Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lower Back Pain Relief - 3 Tips to a Pain Free Back

Lower back pain relief can be yours with very little effort. In this article, I want to share with you 3 tips that I have used myself to relieve my lower back pain.

Warm Water

Something I often do for my back is to have a very warm shower and then direct a fast jet of water onto the lower back region.

Honestly, I know of nothing better for the back than this. It just seems to soothe the pain immediately. I've had neck pain before and it worked for this too.

In the first stages, do this as many as 3 times a day. You might think that 3 showers a day is excessive but, trust me, you'll feel so much better for it and it's totally worth the pain relief.

Adopt The Position

Often people will go to bed when they have back pain. You'll soon discover that this often does not provide any relief.

What you need is a rolled up towel. Roll up a towel into a sausage shape and put it in the small of your back. Now you're back is in its preferred "S-shape".

You can also do this while sitting. Sit in a chair but do not slouch. Use the rolled up towel for support to help you maintain this position.

Start Lifting Correctly!

Most people do not lift correctly and that probably includes you. Either you overdid it or you are just unlucky to have suffered for it.

It is never too late to start lifting correctly.

In basic terms, you need to imagine a weight lifter at the Olympics. Once they have the correct position, they always look forward. This helps to keep the back straight while lifting and use the power of the legs.

Look forwards while lifting and you will use your back for lifting which will only further damage it.

7 Practices To Achieve Lower Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy

Lower back pain in pregnant women is a very frequent complaint. As a matter of fact, eighty percent of pregnant women will experience pain in their back and at the same time on the period of their pregnancy. There are some types of back pain that arise among expectant mothers; the pain felt at the lower portion of the back is the most common pains during pregnancy.

The 7 practices are based on the condition of pregnant women since, pregnant women usually experience this condition, and the pains are being evaluated for the relief of the pain at the lower part of the back.

1. Practice good posture for gain low back pain relief - Use a conveniently wide position when you stand for the best support. If you are required to stand for a long period of time in any instance, relax your one foot on a low step chair and take time for numerous breaks. Because good posture can provide your low back problem a relief.

2. Wear appropriate gear - Wear for appropriate clothing that can be normally fitted for you (not so tight); like for your sandals that you may wear low-heeled sandals or any convenient and comfortable garments that could help you achieve relief from the discomfort.

3. Avoid lifting - When lifting an object, squat down and lift through your legs. It is also important to know your limits than lifting consecutively, which can cause much pain for you. Otherwise, avoiding lifting successively this will help you from having the most dreaded pain.

4. Sleep on your side - Do not use your back when sleeping, otherwise, sleep on your side. Placing one pillow amid your knees and others below your abdomen is also a very good way to achieve the much needed relief.

5. Apply heat or cold massage - Use a heating pad to sustain heat on your back, or alternate ice packs for your back. Applying heat or cold massage can keep a lower back pain relief because of the relaxing feeling that supports for your back.

6. Include physical activity in your daily practice - Inclusion of exercise can be a big help for lower back pain relief, and it can prevent from causing too much pain in your back than staying in your home without any effort done. You may stretch your back in a way that it can be comforting for you.

7. Consider complementary treatment - Some study suggests that acupuncture can help lower back pain relief during pregnancy. As well as "Chiropractic treatment", it seems to provide ease for some women. If you are allowing for a complementary therapy, talk about the options with your health care physician. The physician will confirm that condition is not the cause of an underlying condition.

Recognize a physician

However, ordinary pain during pregnancy is not something to disregard. Consult your physician if the condition persist does not respond to any strategies you implied. The physician will instruct you what to do or what to take for sustaining the problem at your lower back.

Pregnant women are really prone to having pain at the lower back, on the other hand, lower back pain relief can be achieve through different ways but consulting a physician is really recommendable.

How Low Bone Density Is Associated With Low Back Pain and How Chiropractic Care Helps

Low bone density or osteopenia in medical term is a problem that commonly affects women, particularly in their middle ages and certainly after menopause. Its bone mineral density is lower than normal peak. It is estimated that 40% of all postmenopausal Caucasian women have low bone density and proportion of these women will go on to develop osteoporosis, with a high risk of bone fractures.

Bones constantly recycle themselves to maintain their strength. Old bone is absorbed by the cells in body called osteoclasts in a process known as resorption. New bone growth by cells called osteoblasts replenishes the old. The osteoblasts construct new bone material to maintain bone strength. Low bone density takes place when old bone is taken up than new bone deposited, resulting to thinning of bone or low bone density and in severe cases, may result to osteoporosis, a disease characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue that leads to bone fragility and an increased fractures of hip, spine, and wrist.

