall volume of your pain which the brain has to deal with. This is the same mechanism which is at play when you instinctively begin to rub an area on your body which has been accidentally banged. The heat you generate with rubbing helps to eliminate the transmission of pain. This is exactly how instances of awful pain are overtaken by the new sensation which takes up the bandwidth used to send pain signals to the brain. Your brain later just focuses on the heat as opposed to the pain which is considered a 'counter irritant' according to modern medicine.

When a heated wheat bag is applied it also triggers your body's own pain killers called endorphins which help to ease the pain.

The heat also helps by stretching your spine's soft tissue which also includes your muscles, connective tissue and its adhesions. This reduces overall stiffness and injury with a higher instance of flexibility and the feeling of relief, since flexibility is imperative to a healthy back.

People suffering from back pain have reported that heat therapy works best when it is combined with other modes of treatment including physical therapy and exercise. However when compared to other treatments heat therapy is considered best since it is non-invasive and will not require drugs. You can simply use a microwavable wheat bag or heat pack which moulds itself to the contours of your back and helps relieve almost all instances of back pain.

Low Back Pain - Simple Techniques To Follow When It Gets Unbearable

Completely fed up with lower back pain and no relief in sight? Do not lose heart. Lower back pain is most painful and is extremely common. Help is also at hand, in a variety of forms to suit individual conditions. Most people are looking for something that can do without having to resort to drugs and can carry out along with massage therapy as well as physiotherapy. While some people are just too busy or plain lazy or suffering from so much pain that even the thought of getting up is completely unappealing.

There are so many things that can be done to counter lower back pain. The first one, while it maybe very obvious is not really practiced all the time. It is to sit up in the correct way. Maybe you have been sitting in a particular way and not faced any problem so far. But possibly now you require lower back pain help to get ahead with your day.

While sitting, make sure that your chair has a straight back. Curved office chairs while they claim that they give you lumbar support, are not really the correct solution. The correct way to sit is to position your knees slightly higher than the hips, by making adjustments to the seat or else, use a low height stool to prop up your feet on, if that is more to your preference. While turning, keep in mind that you should turn the entire body, and not simply twist yourself at the waist.

Some precautions need to be taken even while driving. It is as important to sit straight in the car as it is in a chair, and also to move your seat forward according to your height. By doing this, you will not have to lean forward to reach the controls if you do not have the correct height. If you are tall enough, accessing the controls while sitting straight is anyway not a problem.

If traveling for a long time and driving yourself, it will be a good idea for you to use a small pillow or a rolled up towel placed behind the back. You can also purchase an ergonomic beaded seat to provide support to the lower back. These measures are small, yet extremely effective in providing lower back pain help. These measures are also quite easy on the pocket book.

So far we have been talking about lower back pain help while sitting; now we come to dealing with lower back pain when standing. Standing correctly is just as important to give your back the right support that it needs. Not too many people pay attention to the way they stand and its correlation with lower back pain. If your occupation requires you to stand for a long time, then use a low stool to rest one foot at a time. This will relieve the pressure on your lower back. Do this alternately every fifteen minutes or so. The good posture to be maintained is keeping the ears, shoulders and your hips in a straight line, with your head pulled up. Also remember to pull in your stomach simultaneously. This may seem difficult in the beginning, especially if you are of a large size, but it should come easily with practice.

Acquiring the correct posture in the sleeping position will be most difficult, but it is not impossible. With a little bit of effort, it can be done. The right way to sleep is on the side with knees bent. It is ideal if you can place a pillow under your head to give support to the neck and also a pillow between your knees. For back sleepers, the best solution is to place a pillow under the knees and another pillow, a small one, one beneath the lower back. For people who sleep on their stomach, try to keep a pillow under your hips for lower back pain help.

Remember to follow these small and simple self help measures. Keep the pillows in place even if you toss and turn while sleeping. Practice will make it easy enough to follow. Also get yourself a firm mattress. If using a soft mattress, make sure that there is at least a half an inch thick plywood board underneath to provide support. You will find a major improvement with these little tricks.