The association between bone density and low back pain is quite intimate. The classic condition and cause of spinal pain associated with the loss of bone density is spinal compression fracture. All bones lose strength over time and the lumbar vertebrae, particularly in postmenopausal women, can be fractured or compressed from a fall or even from the stress of lifting or everyday activities. The bone strength decreases to a point where slight trauma and sometimes, no trauma whatsoever can result in a fracture.

A compression fracture is a complete bone break that disrupts the bone tissue and collapses the affected bone. Most commonly, the site where compression fractures occur can be found on the spinal vertebral body. Pain from a vertebral compression can be severe and it may show no symptoms and only be discovered when x-rays of the spine are done for other reasons. Over time symptoms such as back pain, loss of height, and kyphosis or stooped over posture may occur. A person may experience less pain during bed rest due to the fact that sitting and standing puts weight on the vertebra and can cause pain.

Studies have shown that the likelihood of incurring additional vertebral fractures is increased once an individual has already experienced one, even if that person does not have low bone density. Research also suggests that around 20% of older women who experience spinal fracture will experience another such fracture within a year.

The normal effects of aging in relation to decreased bone mass and decreased strength and elasticity of muscles and ligaments is unavoidable. However, such effects can be slowed by keeping the muscles that support your back strong and flexible by exercising regularly, using proper body mechanics in lifting and moving, maintaining proper body weight, maintaining a proper posture, avoiding smoking, and receiving regular chiropractic care.

Most cases of low back pain respond to chiropractic treatment. A chiropractor can accurately diagnose and effectively treat most types of low back pain. DEXA (dual-energy X-ray absorptiomery) scan is used in some cases to predict brittle bone conditions. A DEXA T-score of -1.1 to 2.4 indicates osteopenia while 2.5 or greater indicates osteoporosis. A DEXA scan can also help to identify if you are at risk, before it becomes a problem.

A newer bone imaging technology has been developed. FRAX is a computer-based algorithm that provides the 10-year probability of fractures in men and women on the basis of classic risk factors alone or by integration of classic risk factors with bone mineral density, which is measured by DEXA.

Proper diagnosis will help figure out whether a chiropractic adjustment would be beneficial as a part of back pain treatment. A lot of doctors regularly refer people with severe back pain to chiropractors. A patient can go directly to a chiropractor as referral from a doctor is not actually required. The key to such health concern is early identification and intervention. Receiving chiropractic treatment helps in the prevention of low back pain from low bone density.

Dull Pain in Lower Back (Right Or Left Side) - Pain Relief Options That Can Help! - Special Report

Do you suffer from a dull pain in your lower back?

Is it on the right or left side, or both?

1.) Introduction

Dull pain can be a serious problem for many people. You are not alone. Although it is not screaming at you, nor does it seem to be acute in nature, it still can be a very serious problem. Can you relate? This free information will discuss possible causes of the pain and help you to get rid of it with cost effective treatment options. We have studied back pain and this article is not meant to waste your time.

2.) Causes of Lower Back Pain (Right or Left Side)

  • Poor body mechanics

  • Obesity

  • Previous lumbar spinal issues that flare up

  • Degenerative Ailments (like with a disc for example).

Each of these aforementioned items can lead to a herniated discs, pinched nerve or even a muscle strain, for example. It is also possible to suffer from various forms of spinal fractures and kidney issues that cause you pain in your lower back. These issues are considered to be very serious in nature and if you have one it is best to consult your physician. Back braces can help but if you have kidney problems, they might not help.

3.) Treatment Options (At Home Remedies and Beyond!)

Rest and ice are age old at home remedies that have been used for many years. These remedies can help take the edge off, but if you think about it, they are not necessarily "cure alls", as much as we would like to believe. - Here's why,... When we were younger, it seems that rest took care of all our woes. But, as you may very well know, we do not have free time as we used to. That is why we only can afford to get limited rest. - Ice can also help, but ice melts and it can usually only be used when we are at rest.

Surgery. This is another valuable option, but it is usually saved for very severe instances. If you worked in a hospital you might think that surgery is common, but most people actually do not need surgery to get better. Your physician will probably tell you that they would like to use honest conservative measures to help you reduce your pain, before they would ever consider surgery.

4.) Back Supports

One very useful way to help promote healing of an injured lower back, is to use a low profile back brace. Many off the shelf designs exist and they can help you reduce your pain due to the meaningful support they provide. They also can be easily concealed just by using a t-shirt! These back supports can help to off load your lumbar spine by increasing intercavitary pressure. This will help to free up the muscles, discs and other internal structures that may be ailing. If you have not thought about a back support, then you should look into them.

* This is health information. We believe in the benefits of back supports, but you should always speak to your physician regarding medical advice for your particular situation.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Lower Back Pain And Natural Healing

Most of us at one time or the other have experienced lower back pain in some way, shape, form or another. It's a familiar feeling of dull, throbbing pain right around where our tailbone and pelvic area is. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to chronic back pain when we're sitting in an office chair for 8 hours a day. Alternatively it can happen if you're a manual labor worker. One wrong move and you've tweaked your back. There all sorts of methods to treat this pain with traditional medicine, such as prescription muscle relaxants, injections and even surgery. Some of these are not very appealing, so you may have considered trying to heal lower back pain more naturally. Here are some of the more popular methods to treating and healing lower back pain naturally.

Chiropractic Adjustment. Probably the most well known natural method of treating lower back pain, a good chiropractor can target the bones and muscles within the lower back, and push them back into alignment. In fact, regular chiropractic adjustment can actually prevent further injury from the lower back and help with posture. Most major insurances now cover chiropractic adjustment as a valid method of treatment, which is great new for those of us interested in treating pain naturally.

Acupuncture. Using needles placed just under the skins surface, a skilled acupuncturist can target the muscles and nerves affected by lower back pain. Pain relief is almost instant when this method is used correctly. Again, most major insurances are now recognizing this as a valid treatment for pain.

Massage. For soft tissue pain, massage can be a godsend. Deep tissue or even regular Swedish style massage performed on a regular basis can help keep muscles moving and in the right spot. A good massage therapist can recognize sore and tender spots and help the injured individual to recover quicker.

Topical Herbal Tinctures. Using different oils and combinations of herbs can help relieve pain right in the target area. Often recommended are angelica, pine, lavender and peppermint. All give excellent anti-inflammatory benefits to sore muscles.

There are many natural healing methods to alleviate pain and some of the best ones are listed here. Depending on the severity of your lower back pain, you may be able to heal yourself just using one method, or if pain is severe you may find relief in using a combination of all of them. Lower back pain no longer means being relegated to strong prescriptions and injections. With natural methods you can allow your body to help heal itself naturally without any untoward side effects.

Lower Right Back Pain Causes And Treatment

Lower right back pain is one of the more common forms of low back discomfort, due to the fact that the sacro-iliac joint is one of the more commonly used joints. Because of the large amount of usage, the Sacro-Illiac joint tends to receive more abuse and lower right back pain is symptomatic of this abuse.

The muscle that runs up from your pelvis to your rib cage may also be the cause of a lower right back injury condition, and the Quadratus Lumborum muscle can be a cause of serious lower back discomfort. It is important to know how to deal with lower right back pain aches if you suffer from them.

The majority of the backache symptoms will be centered on your lumbar spine, but the hurting in your lower right back is caused by the connection between the Sacrum and the Pelvis. The joint that connects the two has no disc to protect it, and when it doesn't move properly the lower right back and hip pain can be intense. You WILL want to get severe back pain relief as soon as possible!

The muscles alongside the vertebra are to support your spinal cord, and these muscles often tighten when mistreated. That tightening of the muscles is one of the causes of pain, which are also known as Trigger Points.

Many times you will feel discomfort radiating from the trigger points in your tightened muscles, but the radiating ache is not the problem. It is just a symptom. To resolve your issues and get lower back discomfort relief, you need to ensure that the joint is moving properly, your pelvic balance is correct, and your muscles are strong.

If you don't take care of your lower right back pain soon after getting it, you may find that you will end up permanently suffering from lower right back pain. You may actually end up spraining the Sacro-Illiac joint, and you will feel that the pain in your hip and lower back area is much more intense than it should be.

There are a number of pain medications and treatments to help bring about back pain relief. You can reduce or eliminate right lower back pain by taking anti-inflammatory medicine to reduce the swelling of the muscles. Injections of cortisone and electric stimulation therapy are also common treatments for sacro-iliac pain.

Chiropractors are also an excellent choice for those who are suffering from lower right pain. Chiropractors are trained to manipulate joints in order to reduce pain and bring about almost immediate relief. You may find that a few visits to your chiropractor may be more than enough to completely rid yourself of your lower right back dis-ease.

Left untreated it can turn into chronic pain. It is important that you take a few simple steps to help your body eliminate and prevent the pain from plaguing you in the future.

Before starting any program of medication or exercise - for this or any other disease or disorder - it is best contact a doctor. AND be sure to follow your doctors advice. That said, you can often heal and relieve your ache with the following:

For longer term relief, strengthen your low back muscles by doing back stretches and exercises that focus on the core and upper thighs.

Avoid any movements that would put undue strain or pressure on the lower right back and the joint movement.

Use ice and hot packs alternately to apply heat and cold to the lower right back to help eliminate the back ache.

Pay diligent attention to the causes and risk factors and not only can you return to health, but avoid lower right back pain disorders in the future.

What Is Causing My Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain is one of the leading reasons people in the United States visit their doctors. It will inhibit the lives of millions of Americans this year. In fact, an average four out of five adults will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. So the question, "What is causing my lower back pain?" is not uncommon.

Lower back pain can be excruciating. It can be caused by a large variety of injuries or conditions, such as:

* lower back muscles may be strained

* discs between the vertebrae may be injured

* large nerve roots extending to arms and legs may be irritated

* smaller nerves that supply the lower back spine may be irritated

* joints, ligaments, or even bones may be injured

When lower back pain occurs with other symptoms such as fever and chills, a serious medical condition may be present. You should see a doctor immediately.

Three categories of lower back pain

Your lower back pain will fall into one of three categories, which your doctor bases on your description of the pain.

1. Axial lower back pain - mechanical or simple back pain

2. Radicular lower back pain - sciatica

3. Lower back pain with referred pain

1. Axial Lower Back Pain

Axial lower back pain is the most common of the three. It is felt only in the lower back area with no pain radiating to other parts of the body. It is sometimes called mechanical back pain or simple back pain.

* Description: Axial lower back pain can vary greatly. It may be sharp or dull, constant or intermittent. On a scale of 1 to 10, you may rate its intensity #1 or a full #10. It may increase with certain activity - when playing tennis, for example. It may worsen in certain positions - such as sitting at a desk. It may or may not be relieved by rest.

* Diagnosis: Axial lower back pain might be diagnosed by you rather than your physician. You know it started when you were helping a friend move a heavy couch. On the other hand, it may be your doctor who determines that you have strained or otherwise damaged back muscles, have a degenerated disc, etc.

* Treatment: The cause of your axial lower back pain does not matter when it comes to treatment. You will want to rest for a day or two. Follow this by gentle back pain exercises and stretching. If you have more pain after exercise, use a heating pad on low or medium setting. Take an appropriate over-the-counter pain medication. Follow your doctor's advice.

* Prognosis: Symptoms of axial lower back pain disappear with time, and about 90% of patients recover within four to six weeks. If you do not feel better within six to eight weeks, additional testing and/or injections may be needed to diagnose and treat the source of the pain.

* Caution: If your pain is chronic, or so severe that it awakens you during the night, see your doctor.

2. Radicular Lower Back Pain

Radicular lower back pain is commonly referred to as sciatica. It is felt in the lower back area, thighs, and legs.

* Description: Radicular lower back pain often begins in the lower back, and then follows a specific nerve path into the thighs and legs. Your leg pain may be much worse than your back pain. It is often deep and steady. It may readily be reproduced with certain activities and positions, such as sitting or walking.

* Diagnosis: Radicular lower back pain is caused by compression of the lower spinal nerve. The most common cause is a herniated disc with compression of the nerve. Other causes might be diabetes or injury to the nerve root. If you had previous back surgery, scar tissue may be affecting the nerve root. Elderly adults may have a narrowing of the hole through which the spinal nerve exits.

* Treatment: Conservative treatment is the best place to begin. Rest for a few days in a bed or chair. Follow this by gradual introduction of gentle exercises specifically for back pain relief. Follow your exercise with additional rest, applying a heating pad on low to medium setting. Soak daily in Epsom salts baths. Take an appropriate over-the-counter pain medication. Your doctor may want to use selective spinal injections.

* Prognosis: Symptoms of radicular low back pain may decrease with the conservative treatment outlined above. Give your back and legs six to eight weeks to improve. If surgery is needed after that, it typically provides relief of the leg pain for 85% to 90% of patients. The back pain itself is more difficult to relieve.

* Caution: If an MRI or CT-myelogram does not definitely confirm nerve compression, back surgery is unlikely to be successful.

3. Lower Back Pain with Referred Pain

Lower back pain with referred pain is not as common as axial or radicular back pain. This pain, which does not radiate down the thighs and legs, may be caused by the same conditions that cause axial lower back pain.

* Description: You will usually feel referred pain in the low back area, radiating into your groin, buttocks, and upper thigh. The pain may move around, but it will rarely go below your knee. It often is an achy, dull pain. It tends to come and go. Sometimes it is very sharp, but other times it is only a dull sensation. It can be caused by the identical injury or problem that causes simple axial back pain. Often, it is no more serious.

* Diagnosis: It is very important to have a physician determine whether your pain is lower back pain with referred pain or radicular lower back pain, since the treatment varies considerably.

* Treatment: Once you know for sure that yours is lower back pain with referred pain, you can follow the treatment for axial lower back pain.

* Prognosis: Symptoms of lower back pain with referred pain disappear with time, usually within four to six weeks. If you do not feel better within six to eight weeks, ask your physician if additional testing and/or injections are needed.

* Caution: If your lower back pain is chronic, or so severe it awakens you during the night, you should see your doctor.

You will want to visit for more detailed information about lower back pain. Packed with articles about many kinds of back pain, Back Pain Relief Blog offers practical, down-to-earth advice on how to care for your back. Find back pain exercises to avoid back pain and to heal your aching back. Learn what natural remedies are available for back pain relief.